Did You Deal With Dudelovesfinch1035? ~~~~ READ ~~~~
27-01-2006 01:19:53
[baad210ecc9]This is a thread strictly for people who dealt with dudelovesfinch1035 (DLF) and his Half.com GC's. There is to be[/baad210ecc9][/coloraad210ecc9] [baad210ecc9]NO[/sizeaad210ecc9][/coloraad210ecc9][/baad210ecc9][baad210ecc9] discussion in this thread at all, there are two other threads for that or you can PM someone. The only way that we can take things further is if we have as much detailed information as possible to give to either Amazon, Half, eBay or the authorities.[/coloraad210ecc9][/baad210ecc9]
[baad210ecc9]ONLY[/sizeaad210ecc9][/coloraad210ecc9][/baad210ecc9] [baad210ecc9]post here if you were ever in a transaction with DLF for Half.com GC's. If you traded greens for greens, greens for cash then don't post here, but if you traded with him and he was going to pay you in Half.com GC's, then you can post here. If I was the middle-man in your transaction, enter your details for me, instead of DLF.[/coloraad210ecc9][/baad210ecc9]
Post with
Date the transaction took place.
How much you gave/sent him (or I).
Your method of payment (Amazon, Best Buy, Cheque, Paypal etc).
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to or did receive.
The e-mail you sent them to.
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's from (e-mail, AIM, MSN Messenger, PM, other. Please include the contact info (e-mail address, aim name etc) if applicable).
How much roughly you spent.
How much roughly you had left.
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable).
The message you received when trying to use a non-working GC (if applicable).
State you live in (if you don't mind).
Any other contact information you have of his (if you have address, phone numbers etc, PM them to me with the title "extra DLF info").
And a very brief description of either your transaction or anything suspicious that may have happened.[/quoteaad210ecc9]
[baad210ecc9]If you have a comment about this thread, then please either PM me or post in another thread.[/coloraad210ecc9][/baad210ecc9]
[baad210ecc9]Anyone who posts in this thread who doesnt provide the below information will be banned.[/sizeaad210ecc9][/coloraad210ecc9][/baad210ecc9]
For your copying and pasting pleasure
Date transaction took place
How much you paid/gave/sent to him
Your method of payment
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify)
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable)
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable)
The state you live in (if you don't mind)
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional)
27-01-2006 01:38:27
Date transaction took place 1/24
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $2,000
Your method of payment Amazon GCs
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $4,500
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to dudelovesfinch1035@ gmail.com
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) dudelovesfinch1035@ gmail.com
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly none
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly none
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) Tuesday night (1/24)
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) GC is invalid (not empty)
The state you live in (if you don't mind) CA
27-01-2006 01:40:27
Thank you. ^^^ How it should be done.
27-01-2006 02:48:09
Date transaction took place 1/7
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $1500
Your method of payment amazon.com
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive 3600
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to dudelovesfinch1035@ gmail.com
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from dudelovesfinch1035@ gmail.com
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly 3200
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly 400
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable)
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) invalid
The state you live in (if you don't mind) Michigan
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional) I sent him 1300 first and then 200 later. He said he would send me half then send the rest when he got the final 200. When he sent the second half of the codes he sent some that didn't work and some that he had already sent me in the first half of the gift certificates.
27-01-2006 04:28:24
I had two transactions, so ill list both
Date transaction took place1/19/06
How much you paid/gave/sent to him$200
Your method of paymentAmazon gift cert
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive$400
The e-mail you sent your method of payment email==todudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comtodudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com=todudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comtodudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify)The same email
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly$200
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly$200
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable)the night of 1/25/06
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) Invalid code
The state you live in (if you don't mind) PA
Date transaction took place1/25/06 (i think)
How much you paid/gave/sent to him$250
Your method of paymentamazon cert
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $500
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to theysayjump (this is the one you brokered)
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) N/A
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughlyN/A
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughlyN/A
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable)N/A
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable)N/A
The state you live in (if you don't mind) PA
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional)
27-01-2006 04:42:46
Date transaction took place 1/18/06
How much you paid/gave/sent to himONE (1) Referral for freeipodshuffles.freepay
Your method of payment Referral for Half.Com GiftCard
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $50.00
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to None
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) FreeIpodGuide PM
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly $0.00
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly $50.00
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) 1/25/06
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) Invalid Code
The state you live in (if you don't mind) NJ
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have email=, email=tuffguy425@yahoo.comtuffguy425@yahoo.com, email=tuffguy425@yahoo.comtuffguy425@yahoo.com/email
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional)Always very hard to contact and very short answered. I asked where he was getting the GC's and he refused to respond.
27-01-2006 06:21:36
Date transaction took place 1-1-2006
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $100
Your method of payment Amazon Gift certificate
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $200
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to sent over AIMdudeFinch1035
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) AIM dudeFinch1035
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly $200
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly $0
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) Used it already
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable)
The state you live in (if you don't mind) TX
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have AIMdudeFinch1035
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional) He kept having to switch computers after I paid him in order to get the codes. Also made a lot of excusses as to why he couldnt sell more to me. He said he could only buy so much each month, then the next hour I see a post of him selling $4500 on the forum.
