ok this is just stupid now...
20-03-2006 13:00:23
alright i hope a lot of people are reading this because this should really be put to an end
first of all, people need to stop sending me useless pm's and leaving useless replies to my trading posts about stupid crap like going first and/or bumpig posts and whatever other small bull crap u can think of cos u have too much time on ur hands. ok, rules are rules, that's all good and dandy, but tell me ONCE and i get it, i dont need 16 wanna-be mods replying to my posts and wasting my time, even if i didnt read the rules, if u tell me, then i get it thats it, its done, u dont need to reply 3 million times, and cmon, i bet not even a tenth of the members of this forum actually read all the rules, and not even cos we're just being retards but because its common sense, why spend ur valuable time reading a whole page of crap u already know? and if there is sumtin unique to this borad and sumbody doesnt do ity, jus let em know once and thats it, why say it three million times and especially send pm's, thats just retarded and wasting everyone's time, i may not agree with the rule (which i really dont because we all know that posts can end up on page 5 after like 1 day, but w/e), but i will follow em, i dont go on forums jus to start trouble
also, secondly, i dont care if this is a rule or not, i WILL NOT have this forum FORCE me to go first or pay first in a deal, u can jus forget about that, ban me, IP ban me, curse me out, whatever helps u sleep at night, but its not gonna happen. a trade is a PERSONAL DEAL BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE, ITS THEIR MONEY AND THEY CAN HAVE THE DEAL HOWEVER THEY WANT TO, THATS THAT, cos tell me this, is fipg responsible if i get scammed and lose money? NO, in fact do they say trade at ur own risk? YES, so wut the hell? how are u tryina tell me that i HAVE to go first, thats ridiculous, the only way i will is if one of teh mods or the admin guarantess my money back, if ur willin to do that then hey its fine with me, but if not, then shut the hell up about it, cos i've traded with people that go firdt without bein paid first cos it makes sense, thats like gettin a job and tellin them they have to pay u first before u work, that's just stupid, if u get hired at a job and tell u that, they'll laugh first then jus give the job to the next guy cos it aint happenin, in the real world u have to do a service before u get paid, not the other way around, cos then theres no reason for u to do the business
anyway, i hope u people take good note of this because it needs to stop, the freebie world is about makin money and getting rewards and stuff for free, not goin on forums and and actin like a retarded wanna-be mod cos u have no power in the real world, so stop wasing my and your time and start usin it wisely to make more money
mods and admins, u can delete this post and ban me or whatever, but those of u that do read this and do actually care about ur time and money, be well aware of this and dont let them give u the same bull
20-03-2006 13:20:21
I know exactly how you feel. Rules lol roll Who needs them right?
I don't know what posts or threads you are referring to, but it sounds as if you have been breaking these rules and people have been telling you so. IF this is the case, then it obviously doesn't only take telling "once" and then that's that, does it?
Also, the rule about you going first for people with a higher TR is FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.
You will get very very few trades on here if you refuse to go first for anyone. THe majority of this forum has a higher TR than you so you basically just wrote yourself off there.
20-03-2006 13:24:57
20-03-2006 13:29:44
ok, to theysayjump, they didnt have to tell me a million times, it was a million people posting in that ONE thread that i did where i bumped before 3 days, that was the only time, so thats what i mean, and also, obviously its not for my own good if it could get me scammed, cos like i said, fipg doesnt give that money back do they? the only thing i'll go first in is ref for ref, cos thats jus trading, but paying money to sumone BEFORTE they even do anything does not make sense, then theyd have no reason to do it
and to ghondi, no its not off-topic cos this is an announcement i'm makin to everybody and to the admins and mods
20-03-2006 13:57:37
Going first if you have lower TR is just things work on this board. If you don't agree with it, do not trade.
Ppl get EXTREMELY mad when you bump your threads or create new threads because most of us live by the rules, and our threads are being pushed to the bottom because of ppl who don't take 2 minutes to read the rules.
20-03-2006 14:01:17
Thank you for this announcement. I now know not to trade with someone so whiny.
