Codex Avellum RESOLVED
23-11-2005 23:54:39
He just paid me and many other poeple back so i'm guessing this resolved tag should stick
Didn't think I'd have to post here again after Abrock but my patience is gone with this trade after two months...
We initiated a trade on September 20 in which he would do my Freepay Nano after i did his Freepay PSP site. I did the Real Rhasphody offer and it didn't credit instantly, however, i received credit for that offer after sending in a support ticket fifteen days later. During this period, codex states several times that he wouldn't ditch me and would do my offer. I contacted him after i green'd on his site and asked him to complete my offer. After some talk on how he didn't need my ref anymore, he said that he would ask a friend to complete the offer. It's been more than a month and i've pm'd him several times and all he ever says is that he'll get the green or he'll get screenshots of it soon. It's been days since he's responded and i've seen him on the forums so i know he's around. Hopefully this will get resolved like last time.
[i2b6d2d1aeb]I know that there isn't a screen of my site's greens up but if i post one up codex could just say that his friend's email was one of those who already greened so i'll post one after it becomes clear which email this friend signed up under.[/i2b6d2d1aeb]
-Shows us making the deal on aim (September 20th)
-Evidence of the trade.
-Shows that I completed my end of the trade.
-He says that his friend will complete an offer for me by the following day. (October 16th)
-My PM Inbox showing that the last time he contacted me was Saturday.
-My PM Sentbox showing that i've contacted him since then without a response.
If there's any other evidence that might be needed, please feel free to post and I'll try to provide it.
24-11-2005 06:11:29
hope you get it resolved. the last two threads on this guy mysteriously died...
24-11-2005 06:54:50
he hasn't contacted me in awhile either, hope he pulls through
24-11-2005 16:16:48
[quote5bd00df3a8="codex avellum"]i havent been home the last 2 days. and i get to see all this shit when i get home.
i have been answering every fucking PM they sent. this is fucking bullshit
im so sick of these damn people on these forums. this is why im done trading.
i sent the support ticket in for you.
24-11-2005 20:22:20
Jump, please don't let Codex snow you yet again. He's a pathological liar. I don't know how many more smoking guns you need to decide he deserves banning NOW, before he sucks in any more unsuspecting n00bs like me.
If I treated people the way Codex treats traders on this forum, I'd expect to be gone. I don't understand what makes him so special.
24-11-2005 20:26:53
i'll see how it turns out... hopefully it comes out well...
24-11-2005 20:41:35
I don't understand why people want these traders they are accusing to be banned, but also to be compensated. You think me banning him will get you or anyone else what you/they want?
He is not trading at the moment, so there is nobody else that he can "suck in".
If there is a chance that he will pull through, then he can stay, if not, then he can go. At the end of the day though it's my (or any other mods) decision, and no amount of complaining or pissing and moaning will make it come or go any quicker.
Anyway, he has been replying to 2 people about the trades and the rest he hasn't. I don't know if he just gets on and reads them, meaning to reply later on or what, but that's how it is.
There really isn't much more I can do. I have contacted him about it and he replied with above PM. If he says he will get the shit sorted out, then all I/we can do is wait to see if he does.
I understand you guys are pissed, I do. I've been scammed about 5 times myself so I know what it's like. Just keep in touch with him and keep this thread updated and hopefully it can all be resolved.
25-11-2005 11:44:51
look forward to hearing his side of the story
been scammed 4 times now(and counting)
not sure why people with TR plus 9 or higher would f up there good name scamming people
thanks jump
26-11-2005 11:24:28
he's scammed me twice, i did his yourfreevideoipods and went green instantly. he kept putting it off and finally he blocked me on aim. BAN HIM!
The first time i did his yourfreeflatscreens and also went green instantly, he never did it, i kept pestering him for a month or so and he finally did my site after threat of posting him as a scammer
26-11-2005 11:34:16
wow, not looking good for this guy
pull through buddy, dont be a scammer
27-11-2005 10:12:50
Working on it...
27-11-2005 11:35:37
[quote538745bd38="theysayjump"]I don't understand why people want these traders they are accusing to be banned, but also to be compensated. You think me banning him will get you or anyone else what you/they want?
He is not trading at the moment, so there is nobody else that he can "suck in".
He says he's not trading at the moment, but if Codex told me the sky was blue, I'd go outside and check.
If you don't want to ban him, can you at least prevent him from starting any new trades until he resolves the ones he has?
I swear, some people around here are like gambling addicts.
27-11-2005 12:17:04
I've had contact with him, and he said he is not going to respond to any of these threads about him. shrug
27-11-2005 13:12:56
Yeah, he's been playing the victim card big time. I wouldn't respond either if I were him - he has no defense.
27-11-2005 13:22:35
In his defense he did make contact with me today through a PM
to let me know that he has summitted a credit request to my site that he is trading for
I will let you guys know how it ends up
27-11-2005 13:34:27
After more conversation, he told me he had a umm, personal injury. He said that he has been very busy, seeing therapists and physicians. I was told that he is going to sign up for my sites, but this injury has taken over his life, so he hasn't had the time.
I'll let you guys know how it ends up.
27-11-2005 15:40:25
[quotea13d904028="JerriBlank"][quotea13d904028="theysayjump"]I don't understand why people want these traders they are accusing to be banned, but also to be compensated. You think me banning him will get you or anyone else what you/they want?
He is not trading at the moment, so there is nobody else that he can "suck in".
He says he's not trading at the moment, but if Codex told me the sky was blue, I'd go outside and check.
If you don't want to ban him, can you at least prevent him from starting any new trades until he resolves the ones he has?
I swear, some people around here are like gambling addicts.
When I said he is not trading at the moment, that was me saying it, not passsing on the message from him. He is not trading (not through this site anyway) and until all of this is taken care of he wont be and I'll make sure of it.
I spoke with him last night and yes he has had a serious injury which limits his time from being on here. He has requested credit/opened support tickets etc to try to get people their greens.
The more angry you guys are, the less chance there is of him doing anything. Just try to keep in contact, keep it civilised and maybe everything will work out the way you want it to.
If not, then all that can be done is to ban him.
29-11-2005 18:48:03
ok its time for this guy to show his face, he said he requested credit for my site but they do not have any record of that
what's the word
29-11-2005 19:27:44
I'd like to mention that on numerous occasions in the past, I warned FIG that codex was sure to turn to the Dark Side.
And lo...
29-11-2005 21:28:17
no green or contact here... don't even know which email i should be watching for a green from
29-11-2005 21:37:18
on my site it is
adam something
not sure if that will help you
30-11-2005 21:22:25
nope... no adam found on my ref page... thanks though
30-11-2005 23:22:52
01-12-2005 03:18:30
He's been using other e-mail addresses, or "friends," to do trades, so I doubt comparing notes would help.
I just wonder if nscst2 at knows he's been signed up for a free video ipod.
01-12-2005 06:48:41
Just to throw it in there, I did a trade with him and he said he had paypal ready, I was an instant green and paypal took him about a week to get to me. It was slow, but I got it.
Also, he listens to good music.
It seems like he's overburdened, but he pulled through for me in the end. He's in college, unlike many people here who are younger, and is probably studying a lot for finals now, as well.
Just playing DA.
01-12-2005 06:49:00
So he is doing sites multiple times?
01-12-2005 07:49:47
I think you hit on something there - there are a lot of young traders here. I saw one the other day that was 15. A lot of these younger traders bite off way more than they can chew because, hey, FREE STUFF! They get greedy. They enter into trades they can't fulfill. They buy greens they can't possibly pay for.
Let me make clear that this isn't exclusive to young traders, but the two worst trading experiences I've had so far have been with Codex, a college student, and a high school kid.
Maybe I need to start a trading site for old people like me. )
01-12-2005 08:02:50
You might be onto something! I'm 21 but running a business, no school )
01-12-2005 18:22:43
[quote74619e6775="JerriBlank"]I think you hit on something there - there are a lot of young traders here. I saw one the other day that was 15. A lot of these younger traders bite off way more than they can chew because, hey, FREE STUFF! They get greedy. They enter into trades they can't fulfill. They buy greens they can't possibly pay for.
Let me make clear that this isn't exclusive to young traders, but the two worst trading experiences I've had so far have been with Codex, a college student, and a high school kid.
