do NOT trade with surf1168415
18-12-2005 22:22:31
Don't trade with [bdd410c1c77]surf1168415 [/bdd410c1c77] - don't send him any paypal
- I am 99.99% sure that [bdd410c1c77]surf1168415[/bdd410c1c77] is the same guy that created like 40 accounts on TRAIN sites and scammed alot of people.
- He did for [bdd410c1c77]stackmjwiz[/bdd410c1c77] & he just did the same one for me.
He is only asking for paypal and he is only doing TRAIN SITES (becuase they are easy to scam) - if you are in a trade with this guy[bdd410c1c77] DO NOT[/bdd410c1c77] send him any money yet - I will contact TRAIN and ask them about it
If he is not the scammer then sorry about this BUT I am pretty sure about it
18-12-2005 22:53:35
Yea, I sent this guy $68 already. I contacted Trainn and Paypal. Thanks for the heads up cartrenroy.
19-12-2005 00:44:42
Confirmed by Trainn bicpen12 and surf are fucking scammers.
[quote7f5af540db]This user has been banned from our sites for creating in excess of 10 accounts.
stackmjwiz wrote
Hey Alan,
can you check the status of
and whether or not he has created multiple accounts? Thanks.[/quote7f5af540db]
[b7f5af540db]I better get my $140 back.[/b7f5af540db]
19-12-2005 06:47:59
I got scammed by him also. Cartrenroy was nice enough to inform me of the situation.
19-12-2005 08:52:18
[quote11a6a1ea74="stackmjwiz"]Confirmed by Trainn bicpen12 and surf are fucking scammers.
[quote11a6a1ea74]This user has been banned from our sites for creating in excess of 10 accounts.
stackmjwiz wrote
Hey Alan,
can you check the status of
and whether or not he has created multiple accounts? Thanks.[/quote11a6a1ea74]
[b11a6a1ea74]I better get my $140 back.[/b11a6a1ea74][/quote11a6a1ea74]
I knew it was the same guy. [b11a6a1ea74]Trainn[/b11a6a1ea74] sites are EASY to scam.
IF a RANDOM guy asks you if you need a TRAINN site for PAYPAL (watch out), check his paypal address before sending, check if it's a new address (even if it's verified, becuase this scammer always uses a NEW PREMIER PAYPAL account)
- Check if it's a new member, and if possible, contact TRAINN and ask if the account is legit.
19-12-2005 10:15:18
He did flashipods4free and dvdrecorders4free for me, and went red the next day. This is why I have a mandatory 2 day wait period from green to pay. Anyone else experiencing an increasing amount of reds from trades latley? Cause I sure am!
Oh, bicpen12 is also a scammer? Well, better delete those trades too I guess!
19-12-2005 11:24:13
[quote4502ea94e3="mfels"]He did flashipods4free and dvdrecorders4free for me, and went red the next day. This is why I have a mandatory 2 day wait period from green to pay. Anyone else experiencing an increasing amount of reds from trades latley? Cause I sure am!
Oh, bicpen12 is also a scammer? Well, better delete those trades too I guess![/quote4502ea94e3]
Bicpen12 is a scammer and SO IS coabh1. He says hes username is Guarantee. Paypal is
19-12-2005 12:25:52
I suggest that everyone scammed by these lowlifes file Paypal complaints.
19-12-2005 14:46:26
I also got a red from surf1168415 from yourfreevideoipods
20-12-2005 07:42:17
Does this guy get banned from this site for this, or does someone have to PM a mod to get him banned?
20-12-2005 12:27:47
Just a precaution I would watch out for "pachinko".
Lots of people have been aiming me or pming me saying they can do all Trainn sites and have no trade record.
On another note, why hasn't Surf been banned? He's a proven scammer.
21-12-2005 17:51:57
how do people get banned here, Does someone have to PM the mods or do they check this post out and look into scammers. It seems like surf scammed a bunch of people so I am curious why he isn't banned yet.
21-12-2005 21:53:34
Generally, at least one of the mods reads most of the threads in every forum and especially the Scammer forum and takes appropriate action.
21-12-2005 22:04:54
Sorry guys., I've taken care of surf and Bicpen, but there is no record of coabh1, pachinko is registered from Singapore but unless you have some actual information or evidence as to why they should be banned (more than just "I would watch out pachinko") then they will be staying.
Same goes for guarantee, what are your reasons for assuming that they are a scammer?
21-12-2005 22:10:10
[quote246f9dbd2d="theysayjump"]Sorry guys., I've taken care of surf and Bicpen, but there is no record of coabh1, pachinko is registered from Singapore but unless you have some actual information or evidence as to why they should be banned (more than just "I would watch out pachinko") then they will be staying.
Same goes for guarantee, what are your reasons for assuming that they are a scammer?[/quote246f9dbd2d]
Well for one, guarantee pretended to be me. Coabh1 is guarantee's AIM screenname.
Second, he just tried to scam chazmann pretending to be me. Not only that but prior to that he just tried to scam me.