20-03-2006 14:03:26
wutever, i talked to ghondi and we worked out the argument that we were having
and deathtonic, i'm not sure if u urself have seen the rules, FAQ, and the trading do's and don't, but its not "2 minutes" of reading, and i dont know how much time u have, but not all of us have that much time to stare at a computer screen
and as far as the bumping and trading first, i dont mind that anymore, i'll jus work it out with the trader or jus get the refs from another forum that doesnt enforce such a rule
the biggest thing i am saying now is people please dont reply to my trade posts a million times with the same thing, especially dont pm me about it, if u see sumone already posted it, then jus leave it there
a mod or admin can delete this now if they want as this is solved already, but just let everybody know to not post a million times about the same thing like i said above
20-03-2006 14:14:47
[quote756cffba62="GaMeBoY439"]wutever, i talked to ghondi and we worked out the argument that we were having
and deathtonic, i'm not sure if u urself have seen the rules, FAQ, and the trading do's and don't, but its not "2 minutes" of reading, and i dont know how much time u have, but not all of us have that much time to stare at a computer screen
and as far as the bumping and trading first, i dont mind that anymore, i'll jus work it out with the trader or jus get the refs from another forum that doesnt enforce such a rule
the biggest thing i am saying now is people please dont reply to my trade posts a million times with the same thing, especially dont pm me about it, if u see sumone already posted it, then jus leave it there
a mod or admin can delete this now if they want as this is solved already, but just let everybody know to not post a million times about the same thing like i said above[/quote756cffba62]
Skimming through the rules takes a couple of minutes. Because you're not willing to spend that little amount of time reading, you've wasted the time of all those who follow the rules. I wish the mods can just delete those illegally bumped threads rather than just locking them.
If you are claiming you don't have time to read the rules then don't be part of this great community.
20-03-2006 14:16:17
[quote8c2a3b92c2="GaMeBoY439"]the biggest thing i am saying now is people please dont reply to my trade posts a million times with the same thing, especially dont pm me about it, if u see sumone already posted it, then jus leave it there[/quote8c2a3b92c2]
I have to agree with you there. Getting told more than once/being flamed may be against the rules, it's up to the mods to interpret it. You could report them to a mod.
[quote8c2a3b92c2="theysayjump from the
Update Trading Rules[=http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=27193]Update Trading Rules"]5.) (Copied and Pasted) I'm tired of seeing peoples trade threads ruined by other people thread-crapping all over them and flaming them (especially newbies) for violating rules.
If I or any other Mod/Admin see anyone thread-crapping or flaming in someone else trade thread then they will receive a 5 day temp-ban. Thread-crapping can be defined as telling someone how much they should pay for a site, telling them that nobody will do their site for "that much", talking random shite in someones trade thread or having discussions that could be made elsewhere. [i8c2a3b92c2][b8c2a3b92c2]Welcoming's and pointing them to the Rules and/or FAQ is also OK, even if they have followed the rules, but only as guidance (i.e, "Hi, welcome to the forum. If you haven't already, please read the rules and/or the FAQ to ensure you know how the site works and that you don't break any rules.)[/b8c2a3b92c2][/i8c2a3b92c2].
Pointing out that someone may want to consider paying more is fine, but you can't just outright tell them they should pay more and/or that nobody will do it. If someone wants to offer $10 for FreeiPods.com then fine, that's up to them. You don't have to flame them for it.
I repeat If anyone is seen thread-crapping or flaming in someone else's trade thread then they will receive a 5 day temp-ban.[/size8c2a3b92c2][/color8c2a3b92c2][/quote8c2a3b92c2]
20-03-2006 16:07:52
Ok, who is regarded as more trustworthy?
A trader with 127 TR or a newbie with 0TR? The "going first for higher TR's" rule is there because there's more chance of you beign scammed by someone with a lower TR than a higher TR.
Trust me, nobody with a higher TR than yourself, or who has been here and AT LEAST read the rules for a while will trade with you, when you refuse to go first. You work your way up by trading with people and going first, so you can get your TR and then you don't have to go first anymore.
Everyone has done who has any kind of TR and if you don't, then chances are you'll get scammed (and then come running to us) or you'll be banned for breaking the rules.
Think about it, how trustworthy do you come off as, if you won't go first for ANYONE (not even fgr_admin) in a trade? It appears as though you just want to get your refs and leave. YOu don't trust anyone enough to go first, but that's what the TR system is for; to show you who the better traders are from the worst.
By your logic or thinking, you wouldn't trade with yourself.
20-03-2006 17:05:39
It only makes sense to have the person with the lower tr go first. Other wise there would be people coming in and scamming like crazy. Your idea that you never want to go first would never work because if everyone acted like you trading would be impossible.
