xztiger-Beware of him. Got scammed
12-02-2006 18:03:06
Just like to let others know that xztiger is a scammer and a liar to say the least. He has been running on circles and coming up with complete bs when I contact him.
The trade was yourfreeps34free on my part and he was to complete yourfreevideoipods.
The trade was proposed on 1/26. I did true.com for him immediately and was approved on Saturday... The guy said he did the AOL offer. He didn't go green so I asked him for screenshots and he responds with additional BS.
So, I demand he do an offer and he says he has done 3 and wasted a whole lot on me. He supposes he was doing me a favor by this. I don't know the rate for 3 offers not going green for that long of a time is, but he certainly lost my trust on his blanketed responses. For some reason, he forgot to take screenshots everytime.
So, I really sent him an heated response, and he says he will go over to his [ibf0eec3f2b]friends[/ibf0eec3f2b] house to do an offer. I went along with that, and at the same time, investigated this.
Found out, he had done yourfreevideoipods.com already. And when asked this, he says he did this before he moved. And it was kind of defensive of him to start flaming about it. Asked Trainn about this situation and got the following response.
[quotebf0eec3f2b]They have not [bbf0eec3f2b]even clicked on an offer[/bbf0eec3f2b] on that account. In addition, they already have another account on this site which is currently being pursued so it would be a violation for them to do so anyways.
So, xztiger You are quite the idiot you sounded like.
[imgbf0eec3f2b]http/" alt=""/img129.imageshack.us/img="129/6106/response0jr.th.jpg[" alt=""/imgbf0eec3f2b][=http//img="129.imageshack.us/my.php?image=response0jr.jpg][imgbf0eec3f2b]http/" alt=""/img129.imageshack.us/img="129/6106/response0jr.th.jpg[" alt=""/imgbf0eec3f2b]
12-02-2006 18:11:01
Sorry that you are getting screwed (so it seems). But just wanted to say good work on keeping everything together and getting all the facts, now if only others were smart like you )
12-02-2006 18:27:15
Hmmm. I have done two offers on YFVI. I haven't got credited. That could be xztiger's situation. I'm not defending him but I don't quite trust Trainn's customer support especially when they haven't responded to my tickets.
Anyways, good work.
12-02-2006 20:09:59
dude thats stupid! i didnt do anything wrong!! my god he just was to impatient! not cool! i relazed that so i got my friend to do it no harm there, but what ever.... now it will go green and all i got stuck with is a bad rep... igot comfused with the sites... got all mixed up, i did move also
12-02-2006 20:10:12
Its funny because he said the same stuff to me about getting his friend to do an offer for me to complete our trade. Now its been a few weeks with him saying that he completed the offer but no credit received. He told me that he should be getting manual credit within this upcoming week.
I just PMed him asking what this is all about so hopefully this is all just a big misunderstanding. At least I hope it is, because this is my first time around and if this were to be true I would have been scammed twice out of my first three trades I had going...
I will get back to you all once he responds.
12-02-2006 20:16:10
it was i had my whole family (not in my home) and friends workign on them, all of them wanted to do them when they saw my freebues come, so they told me to let them know if i needed to use them in a trade.. ive spent $150 dpoing offers and onyl 1 or 2 went through ( i had to pay them all to do the offers) and yeah so thats now after they all go green.... what will you say.. thanks.... now i just wasted all that money
12-02-2006 20:16:26
Ok, xztiger has just responded and his story seems to be legit as well as his concern. As far as me receiving credit from him, I will let everyone know once hopefully the credit does finally come through within the next week.
12-02-2006 20:18:44
thanks buddy -) it will
12-02-2006 20:29:19
man i really wish i didnt do a trade with you, i work long 14 hours days so sorry if i cant give you screan shots for everything and its not like i can access my friends account ,i did so you a favor by doing an offer more than once... took a lot of money buddy, i still have to cancel and pay for anything they take out of my friends or familys account. You have been impatient from the start! i mean a day after u green your like your not green yet... i did try to send you screan shots but i messed up or gave you the wrong ones, i wasnt prepared for someone needed them and ive never done them before, but you hassled me the whole time and now this... not cool.. but whatever not everyone is a good trader that understands thing and where peoople come from i mean its not my fault.... i did my part...
to all my other traders dontbe scared, it WILL green or ill give you all $100 paypal thats how sure i am! Dont let this guy scare you to believe it... -/ anyways i shoudl green VERY soon or my family will so dont worry... i think they will green this week... some alread yshould have greened most i cant tell because they were done at my friends of family members house and i can check lol, thanks people(the ones that trust me) and to those that i did green after a wait(not my fault) please step in here and back me up.. thanks
12-02-2006 20:57:28
Not to say this is or isn't the case here, but freepay has been slow to credit lately, in general. There are threads on this.
12-02-2006 21:00:06
[quote571c704d8a]i still have to cancil and pay for anything they take out of my friends or familys account[/quote571c704d8a]
Not to be a dick, but if you just signed up to cancel, thats against this forums rules to mention. You shouldn't complete any offer your not legitimatley(sp?) in.