Maybe I need to start a trading site for old people like me. )
WTH! I am 14 years old and havent had a single bad trade on my part! That is so discriminatory.
01-12-2005 18:30:51
dont listen to daggoth, hes a smart little fucker )
01-12-2005 18:55:55
Sucks to be young. At least you guys have friends that can [bfa9c9b9707]afford[/bfa9c9b9707] a prepaid cc.
01-12-2005 18:56:00
I'm [old]. My trades have been impeccable.
I'd say intelligence and greed are far greater factors than age.
01-12-2005 18:57:17
01-12-2005 19:29:22
Since there is a Freepay rep on here, it's probably not a great idea publicly posting your age wink
01-12-2005 19:35:42
Im not legally in charge of the account, my dad is. I am just helping him out and everything along with it...
01-12-2005 19:41:58
<-- didnt even realize theres an age thing.. but im sur eim old enough )
01-12-2005 19:48:46
I think this topic is a bit
http//[" alt=""/imga1a1c0e2e6].
I still have a trade with him, but I have higher TR so if he doesn't sign up, I don't lose anything. )
01-12-2005 19:51:05
Ya, I dont think he is doing trades anymore so you should PM to request deletion.
01-12-2005 19:57:45
[quotee510d509d8="Daggoth"]Ya, I dont think he is doing trades anymore so you should PM to request deletion.[/quotee510d509d8]
Good idea, I just did that. He constantly said he would do the sites, but never even yellowed after a few weeks. Ah well. At least I didn't lose anything. D
02-12-2005 11:27:00
Yeah he owes me big time, a green on mp3players, earnfreegaming, and refund $50 because he wasn't able to do a site after he said he could. So far he has excuses on why he can't refund the money and of course his offers aren't crediting on the other two sites!
Hopefully he will get us all taken care of!!!
02-12-2005 16:35:52
People, it's time to stop hoping CA will take care of this stuff. He can't. He's a scammer, and he's in too deep. Cut your losses, delete your trades and move on.
02-12-2005 19:21:34
he keeps tellling me that he has requested credit on my site, i will give it a couple more days,
then I am going to lay into him
pull through
03-12-2005 22:18:48
good I didn't end up trading with this guy
I wonder why he hasn't replied to this thread yet...
03-12-2005 23:16:51
He told me that he sent support ticket to the site he was supposed to do, and I have checked, and he has not. He is a liar.
05-12-2005 14:46:40
well my ipod nano got approved today so i guess i won't have to hope he turns green anymore... good luck to all of you all...
05-12-2005 19:34:31
sent him a PM on friday and have yet to hear back from him
asked my site about his credit and they said that he will not be recieving credit for the offer that he did because it didn't track right or something, so if i had to guess, i would say i won't hear back from him
get back to me
05-12-2005 20:10:44
His account is already limited. If you were to file a complaint, there would be no way of him to receive money thus giving you none since he doesnt have any in his account.
05-12-2005 20:21:36
liwipes sweat from foreheadli
so glad I spotted him as a bad trader before I dived into the deal.
05-12-2005 20:24:09
And if we can keep bumping this thread, everyone else will spot him too. )
05-12-2005 20:36:10
Um, hate to be a dick about this, but I remember making a thread about him during his first weeks as a member.
And I was flamed for saying he was a fishy member.
05-12-2005 20:42:24
His Paypal account has been limited by Paypal and it won't be fixed until he sends them receipts, or any other kind of proof that they have asked for.
He just started a new job and works at night which means I can't speak to him anymore and since PM's don't work with him, there's no point in that either.
I told him that if he doesn't do anything soon then he will be banned, so he knows what to expect.
05-12-2005 20:51:35
[quote9ab3f66d94="ilanbg"]Um, hate to be a dick about this, but I remember making a thread about him during his first weeks as a member.
And I was flamed for saying he was a fishy member.
dont feel bad. my thread was locked.
05-12-2005 21:09:14
There is no plausible way for him to pay back people who he owes with a limited account...
[quote444eca7462="Daggoth"]There is no plausible way for him to pay back people who he owes with a limited account...[/quote444eca7462]
Doesn't limited account mean that he can't do anything until he pays them back...?
05-12-2005 22:30:19
Basically what happened was he sold his Xbox360 on eBay and Paypal decided that there was too much money coming and going from his account within a short period of time. So they need proof from him that he actually sold it and it was legit etc.
When they decide that whatever information they give him is enough, then they will remove the limitations.
05-12-2005 22:46:32
If this guy had any intention on making well, he would respond to PM's, and since he doesnt....ban stick.
05-12-2005 23:04:49
Maybe you guys should wait. If he just sold his 360, he'll have money to pay ya'll back when it's sorted out.
I'd say give him til january then ban.
06-12-2005 16:12:14
Well, new news. Codex had an electrical fire at his house so he lost power for two days. He is back now though.
06-12-2005 17:17:57
is that a joke? If not, this guy has the worst luck ever.... if it's true...
06-12-2005 17:54:26
Ya, I talked to him on AIM. With you guys, his account is going to be limited again and its going to be useless because of so many disputes. He should be receiving money from Trainn anytime now, but since gulaeh is being a fag, his account won't be able to receive money since a dispute was opened. Thus, leaving $0 in his account with a dispute and no way of incoming cash. So you can thank the people who opened disputes...
06-12-2005 18:01:14
Well technically.. can't you thank HIM? If he had taken care of all his stuff and kept people informed and up to date, there would have been no reason for any of this no?
06-12-2005 18:03:53
So you want to blame him for an electrical fire that he didn't cause and for his electricity going out for two days?
06-12-2005 18:13:15
I think it's not only his fault, but the people who have been pushing for revenge and opening disuputes or filing complaints.
If he had taken care of his shit then it wouldn't have happened, if people were a little more patient, then he may have the cash right now to pay people back.
06-12-2005 18:40:59
I agree completely.
Anyway, heres an update. He opened a support ticket and if he receives the money I am guessing he will pay everyone back.
06-12-2005 18:47:02
if i dont' need the ref that he promised me anymore.. can i at least get a paypal payment for the fair price that the site i completed for him is worth?
06-12-2005 19:02:50
Yes. If you don't need the green he was meant to give you, and he hasn't yet signed up for your site, then you can request Paypal compensation/
06-12-2005 19:26:19
i was planning on dealing with him, fewf.