Date transaction took place 1-5-2006
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $200
Your method of payment Amazon Gift certificate
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $450
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to sent over AIMdudeFinch1035
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) AIM dudeFinch1035
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly $150+Sold $300
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly $0
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) 1-24-06
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) The code that you have entered is invalid.
Please make sure that you have typed the code in correctly and try again
The state you live in (if you don't mind) TX
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have AIMdudeFinch1035
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional) I did not realize these set of half.com GCs were inactive until after he "disappeared" I PMed him any times, and even AIMed him once, only to see him log off AIM immediately. 1-25-06 at 31516 PM Central Time was the day I last saw him on AIM for that one second. Also note that the $300 I sold do NOT work. My customers will be very upset when they find out, and I'll be forced to give a full refund. So the $300 I sold will still be a loss to me.
Date transaction took place 1-15-2006
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $200
Your method of payment Amazon Gift certificate
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $425
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to sent over AIMdudeFinch1035
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) AIM dudeFinch1035
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly $100 + Trade $25 away
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly $300
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) 1-24-06
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) The code that you have entered is invalid.
Please make sure that you have typed the code in correctly and try again
The state you live in (if you don't mind) TX
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have AIMdudeFinch1035
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional) I contacted him the same day, he first asked when he even sold me the $425, then he replaced the $300 and logged off AIM right away saying his gf was calling.
27-01-2006 06:39:42
Date transaction took place 1/18
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $2000
Your method of payment Amazon GC
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $4500
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to email==dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) email==dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email (list of codes)
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly $1000
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly $3500
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) Wed 1/25
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) Invalid
The state you live in (if you don't mind) FL (Gainesville)
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional)
He told me that he was in Law School but his grammar was terrible.
27-01-2006 07:13:03
Date transaction took place 11/22/05
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $15
Your method of payment Paypal
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $100
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to [b02e772ff2f]gilbertozam87@hotmail.com[/b02e772ff2f] (His paypal addy in October)
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) FreeiPodGuide PM
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly $0.00
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly $100.00
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) 1/25/06
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) Invalid Code
The state you live in (if you don't mind) CA
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have email==gilbertozam87@hotmail.comgilbertozam87@hotmail.com=gilbertozam87@hotmail.comgilbertozam87@hotmail.com/email
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional) Lots of little things
27-01-2006 07:20:53
Date transaction took place 1/15 or 16
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $2000 amazon
Your method of payment amazon
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive 4500
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to dudelovesfinch1035@ gmail.com
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) dudelovesfinch1035@ gmail.com
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly 4475
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly 25
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) 1/25?
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) invalid
The state you live in (if you don't mind) AZ
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have aim dudefinch1035
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional) nothing, he seemed so legit....3 of my codes didnt work at first, and he replaced them within a few hours.
27-01-2006 07:32:12
[PM me if you need my info]
27-01-2006 08:19:39
Date the transaction took place. - 1/25
How much you gave/sent him (or I). - $590
Your method of payment (Amazon, Best Buy, Cheque, Paypal etc). - Amazon GC
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to or did receive. - Supposed to recieve $1200
The e-mail you sent them to. - email==dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's from (e-mail, AIM, MSN Messenger, PM, other. Please include the contact info (e-mail address, aim name etc) if applicable). - supposed to send them by aim
How much roughly you spent. - never got them
How much roughly you had left. - all of it
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable). - never got them
The message you received when trying to use a non-working GC (if applicable). - I unno
State you live in (if you don't mind). - New YOrk
Any other contact information you have of his (if you have address, phone numbers etc, PM them to me with the title "extra DLF info"). - Gio Yauri was his paypal name when i paypaled him a while ago
27-01-2006 09:55:26
Date transaction took place1/21/06
How much you paid/gave/sent to him$250
Your method of paymentamazon cert
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $500
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to theysayjump (this is the one you brokered)
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) N/A
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughlyN/A
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughlyN/A
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable)N/A
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable)N/A
The state you live in (if you don't mind) NY
27-01-2006 10:10:27
Date transaction took place 1/10
How much you paid/gave/sent to him 550$
Your method of payment Amazon GC
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive 1200$
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to email==dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) My Email
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly 1200$
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly .04$
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) NA
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) NA
The state you live in (if you don't mind) TX
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional) NA
Date transaction took place 1/03
How much you paid/gave/sent to him 500$ (Split between two parties, but the other party just paypaled me)
Your method of payment Amazon GC
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive 1100$
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to email==dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) FIPG PM
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly 500$ (Other guy spent all 600$)
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly 0$
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) NA
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) NA
The state you live in (if you don't mind) TX
27-01-2006 10:18:50
Date transaction took place 1/24
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $300
Your method of payment SuperCertificate
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $500
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to email==dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) Never received codes...