Didn't wanna thread crap or anything. Just stating a fact.
12-02-2006 21:04:12
well first off i did it at my brothers house before i moved soo i mean thats not doing anything there i dont know why it said that i might (slim chance) of signed in once or twice from this house i was scared of that so i got my friend to do it. Also it was my brother who did it and got the ipod i just kinda watched. Then i was introduced we thought it would be cool to try it so we did and then i came to the freebie world. Anyways i dont see whats the problem.... and i thought it was the flashipods for some reason and it was after or the day after (i dont remember and im not going to look it up) a 14 hour day of work and i was dead
12-02-2006 21:08:31
i mean everything should be perfect, i made a list of all the friends and family memebers what who site they did an who for, that way no over laping ,email them the link and they did it i paid them and most went green. What i will say is after all this is over i will do one trade at a time only! i will wait until both greens go through then i will start again. I might not even do a site for a while, until they can et better on making the offers go faster and everything
12-02-2006 21:33:13
Uh we are in a trade right now where he is signing up for my trainn ps3...does that mean im about to get screwed?
12-02-2006 21:41:46
no read what i posted you wont i promise! just so everyones aware its another IP too
13-02-2006 09:58:03
It has nothing at all to do with patience.
It is just the fact that you were not getting to the point and obviously lying to me every single time.
I did a search on you on these forums and it says you already did yfvi. You have your own sweatshop of family and friends, but why did you sign up as email==xztiger@.....comxztiger@.....com=xztiger@.....comxztiger@.....com/email the first time?
You had said you did AOL for me. Trainn said you didn't even CLICK ONCE!
And for some unknown reason, I believe a quality company over you.
13-02-2006 10:02:55
well how was i lying and yes i did, i just foudn out they credited to my ps3 site instead, that i can show you picture proof of, but instead of messing with that and maybe messing up the whole thing i got my friend to do it. The reason is i thought it was a different site, then i realized it and i just said well i should be fine because its a different house... and person... dude i mean chill its not my fault.... now i have 2 offers done on my ps3 site for no reason... so i mean that should show you my friend that i did if you want ill email you a picture proof this one i can give to you cuz it never changes
13-02-2006 10:26:03
I really have a hard time trying to see what you are saying.
13-02-2006 10:49:13
sent pic, i just was saying that i found out they credited me on ps3 and that i wasnt lying and i didnt understand why you said that, i know how things could ofgot confusing they did to me also but doing this before talking to me about is just crazy
13-02-2006 17:28:05
This is interesting. I've had a trade going with xztiger for a month and a half. I went first and did 3604free for him. It took a while to get credit. I ended up doing 2 offers. Then it was his turn to do yourfreeflatscreens for me. He said he did the AOL offer which is interesting since it appears he tried it for someone else. He keeps giving me reasons why it has gone green and says he did a 2nd offer. I'm still waiting for a green. I've been patient and giving him the benefit of doubt, but now I see this thread, I'm a bit worried. xztiger, if you read this check your pm's!
13-02-2006 17:29:02
i too have been waiting quite some time for him to go green, and it hasent yet x
13-02-2006 17:57:02
like i said they will go... dont orry... im sorry they have yet to go through.. idk why ive never have had then take this long -( but like i said just wait at the end of the week they all should be green... i hope
13-02-2006 18:03:10
man.... i hate this... i just saw all these people getting their friends and family to do offers.... i thought it was easy and i saw how fast they got theirs... i didnt think it would be so much work.... im sorry im having a hard time keeping up with who did what and stuff, but i mean i told them the cheap ones to do first and idk but i will fix this -)
13-02-2006 18:09:04
and jdmturbocivic you should understand where im coming from, were in the same boat.... i wish i knew who greened and when
13-02-2006 18:27:08
just a note, i will be gone all day tomorrow, i have classes in the morning fallowed by work... i will be back at night no body panic if i dont answer your PM, and if you go green tomorrow please dont lie and tell me you still havent... and if you did please tell me on here -) i hope you all go that would be amazing -) thanks, i shoudl be home around midnight depending on how much work have tomorrow
edit also everyone who still have yet to green (once again i will say if you are green please done lie to me.. i have ways to find out) tell me your email address in a PM and who is yellow for you(email address), that will help me when i talk to my friends and family who has who and the status. Thanks this will help me organize who i need to go green and who has greened, thanks!
13-02-2006 20:23:46
I went green for him on 1/10 and still haven't gotten a green back... I did get a yellow with email==bluetigerxz@yahoo.combluetigerxz@yahoo.com=bluetigerxz@yahoo.combluetigerxz@yahoo.com/email but I'm getting pretty doubtful that it is coming.
13-02-2006 20:31:59
it will come... man i hurts that people wont believe me, i understand why though.. still hurts -(
14-02-2006 07:25:56
I did a trade back on January 11th with xztiger. I greened for him in about 2 weeks. He had his uncle do my site for me & did an offer. Well after 15 days he submitted a support ticket and PM'd Jake, and Freepay told hom that on Feb. 17th he would finally green for me.