06-12-2005 19:43:21
"but since gulaeh is being a fag"--says daggoth
at least get my name right
hey asshole i have been nothing but patient with this guy here are my PMs between the two of us since the beginning YOU need to hear both sides of the story before you call someone that has paid for a green over a MONTH ago and STILL hasn't gotten it
From codex avellum
To guelah75
Subject trade
Time 10/30/2005 - 073413
ill do that site for you. initiate the trade
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Subject Re trade
Time 10/30/2005 - 074146
trade mod set up thanks guelah75 let me know your paypal info and i'll send over payment
From codex avellum
To guelah75
Subject Re trade
Time 10/30/2005 - 074209
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Subject Re trade
Time 10/30/2005 - 074520
cash sent thanks guelah75
From codex avellum
To guelah75
Subject Re trade
Time 10/30/2005 - 074520
do you see me. and you gotta put out more money. all of these require a deposit of 75 to 300 dollars
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Subject Re trade
Time 10/30/2005 - 080008
there are a couple 50 dollar offers 40 from me plus 20 from gamesgifts = 60 should be enough thanks guelah75
From codex avellum
To guelah75
Subject Re trade
Time 10/30/2005 - 081029
people on here pay for atleast the deposit
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Subject Re trade
Time 10/30/2005 - 082240
here are three posts by others offering cash for casino sites, two for gamesgifts and one for evenmore4free none of them offer the deposit money thanks guelah75 lakersin2025 Addict Gender Posts 548 Joined 10 Dec 2004 Location Not in The Playoffs Karma 2 Trade Record 42 [KMA++ / KMA--] Initiate trade Posted Thu Oct 27, 2005 116 pm Post subject Just ordered my 30" HDTV from Gamesgifts ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll post a pic when it gets here. Should be here just in time to get it dialed for my 360. Paying $30 for gamesgifts signups !!! $$$Paypal $$$$! I DO NOT USE AIM! PM me to trade. CHECK OUT MY TRADE THREAD http// Author Message sexualintellectual Newbie Gender Posts 24 Joined 14 Sep 2005 Karma 5 Trade Record 9 [KMA++ / KMA--] Initiate trade Posted Sat Oct 15, 2005 627 am Post subject My cash for your greens -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- make some money by getting me greens. Freepay Xbox 360 - $35 Freepay Ipod Nano - $35 Freepay Ipod Premium (photo/video) - $35 - $40 OC Xbox 360 - $35 (has some OOD, but still some freebies like if you want a list of offers PM me) Tranin Xbox 360 - $35 Gamesgifts - $45 (need as many as I can get ) Gamesgifts is only casino games, and most require $50, but the site gives you another $20 upon completing an offer in the form of a giftcard OR paypal. Plus, smart poker players can make a few bucks in addition. Last edited by sexualintellectual on Thu Oct 27, 2005 1030 am; edited 5 times in total Author Message JUNIOR6886 Wanna-Be Moderator Gender Posts 1813 Joined 21 Apr 2005 Karma -76 Trade Record 48 [KMA++ / KMA--] Initiate trade Posted Sat Sep 24, 2005 715 pm Post subject Paying 40$ for evenmore4free -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Im paying 40$ for the lastest site im working on, They are having a special promotion in which you can get a FREE Gameboy Micro or a 512mb ipod shuffle for doing certain offers. Here's how the promotion works Complete any one (1) of the following offers on any of our network sites Blackjack Ballroom, Golden Tiger Casino, Casino Del Rio, Vegas Red Casino, Casino Tropez, or Europa Casinoli This means you only have to pick 1 offer from this group to qualify Some of the casinos on the list require you to deposit 50$ but the MSRP of the gameboy micro and 512mb ipodshuffle are both 100$ combine this with the fact that im paying you 40$ to do this offer and you can see you;re more than covered! PM or post for trades and more details. ________________ I ONLY TRADE VIA PM!!!!!!!! GAITA IS A LIAR/SCAMMER WATCH OUT!!!!!!!! http// Last edited by JUNIOR6886 on Wed Sep 28, 2005 347 am; edited 1 time in total Back to top
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Subject Re trade
Time 10/30/2005 - 082331
not sure what you want to do just let me know money is already sent thanks guelah75
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Subject trade with guelah75
Time 11/02/2005 - 093136
just seeing how the trade is going thanks guelah75
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Subject trade with guelah75 went green
Time 11/08/2005 - 115833
how's your end coming along thanks guelah75
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Subject trade with guelah75
Time 11/10/2005 - 025437
any news on our trade?? thanks guelah75
From codex avellum
To guelah75
Subject Re trade with guelah75
Time 11/10/2005 - 040018
yeah if you arent paying the deposit, im just gonna refund you
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Subject Re trade with guelah75
Time 11/10/2005 - 054156
ok, that works with me guelah75 paypal addy thanks guelah75
From codex avellum
To guelah75
Posted Thu Nov 10, 2005 649 pm
Subject Re so whats the word
im gonna refund you tonight
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Posted Fri Nov 11, 2005 1011 pm
Subject where's the money
you said yesterday that you were sending the money back to me today
still not there
whats going on?????
From codex avellum
To guelah75
Posted Sat Nov 12, 2005 617 am
Subject Re where's the money
im just doing titan poker for you. i just deposited the 50
From codex avellum
To guelah75
Posted Sun Nov 13, 2005 859 pm
Subject Re where's the money
what the hell bro.
now your paying 50. i want that other 10
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Posted Sun Nov 13, 2005 925 pm
Subject Re where's the money
well, i might be able to do that but its been how long since we set this trade up and still no green
two days ago you were ready to send my money back, then you were going to do titan poker, now since i am offering an extra 10 for greens i should give you, a trade that hasn't exactly gone smooth an extra 10 bucks
figure out whats going on and let me know and i will consider the extra 10
not trying to be an asshole or fuck you out of money, but man you have to agree this trade hasn't gone good
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Posted Thu Nov 24, 2005 144 pm
Subject HEY
any word on our trade??????
From codex avellum
To guelah75
Posted Sat Nov 26, 2005 1004 pm
Subject Re HEY
waiting for credit
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Posted Sun Nov 27, 2005 455 am
Subject Re HEY
when did you summit for credit please???
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Posted Tue Nov 29, 2005 940 pm
Subject hope everything is alright (your injury and all)
Not trying to be the guy that hounds you while you are down
but when i contacted the site that you are doing for me they told me that you haven't requested credit for any offer yet, although the last PM i got from you read that you did
sorry about your injury hope you make a full recovery
shout me a PM and lets figure out whats going on with this trade
From codex avellum
To guelah75
Posted Wed Nov 30, 2005 856 am
Subject Re hope everything is alright (your injury and all)
ive sent in a credit request
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Posted Fri Dec 02, 2005 724 pm
Subject Re hope everything is alright (your injury and all)
my support ticket on
i say----
I now i just asked you guys to check on this guy's credit request a few days ago, but he assures me that he has sumited it if you dont mind checking again just to see if he has requested credit can you tell me if has summitted a credit request for Titan poker thanks for the help guelah75
they say----
Admin 2005-12-02 070113 Hi, the user you referenced did submit a request for Titan Poker credit, but his signup did not show up on our reports. Most likely there was a tracking isssue related to cookies, as that unfortunately happens at times. If Adam would like to contact us directly, we often provide some extra compensation on completion of an additional offer in these cases. Regards, Marc, GG
check and see what up
From guelah75
To codex avellum
Posted Tue Dec 06, 2005 120 pm
Subject no green yet, no responce from you either
whats the word pal
gamesgifts says you aren't getting credit for your offer, you want to refund my paypal now????
the last two PM's have gone unanswered
Daggoth, check my feedback from the trades i have done since i joined the site
Sorry if I dont have much patience for people that cant return my PM's but if someone PM's me i at least make an effort to get back to them in a timely manner
As for the paypal thing HE offered to return the money which i o.k.ed
I (as of right now) have NOT filed any disputes against CODE
So do me a favor and next time you "talk" to him ask him if he wouldn't mind returning some PM's
daggoth you like being scammed?????
cause I dont
thanks daggoth for only hearing one side of the story and jumping the gun about me
06-12-2005 19:52:10
06-12-2005 19:55:22
[quote8b8077d3b8="Daggoth"]Well, new news. Codex had an electrical fire at his house so he lost power for two days. He is back now though.[/quote8b8077d3b8]
right, just like the "personal injury" he just had a f'in week ago
daggoth are you his girlfriend??
you know an lot about this guy
06-12-2005 20:32:21
1. I am not going to read all that.
2. If you dont know how to read symbols, the thing on the left means im a guy, stupid.
2. I have known him a long time on these forums, and it just seems like newbs jump to conclusions that someone is a scammer if they have waited over three to four weeks.
06-12-2005 20:33:36
The problems I had with him were before his "injury" and his "electrical fire." I got all kinds of excuses, like "we had a football game this weekend" and lies like "I signed up for your site today."
You're an idiot if you're blaming the victims.
06-12-2005 20:35:20
1. I am not going to read all that.
2. If you dont know how to read symbols, the thing on the left means im a guy, stupid.
2. I have known him a long time on these forums, and it just seems like newbs jump to conclusions that someone is a scammer if they have waited over three to four weeks.[/quoteaa36a53718]
What about 8 weeks? How long is long enough to give someone to go green? And I MIGHT be more inclined to believe some of his stories and be sympathetic if I hadn't caught him lying myself. Others have too.
I don't care how long you've known him - if he's a scammer, he's a scammer. Others have been banned for far less. Like I've said, I don't know what makes him so damned special.
06-12-2005 20:35:43
I never said I was blaming the victimes. Please show some real evidence of what I was saying and then counter it.
06-12-2005 20:39:12
[quote42e608ab1a="Daggoth"]I never said I was blaming the victimes. Please show some real evidence of what I was saying and then counter it.[/quote42e608ab1a]
Okay. Here's some evidence
[quote42e608ab1a="Daggoth"]Ya, I talked to him on AIM. With you guys, his account is going to be limited again and its going to be useless because of so many disputes. He should be receiving money from Trainn anytime now, but since gulaeh is being a fag, his account won't be able to receive money since a dispute was opened. Thus, leaving $0 in his account with a dispute and no way of incoming cash. So you can thank the people who opened disputes...[/quote42e608ab1a]
Sure looks like blaming the victims to me. Pull your head out of your ass. Your buddy is a scammer.
