02-12-2005 06:09:49
02-12-2005 06:30:38
02-12-2005 07:06:23
You're seriously making a thread in the scammers forum for this? If someone is harrassing you then you tell a mod. It doesn't make them a scammer which is what this forum is for, not petty little squabbles.
02-12-2005 10:46:10
[quotef74565ed79="silentvixen"]Hey stupid. it's for ANNOUNCEMENTS too!!!!![/quotef74565ed79]
Since this forum is also for announcements (as silentvixen so vehemently pointed out in her PM to me) I am announcing that silentvixen has just been awarded one free temp-ban, redeemable at any FreeiPodGuide.com forum.
Vaild through 05/12/2005.
02-12-2005 11:09:24
hmmm......Coincidence? roll
To theysayjump
Posted Fri Dec 02, 2005 207 pm
Subject !JHL#@ Quote message
02-12-2005 20:03:35
Unlocked at the request of J4320.
This thread is freaking hilarious.
02-12-2005 20:43:20
so, we can expect a post from him? lol
02-12-2005 20:43:29
Thanks jump. D
[quote8106dfb213="silentvixen"]He won't stop harassing me to do his site. I refunded his money because OC didn't credit me and he is SOOOOOOOOO annoying! LEAVE ME ALONE ASSHAT!!![/quote8106dfb213]
Why are you being so immature about this?
All this time she's been telling me that she can't get in contact with OC support. I have never [i8106dfb213]once[/i8106dfb213] had a hard time contacting them. I send them messages a lot on Notebooks4free for various things and they always have replied within one or two days (great support).
So a long time back I needed a notebooks4free referral. OC put up bingos.com as an offer and I was REALLY surprised because they've had the offers of doom up for so long. So I try to get a few refs.
I make an agreement with Retro and Silentvixen. Both of the agreements were for paypal for notebooks4free. So Retro goes ahead and she does the bingos.com offer. Her credit goes through fine and she's green.
Silentvixen on the other hand, doesn't go green. So I ask her to try to get credit and all. So she agrees. It's been MONTHS AND MONTHS and we have had a long PM conversation about if OC is replying to her request for credit. She claimed that they haven't responded to her once.
So I wait patiently (I have been extremely patient on Notebooks4free; I've been doing it for months). I contacted support on Notebooks4free and I was just talking to them about the offers of doom and all. And they were very responsive and great.
I was wondering why it was so hard for Silentvixen to get a hold of them as she keeps telling me that they never reply to her. She offers to give me a partial refund (I get $20 back of the $30 I paid her). I just tell her to keep trying for a little longer. So she agrees. And throughout all this time Silentvixen is very responsive and easy to work with.
So we wait about another month and I just decided to ask her to refund me partially. So she sends me $20 paypal back. Now I have no idea if she even did the offer or not. She could just be lying and she could have gotten a free ten bucks for all I know.
So I clarified with her again about her not being able to reach OC support. So then I talk to OC and I tell them that Silentvixen is having trouble contacting them. So I ask OC if they can email her. So they did! I wasn't expecting them to and they were extremely nice about it and they were great. And so now I tell her this after she is getting all crazy with me -
I got them to send you an email.
They sent you a message at --->
Just deal with it, get your $20, and be done.[/quote8106dfb213]
Her response...........
[quote8106dfb213="silentvixen"]I REPLIED THEY DIDN'T REPLY BACK! LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON'T WANT YOUR FUCKING MONEY![/quote8106dfb213]
And then she makes a thread about me in this section. I was VERY patient with her and I was in no way trying to harass her.
If I were in her situation I wouldn't mind taking 5 minutes to deal with OC to get $20 back.
OC is [i8106dfb213]very[/i8106dfb213] responsive and good. How do I know you even tried to contact them about it? How do I know you even did an offer?
And the way you acted was terrible. Treat the mods with respect, they take a lot of time out to moderate these forums and help FiPG to be such a great place.
02-12-2005 20:46:35
two sides to every story )
02-12-2005 20:52:16
[quotef7e107eb22="Airkat"]two sides to every story )[/quotef7e107eb22]
There have been many complaints about silentvixen here in this section.
Have there been any against me? No.