I already had lost my patience and got another person to do my site & was concerned that one of my greens might not go through, so I waited yet for xztiger to green.
Then last week I just decided to submit for approval & hope for the best. I was approved within hours! So I told xztiger the news and said that I appreciated him contacting Freepay and so forth, but mentioned it would no longer be necessary. I figured "heck, I'm getting my iPod...whatever" and that we'd just submit for TR.
To my surprise, xztiger replied and said that he was very sorry it took so long and OFFERED to do another SITE FOR ME!?!?! I was stunned. I have no doubts that he will follow through; people just need to be a bit more patient. (xztiger had previously pm'd me apologizing for taking so long and that his other trades were as well getting impatient)
So people, just chill...he'll pull through.
14-02-2006 07:29:15
[quoted250e7473c="jdmturbocivic"]i too have been waiting quite some time for him to go green, and it hasent yet x[/quoted250e7473c]
Careful there jdmturbocivic.. You wouldn't want me to reveal that dirty little secret I have on you. )
And as for XZTIGER, I am currently in a trade with him. I can only vouch for his patience with me. He waited 28 days for me to green with completehome. He claimed he completed Walmart giftcard offer on Thursday..I didn't look into it yet. He then offered to do another offer when I requested his status...little weird..but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because I have nothing on him.
Xztiger is my last referral for my site..so I can give an update if he pulls through when requesting approval.
14-02-2006 07:42:31
I'm in a trade with him, I have yet to go green first due to other reasons, glad I saw this first.
Sorry my friend, you'll have to green first if you want to go thru with the trade. No hard feelings. You can't blame me after reading this thread, not accusing or anything I am just being cautious
and since I have 0 TR listed, I'm sure you won't want to. That's ok with me
14-02-2006 13:39:24
[quote068aa6c8f3="nytrate"]I'm in a trade with him, I have yet to go green first due to other reasons, glad I saw this first.
Sorry my friend, you'll have to green first if you want to go thru with the trade. No hard feelings. You can't blame me after reading this thread, not accusing or anything I am just being cautious
and since I have 0 TR listed, I'm sure you won't want to. That's ok with me[/quote068aa6c8f3]
ok buddy well let me go green for them before i do any other then id be happy to go first, thanks for the people backing me up... i just dont uderstand why its taking so long... but it makes me feel better -) thanks
14-02-2006 13:41:24
also please tell me if anyone greened today, that will help.. thanks
14-02-2006 13:46:28
have you subumitted anything regarding my ipods.freepay? Its been over a month now and still nothing man.
14-02-2006 13:49:45
14-02-2006 13:57:42
alright breaks over back to work ill be home around 12 -) bye
14-02-2006 14:18:37
I can attest Trainn is sucking @$$ these days. Been waiting forever for credit on two sites my friend did for someone on here.
14-02-2006 15:09:18
no green for me yet.
14-02-2006 20:11:20
Ok im getting alittle worried also...
someone mentioned trainn sucks ass, but he did freeipods.com for me (freepay)...Been awhile....He has responded to every one of my PMs, which leads me to believe that he is not cheating me (I really didnt think he was till I saw this thread, now im alittle worried).....but it still seems to be awhile.
Im holding him to the benefit of the doubt, and hope he goes green too. (I went green for his ps3 trainn).
Also I dont really feel more confident because he is offering 100$ paypal, cause if he is scamming, who says he will actually pay it.
If he wants to really make me confident, he can talk to jake, and screenshot me the conversation, or pm me proof somehow that he did the BMG music club....
14-02-2006 20:46:17
nothin on ipods.freepay yet xztiger... hopefully it greens by friday
14-02-2006 21:17:44
Ok im getting alittle worried also...
someone mentioned trainn sucks ass, but he did freeipods.com for me (freepay)...Been awhile....He has responded to every one of my PMs, which leads me to believe that he is not cheating me (I really didnt think he was till I saw this thread, now im alittle worried).....but it still seems to be awhile.
Im holding him to the benefit of the doubt, and hope he goes green too. (I went green for his ps3 trainn).
Also I dont really feel more confident because he is offering 100$ paypal, cause if he is scamming, who says he will actually pay it.
If he wants to really make me confident, he can talk to jake, and screenshot me the conversation, or pm me proof somehow that he did the BMG music club....[/quote570dac9219]
what are you talking about i never dont respind to a PM unless its like lol or something. I replied to all of yours, i am not a scammer, and i guess freepay is having the same problem -( but it will and if not you will get paypal, dude i have like no life i read this forum like 100 times a day (even at work sometime, ive gotten in so much trouble) so i mean i will make sure everything goes through... still hurts that no one believes me. Well im looking forward to seeing all greens and happiness again -)
14-02-2006 21:50:36
What are you talking about? I said I believe you and u answered all my pms....