06-12-2005 20:45:32
Either that, or a very bad trader. If you guys are so close, help him out and refund everyone and have him pay you back when his account clears?
as for the "newb" thing, my TR is now higher than his, and you don't see me using it to my advantage and screwing people over.
06-12-2005 20:55:40
[quotec48ed401d9="JerriBlank"][quotec48ed401d9="Daggoth"]I never said I was blaming the victimes. Please show some real evidence of what I was saying and then counter it.[/quotec48ed401d9]
Okay. Here's some evidence
[quotec48ed401d9="Daggoth"]Ya, I talked to him on AIM. With you guys, his account is going to be limited again and its going to be useless because of so many disputes. He should be receiving money from Trainn anytime now, but since gulaeh is being a fag, his account won't be able to receive money since a dispute was opened. Thus, leaving $0 in his account with a dispute and no way of incoming cash. So you can thank the people who opened disputes...[/quotec48ed401d9]
Sure looks like blaming the victims to me. Pull your head out of your ass. Your buddy is a scammer.
1. I was saying that you guys are preventing him after he made you wait. Meaning it was intially his fault, but now you are preventing him from paying you back.
2. Scammer is usually permanent. Meaning that he will not pay you back. So if he does pay you back, he is not. Next time someone takes more than 5 mintues to pay me, I will call them a scammer. roll
3. I swear, if I wanted to scam anyone, it would be one of these people on the forums.
07-12-2005 00:23:26
1. I am not going to read all that.
2. If you dont know how to read symbols, the thing on the left means im a guy, stupid.
2. I have known him a long time on these forums, and it just seems like newbs jump to conclusions that someone is a scammer if they have waited over three to four weeks.[/quote560abb2a63]
1. YOU SHOULD read all that, as it proves my point that i have given this guy every opportunity to
a. refund my money
b. do an offer
c. contact me
d. contact the site, with my help to fiure out whats going on
e. not be a scammer, with as of right now i have not called him one
2. YOU could still be his girlfriend, even though your a "guy"
3. Why do you care about this thread, if you dont have a trade pending with him
4. 5 weeks is long enough to complete ANY offer and recieve credit, if you cant do it THEN DONT TRADE
5. Whether or not you know this guy has ZERO to do with the FACTS of my trade or anyone elses trade with "code"
6. Three comes after two, not two again
7. Whats the point of the scammers thread, if people aren't suppose to post about people that stop making contact with them that they are trading with
8. Who are you to call me a "FAG"
11. SCAMMERS SUCK, they screw up the whole system
12. Stupid is not knowing the facts BEFORE you pass judgement
13. I pay as soon as i possible can, if you dont have the money DONT TRADE
14. Why (daggoth) would you want to scam me?
07-12-2005 06:58:32
Well since he told me that he sent a support ticket in and yet I have confirmed with the owner that he has not, it doesn't look too good. I would be okay with him telling me that he hasn't completed the offer in the month that I have been waiting, but for him to say he has done something he has not...that is a little much. Needs a LOT better communication. On paypal dispute, he can settle the dispute and then be unlimited. Limited doesn't mean he is limited forever.
07-12-2005 16:47:48
It has now been ONE week since "code" has made contact with me
but for some reason he has made contact with daggoth
07-12-2005 17:14:07
Thats cause I have his AIM...
07-12-2005 17:17:03
let me guess, you dont want to PM that AIM name to me
07-12-2005 17:17:41
Yeah, he has not made contact with me either recently. So I guess he is online but avoiding this thread like the plague?
07-12-2005 17:22:38
this thread and my pm's
show yourself "code"
let your side of the story be told, by you not your "friend"
07-12-2005 17:35:37
Yah, like I trust you not to spam his AIM...
07-12-2005 18:03:04
Do people who vouch for scammers get banned as well?
07-12-2005 18:05:02
nop, I've vouched for a couple.
07-12-2005 18:08:29
...well I know who I won't be trading with...
07-12-2005 18:23:42
I doubt I can trade with you anyway since I am only paying for trades. Plus, I have never had negative feedback, so it shouldnt really be a big deal who I defend.
07-12-2005 18:31:01
I IMed him a few days ago about this, and he ignored me when I mentioned this thread.
Doesn't look good amigos.
07-12-2005 18:34:47
i've seen him on frequently.
his AIM is "c0dex avellum"
i mean hell hes 'taking a shower' according to his away status, i dunno.
does giving his AIM help the public or piss off everyone even more?
07-12-2005 19:01:55
Giving away his AIM will just cause him to block everyone and piss him off even more so he doesn't finish his trades.
07-12-2005 19:42:38
...Which makes him a scammer.
Just be civil towards him; don't be an asshole or spam.
07-12-2005 20:15:35
[quote4513968b5f="ilanbg"]...Which makes him a scammer.
Just be civil towards him; don't be an asshole or spam.[/quote4513968b5f]
Exactly. It's basically the same with everyone. The latter gets you nowhere.
08-12-2005 07:05:22
Any updates?
08-12-2005 20:41:33
another day.....
another PM unanswered
antoher day without a green
another day dealing with this scammer!!!!!!!
08-12-2005 21:10:40
Guelah, a bit of friendly advice. You will be less stressed once you stop looking for a green from him and start focusing on revenge. )
08-12-2005 21:20:56
lol...thats a GREAT point
however, due to DAGGOTH I am giving this guy some "extra" time to
figure out all of the "fires" and "injuries" and whatever else is going
to come about in the next few days
08-12-2005 21:22:28
He can't really do a paypal compensation until Trainn pays him $250. His account became limited so he couldn't receive it from Trainn then. He opened two support tickets and sent emails. As soon as he receives the money, I will inform you.
08-12-2005 22:20:41
If you speak to him, tell him to get the Trainn payment sent to the Admins/Stroids/My Paypal e-mail address. We can then divvy up the cash to the people who are owed and keep the rest until he gets his Paypal account limitations removed.
I highly doubt that he will trust us, but there's really no reason not to.
09-12-2005 13:32:56
Here is the update
His account is off limited and he is just waiting for Trainn to send the payment.
09-12-2005 15:36:17
See that's why people should get their shit together BEFORE they intiaite a trade. That way everyone gets their shit done in a reasonable amount of time.
09-12-2005 16:51:26
^^ that's funny, didn't we have a trade that just sat there and I deleted?
09-12-2005 17:48:17
Wow, same thing happened to me. ) However, he made up for it with a quick green for Paypal.
10-12-2005 02:11:25
Airkat your TR is like a timer that goes up i swear
10-12-2005 08:04:22
shit, I just saw it. Woohoo! There was a time when TR was taking forever, or the other user would take their time to request it. Once I had like 10 or so I knew I was established and didn't care anymore )
10-12-2005 21:07:31
"code" at least PM to let me know whats up
thats not too much to ask, is it??????
waiting and wondering
10-12-2005 21:35:58
[quote4f46b08ab9="Daggoth"]Here is the update
His account is off limited and he is just waiting for Trainn to send the payment.[/quote4f46b08ab9]
Still waiting...
11-12-2005 13:54:13
Oh, wonderful ... I'm not alone in this then? I've been waiting for a green to be returned to me from Codex for almost two months now. We initially started a trade mid-October, and I went green first since I was a n00b.
Him? Nada. Jack. Squat. Still yellow.
Last thing he told me? "jakes looking into it for me" ... and that was back on November 17th. Nothing from him since. I'd like my green from this jerk so I can get on with this site I'm working on.
12-12-2005 14:28:13
another day
and no response or green from the "code" man
come on
12-12-2005 16:14:23
He will get his paypal tomorrow and should be paying us back.
12-12-2005 16:17:47
Trainn pays on Wednesday mornings so I would think Wednesday is a better date.