Until now. And this thread is just rediculous. I was hoping she could handle it like a mature person, but I guess not.
[quoteb66bef34f8="Airkat"]two sides to every story )[/quoteb66bef34f8]
I must admit that J4320's telling was much more eloquent.
02-12-2005 20:54:11
no, not accusing you at all. I'm just glad both sides got out. From the evidence shown so far id have to side with u anyways.
02-12-2005 21:23:49
Well I'll tell you now that she deserves to be banned for not only calling me stupid (I am and it insults my intelligence when people say so), but for making a new name "FUCKOFF", making a thread in here (which I deleted before anyone got the chance to see the truth about me) "theysayjump is the biggest queer ever and he sucks cock" or something equally as clever and original, and also the above PM that she sent to me.
All grounds for a permanent ban but then that would fuck up the people she is trading with, including you J'. (
02-12-2005 21:33:23
I think everytime someone is getting banned, someone always says "but they are in a trade with me!" IMO, I don't think this is grounds for not banning them.
This usually means they are on their way out anyways, and gives them opportunity to scam as many as possible (not talking about Silet, just in general.) People just have to bite the bullet, and hope the trade gets taken care of, away from the forum.
03-12-2005 07:33:42
lol, this is a great way to wake up in the morning.
J4320 should be the one posting a scammers thread $10 for a yellow? Tell Vixen to give you back the rest of your money and end the trade.
Nobody (well not a sane person) would pay $10 for a yellow.
silentvixen Maybe if you returned all his money you wouldnt have to hear from him again? If you owed me $10 I would harrass you too.
03-12-2005 08:07:35
[quote2394e2f288="Peinecone"]I think everytime someone is getting banned, someone always says "[b2394e2f288]but they are in a trade with me![/b2394e2f288]" IMO, I don't think this is grounds for not banning them.
This usually means they are on their way out anyways, and gives them opportunity to scam as many as possible (not talking about Silet, just in general.) People just have to bite the bullet, and hope the trade gets taken care of, away from the forum.[/quote2394e2f288]
That's really true. But I don't think you know how badly I have been trying to finish notebooks4free. If she gets banned than I won't even get my $10 back.
I say we unban her so she can make an educated reply in this forum and we can get this settled, and then it's all up to the mods if they want to ban her or not.
And I agree with Peinecone, she may not scam others, but there is a good chance she might when she is back on. Just to be safe if you let her back on to post in here, change her title or something saying that she is not allowed to do trades for the time being.
03-12-2005 18:09:29
If we did that, then she would just say fuck it all and not even bother coming back in the 1st place and keep your cash. shrug
03-12-2005 18:14:38
[quote1fb9b902bc="theysayjump"]If we did that, then she would just say fuck it all and not even bother coming back in the 1st place and keep your cash. shrug[/quote1fb9b902bc]
I don't know anymore. Just let her enjoy her temp ban for a while.
03-12-2005 19:34:50
he has a funny picture... how bad can he be?
03-12-2005 22:37:23
I know that OC doesn't respond well to Missing Credit Report forms at all but they do respond well to support emails. Could that be it?
03-12-2005 23:39:43
Well, well, well.
Well I think you need, well.......... more wells in your sentences, just because..........well because. wink
04-12-2005 00:28:21
[quoteb1991b1922="johnjimjones"]We'll I know that OC doesn't respond well to Missing Credit Report forms very well (aka not at all) but they do respond well to support emails. Could that be it?[/quoteb1991b1922]
That's true though, OC isn't usually one for manual credits. But they're really quick about account status questions
04-12-2005 01:01:47
well well well....... wink
04-12-2005 13:00:33
[quotec1579ec3dc="theysayjump"]Well, well, well.
Well I think you need, well.......... more wells in your sentences, just because..........well because. wink[/quotec1579ec3dc]
whooaaaa heads up, grammar police is here...... roll
04-12-2005 13:37:54
That has nothing to do with grammar.
05-12-2005 12:14:32
[quote3728498fc7="silentvixen"]He won't stop harassing me to do his site. I refunded his money because OC didn't credit me and he is SOOOOOOOOO annoying! LEAVE ME ALONE ASSHAT!!![/quote3728498fc7]
Hahaha, ASSHAT? lol, I can't believe I almost did a trade with her. She has pretty much ruined all future trades for herself.