15-02-2006 08:35:26
are you doing many ipods.freepay for many pple? are you sure all your friends & family can green? (including for me?)
Perhaps it is better to make sure that you keep track of the trades, what offer you did so that you will be more credible.
It might also help to let us know what the sites have been replying you so that we will be updated on the progress as well.
I guess most people are complaining because while all their other refs go green in a few days and somehow you are the only one still yellow so you can't blame people for their doubts. (my case here)
Guess we'll all wait a little more.
15-02-2006 08:50:11
i know and understand to, if i was in your possibtion id be scared to lol, but it still hurts when you do everything a only half your greens go green then you just wait and ive done so much, i dont even know how i will remember all what to cancil AH so stressful, but yeah the ipod freepay was one that everyone that i had doing them did, but only one ofcourse
15-02-2006 11:24:10
What the hell happened XZ? You keeeep on stalling with your bull...
I am still waiting for my green.
15-02-2006 11:56:54
stalling no we are waiting... man i have no controll over any of this.. all i can do is wait just like you so stalling for what?
15-02-2006 14:46:53
Well if you look at xztiger's trade record, all of the comments left say that he greened fast. This time around, unfortunately, he may have done some slow-crediting offers. He said that freepay said I should be green by this friday so let's just see what happens then...
15-02-2006 17:00:47
Well, I don't know about many of you. But, I will be emailing Trainn tomorrow to remove my green from xz's site. I expected better trading...
(not) Nice doing business with you XZ.
15-02-2006 20:06:50
[quotefe58527ddb="dagreatmighty1"]Well, I don't know about many of you. But, I will be emailing Trainn tomorrow to remove my green from xz's site. I expected better trading...
(not) Nice doing business with you XZ.[/quotefe58527ddb]
Im just curious. Is this your first time trading with others for freebie sites?
15-02-2006 20:27:06
[quote36c2d9d93b="DrkWarlock"][quote36c2d9d93b="dagreatmighty1"]Well, I don't know about many of you. But, I will be emailing Trainn tomorrow to remove my green from xz's site. I expected better trading...
(not) Nice doing business with you XZ.[/quote36c2d9d93b]
Im just curious. Is this your first time trading with others for freebie sites?[/quote36c2d9d93b]
15-02-2006 20:34:34
[quote750cd4e73a="dagreatmighty1"]Well, I don't know about many of you. But, I will be emailing Trainn tomorrow to remove my green from xz's site. I expected better trading...
(not) Nice doing business with you XZ.[/quote750cd4e73a]
I would not recommend doing that, unless you can send him PayPal if he goes green.
15-02-2006 20:49:37
yeah i mean its not my fault.... i mean i should green this week, id atleast wait.. but i mean if you want to do that and when it goes green... just screw me out of it fine... -( but its not my fault... i didnt think it would take this long... -( ..... i really hate this.... more than you... and i wouldnt recommend trading with dagreatmighty1 cuz he rides you like crazy and its really getting on my nerves and kinda ruins the day, hes the least trustworthy person, unless you know for a fact you will green fast then i wouldnt do it... i just wish there was some way to show everyone.... oh well... man i didnt know id get this depressed over trades... also did anyone green today? thanks
15-02-2006 20:51:52
nvm take that back he just PMed me and it made me feel better, if he keeps that attitude he will be a great trader, well i hope everyone gets their greens soon... i hate this hanging over my head, you guys dont understand what a burden this is for me....
15-02-2006 21:48:41
Okay bud. I pm'ed you before your responses.
Also, please avoid any character degridation based on conjectures...Never have I done that to you. I have a lot to say about you, we can roll the ball that way, or we can support our selves factually.
I have only posted this after [i6f2d51e8d7]3 weeks[/i6f2d51e8d7]of faulty responses, how's that 'riding' you? And I don't care if you green fast or not, at the least provide me some [i6f2d51e8d7][b6f2d51e8d7]damn sufficient proof[/b6f2d51e8d7][/i6f2d51e8d7], a simple 'I did the offer' does not work.
And after two weeks did you go to your friends/families.
16-02-2006 08:12:09
hey well i didnt check the PM's yet sorry, well i mean its like your acting like im a conman and that its my fault you not green...i did what i could, now them...
16-02-2006 10:13:55
He went green for me a while back. It took a while, but he went green.
Sometimes it just takes a while for greens to happen.
16-02-2006 10:16:49
thanks -) and im sorry it took so long... i hate waiting
16-02-2006 10:52:29
XZ tiger...you bad boy. you lied to me.
xz_tiger said he did True.com for me yesterday AND he said he completed connections last thursday. Upon reading this post I decided to contact Freepay to see if they have any tracking of it.