12-12-2005 17:26:34
ok, its been a month and i haven't heard from "code" himself
I will give it until Thursday, then i file complaint and start blasting away at this guy
read my posts about him
i have been nothing but nice in trying to deal with him
so "code" contact me by then please
cant believe his TR is still allowed to remain high even after so many people are having trouble with this guy
12-12-2005 18:00:09
You aren't going to win the complaint. Paypal doesn't cover virtual goods or services.
12-12-2005 20:23:01
[quotea48a3610dc="Daggoth"]You aren't going to win the complaint. Paypal doesn't cover virtual goods or services.[/quotea48a3610dc]
Exactly what I was thinking. (
12-12-2005 20:28:32
I always send money and put in "Goods." So if someone trys to pull a fast one on me, I say that they were sending me a broken iPod for $25 and since they don't have tracking on it, I automatically win.
12-12-2005 21:51:43
fuck it then just ban the guy
12-12-2005 22:07:47
Hope this guy gets whats coming to him
a banning and no payment from Tranny
thanks for nothing
12-12-2005 22:22:12
My paypal was filed as a good, as always.
13-12-2005 12:20:51
So he's not banned here, and he's going to just keep screwing people?
13-12-2005 12:22:37
Daggoth will stick up for him, and since Daggoth can do no wrong I guess we are stuck with "code" too
What a load of BS, this guy is a SCAMMER
13-12-2005 13:29:10
So, now you guys are trying to ban me because I stick up for my friends...
13-12-2005 14:06:33
Daggoth won't be banned, don't be stupid.
guelah, your reaction to this has more or less prevented me from trading with you. I'm not a scammer ( roll ), but you're so fanatical that it makes it difficult to expect anything better from you during trading.
13-12-2005 14:25:55
[quote79148350e4="ilanbg"]Daggoth won't be banned, don't be stupid.
guelah, your reaction to this has more or less prevented me from trading with you. I'm not a scammer ( roll ), but you're so fanatical that it makes it difficult to expect anything better from you during trading.[/quote79148350e4]
Lets think........
......I ban him, and you don't get shit. I let him stay, and you get your cash.
You people keep changing your mind. You can't have both.
Scammer don't pay people back. Scammer take the money and run. If he pays people back, then he won't be a scammer, just a bad trader. If he keeps the cash, then he's a scammer.
Until either of those happen, then he stays.
Tonight he should get paid from Trainn.
13-12-2005 14:33:07
[quote9d9775f6a9="Gigante"]He will get his paypal tomorrow and should be paying us back.[/quote9d9775f6a9]
theysayjump, can you verify Trainn with this? I contacted codex and he didn't really have any idea he was getting paid tomorrow, and I am not sure how Gigante would know so....
13-12-2005 16:13:20
verify this
he gets onto the forum, he knows that he has pending trades and unanwsered PM's from me and others
Daggoth, I do not want you banned, you haven't done anything wrong, i understand this
But, "code"s TR is still high, not sure why, so he can still trade with others even though he has all the people in this thread to deal with
I dont understand whats so hard about shooting me a PM to say "hey man just wanted to let you know that i am having trouble with my paypal account, I will try to get you your money as soon as i can"
Man if this guy (code) isn't a scammer he is the WORST trader ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
another day with no contact from "code"
13-12-2005 16:45:04
Trainn send payments in the very early hours (usually around 4-5am EST) of both Wednesdays and Saturdays.
He should be getting paid either within the next 9 hours or so, or within the next 80 hours or so.
13-12-2005 16:53:18
At the very least though, wouldn't it make sense to drop his TR to -1?
13-12-2005 16:54:45
The only thing Is ee that's simply not defendable is his silence.
13-12-2005 16:55:01
Yeah I said I would last week or something and forgot to.
Although I have said that he isn't trading so it makes no difference, but yeah I'll drop it.
13-12-2005 17:07:52
I'm just curious - what did Goofy Garber get banned for? Was it as bad as what Codex has been doing, and did it have as many victims? I don't know - I'm just asking.
13-12-2005 17:10:08
I believe he was the one who "broke into" the site and made himself a mod
13-12-2005 17:15:27
Jeez, what a dumbass.
13-12-2005 17:16:56
Not only that but he had full access to the entire EarnByPoints site, with everyones password and was going though peoples Paypal accounts and looking at how much money they had.
13-12-2005 17:35:42
[quote9a58c2b29f="theysayjump"]Not only that but he had full access to the entire EarnByPoints site, with everyones password and was going though peoples Paypal accounts and looking at how much money they had.[/quote9a58c2b29f]
wow, that piece of shit still is posting on anything4free
13-12-2005 17:51:20
Umm.. who owns earnbypoints? And why the hell would the passwords be stored unencrypted?
13-12-2005 19:00:14
[quote1ceac45232="damac"][quote1ceac45232="theysayjump"]Not only that but he had full access to the entire EarnByPoints site, with everyones password and was going though peoples Paypal accounts and looking at how much money they had.[/quote1ceac45232]
wow, that piece of shit still is posting on anything4free[/quote1ceac45232]
Did you expect anything less?
[quote1ceac45232="Airkat"]Umm.. who owns earnbypoints? And why the hell would the passwords be stored unencrypted?[/quote1ceac45232]
Here's a nice 19 page thread for you to have a look at
13-12-2005 19:04:50
[quote316c684a63="Airkat"]Umm.. who owns earnbypoints? And why the hell would the passwords be stored unencrypted?[/quote316c684a63]
EBP[insert name here] were reps and were banned over that.
And fucking idiots store passwords unencrypted.
13-12-2005 19:15:10
Anyone know for sure if Trainn is sending codex his money tomorrow? I don't think they have answered his support tickets about it...
13-12-2005 19:28:19
Goofy is actually still doing sites and making money. I lurk @ A4F and he posts there a lot now.
13-12-2005 19:31:15
Indeed. But he's not here anymore, so we need worry not.
13-12-2005 19:40:43
I just skimmed the whole Goofy controversy thread, and Daggoth was in there defending him. There's an interesting pattern here.
13-12-2005 19:44:00
I still am in contact with goofy and pay him to do my sites. I defend my friends. Im sorry if its a new concept to you.
13-12-2005 19:52:30
[quote57a7dfd34a="Daggoth"]I still am in contact with goofy and pay him to do my sites. I defend my friends. Im sorry if its a new concept to you.[/quote57a7dfd34a]
I guess I just have a better class of friends. I tend to avoid the scammers and crackers.
13-12-2005 20:05:08
What happened to "all men are created equal"
13-12-2005 20:11:43
All men may be CREATED equal. Doesn't mean they stay like that. How old are you man? I see you always defending scammers in here. Your friends? What if they had done that to you? It's OK that your "friend" exposed and exploted people's private information?
You are so lucky I'm not a mod here. People like that get banned where I'm from.
13-12-2005 20:42:01
can you please tell your friend "code" to make contact with me through a fucking PM please
thats what friends are for....for good times, and bad times
like now, bad time to be "code"
13-12-2005 20:45:14
People can defend whoever they want to defend. It doesn't make them as bad as the person they are defending. I consider it a good thing as long as they're not blindly defending them.
It shows that people have some hope in humankind, that they see good in people. Enough to defend them when everyone else is shooting them down and not defending them.
If codex turns out to be a scammer, the only thing that may happen to Daggoth is that it may reflect badly on him.
As for him defending goofy, I guess that maybe he jut has bad judgment. There's no reason for a public flogging though.
13-12-2005 20:46:11
[quotebd886b1190="Airkat"]All men may be CREATED equal. Doesn't mean they stay like that. How old are you man? I see you always defending scammers in here. Your friends? What if they had done that to you? It's OK that your "friend" exposed and exploted people's private information?
You are so lucky I'm not a mod here. People like that get banned where I'm from.[/quotebd886b1190]
So I would get banned for defending the wrong people... right.
13-12-2005 20:46:28
can you please tell your friend "code" to make contact with me through a fucking PM please
thats what friends are for....for good times, and bad times
like now, bad time to be "code"
Just to clear something up, codex hasn't been on the forum for 1 whole week, so he hasn't even been on to read any PM's that anyone has sent him.
13-12-2005 21:21:32
[quotef1fd97f148="Daggoth"][quotef1fd97f148="Airkat"]All men may be CREATED equal. Doesn't mean they stay like that. How old are you man? I see you always defending scammers in here. Your friends? What if they had done that to you? It's OK that your "friend" exposed and exploted people's private information?
