Red Vs Blue KICKS is a SCAMMER
25-01-2006 15:21:40
Red Vs Blue KICKS just went red on my ipods.freepay. Mother fucker. That's wasted money AGAIN.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 15:51:02
Have I gone red I dont see any proof you cant even give me a screenshot!
25-01-2006 16:06:14
We went over this....And here's a little snipet of what we talked about today.
[ifaa356768c]dude I dont have any money
my prepaid debit card has 77 cents on it so i cant do your site
I dont know what I can do , all I have is the domain name and about 1000 gmail invites
so i am sorry my green went red
If you really want to be a jerk you can email trainn and tell them to take your ref away[/ifaa356768c]
[ifaa356768c]Its too late Im already past account approval you are just wasting your time[/ifaa356768c]
My ref is going to be revoked and I hope your banned from here.
25-01-2006 16:07:10
And fucks sake, take out the REFFERRAL LINK from you signature. Do you even read the rules!?
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 16:13:24
dude seriously you have all your refs 1 went red because I canceled the offer like EVERYONE DOES!! you are making a huge deal over something that is not going to get you anywhere!
25-01-2006 16:14:30
So going red is okay?
Give me something else to compensate for me getting totally FUCKED OVER.
What can you do?
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 16:16:05
Ill give you the domain name
25-01-2006 16:16:17
Mod, we need a cleanup on aisle 3.
RedvBlue, you're basically saying, everyone goes red. You obviously did something wrong.
25-01-2006 16:18:44
[quote9b5db577bf="Red Vs Blue KICKS"]Ill give you the domain name[/quote9b5db577bf]
We aggreed on greens. Not a fucking fagged up domain that gets negative 45 views a day.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 16:18:45
You know what ? theres nothing I can do I dont have any money to give you for the red
25-01-2006 16:20:14
[quote7532aa0bc1="Red Vs Blue KICKS"]You know what ? theres nothing I can do I dont have any money to give you for the red[/quote7532aa0bc1]
So you're basically saying fucked me big deal, right?
I hope you're banned from fipg forever. We're legitamate people who keep our WORD and actually are over 18 who have their OWN credit cards.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 16:21:31
theres nothing on this site that says you need to be over 18
25-01-2006 16:22:36
Heres a recommendation...never trade with someone when their name is RED vs BLUE Kicks (
25-01-2006 16:23:12
[iee62b895de]What else are you going to do? get me bannned whop de fuck[/iee62b895de]
Oh I hope so. The less kids we have on here, the better.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 16:24:10
Theres nothing wrong with red vs blue
25-01-2006 16:26:05
If he is past approval, email trainn anyways...I'm sure they wouldn't mind cancelling his order )
25-01-2006 16:26:39
Do you have anything to say for yourself going RED and not wanting to do anything about it?
And no, I dont want your gay website.
25-01-2006 16:27:13
[quote5386b55c96="ajrock2000"]If he is past approval, email trainn anyways...I'm sure they wouldn't mind cancelling his order )[/quote5386b55c96]
Oh I did. And by the looks of his sig, it might have worked. Not completely sure though.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 16:27:42
I dont know why it went red I have no Idea what you want me to
25-01-2006 16:28:32
email them and find out you noob lol
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 16:30:34
I am emailing them and trying to get my account off hold
25-01-2006 16:33:34
Well, this is what happens when you fuck people over.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 16:35:48
its not like Im trying to "fuck you over" my account just got placed on hold, I didnt want it to get placed on hold ! it just did ok so just cool down for a little bit while I try to work it out with the Freepay people
25-01-2006 16:38:02
A little late now when I already got someone to green for me after you went RED.
So contacting freepay is going to do nothing beneficial to the situation, child.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 16:40:46
well why didnt you tell me when it could have made a difference!??
25-01-2006 16:44:02
You went red. You're underage. You said yourself that you cant do anything.
You even stated that you cancelled your offer prematurely.
I want compensation. Since we agreed on a green for a green. I want a green for a site of my choosing if you can do it.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 16:46:33
I can sign up for a site but I dont know If the CC will get approved cuz it only has 77 cents on it
25-01-2006 16:48:23
Get your daddy's permission and use his card.
Your prepaid visa isnt going to get me anywhere.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 16:59:04
well ill do it but did youi send an email to trainn or not?
25-01-2006 17:23:04
Well, if you're account doesnt get deleted or my refferal is revoked, you'll have your answer.
25-01-2006 18:41:32
Still waiting for compensation...
25-01-2006 18:48:01
[quote70d65bbd9d="chazmann"]Still waiting for compensation...[/quote70d65bbd9d]
lol, and I thought i was impatient
25-01-2006 18:55:42
He's talking to his dad right now.