05-12-2005 12:37:38
Ok guys, brace yourselves, I'm about to unban her shock
05-12-2005 12:41:21
[quotecf616e3e3f="theysayjump"]Ok guys, brace yourselves, I'm about to unban her shock[/quotecf616e3e3f]
This ought to be good.
06-12-2005 05:51:54
[quote1a60fcd08f="theysayjump"]Ok guys, brace yourselves, I'm about to unban her shock[/quote1a60fcd08f]
lol lol lol lol lol
07-12-2005 06:25:38
Why isn't she posting in here? Did you unban her?
07-12-2005 06:40:22
Embarassment? ;o
07-12-2005 12:11:31
Yeah she's unbanned. She has her online status set to hidden, so you won't see that she's been online, but I can see that she has and she's read my PM to her.
I'm going to warn her that if she doesn't repond to either me or this thread then I'm gonna ban her for good.
07-12-2005 12:42:09
A)W li( Y&Q#P9e86gdfih!!! dammit!!! i hope she responds....
07-12-2005 12:46:59
I just noticed it's her birthday today.
Everyone wish silentvixen a Happy Birthday!!
07-12-2005 12:49:50
[quote6a5d1560dc="theysayjump"]I just noticed it's her birthday today.
Everyone wish silentvixen a Happy Birthday!![/quote6a5d1560dc]
PM'd! D
07-12-2005 12:59:28
Happy Birthday!
07-12-2005 13:41:34
07-12-2005 13:45:27
I don't know how much of a private matter this is or if TSJ has seen it already but, is there proof of what was agreed on? (screenshot, pm quote)
07-12-2005 14:25:38
I don't get why everyone wants her to respond?
lieditli woops, there she is
07-12-2005 15:51:02
As far as I can tell, silentvixen agreed to green for J4320. He paid her, she didn't go green, she gave him some of the money back, but not all, and now she refuses to.
07-12-2005 16:03:34
[quote23e7cc4123="silentvixen"]Let's see. Him and I had an agreement that he suddenly decided he wants to change. I refunded the $20 just like we agreed upon and now he wants me to give him $10 more. Sorry buddy, but an agreement is just that. No changing it after the fact.[/quote23e7cc4123]
I asked for the $10 back because you never gave me any indication that you even did an offer.
And as for the refund agreement.
This is how it started -
[quote23e7cc4123="silentvixen"]I have no clue. At worst i could send back $20[/quote23e7cc4123]
I said this -
[quote23e7cc4123="J4320"]Alright. This is a hopeless fight. Let's just end this. Thanks for offering to send back $20.
[quote23e7cc4123="silentvixen"]I have no clue. At worst i could send back $20[/quote23e7cc4123]
My paypal email= is email=darthkiwibird@gmail.comdarthkiwibird@gmail.com is email=darthkiwibird@gmail.comdarthkiwibird@gmail.com/email.
If you ever get them to get you to green, let me know and I'll send the $20 right back.[/quote23e7cc4123]
So yeah I asked for the $20 back and she gave it back. Then someone in this thread brought up the point that I'm paying $10 for a yellow and I don't even have a clue that she even did the offer.
So I asked if I could have the $10 back in the email I sent her. She refused.
Can you give me any proof that you ever did the offer, silenvixen? Because if you can just forward me the confirmation email from Bingos.com or something than I wouldn't bother to ask for my $10 back because you really did the offer.
07-12-2005 16:17:46
dude shes silent.... roll
07-12-2005 16:32:40
I think J4320 is entitled to his $10, but just my opinion.
07-12-2005 17:01:07
[quote2d1fb973f2="kdollar"]dude shes silent.... roll[/quote2d1fb973f2]
She's really immature about this.
07-12-2005 17:01:20
Unless she provides evidence that she did an offer, then she owes money to J4320.
08-12-2005 06:04:22
08-12-2005 08:47:13
08-12-2005 08:53:18
Not to be an ass, but that kinda proves nothing. Take a screenshot of the email or something. You couldve easily completed that offer for someone else, theres nothing identifying in the screenshot
08-12-2005 10:22:12
08-12-2005 10:33:47
Just curious Vixen but why didnt you take a pic of your status screen on OC?