Heres their response
[quote8620e71c11]After reviewing, there is no record that email==xz_tiger@yahoo.comxz_tiger@yahoo.com=xz_tiger@yahoo.comxz_tiger@yahoo.com/email has ever selected an offer or complete any offer on his account on this site. For this particular website, flatscreens.freepay.com, users must do the following to be eligible to get approval to receive their free product i. Complete and get credit for at least one offer themselves. ii. Refer at least 8 unique people who join and also correctly complete an offer under the terms listed in this document. Thank you for contacting us[/quote8620e71c11]
Better explain yourself xz...these seem like you're crossing that fine line now eh?
16-02-2006 11:32:36
i replied to the PM i dont know why it came out like that, we will get this fixed
16-02-2006 13:50:01
yes. screenshots will make you very credible.
why don't you try it?
16-02-2006 13:53:40
He says he doesn't know how to take screenshots. The same thing happened to me as it happened to xbalz.
16-02-2006 15:16:12
How to get a take a screenshot Press Print Screen on your keyboard, open Paint, paste the image and save it. Then upload it to a site like http//www.imageshack.us. D
16-02-2006 16:01:48
He said that doesn't work for him roll
16-02-2006 16:27:03
xztiger; I've been very patient but it's been a LONG time and you've promised to go over to a friend's house and complete an offer about 3 times now... and you haven't fulfillled that promise. I don't mind if you're not going to complete my offer, just LET ME KNOW. and I at least expect some compensation like a $20 gift card or something?? I know I have NOT been impatient until now but anyone would be worried and pissed off by now!!
16-02-2006 16:48:30
It's been 37 days since I went green for him and I'm still waiting O.
16-02-2006 17:59:48
Hey xz, Jake just PM'ed me back with the status of you as my referral. Jake said, and I quote
"They have not clicked on any offers.
What's the deal bud? Seems that you're trying to screw me over. This is NOT cool. I've been extremely patient up to this point but now I'm doubting your credibility. If you can't go green in the next couple days I'm going to take back the green I did for you and have someone else do an offer.
16-02-2006 18:26:58
Ok I think it's time to consider this a scammer. XZTiger, I believed you untill seeing this response from freepay.
I also got the story of him having to go to his uncles house because he accidently "completed the wrong site" for me, hard to believe you completed the wrong site when you click a link...
From now on im considering this a scam.
Also, Im awaiting my $100 paypal....lol, such bs.
16-02-2006 18:50:02
Yes, I have been VERY patient for almost a month now. You said you would green by tommorow and so far nothing. All I hope is that I get credit tommorow.
But really, all we are asking is some proof that you completed some offers. That's it. A confirmation email, screenshot...anything! Perhaps with that kind of evidence more people can believe you.
There has already been a few responses in this thread of people providing proof from freepay that you havent even clicked on an offer...I doubt freepay is wrong.
Please! Just provide us with some evidence! It that too much to ask for? Also, if you truely are trying to scam so many people then just say so and stop beating around the bush. At least that way I can go searching for more trades to complete so I can get my iPod. Thats all I want from the freebie scene...an iPod and now those five simple refs are becoming a huge hassle considering I was already scammed. Please dont turn into my second scammer experience on my very first run through of the freebie scene!
Again, tommorow is the magical day that you have told everyone that they would get credit. My faith in you remains up until the end of tommorow. If nothing happens then you will really need to start showing some evidence if you want anyone at all including, unfortunately, even myself to believe what you are claiming.
17-02-2006 06:03:59
Oh no...mister no life checking this 100 times a day has yet to reply....BUSTED?
17-02-2006 06:42:44
well.. he said he got reply from freepay that he will green for everyone on Feb 17. Let's wait pass this day before we confirm anything..
17-02-2006 06:49:13
What about Trainn??? That is where I am waiting for yourfreeflatscreens!
17-02-2006 07:14:04
[quotefdd56d3a92="9mmbullitt"]What about Trainn??? That is where I am waiting for yourfreeflatscreens![/quotefdd56d3a92]
Oh Great...that's where I'm waiting for a green too. His friend signed up under me & did the "Fastest offer" (True)...it's been 3 days and nothing.
xztiger...please don't disappoint (again).
17-02-2006 07:42:17
Alright everyone look, i told a few of you this already. I was stupid i took on around 30 trades at once thinking it was easy. But its not i got confused and mixed a lot of things together and im having a hard time with all this. I will fix all this out and everyone will get their stuff, im doing the best i can and i really need for everyone to be patient, i know if i was you i wouldnt be but im begging you, i need to find a way to organiaze all of this and have everything fixed. So sorry for all this im trying to get everything done, its so hard to keep everything under controll i get confused easily so please bear with me -(.... I am on hold right now on almost every one of my site due to all of this so now im just working for nothing, and ill have nothing to show for all of this... Im not sure if some of my friends are just lying to me for the money or if its my fault but i will get it all fixed -( Most people would have took and ran expecally if their not getting anything for it, but i made this mess and im ready to clean
17-02-2006 09:03:48
I'm right there with everyone, I greened a month ago and still waiting, the only good I have to say is at least he is keeping in contact with everyone so far and not just running.
Were still waiting xz, Hope you come good with your trades.