25-01-2006 19:09:04
I'm still trying to get over the
"dude seriously you have all your refs 1 went red because I canceled the offer like EVERYONE DOES!! you are making a huge deal over something that is not going to get you anywhere!"
I've had 2 reds in all my 30+ trades I've been doing these. One was pachinko, and one was an honest mistake, and that person did a differnt site for me without argument.
REDS AREN'T ACCEPTABLE...I'd like to suggest a rule to this site that just right out says that, like "no legit trade can result in a red" I thought it was common sense, but apparently not...
25-01-2006 20:09:37
One of my refs at a trainn site went red when I requested approval. He claimed that he only signed up at that website once. There's no reason for my ref to lie because I'm still yellow at his site. I'm suspecting Trainn now.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 20:53:38
ill wait one week if my account isnt off hold by then I will do another offer with my " daddy's " credit card
25-01-2006 20:56:48
Oh, so now I get fucked and IM the one waiting. PERFECT.
Let's hope trainn realizes who they're dealing with. You might have to get a job and pay for an xbox yourself.
That's if it goes my way.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
25-01-2006 21:11:17
whats your way? What is it going to accomplish you by me not getting an xbox 360?
I dont see what the huge problem is , my account got put on hold if its still on hold by next week on WENsday Ill do a ref for you on another site
either way you get a green,, which was the original detail ok? so just chill out
25-01-2006 21:49:00
What green? So you're going to actually fulfill your promise and original trade agreement?
25-01-2006 22:03:42
[quotefe2e5d603c="chazmann"][quotefe2e5d603c="Red Vs Blue KICKS"]Ill give you the domain name[/quotefe2e5d603c]
We aggreed on greens. Not a fucking fagged up domain that gets negative 45 views a day.[/quotefe2e5d603c]
haha funniest post of the day.
25-01-2006 22:45:00
+ karma for that wink
25-01-2006 22:51:02
they take off the -karma option?
25-01-2006 22:59:01
Quite a while ago. People abused it, I think.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
26-01-2006 17:06:08
so are you telling me that I should go green for you even though you emailed trainn and told them to take your green off my accout??
Uh NO... I will do another site for you but not if you emailed trainn
26-01-2006 17:13:41
We'll see then wont we? )
Red Vs Blue KICKS
26-01-2006 18:07:06
uh no we wont see if you sent trainn an email I'm not doing any offer for you because if ur green is deleted from my account i dont owe u sqat
26-01-2006 19:21:12
[quote0321aa7ed5="chazmann"]Well, if you're account doesnt get deleted or my refferal is revoked, you'll have your answer.[/quote0321aa7ed5]
[quote0321aa7ed5="chazmann"]Still waiting for compensation...[/quote0321aa7ed5]
If he gives you some sort of compensation, [i0321aa7ed5]and[/i0321aa7ed5] his account is deleted or your referral is revoked due to you contacting trainn, wouldn't that just make you a scammer, and owe him compensation as well? lol
26-01-2006 19:55:31
[quoted6075103ec="TimmyWangy"]they take off the -karma option?[/quoted6075103ec]
lol where the hell have u been? that was ages ago.
and on this matter I believe that a red is not a a legit trade and should be compensated for.
26-01-2006 22:17:20
[quote4015bd8efa="jfaninord"][quote4015bd8efa="chazmann"]Well, if you're account doesnt get deleted or my refferal is revoked, you'll have your answer.[/quote4015bd8efa]
[quote4015bd8efa="chazmann"]Still waiting for compensation...[/quote4015bd8efa]
If he gives you some sort of compensation, [i4015bd8efa]and[/i4015bd8efa] his account is deleted or your referral is revoked due to you contacting trainn, wouldn't that just make you a scammer, and owe him compensation as well? lol[/quote4015bd8efa]
Its common knowledge that two wrongs make a right.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
27-01-2006 17:44:19
chazmann ur a fucking moron you ref got delted from my account so no Now I am not going to do you another offer
27-01-2006 18:30:37
Hah. Guess that resolves the issue.
27-01-2006 22:21:57
[quotec2e4349aab="Red Vs Blue KICKS"]chazmann ur a fucking moron you ref got delted from my account so no Now I am not going to do you another offer[/quotec2e4349aab]
Now we're even little boy.
And I hope this'll be a lesson to ANYONE who even THINKS of trading with you again.
EDIT A little weird how you take out the picture of your xbox360 status.......Which makes me believe that my ref WASNT deleted and that you are trying to weasle your way out of our agreement.
Put the picture back up. Now.
27-01-2006 22:31:26
[quoteb84591509b="chazmann"][quoteb84591509b="Red Vs Blue KICKS"]chazmann ur a fucking moron you ref got delted from my account so no Now I am not going to do you another offer[/quoteb84591509b]
Now we're even little boy.
