10-01-2006 19:32:23
This trade started out in early November. I went green for Bobbyk418 in no less than two days for him, and I'm going on two months waiting for him to do the same for me. After waiting 2 weeks, I pmed him asking him whats up and to send a support ticket for the offer he claimed he completed. He replied a couple days later saying he's been busy with work and the holidays and would get around to on the weekend of Dec. 15th. I pmed him Dec. 20. No response. Yesterday, I pmed AND e-mailed him. Still, no response. Have I been scammed?
10-01-2006 19:54:10
It appears to be that you have indeed been scammed.
He hasn't visited the forum since December 4th. (
11-01-2006 15:19:59
Is there anything you can do about it?
11-01-2006 15:35:32
My reach only goes as far as this site, I can't make him come back or get online or answer PM's, especially if he isn't visiting the forum in the first place.
If you want, PM me and I can give you the e-mail address he used to register on this forum with and you could try e-mailing him there.
19-01-2006 15:28:12
This issue has since been resolved. Is there any way to delete this thread?
19-01-2006 16:55:39
I'll leave it her but lock it.
Thank you for letting me know.