Eric P
17-02-2006 10:25:53
I've also been scammed by this kid. I've been waiting for a month and he just gives excuses saying I will, expect by next week etc.
17-02-2006 11:32:35
[quotebe851e28fa="xztiger"]Alright everyone look, i told a few of you this already. I was stupid i took on around 30 trades at once thinking it was easy. But its not i got confused and mixed a lot of things together and im having a hard time with all this. I will fix all this out and everyone will get their stuff, im doing the best i can and i really need for everyone to be patient, i know if i was you i wouldnt be but im begging you, i need to find a way to organiaze all of this and have everything fixed. So sorry for all this im trying to get everything done, its so hard to keep everything under controll i get confused easily so please bear with me -(.... I am on hold right now on almost every one of my site due to all of this so now im just working for nothing, and ill have nothing to show for all of this... Im not sure if some of my friends are just lying to me for the money or if its my fault but i will get it all fixed -( Most people would have took and ran expecally if their not getting anything for it, but i made this mess and im ready to clean[/quotebe851e28fa]
so you were put on hold right now? So we won't be expecting to get the green so I assume?
from the screenshot of the other person, they said you have created multiple accounts. If that is the case I think they will just DQ you?
17-02-2006 12:01:56
If he was truely scamming us then why would he go out of his way to keep in contact with us all? Im not saying anything but from my last experience with a scammer, the person cut off contact from myself as well as others once he got what he needed.
I just hope this is all just a big misunderstanding because I have been waiting very patiently for him to go green for the last month now when I could have been finding more trades...
17-02-2006 15:57:29
1) He also said he completed True.com for ME! (Multiple Signups) [b39c2932dd5]SCAMMER[/b39c2932dd5]
2) He said sat at the computer with his friend as they signed up for Connections for me also. (Walkthrough). [b39c2932dd5]SCAMMER[/b39c2932dd5]
3) He signed up using two accounts on my site (unknown whether or not pursued both) PLUS others say he signed up for multiple accounts. (Multiple Accounts). [b39c2932dd5]SCAMMER[/b39c2932dd5]
4) He said he did these offers for me...and everyone else. But Freepay reported that he hasn't even clicked any offers. (LIAR) [b39c2932dd5]SCAMMER[/b39c2932dd5]
5) He said everyone would go green by Feb. 17th...end of the day now. (LIAR..again). [b39c2932dd5]SCAMMER[/b39c2932dd5]
C'mon now people? How much more is needed to get someone banned around here? People get ban threats for a single post.
And I can really understand why he would continue to save his reputation here. There is no motive, its not like he will get off hold after so many rules broken.
Has everyone reported him to the incentive sites? I was going to but I got a (random) response from freepay a while back which included,
[quote39c2932dd5]You cannot substitute your offer completion(s) in place of having your referrals complete offers; Nor can a referral’s offer completion substitute for your offer completion requirement.[/quote39c2932dd5]
So what we are doing here, trading, is apparently not allowed...I guess.
Anyway, its the end of the day. No one got a green. I say he's done.
Looks like I need a replacement for one more flatscreens.freepay referral.....
17-02-2006 20:19:28
[quote024b45999c="zbalz"]1) He also said he completed True.com for ME! (Multiple Signups) [b024b45999c]SCAMMER[/b024b45999c]
2) He said sat at the computer with his friend as they signed up for Connections for me also. (Walkthrough). [b024b45999c]SCAMMER[/b024b45999c]
3) He signed up using two accounts on my site (unknown whether or not pursued both) PLUS others say he signed up for multiple accounts. (Multiple Accounts). [b024b45999c]SCAMMER[/b024b45999c]
4) He said he did these offers for me...and everyone else. But Freepay reported that he hasn't even clicked any offers. (LIAR) [b024b45999c]SCAMMER[/b024b45999c]
5) He said everyone would go green by Feb. 17th...end of the day now. (LIAR..again). [b024b45999c]SCAMMER[/b024b45999c]
C'mon now people? How much more is needed to get someone banned around here? People get ban threats for a single post.
And I can really understand why he would continue to save his reputation here. There is no motive, its not like he will get off hold after so many rules broken.
Has everyone reported him to the incentive sites? I was going to but I got a (random) response from freepay a while back which included,
[quote024b45999c]You cannot substitute your offer completion(s) in place of having your referrals complete offers; Nor can a referral’s offer completion substitute for your offer completion requirement.[/quote024b45999c]
So what we are doing here, trading, is apparently not allowed...I guess.
Anyway, its the end of the day. No one got a green. I say he's done.