You are so lucky I'm not a mod here. People like that get banned where I'm from.[/quotef1fd97f148]
So I would get banned for defending the wrong people... right.[/quotef1fd97f148]
sounds reasonable if you ask me ?
13-12-2005 21:48:35
My PM's that "code" hasn't responded to start on Dec 2nd
not sure if he has been on since then, but if he wasn't a scammer why would he not check the forum?
just a thought
13-12-2005 21:52:55
Codex is on AIM every day and I have talked to him.
I actually agree with the other two, and that vouching for multiple scammers should have some type of consequence. Maybe then scammers wouldn't be able to get away with so much just because one person is "friends" with them.
13-12-2005 22:08:38
Let's just make sure of one thing.
Daggoth isn't calling the shots here. Daggoth isn't letting codex stay. All he is doing is defending someone whom he thinks deserves to be defended (for whatever reason).
Since I appear to be the only Admin involved in this thread, it's up to me who stays and who goes. If he gets his cash, and doesn't pay anyone back, then he will be banned. If he gets his cash and does pay people back, then he won't be banned.
Nothing is going to happen to Daggoth for defending him, or anyone else. That's just ridiculous to think that someone who defends a bad trader should be held accountable for it. The only person who knows as to whether or not codex is going to run with the cash, is codex himself.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that codex should be paid by this coming Saturday morning at the latest. If nobody has been paid back by this coming Sunday evening at 5pm EST then he will be banned.
13-12-2005 22:15:23
now i have a reason to look forward to 5pm est Sunday
cant wait to see how this ends
14-12-2005 00:17:31
He told me on AIM that Trainn said he would get his payment on the next shipment, which is Wednesday. So hopefully we won't have to wait till Saturday.
14-12-2005 01:14:28
he should have it by now.
14-12-2005 07:06:07
Yeah, I will be expecting refund is probably a couple hours.
14-12-2005 16:23:04
Update He is paying everyone back now. I guess you can contact him on AIM.
14-12-2005 16:32:46
Is he also paying for greens he got without going green in return?
14-12-2005 16:38:30
[quote71e68d31ca="Daggoth"]Update He is paying everyone back now. I guess you can contact him on AIM.[/quote71e68d31ca]
Actually he isn't, but he is in the morning.
14-12-2005 18:34:17
Why can't he contact me??????????????
seems only fair that he contact me to arrange repayment for a trade HE never finished
14-12-2005 18:37:54
If you filed a paypal complaint against me, I would never pay you back.
14-12-2005 18:52:06
i dont care about the money now, all i want is for him to contact me
$40 bucks for a PM not a bad deal for him, right???
but he wont do that so FUCK THE SCAMMER
Hope he never gets paid
14-12-2005 18:53:41
all he had to do was contact me, and we could have settled this ourselves, but why should i pay for something i never recieved????
If you got taken for 40 bucks Daggoth, you wouldn't try to get it back???
14-12-2005 19:00:16
The thing is, codex presented your case to me. It is so lousy. He can say that he never heard of codex avellum or this website. Plus, since it is virtual goods and service, you stand absolutly no chance of getting your money back since paypal specifically says that they dont cover it.
14-12-2005 19:00:42
[quote3a4ab285a2="Daggoth"]If you filed a paypal complaint against me, I would never pay you back.[/quote3a4ab285a2]
lishakes headli
14-12-2005 20:40:18
[quote2972bd446b="Daggoth"]The thing is, codex presented your case to me. It is so lousy. He can say that he never heard of codex avellum or this website. Plus, since it is virtual goods and service, you stand absolutly no chance of getting your money back since paypal specifically says that they dont cover it.[/quote2972bd446b]
Daggoth, instead of sticking up for Codex and spinning for us all the possible ways he can continue to screw over the people he's scamming, why don't you be a real buddy and encourage him to make things right? You seem to be taking pleasure in what he's done and in contemplating how truly screwed we all are. You are no better than he is.
14-12-2005 20:50:33
1. I have asked him multiple times for updates. Without me or gigante, you would have no idea what the hell is going on. He is encouraged to pay everyone back tomorrow morning as far as I am aware off.
2. I am just presenting the uselessness of filing a paypal dispute. If you haven't noticed, it just angers people and if you stand no chance of winning, there is basically no chance in filing it.
3. Wanna name one person I have screwed over [b5cdf099082]ever[/b5cdf099082]?
14-12-2005 20:54:15
I'll take a stab at these before bed )
[quote34ab6623df="Daggoth"]1. I have asked him multiple times for updates. Without me or gigante, you would have no idea what the hell is going on. He is encouraged to pay everyone back tomorrow morning as far as I am aware off.
[b34ab6623df]And they should praise you? How can you hold the integrity of someone who can't even communicate with their trading partners so high?[/b34ab6623df]
2. I am just presenting the uselessness of filing a paypal dispute. If you haven't noticed, it just angers people and if you stand no chance of winning, there is basically no chance in filing it.
[b34ab6623df]I think it's quite useful. It shook him up a bit no? and got him to take some action. Plus, its a good way to screw someone screwing you.[/b34ab6623df]
3. Wanna name one person I have screwed over [b34ab6623df]ever[/b34ab6623df]?
[b34ab6623df]For all anyone knows you can be codex's alias. Even if not, standing up for someone doing what he's doing is just as bad. I saw from the beginning he was a bad apple, and still believe you're the same.[/b34ab6623df]
14-12-2005 21:00:18
[quote26af727249="Airkat"]I'll take a stab at these before bed )
[quote26af727249="Daggoth"]1. I have asked him multiple times for updates. Without me or gigante, you would have no idea what the hell is going on. He is encouraged to pay everyone back tomorrow morning as far as I am aware off.
[b26af727249]And they should praise you? How can you hold the integrity of someone who can't even communicate with their trading partners so high?[/b26af727249]
[b26af727249][u26af727249]I can't make codex talk to people. Everything I did was optional[/b26af727249][/u26af727249]
2. I am just presenting the uselessness of filing a paypal dispute. If you haven't noticed, it just angers people and if you stand no chance of winning, there is basically no chance in filing it.
[b26af727249]I think it's quite useful. It shook him up a bit no? and got him to take some action. Plus, its a good way to screw someone screwing you.[/b26af727249]
[b26af727249][u26af727249]Its no use. If you haven't read paypal's user agreement, they don't cover virtual goods and services. It doesn't screw anyone besides the person whos filing the dispute [/b26af727249][/u26af727249]
3. Wanna name one person I have screwed over [b26af727249]ever[/b26af727249]?
[b26af727249]For all anyone knows you can be codex's alias. Even if not, standing up for someone doing what he's doing is just as bad. I saw from the beginning he was a bad apple, and still believe you're the same.[/b26af727249]
[b26af727249][u26af727249]We will see how I turn out. As of yet 50 smooth trades[/b26af727249][/u26af727249]
I don't see how you can defend someone who took people money/greens and never paid them back. Even if he is trying to pay them back now, these people have every right to be suspicious.
If someone takes my money and doesn't respond to me, what else can I do besides file a dispute? At least then he'll be indirectly contacting me and I'll know whether I have a chance to get my money back.
You said that you would not pay someone back if they disputed you. That is very dishonest, in my opinion.
15-12-2005 10:33:50
Has anyone received any money back yet?? Still hoping
15-12-2005 10:39:36
he has 10 tens to respond to the paypal claim, he if doesn't i win
so here's hoping for another "electrical fire" at his(codes) house
maybe he will not be able to respond, HAHAHAHA
i have never wished fire on someone before but this scammer should get everything evil i can think of
F him
15-12-2005 10:49:45
[quote8ee9f2a47a="guelah75"]he has 10 tens to respond to the paypal claim, he if doesn't i win
so here's hoping for another "electrical fire" at his(codes) house
maybe he will not be able to respond, HAHAHAHA
i have never wished fire on someone before but this scammer should get everything evil i can think of
F him
I had another scammer on here who I had to file a claim for she didn't respond so I won unfortunately she has nothing in paypal for me to win cry
15-12-2005 21:06:30
i pay 40 bucks paypal for green on guelah75
083726pm 10/30/05 codex avellum
074149pm 10/30/05 Link
No contact info inserted.
