16-02-2006 07:17:06
I received a random message from skeeter 5lyfe yesterday regarding a possible trade! I was wondering if this guy was skeeter on this forum or if it was someone trying to impersonate him?
I hope i wasnt trying to be scammed!!!
conversation below
[quote2f36544115]Skeeter 5lyfe Hello Are you there?
Skeeter 5lyfe I can green you twice on ipods.freepay
Skeeter 5lyfe With my cc and the cc of my brother
Skeeter 5lyfe I will use em from different house through
KELVINMCI will you use two different ips
KELVINMCI wats ur username?
Skeeter 5lyfe Skeeter
Skeeter 5lyfe 29 TR
Skeeter 5lyfe How much ur willing to pay
Skeeter 5lyfe for the 2 greens
Skeeter 5lyfe Hello?
KELVINMCI $25 each?
KELVINMCI $30 if u green instant ;-)
Skeeter 5lyfe No instant on freeipod
Skeeter 5lyfe except of pokers
Skeeter 5lyfe offer
Skeeter 5lyfe They cost
Skeeter 5lyfe way too much
Skeeter 5lyfe Aight
Skeeter 5lyfe So since i got 29 TR u must pay first are you conciant?
KELVINMCI could u pm me to confirm ur username?
Skeeter 5lyfe yes gimme 5min
KELVINMCI u still there?[/quote2f36544115]
16-02-2006 11:17:32
That person is a scammer/impersonator, that IS NOT me. I WILL NOT AIM anyone for a trade. All my trades are conducted through PM.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
16-02-2006 12:03:03
HOLY. This if friggin scary.
16-02-2006 12:10:06
I actually got a good one the other day. Was pretty smart but too bad he picked me to try and scam.
I get this IM from somebody didnt recognize.
He starts asking me all these weird fucking questions about some site. So I was like why the fuck would I know.
So he says well on the support page they have an AIM button and it gave me you.
So I was like what the fuck what site.
So of course he posts a link (he hyperlinked it, so it had his referral code)
So as soon as i clikced it i knew what he was doing. I had already joined the site though.
He kept it up though, telling me to join so i could complain to them about my AIM sn being on the site. lol
Was pretty smart but wasted on me. I would have probably not removed the referral if he would have suckered me. lol
16-02-2006 13:31:56
Like macdady, always require anyone who sends unsolicited instant messages and claims to be an FIPG user to send you a private message to verify his identity.
16-02-2006 16:49:05
sly bugger he thought i was an amateur at this game but he picked on the wrong person im afraid!!!
17-02-2006 06:04:14
skeeter...I got IMed by this guy too, and I PMed you to verify an identity...I didn't mention the name in particular, but I really wish you had confirmed (or not confirmed) that this AIM address wasn't yours. I didn't end up trading with him, but it would be a lot of help in the future for others if people would respond to PMs like that.
for reference...I hope anyone that reads this that doesn't know...PMs are the safest way of conducting business...that and using the trade mod. Anyone that refuses to use these you can just say "blow me" this scammer wanted to do everything QUICKLY on AIM, while making me go i said..."blow me"