20-03-2006 17:37:31
[quotebf83e8146e="kangol1223"]It only makes sense to have the person with the lower tr go first. Other wise there would be people coming in and scamming like crazy. Your idea that you never want to go first would never work because if everyone acted like you trading would be impossible.[/quotebf83e8146e]
u have a point about trading would be impossible if no one goes first because SOMEBODY has to go first, but all i was saying was that it should not HAVE to be that way, cos maybe somebody i am talking with trusts me enough to actually go green, then get the money, then he'll trust me even more after i pay him, its as simple as that
and thank you compuguru for understanding where i'm coming from with the thread flaming and stuff
and theysayjump, i do see wut u mean that everybody had to do it at some point to build up their TR, i guess that makes sense, but i just dont see why it is ENFORCED like its a federal law or sumtin, cos all that does is encourage somebody to get a high TR then jus if they need some extra quick cash they can set up trdaes with som elower TR people for like high amount anywhere from $30-$50, get the cash, never even do the offer, disappear for a while until everybody forgets, then come back, still with the same high TR, and then pick up where he/she left off, that is not impossible
BUT for the record just to end all the back and forth, i will go first until i build up a high enough TR, i guess there are some trustworthy traders out there who won't smam me, and as far as the bumping thing, i alrady said i'll wait the three days, so thats done
so anyway, sorry if i caused any chaos in this forum, i just wanted to speak my mind on that matter before it got any worse, i look forward to a good future of freebie trading for myself and all of u as well, and speaking of that, i hope u people arent so narrowminded as to now think that i'm a "bad trader" just because i spoke my mind on an issue, just like the guy who said sumtin about me bein whiny and whatever, i hope at least a few people here are more mature than that and realize that these members are human beings, not jus robots that do whatever they are just told without questioning what they feel needs to be questioned, i dont know about the rest of u guys, but i never do that
anyway, happy freebie-ing to u all, and if ur interested, i have a trade goin for thisipodnanoisfree for paypal money, find my trhread for details, and yea i'll go first if ur TR is higher, lol
20-03-2006 18:03:00
u have a point about trading would be impossible if no one goes first because SOMEBODY has to go first, but all i was saying was that it should not HAVE to be that way, cos maybe somebody i am talking with trusts me enough to actually go green, then get the money, then he'll trust me even more after i pay him, its as simple as that
Thus the trading module, mods being able to see PMs, and the scammer section of this forum. If someone doesn't pay up, they get put in the scammer section. If they do not respond, then they get banned, thus making it impossible for them to trade with anyone else. We also do trades via paypal. So if someone doesn't pay up for a mass amount of people, everyone files complaints.
20-03-2006 18:07:07
You also have to see it as two sided. Your only lookign one way right now.
I keep seeing you say they coulod take the money and run.
Well I hate to tell you this but I could be a Zero trader open up each site through a proxy server get you 40 greens. Then you would pay me and BAM they all go red a week or month later.
So no matter what you do you can always get scammed.
I have the highest TR by far (thank you, thank you) and I still get scammed.
No matter what you can always get a red or screwed in some fashion. It just happens less often as your TR increases.
20-03-2006 18:25:16
true, u have a point there, and i guess u'd be the one to listen to since u have a TR of infinity, lol, and also u didnt come here just to flame just like some other idiots
seriously, thanks for the tips, i now know that sumtimes it is necessary to take a bigger risk than i may be willing to, but i'll jus be care ful about it, and like tell every admin in the world b4 i trade, and have them watch every step, lol, j/k, but yea i'll do it right, with the trade module and stuff
thanks to all of u who contributed useful advice (not those of u who flamed and dont understand that people actually do have a mind of their own and can and will question things, especially in america)
i'm lookin forward to good trades with those of u who are good traders, and those of u who arent, then, well, i'm not, lol
20-03-2006 18:36:43
Here is some more advice and observations. I usually charge 9.99 on my infomercial but gonna be nice.
low TR people tend to scam more and not produce a green
high TR people tend to be lazier. They tend to pay slower, return PMs slower, etc. They think they own the forum. PFFFT (how they can own what I already do, lol)
Try to stick to trading with members in the 15-30 TR range. they tend to have fewest problems. They obviously also haven't done all the sites.
try to avoid trading with people who are "whoring" out there friends. This seems to be the new "craze", but seems like lots tend to be scammers. They say they have 2-3 friends but tend to have none. Just a nicer way for someone to grab as much as they can before they run. (Also yes this is what I do but I am an exception to the rule, lol)
Never trade over AIM, you will get lots of people saying give me you link, etc. Always use the module.