Looks like I need a replacement for one more flatscreens.freepay referral.....[/quote024b45999c]
ok to start with the first one, i always used my friends to do offers ive done, next they knew all about the sites before they did anything, all i did was give a link, their smart enough to read, next they said multiple accoutns are fine as long as you do only one offer, next im not sure why it didnt and ill find out, next ill see why it didnt... but you know what i just checked im on hold on everey site now, yorus still giving me crap about all this, ive tried to work on this and find a way to fix everything and slowly make things happen. I tried to get you all greens... but now i give up, ban me please this is crap, you would rather spend time saying im a scammer than helping me work it out. Well i hope you do and everyone thanks zbalz for it cuz i was going to work it all out instead of running like a scammer, once you all get greens you will know that you just were saying it... and i wasnt lying... i tried i really did and it hurts that you all say that, i will talk to my friends all of whom need theirs to green so they can finish their sites. So what ever i tried but i give up, please ban me or is there a way to ban myself? thanks
to all of those who still believed i can wait until you go green -)
17-02-2006 20:49:51
[quotebb692330c6]Well i hope you do and everyone thanks zbalz for it cuz i was going to work it all out instead of running like a scammer, once you all get greens you will know that you just were saying it... and i wasnt lying...[/quotebb692330c6]
Riiiiiiight. Because I didn't try to work things out...because apparently NONE of us tried to work things out. Yep...its my faults guys (hah).
Xztiger, if you are reading this, (and I know you are) we didn't want you banned just because you didnt green. Thats just silly, and that was just one of my 5 points of argument. You lied about completing offers, you claimed to complete multiple offers, and your whole network of 'friends' was never mentioned in the trades (at least mine); as it should be, and as many other people mention.
Regardless of whether or not you claim you're legitimate, your actions SCREAM otherwise...and thats why you got banned (at least I think?)
I already filled up xztiger's slot, and I didn't lose too too much in a trade with him. I hope you all are successful in replacing your slots as well. Heck, if he goes green, good for you (and him). But like thewana said, his account is on hold, he'll probably go gray.
BTW, I checked this thread like 15 minutes after he posted. He got banned PRETTY quickly after that post...anyone know why/how?
Best luck to all.
17-02-2006 21:22:26
Yea, pretty much what you said xbalz. I don't care that he wasn't greening, just the fact that he was lying about everything. And, he did this to [i4a4474abd7]everyone[/i4a4474abd7]!
A network of friends? A scam written all over it...I will still wait for a green to not shun your 'honor' (like you said). But, I have gotten you replaced, too baad you bought this upon yourself.
17-02-2006 21:33:23
He's not banned, atleast, he doesn't have the banned rank. He chaged his avartar to the banned one.
17-02-2006 22:18:53
Haha..I didn't even notice on first look.
...so...why isn't he banned anyway? heh )
17-02-2006 23:17:50
Well I'm patient yet (and it's been over a month) & I'll give him another week to straighten things out with me. From there, we're through...time to find a new ref.
18-02-2006 10:56:48
Looks like I got scammed, too.
I did my share first, so I guess I got the worst of the it.
Sigh... still looking for those last 2 referrals on FlashIpods4Free.
Can someone get his freebie account removed?
That is so unfair for us to go through with this.
18-02-2006 11:03:49
I got scammed by this guy too!
He said he was gonna do my digitalcameras.freepay in return for his yourps34free. I went green for him instantly and he's still yellow on mine for almost a month now.
So what now? Is his yourps34free account going to be on hold?
18-02-2006 21:39:02
[quote6f5eacad9b="reggaeton"]I got scammed by this guy too!
He said he was gonna do my digitalcameras.freepay in return for his yourps34free. I went green for him instantly and he's still yellow on mine for almost a month now.
So what now? Is his yourps34free account going to be on hold?[/quote6f5eacad9b]
well i assume you can try reporting him there.
19-02-2006 00:41:29
WHY ME! Jesus the second person who's been associated with me. He's still yellow for me as well and it's been a month.
19-02-2006 15:12:47
Ok. We have to do something.
Enough with the complaining.
Let's actually do something.
20-02-2006 13:08:15
[quotef88fb9d6a0="SonicPower"]Ok. We have to do something.
Enough with the complaining.
Let's actually do something.[/quotef88fb9d6a0]
I contacted Trainn to see if they could put his ps3 account on hold, but they said that they have no control over this or something like that.
20-02-2006 15:06:13
Correct, they have nothing that shows he violated the TOS. However, you can get your ref removed from his list.
20-02-2006 20:10:23
Sorry I wasn't more active in this thread, I checked it out a couple of times and thought it was being taken care of.
xztiger, your friends say multiple accounts are fine as long as you only do one offer? That's bullsiht and idiotic. No wonder you were put on hold.
Anyway, I know you are still viewing the foruma nd I'm going to PM you after I've poste this, but unless you do something within 1 week from NOW, you will be banned, your refs removed from your accounts and your accounts placed on hold.
21-02-2006 08:47:09
Well I hope he does come thru and make it right, his green would give me my 10th for pcs.freepay.
If he makes it right...more power to him.
21-02-2006 09:05:41
Seriously XZ, simply reply to our PM's or something...show that you're going to get something done.
Enough words; people need proof.
I'm quite sure you'll just run off like all other scammers, but it would be nice if you'd pull through for the dozens waiting.