The state you live in (if you don't mind) Fl (Parkland)
27-01-2006 10:30:01
Date transaction took place 1/6/06
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $130
Your method of payment Amazon GC
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $200
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to email==dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) E-mail
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly $200
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly $0
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) NA
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) NA
The state you live in (if you don't mind) SC
27-01-2006 13:39:13
Transaction 1
Paid finch 500 in amazon cash for 1K in half.com GC on 1-16-06.
Finch email=s me the codes from the email email=DudeLovesFinch1035@gmail.comDudeLovesFinch1035@gmail.coms me the codes from the email email=DudeLovesFinch1035@gmail.comDudeLovesFinch1035@gmail.com/email
Spent all 1K, codes worked fine.
Transaction 2
Paid Finch 1900 in Amazon gift certs for 4500 in half.com GC on 1-18-06
Finch email=s me the codes from the email email=DudeLovesFinch1035@gmail.comDudeLovesFinch1035@gmail.coms me the codes from the email email=DudeLovesFinch1035@gmail.comDudeLovesFinch1035@gmail.com/email
Spent 3300 of the GCs. 1200 GCs left, that expired.
Discovered the bad GCs on Jan 25th, after Bball's post.
Error Message[b37578ee5c8] The code that you have entered is invalid.[/b37578ee5c8]
I live in North Carolina.
27-01-2006 21:51:35
Date transaction took place everything was received the 23rd
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $400
Your method of payment Amazon
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $800
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to email==dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) email, same address
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly $673.11
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly $126.89
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) the 24th, around 10/11 pm CT
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) invalid
The state you live in (if you don't mind) TX
Suspicious Only sent $400 the first email. I PM'ed him and within 5 minutes he sent me the other $400.
28-01-2006 00:11:30
Date transaction took place 1/9/06 and 1/10/06
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $1800
Your method of payment Amazon GC
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $4500
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to email==dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) Sent them to me in an email from same email address as above
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly $4500
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly $0
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) N/A
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) N/A
The state you live in (if you don't mind) Maryland
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional) When I PMed him about buying these, we agreed on me sending half of the Amazon first and I would get all of the Half GCs, verify that they worked, and then send him the remaining half of the Amazon. So I bought half, sent it to him, and he only sent me half of the Half GCs. I IMed him on AIM about this and he just said "no" to doing what we had previously agreed on. To avoid any confusion, the original deal was $3600 Amazon for $9000 Half GCs. But since we agreed to do 1/2, I bought $1800 first, not knowing he would not follow through on his end. So #1 and #2 are the two halves of one transaction.
Date transaction took place 1/10/06 and 1/11/06
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $1800
Your method of payment Amazon
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $4500
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to email==dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) email= from email=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com from email=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly $4500
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly $0
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) N/A
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) N/A
The state you live in (if you don't mind) Maryland
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional)
Date transaction took place 1/18/06
How much you paid/gave/sent to him $2650
Your method of payment Amazon
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive $6000
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to email==dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify) email= from email=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com from email=dudelovesfinch1035@gmail.comdudelovesfinch1035@gmail.com/email
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly $4787
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughly $1213
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable) 1/26/06 approximately 700 PM EST
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable) The code that you have entered is invalid.
The state you live in (if you don't mind) Maryland
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may have
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional)
28-01-2006 15:07:26
Date transaction took place not sure what days you recieved my 3 amazon gc payments totalling 1000
How much you paid/gave/sent to him 1000
Your method of payment amazon gc's
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive 2000
The e-mail you sent your method of payment to sent amazon gc's to you
The state you live in (if you don't mind) ca
06-02-2006 18:33:44
Date transaction took placeNot sure
How much you paid/gave/sent to him1 green for minimacs.freepay
Your method of payment1 green for minimacs.freepay
How much in Half.com GC's you were supposed to receive$50
The e-mail you sent your method of payment email==tobgonyaw@gmail.comtobgonyaw@gmail.com=tobgonyaw@gmail.comtobgonyaw@gmail.com/email
The method he used to send the Half.com GC's to you from (if applicable, please specify)via e-mail(his gmail to mine)
How much of the Half.com GC's you spent roughly49+ change
How much of the Half.com GC's you had left roughlyfew cents
The date (and time if you have it) that your Half.com GC's stopped working (if applicable)dunno don't remember the #....
The message you received when trying to use a non-working Half.com GC (if applicable)----
The state you live in (if you don't mind)Connecticut
Any other contact information of dudelovesfinch1035's that you may haveused to have his aim and gmail
A very brief description of either your transaction or anything you found to be suspicious (optional)Thought it was odd paying $50 for one green when he wasn't close to finishing the site....transaction went smoothly until last week when someone I bought a cd from got charged back and left me - feedback....I explained I didn't do it and we mutually withdrew said feedback.