And I hope this'll be a lesson to ANYONE who even THINKS of trading with you again.
EDIT A little weird how you take out the picture of your xbox360 status.......Which makes me believe that my ref WASNT deleted and that you are trying to weasle your way out of our agreement.
Put the picture back up. Now.[/quoteb84591509b]
I saw it a couple hours ago and his refs were 0/12, if that means anything to you
27-01-2006 22:48:58
Well, thanks for noticing )
28-01-2006 09:56:19
28-01-2006 10:16:57
Why should that make someone scared to trade him?
I admit, this thread did get off to a bad start for him, but as it progressed it seemed that he was trying to remedy the situation.
You refused to communicate with him about whether or not you emailed trainn, which was not helping, and you were still asking him for compensation... which he was willing to give as long as trainn didn't take away the ref from you, which sounds like a reasonable position to take.
28-01-2006 11:29:04
[quote5831f72c88="chazmann"][i5831f72c88]What else are you going to do? get me bannned whop de fuck[/i5831f72c88]
Oh I hope so. The less kids we have on here, the better.[/quote5831f72c88]
Quite being so steryotipical some of the best tradders here are under 18. I'm 16 and have honored every deal I have ever made.
28-01-2006 11:40:49
[quoteb2e418a09f="jfaninord"]Why should that make someone scared to trade him?
I admit, this thread did get off to a bad start for him, but as it progressed it seemed that he was trying to remedy the situation.
You refused to communicate with him about whether or not you emailed trainn, which was not helping, and you were still asking him for compensation... which he was willing to give as long as trainn didn't take away the ref from you, which sounds like a reasonable position to take.[/quoteb2e418a09f]
I've stated numerous times that I contacted trainn. This kid deserves everybit of what I've done. To start the thread, he tried accusing ME of scamming by saying that I dont have a screenshot to prove it...That was mistake number one.
Mistake number two was to openly admit that red's arent a big deal and I "still gotz my ipodz so whut u worryed bout".
I have no problem with kids, in fact, I'll trade with a toddler if it can keep it's fucking end of the deal. That.....and if it's daddy will let it use his credit card to do offers.
I guess what Im really trying to say is, until further evidence is supplied to infact prove that my ref was removed...Im contacting trainn to confirm that my ref was infact removed.
29-01-2006 08:21:00
Just like I fucking thought.
Unfortunately, their account is too late in the process to remove your
Account Services
Transcendent Innovations
29-01-2006 10:52:34
I see that the modding lately has either become very laxed or very lazy....
a. Posting referral links will result in a instant ban.
[i7600680a32]b. If you do not hold to your word, or you behave in any way that seems 'shady', you will be banned. There is no room for that here.[/i7600680a32]
c. Thread-crapping will result in a 5 day temp-ban.
d. Violating any of the rules below on 2 or more occasions
29-01-2006 23:31:43
edit Im going to try and be civil about this.
12-02-2006 21:01:51
UPDATE This kid still hasn't done an offer for me...and he said "either you wait or ban me. take it or leave it"
So NO ONE TRADE with this 16 year old unless you have ever wanted to consciously fuck yourself.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
13-02-2006 16:51:25
actually im 14
13-02-2006 17:51:55
[quote5bd2fed921="Red Vs Blue KICKS"]actually im 14[/quote5bd2fed921]
That makes you more mature idea dck
13-02-2006 18:03:10
[quote2c1b147ace="chazmann"][quote2c1b147ace="Red Vs Blue KICKS"]chazmann ur a fucking moron you ref got delted from my account so no Now I am not going to do you another offer[/quote2c1b147ace]
Put the picture back up. Now.[/quote2c1b147ace]
You really think hes going to post evidence that would help you justify your case. I realize that may be a old post but still....
Chaz you need to calm down, and red and blue you still owe him a green since you actually used his green.
13-02-2006 19:44:14
[quotebbe46f02f3="CoMpFrEaK"][quotebbe46f02f3="chazmann"][quotebbe46f02f3="Red Vs Blue KICKS"]chazmann ur a fucking moron you ref got delted from my account so no Now I am not going to do you another offer[/quotebbe46f02f3]
Put the picture back up. Now.[/quotebbe46f02f3]
You really think hes going to post evidence that would help you justify your case. I realize that may be a old post but still....
Chaz you need to calm down, and red and blue you still owe him a green since you actually used his green.[/quotebbe46f02f3]
Trying to sound collected and cool isnt going to help this anymore than I could've.
[quotebbe46f02f3="Red Vs Blue KICKS"]k w/e I'm done with freebie sites anways, I already got my ipod, 360, flatscreen, psp
do w/e the fuck u want[/quotebbe46f02f3]