Edit No contact info inserted.
16-12-2005 00:51:56
any idea when i might get re-imbursed for doing freepay psp?
16-12-2005 06:39:44
I just got reimbursed.
16-12-2005 09:02:02
Well I have $90 back from him (It is pending in paypal right now). He still owes me something for the green I gave him on yourfreevideo but I will take what I can get.
16-12-2005 13:56:32
From codex avellum
To guelah75
Posted Fri Dec 16, 2005 846 am
Subject Re hows that paypal refund coming?
you can wait till the 22nd now, since thats the date im required to take action by, since you decided you had to file a complaint
20-12-2005 15:45:20
TWO more days to go!!!!!!
20-12-2005 22:24:28
where can i contact him to get my money back?
23-12-2005 11:24:22
Paypal refund pending, thanks Codex
glad everything worked out with our trade
23-12-2005 13:46:46
Still waiting for my $18.
23-12-2005 16:30:22
freepay psp is worth about $25, right? so that's the ammount i shoudl be looking for?
23-12-2005 17:15:19
Whenever someone repaid me for a green it was $20...
he went green for me after 2 months, should I expect it to go red when I verify?
24-12-2005 14:49:18
Not necessarily.
It's not a case of he is a scammer with multiple accounts (at least that I am aware of), it's just the fact that he took a while on a few trades and didn't green and people want their money back, or that people greened for him and he hasn't aid them yet.
26-12-2005 01:37:38
well i guess twenty bucks is better than nothing, right?
26-12-2005 01:39:45
Still waiting on my $18 though.
26-12-2005 09:07:35
How did you end up paying him b4 he paid you anyway?
26-12-2005 13:38:18
Because I trusted him and he said he could do with the cash to complete an offer.
14-01-2006 15:59:35
I see that Codex is back and posting on the boards. After the long line of complaints against him (some, like mine, unresolved), his TR wasn't even lowered. He could jump into the Trading Post right now and take in some poor newbie who hasn't read the scammers forum.
I get that you didn't ban him because he owed you money, but are there no consequences whatsoever for his behavior? Shouldn't he at least have to start with a 0 TR so that he can't easily take advantage of more people for a while?
14-01-2006 16:12:12
His TR was lowered, but I was under the impression that everyone was paid back, hence why his TR was reinstated.
If your trade is still unresolved, then let me know and I'll drop his TR back down to -1 until it is.
14-01-2006 16:22:59
He has made no attempt whatsoever to even contact me about his failure to green for me. None.
14-01-2006 16:27:09
Ok I will lower his TR until he does so.
Also, could you pelase make your sig smaller?
Ughh, why me?
I've been reading a few posts in this forum, but I guess I didn't go down far enough.
I posted a thread in the Trading Post. Trader gives me a prepaid CC# and I do an offer for them and then get to use the # to give to a friend to do an offer for me. Well I get an IM from codex and he give me his link and I sign up. I'm in the process of doing the offer and he doesn't give me a #.
Just read my log
Session Start (tuchmyblingblingc0dex avellum) Thu Jan 12 195844 2006
[0758] c0dex avellum you wanna do yourps34free
[0800] tuchmyblingbling yeah, sure.
[0801] c0dex avellum you want the ref link
[0802] tuchmyblingbling yeah
[0802] c0dex avellum (Link http//
[0804] tuchmyblingbling prepaid CC#?
[0804] c0dex avellum what
[0804] c0dex avellum you arent even signed up
[0805] tuchmyblingbling i am now
[0807] c0dex avellum what offer are you doing
[0808] tuchmyblingbling uhh, you want me to do a specific one?
[0808] c0dex avellum im asking you
[0813] tuchmyblingbling stamps
[0814] tuchmyblingbling dunno if they charge for shipping though
[0814] c0dex avellum no go for it
[0814] tuchmyblingbling ok
[0815] tuchmyblingbling ok, i'm at the card page
[0815] c0dex avellum put your stuff in
[0816] tuchmyblingbling already put my address and whatnot in
[0816] c0dex avellum ur card info
[0817] tuchmyblingbling did you read my post?
[0818] c0dex avellum no
[0818] tuchmyblingbling (Link http//
[0819] c0dex avellum why would anyone give you cc info
[0819] tuchmyblingbling prepaid
[0819] c0dex avellum so buy one
[0820] tuchmyblingbling that's what you're supposed to do.
[0820] tuchmyblingbling i just do the offer
[0820] c0dex avellum why would i buy a prepaid cc and give you numbers to someone i dont even know
[0820] tuchmyblingbling you obviously want an offer filled
[0820] c0dex avellum and your gonna pass the cc numbers along to your friends
[0820] tuchmyblingbling to do an offer for me
[0821] c0dex avellum yeah why would i want 6 people with my prepaid cc numbers
[0821] tuchmyblingbling what harm can anyone do with an almost empty prepaid card?
[0821] c0dex avellum youy should be buying the prepaid card ur self
[0821] c0dex avellum cause you have to buy prepaid cards at 25 and higher
[0821] c0dex avellum not 5
[0822] tuchmyblingbling well, get a card spend most of it on stuff you need and then im me back
[0822] tuchmyblingbling should have read the post first
[0822] c0dex avellum im not wasting 25 dollars
[0822] c0dex avellum why would i wanna waste money on a prepaid cc
[0822] c0dex avellum for 6 people i dont even know
[0822] c0dex avellum your never gonna get any trades
[0823] tuchmyblingbling where does my post mention 6 people?
[0823] c0dex avellum you
[0823] c0dex avellum and 5 others
[0823] c0dex avellum you need 5 refs for your ipod
[0823] tuchmyblingbling no, i need 4
[0823] tuchmyblingbling i already did my offer
[0823] c0dex avellum yeah you need 5 more
[0823] c0dex avellum its 5 people
[0823] c0dex avellum not 4
[0824] tuchmyblingbling not when i have 1 green
[0824] c0dex avellum whose ur green
[0824] c0dex avellum you dont count as a green
[0824] tuchmyblingbling do you think i've just started with this? i've had the account for about a year now
[0825] tuchmyblingbling i got someone to sign up for me a while back
[0825] c0dex avellum so ur gonna give it to 4 people
[0825] c0dex avellum whats the difference
[0825] tuchmyblingbling no, one
[0825] tuchmyblingbling whatever, if you're so skeptical about it forget it.
Session Close (c0dex avellum) Thu Jan 12 202541 2006
Session Start (tuchmyblingblingc0dex avellum) Thu Jan 12 202546 2006
[0825] c0dex avellum you are a noob
[0825] c0dex avellum why wouldnt i be skeptical
[0826] c0dex avellum im an established trader
[0826] c0dex avellum tr of 31
[0826] c0dex avellum you have 0
[0826] tuchmyblingbling well, at some point you had zero aswell
[0826] c0dex avellum exactly
[0826] c0dex avellum i didnt go around asking for peoples cc numebrs with 0 tr
[0826] c0dex avellum i established myself
[0828] tuchmyblingbling alright, good for you. stop whining and i'll go do offers for others. i can establish myself as much as you can.
Session Close (c0dex avellum) Thu Jan 12 202828 2006
Session Start (tuchmyblingblingc0dex avellum) Thu Jan 12 202831 2006
[0828] c0dex avellum you cant get anyone
[0828] c0dex avellum no-ones gonna give you their prepaid cc numbers\
[0829] tuchmyblingbling then how come i just got a pm from someone else?
[0829] c0dex avellum sure you did
[0829] tuchmyblingbling offering me $5 paypal and 2 prepaid cards with $2
[0829] tuchmyblingbling Inbox Message
From ilanbg
To Psyc
Posted Thu Jan 12, 2006 519 pm
Subject pre-paid card
I can give you two cards with $2 each on them, as well as $5 paypal, in return for a green on yourfreeflatscreen, if you're interested. Let me know.
If not, then I can get you a card with $5 on it, but it will cost me more money, so if the former option works I'd be far happier. Either way, I hope we can work something out.
I hate dot5hosting.
I can do free360xbox. PM me
I am paying for ps3s.freepay and yourfreeflatscreen signups.