Make funny faces at theySayJump whenever he isn't looking
Be patient, most traders rush into trades trying to finish ASAP. If a trader doesn't seem right go with first hunch and don't do it. There is always someone new joining these boards.
now pay homage and ++Karma, lol
20-03-2006 18:50:49
lol, thanks fgr admin, those were some good tips
ur right, i havent been doin it right, i should do ALL my trades with the module, and also never trade on aim, and i should keep a styrict log of who i am trading with and what exctly teh deal is, that way, there is no confusion
also the thing about makin faces at theysayjup when hes not lookin, lol, not that exactly of course, but to just pay no mind to people who jus live for putting others down jus cos they're newer or whatever, i'm a good, honest trader and i shouldnt care what anyone else thinks of my trading
+ Karma fgr D and u get even more if u throw a few greens my way, lol
20-03-2006 19:07:55
Yeah, I'm sure everyone who has done a few trades has been scammed in one way or another....hell I'm not the best trader with the highest TR...just average TR and stuff, and I also got scammed recently by someone turning red...
Basically check the scammer board and be careful and you shouldn't get scammed too much.
Happy freebie hunting dude.
20-03-2006 19:10:20
yea thats true, thanks to u too for the help, and happy freebie hunting to u as well
20-03-2006 20:46:13
So basically fgr_admin is telling you not to trade with massively high TR people roll anyone else see the irony in that?
Ahh I remember when YOU had to go first for ME fgr P
20-03-2006 21:10:49
He still goes first for me, but the reasoning behind that will stay away from the forum.
20-03-2006 23:08:43
[quote2469e3c7e7="Daggoth"]So basically fgr_admin is telling you not to trade with massively high TR people roll anyone else see the irony in that?
Ahh I remember when YOU had to go first for ME fgr P[/quote2469e3c7e7]
I never said not to trade with high TR.
Simply said we tend to be fatter and lazier.
I also said I was an exception to all rules, lol
29-03-2006 21:28:18
[quotec38ccb6d9c="GaMeBoY439"]wutever, i talked to ghondi and we worked out the argument that we were having
and deathtonic, i'm not sure if u urself have seen the rules, FAQ, and the trading do's and don't, but its not "2 minutes" of reading, and i dont know how much time u have, but not all of us have that much time to stare at a computer screen
and as far as the bumping and trading first, i dont mind that anymore, i'll jus work it out with the trader or jus get the refs from another forum that doesnt enforce such a rule
the biggest thing i am saying now is people please dont reply to my trade posts a million times with the same thing, especially dont pm me about it, if u see sumone already posted it, then jus leave it there
a mod or admin can delete this now if they want as this is solved already, but just let everybody know to not post a million times about the same thing like i said above[/quotec38ccb6d9c]
u claim u dont' have time to read the rules. But here you are making massive 200 word posts one after another. Trust me, in the time you've spent bitching, you could have read every thread ever created on this forum (including the rules), so just kick back and sip on some tequila, and everything will be OK
except for the getting scammed part, that might happen.
29-03-2006 21:44:27
30-03-2006 05:25:53
[quotecc30556055="fgr_admin"]Here is some more advice and observations. I usually charge 9.99 on my infomercial but gonna be nice.
low TR people tend to scam more and not produce a green
high TR people tend to be lazier. They tend to pay slower, return PMs slower, etc. They think they own the forum. PFFFT (how they can own what I already do, lol)
Try to stick to trading with members in the 15-30 TR range. they tend to have fewest problems. They obviously also haven't done all the sites.
try to avoid trading with people who are "whoring" out there friends. This seems to be the new "craze", but seems like lots tend to be scammers. They say they have 2-3 friends but tend to have
none. Just a nicer way for someone to grab as much as they can before they run. (Also yes this is what I do but I am an exception to the rule, lol)
Never trade over AIM, you will get lots of people saying give me you link, etc. Always use the module.
Make funny faces at theySayJump whenever he isn't looking
Be patient, most traders rush into trades trying to finish ASAP. If a trader doesn't seem right go with first hunch and don't do it. There is always someone new joining these boards.
now pay homage and ++Karma, lol[/quotecc30556055]
great advice. karma++
30-03-2006 10:27:32
lol its funny how every newb comes in and bitches about the same thing and then realizes that the rules we have are for a reason....noooowwwwww when I joined and was bitching we had some stupid rules wink
30-03-2006 15:34:56
nicely put, i love how people are posting and talking crap in a thread thats more than a week old, can they not see that this issue was already resolved a LONG time ago?
and they call me a noob? lmao
u could always edit the post and say nevermind ;)