22-12-2005 08:52:39
Has anyone had a bad expierence with pachinko, he pm'd me for a trade but after reading in here i am not sure.
22-12-2005 10:47:34
Get garantee, or Coabh1 out of here. That 16 year old keeps trying to boot me and several others off of AIM. It's not working anymore, but calling me a nigger, impersonating someone on the forums, and harrassment is grounds for a ban.
Atleast, that's what I think roll
22-12-2005 12:32:04
[quotea72ceeee9a="chazmann"]Get garantee, or Coabh1 out of here. That 16 year old keeps trying to boot me and several others off of AIM. It's not working anymore, but calling me a nigger, impersonating someone on the forums, and harrassment is grounds for a ban.
Atleast, that's what I think roll[/quotea72ceeee9a]
Well you've been her for all of 18 days. I'd say you certainly know what's grounds for a ban.
22-12-2005 12:39:40
Correction. I've been signed up for 18 days.
Lurking is a whole new story.
22-12-2005 15:41:55
Ruh Roh, we have a lurker!
If you were a real lurker, you would know that lurking is grounds for a ban. shrug
Guarantee is gone.
22-12-2005 23:01:57
Im talking about urking in the sense of reading everything and making sure I know what I know before I regestered and posted to prevent myself from looking stupid.
22-12-2005 23:06:51
[quote1a84c55e43="chazmann"]Im talking about urking in the sense of reading everything and making sure I know what I know before I regestered and posted to prevent myself from looking stupid.[/quote1a84c55e43]
I know.
If you were a real lurker (as you so claim roll ) then you would know that lurking is grounds for a ban. shrug
22-12-2005 23:10:35
http//[" alt=""/img01a3f2f282]
27-12-2005 01:54:10
I got scammed by this surf1168415 (sent him a total of $34, and all it got me was a well learned lesson and a green..?) on, but his account is still green...I also got scammed by this Bigpen12/bicpen12 on, but did not pay him luckily!
That was all on A4F and AIM
But this "pachinko" just sent me a PM, saying he can do for me!
In my personal opinion it seems mighty superstitious that pachinko has been a member for over a week, and has not made one post!
I have not been a member for 24 hours and I've made over a dozen posts!
This guy has got SCAM written all over it!
I'll Post how this trade goes...I'll processing with caution!
27-12-2005 01:55:53
Plus pachinko has no trade record!
31-12-2005 09:23:21
[quote79bedcdb89="stackmjwiz"]Just a precaution I would watch out for "pachinko".
Lots of people have been aiming me or pming me saying they can do all Trainn sites and have no trade record.
On another note, why hasn't Surf been banned? He's a proven scammer.[/quote79bedcdb89]
I agree about watching out for pachinko he hasn't posted yet and has given five people instant offers on trainn sites he just pmed me saying he could do 2 of mine but didn't even mention the freepay how can you do seven trainn sites?
31-12-2005 13:58:58
Ya pachinko went red for me on, but got me another ref that went green. I'm requesting approval now, so I hope he doesn't go red. I haven't paid him yet either.
31-12-2005 15:17:42
So did people get their money back.
02-01-2006 06:09:27
Gigante wrote
What sites can you do in trade? You seem to be new so you may be able to do what I need. PM me back.
I have done all freepay sites.
Anything else goes. But I wld like to do OC or TRAINN sites if u have them.
Let me know then.
He just sent that, and didn't say anything about not being able to do some Trainn. He knows that OC/Trainn have actual instants while Freepay really doesnt
02-01-2006 19:04:34
so pachinko was no good?
02-01-2006 19:25:00
[quote0f851f83c0="nobody2000"]so pachinko was no good?[/quote0f851f83c0]
Nope, he has two red on 3604Free and is doing it for someone else. Furthermore, he lives in Singapore. TheySayJump has banned him.
02-01-2006 20:52:40
http//[" alt=""/imgc418450109]
new pachinko alias?
the guy has no tr, no posts, nada.... i thought it was the same guy when i first saw it but o well.. a bit to similar for my tastes
02-01-2006 20:57:53
Yeah they are one and the same.
03-01-2006 22:04:46
ok I think cliones and pachinko saw this and got smart, I got a suspicious random PM for ....oh...a trainn site, offering to do one for paypal from (JDG[/color2fdd6f06da])
Anyone else?
03-01-2006 22:06:05
Yup just banned him after being warned by another member. Thanks though.
04-01-2006 15:59:22
i'm guessing chewgun is this guy too?
04-01-2006 16:45:30
[quotea54d4a86bb="Aurelius"]i'm guessing chewgun is this guy too?[/quotea54d4a86bb]Is he a user here? I can't find him. If he sent you a PM in the same style, I'd say it's him though. TheySayJump, can't you IP ban this guy?
04-01-2006 18:46:18
no he just offered teh same deal practically and i checked him out and he ahd no posts and he's banned now so i guess so
04-01-2006 21:03:50
Yeah chewgum was the same guy.
He is using a proxy from Singapore or he is posting from Singapore. All the previous attempts by me to ban his IP were fruitless, so I banned his host so we shall see if anything comes of it.