Since it will clearly show it as being pending or what not.
Just my 2 cents though.
08-12-2005 10:52:12
08-12-2005 11:00:47
[quote0d0f5f66be="silentvixen"]That won't prove anything since they obviously haven't given me credit for it.[/quote0d0f5f66be]
well I think it would prove you joined via OC and not some other site. DUH
08-12-2005 11:03:27
exactly, it would say bingo pending, AND the date...
08-12-2005 12:29:44
Yeah silentvixen you're sounding like a scammer. When you do an offer on OC it goes onto your status page as "Pending as of...".
Just pay the guy back his $10.
You're lucky I'm even letting you stay.
08-12-2005 12:46:34
08-12-2005 12:53:09
You only just realised that? shock I thought everyone knew that shrug
The fact that even though multiple people have stated that if you did an offer it would show up on your status page as pending, yet you still don't post a screenshot of your status page, what does that tell you?

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/c791773df4d421ae16ec15be17048000.gif[" alt=""/img9b99980b11] Maybe that you didn't do an offer?
08-12-2005 12:54:10
Quit it frank.. you're just a peon...
..and shes just a spammer
..and im just a black guy...
lets accept it and move on.
08-12-2005 12:54:17
08-12-2005 12:57:53
PM from siltenvixen
Subject "!!!"
Message "FUCK YOU."
...must be that time of the month
08-12-2005 13:24:07
lmfao, this is just too funny.
All over $10
08-12-2005 13:31:50
[quote8354a59877="fgr_admin"]lmfao, this is just too funny.
All over $10[/quote8354a59877]

http//fuckyeah.org/host/10bux_walks.gif[" alt=""/img8354a59877]
08-12-2005 13:36:18
now thats funny
08-12-2005 13:42:07
[quote9343662b94="agroman"][quote9343662b94="fgr_admin"]lmfao, this is just too funny.
All over $10[/quote9343662b94]

http//fuckyeah.org/host/10bux_walks.gif[" alt=""/img9343662b94]
08-12-2005 13:54:00
Why did she edit all of her posts?
08-12-2005 13:58:51
lol +karma for agroman for that laugh
08-12-2005 14:00:11
lol That's good agroman.
Now can you resize that so that I can make that her new avatar?
08-12-2005 14:14:21

http/" alt=""/img311.imageshack.us/img="311/3703/10buxwalksresize1tu.gif[" alt=""/imge949ef32d0]
[img="e949ef32d0]http/" alt=""/img311.imageshack.us/img="311/9701/10buxwalksr9jr.gif[" alt=""/imge949ef32d0]
lol lol lol
08-12-2005 15:01:15
[quotebc682c026b="Airkat"]Quit it frank.. you're just a peon...
..and shes just a spammer
..and im just a black guy...
lets accept it and move on.[/quotebc682c026b]
What am I? lol
And that +karma agroman. Lol... Agroman is a funny guy. I love all of those images and gifs he posts. lol
That kind of sucks how she edited all of her posts. x
I wanted to read through them. I'm glad that she's banned. She's [ibc682c026b]SO[/ibc682c026b] immature.
08-12-2005 15:08:06
damn, she's banned now? i had a trade going with her too. (
if she doesn't go green, this will make my scammedsuccessful trade ratio go up to about 12. which, uhm, SUCKS!
i dont get it.... to me, it seems that TR is a poor way to judge whether a trader will scam you or not.
...and on top of that. here i am with a low TR myself. two trades that WOULD have bumped my TR up won't credit for me now because there's now way to prove that I li[b4e42047ebb]DID[/b4e42047ebb]li go green for these scammers.
08-12-2005 15:08:58
And that +karma agroman. Lol... Agroman is a funny guy. I love all of those images and gifs he posts. lol
thanks, i've been having fun here. D
08-12-2005 15:31:17
Ok I changed her avatar.
Looks quite good I think. You're getting a shitload of karma today agroman. D
08-12-2005 15:37:19
-KMA to agroman just to even things out. wink
but it was funny nonetheless.
08-12-2005 15:37:47
Speaking of karma.... Look what she did to me! I was at positive 40 at one time and now I'm down to -16! Not to complain or anything. Karma isn't that big of a deal.