Oh, and don't tell me you don't know how to do a screenshot right after it was described to you in this post.... roll
21-02-2006 20:13:26
i just realized today that I havent been receiving any replies from him. I have a yellow, but no green. This is such a major bummer, he is/was (to be seen) my last referral on my first freebie...my first ipod too. I was so happy to finally have 8 too.
22-02-2006 09:24:39
I guess he made us wait so long because he was waiting for approval on YourPS34free.
Now, I am guessing that he is approved and already placed his order.
He could careless for us any more.
22-02-2006 15:14:25
Yea, I stopped receiving replies from him too. And he used to be so diligent with the responses... I just cant believe he turned out to be a scammer. He seemed like a good enough person and always replied within a few hours of my PMs....shame.
23-02-2006 10:43:23
im glad my getipod4free ref never went green for him
23-02-2006 11:11:21
The elusive [b910e4ba688]xztiger[/b910e4ba688] says he has been out of contact because his computer needs repair. He says he intends to sort everything out as soon as he has steady online access again, which may be the middle or end of next week.
For what it's worth, he believes that his friends may have misled him about some of the trades. He asked me to let everyone know that he's sorry for his situation.
He will still be held accountable for anything he owes, so don't lose hope yet.
23-02-2006 11:17:50
[quote8bc713e7e6="KeithA"]The elusive [b8bc713e7e6]xztiger[/b8bc713e7e6] says he has been out of contact because his computer needs repair. He says he intends to sort everything out as soon as he has steady online access again, which may be the middle or end of next week.
[i8bc713e7e6]For what it's worth, he believes that his friends may have misled him about some of the trades. He asked me to let everyone know that he's sorry for his situation.
He will still be held accountable for anything he owes, so don't lose hope yet[/i8bc713e7e6].[/quote8bc713e7e6]He has said that about 43 times. x
23-02-2006 17:34:13
He will give us all he owes? Or is he once again holding off until approval so we dont get our referalls removed.
Will give us what is owed if his freinds lied...ok I want the $100 paypal he offered before. This kid was given so much trust, and just abused it.
Also moderator, how did he contact you?
23-02-2006 18:25:17
OK, I'm really not sure whats going on with our buddy here, but this is what Jake had to say when I asked if xziger's had even clicked on an off for his referral on my account
[quote932a956020="Jake"]They have not. If they tell you that they have, then they are lying.
Maybe he just got "caught up in too many trades," but we'll see how this all works out I guess.
23-02-2006 18:45:03
[quote5c23ef94f1="midnightgt"]Also moderator, how did he contact you?[/quote5c23ef94f1]
I contacted him via email.
I am giving him one week to demonstrate that he has completed offers or paid everyone he owes. In the interim, use your best judgment about how to handle your trades with him.
24-02-2006 00:59:24
I was just contacted by Trainn-Support (forum name) regarding xztiger.
[quote2cb82c818f="Trainn-Support"]We have been receiving a lot of complaints about this user and I do see that there was a thread about them in the Scammers forum and I believe they may be back on here under a different name. The name is jdjohnson3.
Based on the support inquiries that have been logged to their account, the writing styles appear to be the same, the handle matches their first initial and last name, and their profile contains a list of items that they have received which coincidentally matches with what they've received from us. It may be worth checking out...[/quote2cb82c818f]
Both names are now banned, along with any and all IP's.
Sorry guys, you got scammed and it doesn't look like you'll get anything back I'm afraid. (
24-02-2006 05:28:18
Sorry everyone. This kid sucks.
24-02-2006 15:09:23
Damn. Im more upset than usual only because he kept promising me everything would turn out alright for over a month! Why couldnt he have been just like all the other scammers and run off right away and not have to keep my hopes up for so long?!?! Thats the worst...
25-02-2006 05:26:56
this dude is so a scammer. I'm soo pissed right now.
27-02-2006 05:36:40
Will anyone owed either a green or money by xztiger please PM me with their PayPal address or the site they expect a green on? I make no promises, but he asked me for this information.
01-03-2006 17:10:45
ah, well I am glad I found this. I have been led on my him for over a month. Did a trade for yourfreeps3s.com for digitalcamers.fp. Said he did blockbuster and submitted manual credit. Still nothing.
01-03-2006 17:11:28
also thanks to KeithA, + karma on helping to sort the situation out.
So xztiger is banned from this site? No wonder I can't get a hold of him...
The bastard scammed me...I'm going to have my credit removed from the offer I did for him.
10-03-2006 06:06:45
[quote41b89d115e="kmav"]So xztiger is banned from this site? No wonder I can't get a hold of him...
The bastard scammed me...I'm going to have my credit removed from the offer I did for him.[/quote41b89d115e]
That won't do much good at this point; he's been placed on hold at every site he was pursuing.
Per my post above, please PM me with your PayPal address and reflink for whatever site you'd like him to complete for you. I've been pushing him to make good on all of his commitments. It's been fruitless so far, but I'm happy to add your name to the list if you'd like.