08-12-2005 15:39:54
Happy? wink
08-12-2005 15:50:16
love the avatar
08-12-2005 15:54:33
[quoteebcf6209a0="theysayjump"]Happy? wink[/quoteebcf6209a0]
Very happy. D
Thanks TSJ. )
08-12-2005 15:54:49

http//fuckyeah.org/host/scamgod.jpg[" alt=""/imga5b41d287e]
[img="a5b41d287e]http//fuckyeah.org/host/BANNED.gif[" alt=""/imga5b41d287e][img="a5b41d287e]http//fuckyeah.org/host/barreloffun1.jpg[" alt=""/imga5b41d287e][img="a5b41d287e]http//fuckyeah.org/host/xjakk777.gif[" alt=""/imga5b41d287e]
[img="a5b41d287e]http//fuckyeah.org/host/xjakk777.gif[" alt=""/imga5b41d287e][img="a5b41d287e]http//fuckyeah.org/host/BANNED.gif[" alt=""/imga5b41d287e][img="a5b41d287e]http//fuckyeah.org/host/barreloffun1.jpg[" alt=""/imga5b41d287e]
[img="a5b41d287e]http//fuckyeah.org/host/barreloffun1.jpg[" alt=""/imga5b41d287e][img="a5b41d287e]http//fuckyeah.org/host/xjakk777.gif[" alt=""/imga5b41d287e][img="a5b41d287e]http//fuckyeah.org/host/BANNED.gif[" alt=""/imga5b41d287e]
08-12-2005 15:55:46
[quotec8ed90a4de="J4320"]Speaking of karma.... Look what she did to me! I was at positive 40 at one time and now I'm down to -16! Not to complain or anything. Karma isn't that big of a deal.[/quotec8ed90a4de]
+karma i've got plenty to share. liboinkli
08-12-2005 16:02:52
lol @agroman, once again... lol lol lol lol
08-12-2005 16:34:46
fuck, i cannot believe somebody would ruin their rep over something like this. i would go down in flames if its something i believed in but its obvious she had money problems, a trade is a trade.
08-12-2005 19:11:35
lol is that Sean Connery?
08-12-2005 19:36:27
[quote669e675f3d="agroman"][quote669e675f3d="J4320"]Speaking of karma.... Look what she did to me! I was at positive 40 at one time and now I'm down to -16! Not to complain or anything. Karma isn't that big of a deal.[/quote669e675f3d]
+karma i've got plenty to share. liboinkli[/quote669e675f3d]
Thanks. D
09-12-2005 06:05:05
[quote45eea4ca7c="silentvixen"]Hey DICKWAD. I didn't steal your fucking money. I did the site so
fuck you and fuck OC! I also didn't make your karma negative, maybe
other people did because you are a giant DOUCHEBAG!!!![/quote45eea4ca7c]
She emailed that to me...
Looks like she made another account...
09-12-2005 12:45:44
She gave my -Karma too.
Anyway, It's kinda difficult to find her again if she did make a new account since she used about 1200 different IP's. When I get a chance later on tonight I'll do a wildcard IP check on her IP's and see if I can find anything.
09-12-2005 13:03:07
seriously, i don't think i'll trade here again unless its with one of you folks who i see posting here all the time. hell, i dont know....
09-12-2005 14:20:14
[quote652f3fd38f="agroman"]seriously, i don't think i'll trade here again unless its with one of you folks who i see posting here all the time. hell, i dont know....[/quote652f3fd38f]
That's generally a pretty good philosophy, at least until you get enough TR to make sure you only have to go first with the elderly.
09-12-2005 15:11:48
[quotee9d65ef9ac="silentvixen"]Does bad mouthing me on the forum make you feel like a man? Because you aren't! You're a little pansy ass faggot![/quotee9d65ef9ac]
She emailed me again. lol
09-12-2005 16:03:23
You should start a site about her, give updates of the e-mails she sends you and the abuse you receive.
09-12-2005 17:41:17
You should start a site about her, give updates of the e-mails she sends you and the abuse you receive.[/quote2fdc797958]
She's not worth the time to worry about. I have free sites to finish. D