Session Close (c0dex avellum) Thu Jan 12 203002 2006
Session Start (tuchmyblingblingc0dex avellum) Thu Jan 12 203646 2006
[0836] c0dex avellum so use one those prepaid ccs
[0836] c0dex avellum on my offer
[0836] c0dex avellum and i will paypal you
[0837] tuchmyblingbling we'll see
Session Close (c0dex avellum) Thu Jan 12 203707 2006
Session Start (tuchmyblingblingc0dex avellum) Thu Jan 12 203718 2006
[0837] c0dex avellum well ur signed up, night as well make some money
[0844] c0dex avellum lemme know
[0844] c0dex avellum need 1 more ref
[0855] c0dex avellum ....
[0857] tuchmyblingbling get back to me tomorrow...
Session Close (c0dex avellum) Thu Jan 12 205730 2006
Session Start (tuchmyblingblingc0dex avellum) Thu Jan 12 205809 2006
[0858] c0dex avellum ok i guess
Session Close (c0dex avellum) Thu Jan 12 205816 2006
Session Start (tuchmyblingblingc0dex avellum) Fri Jan 13 144504 2006
[0245] c0dex avellum hello
[0245] c0dex avellum you told me to message you today
[0245] tuchmyblingbling oh yeah
[0245] tuchmyblingbling what's the site again?
[0245] c0dex avellum yourps34free
[0245] c0dex avellum your signed up
[0246] tuchmyblingbling what email did i use?
[0247] c0dex avellum (Link
[0249] tuchmyblingbling i haven't gotten more prepaid CC's.
used them all up.
[0249] tuchmyblingbling i should get some later today
[0249] c0dex avellum ok
Session Close (c0dex avellum) Fri Jan 13 144933 2006
Session Start (tuchmyblingblingc0dex avellum) Sat Jan 14 143215 2006
[0232] tuchmyblingbling did you, by any chance, get a green from me?
[0232] tuchmyblingbling no wait...
[0232] tuchmyblingbling oh yeah, did you?
[0232] c0dex avellum whats ur email
[0232] tuchmyblingbling psyc_89
[0233] c0dex avellum and what offer did you do
[0233] tuchmyblingbling i didn't
[0233] tuchmyblingbling what website did you send me?
[0233] c0dex avellum yourps34free
[0233] tuchmyblingbling flash ipods?
[0233] tuchmyblingbling wtf
[0233] tuchmyblingbling it says i completed an offer
[0233] tuchmyblingbling but i didn't
[0233] c0dex avellum did you do one?
[0233] c0dex avellum lol
[0233] c0dex avellum well sweeet
[0233] c0dex avellum free green
[0233] tuchmyblingbling i did it on the flatscreen
[0233] tuchmyblingbling nope
[0233] c0dex avellum did you get credit on flatscreen?
[0233] tuchmyblingbling you said you'd pay me
[0233] tuchmyblingbling no
[0234] tuchmyblingbling where's my money? lol
[0234] c0dex avellum i didnt even know you went green
[0234] tuchmyblingbling - paypal
[0234] tuchmyblingbling me neither
[0234] c0dex avellum i dont have paypal
[0234] c0dex avellum ill have to send my friend the money
[0234] c0dex avellum to pay you from his paypal
[0234] tuchmyblingbling ok, hold on i think i have to email trainn
[0234] c0dex avellum for what
[0234] tuchmyblingbling because i did the offer on the other site and it showed up on yours
[0235] c0dex avellum so why am i paying you
[0235] c0dex avellum if your trying to get the green taken away
[0236] c0dex avellum ?
[0236] tuchmyblingbling this is really confusing
[0236] c0dex avellum it happens
[0236] c0dex avellum cause you didnt clear your cache
[0236] c0dex avellum its happened to be twice
[0236] tuchmyblingbling dang
[0237] c0dex avellum i did an offer on a freepay site and got credit on a trainn site
[0237] tuchmyblingbling lol
[0238] c0dex avellum so what are you doing?
[0238] c0dex avellum i really need the green
[0238] tuchmyblingbling i need to contact the other guy i meant to do the offer to and see what he says
[0239] c0dex avellum just do another offer on his site
[0239] c0dex avellum and ill pay you
[0239] tuchmyblingbling but i have to see what he says first
[0245] tuchmyblingbling i'm sending in a support ticket...
i'll do an offer for you once i get another #
[0249] lilili You have been disconnected. Sat Jan 14 144920 2006.
[0250] lilili "c0dex avellum" signed on at Sat Jan 14 145033 2006.
[0301] c0dex avellum i dont understand
[0301] c0dex avellum if your doing another offer for me anyway, why dont you just do one on freeflatscreen
[0301] tuchmyblingbling because it's not my CC
[0302] tuchmyblingbling He (flatscreen guy) gave me a CC to use
[0302] tuchmyblingbling to do a referral for him
[0302] tuchmyblingbling and then he gives me another CC for myself
[0302] c0dex avellum ok
[0312] tuchmyblingbling have you done the ipods freepay before?
[0312] c0dex avellum nah
[0313] tuchmyblingbling Ok, then how about this? When I get the prepaid CC# from the flatscreen guy, I'll do your offer and you do an offer on my ipods freepay.
[0313] tuchmyblingbling and you don't have to pay me
[0313] c0dex avellum ok sounds good
[0313] tuchmyblingbling ok, sweet.
[0316] tuchmyblingbling how many refs do you have for the ps3 (excluding mine)?
[0319] c0dex avellum i have 11/12
[0319] c0dex avellum 12 including yours
[0320] tuchmyblingbling oh, cool.
Session Close (c0dex avellum) Sat Jan 14 152047 2006
Session Start (tuchmyblingblingc0dex avellum) Sat Jan 14 162502 2006
[0425] c0dex avellum did they respond yet
[0429] tuchmyblingbling do they send emails or do they use support tickets?
[0429] tuchmyblingbling oh jeez
[0430] tuchmyblingbling i sent them an email instead of opening a ticket
[0430] c0dex avellum they answer via email too
[0430] tuchmyblingbling well, they haven't emailed me back
[0433] tuchmyblingbling i sent them a ticket just in case
Session Close (c0dex avellum) Sat Jan 14 163327 2006
Session Start (tuchmyblingblingc0dex avellum) Sat Jan 14 163329 2006
[0433] c0dex avellum oh ok
Session Close (c0dex avellum) Sat Jan 14 163619 2006
Ilan, I think Trainn screwed something up. I guess since I had attempted on the PS3 they thought I completed it on that. I didn't though, I completed it on your site. Unfortunately, it went to this guy.
14-01-2006 16:58:43
Guys just don't trade with him. You can see his trading ethics. He always rushes u through the process real quick.
[0804] tuchmyblingbling prepaid CC#?
[0804] c0dex avellum what
[0804] c0dex avellum you arent even signed up
[0805] tuchmyblingbling i am now
[0807] c0dex avellum what offer are you doing
[0808] tuchmyblingbling uhh, you want me to do a specific one?
[0808] c0dex avellum im asking you
[0813] tuchmyblingbling stamps
[0814] tuchmyblingbling dunno if they charge for shipping though
[0814] c0dex avellum no go for it
[0814] tuchmyblingbling ok
[0815] tuchmyblingbling ok, i'm at the card page
[0815] c0dex avellum put your stuff in
[0816] tuchmyblingbling already put my address and whatnot in
[0816] c0dex avellum ur card info
[0817] tuchmyblingbling did you read my post?
[0818] c0dex avellum no
Glad I saw him for what he was before I got that far. He uses his high TR to set up trades without even thinking of holding up his end right away. You can tell by how he didn't even read the thread.
I think at the very least he should be going first for people, or we should put that escrow idea into effect for him.
PS.. interesting trading method lol. I don't know many who would do that with a 0TR user
See, the bad thing is he still got the green. Trainn added credit on his account instead of Ilan's.
Oh gosh, you guys are so skeptical. What would I do with a prepaid CC#?
14-01-2006 17:31:21
What a bizarre transaction all the way around.
[b468ff3f172]And notice that Codex lied to the n00b about ipods.freepay.[/b468ff3f172] He did that one a long time ago, which is why he had to use a fake e-mail address to sign up for my freepay ipods account.
Someone needs to BAN THIS GUY. Don't keep him around on my account - I care a lot less about getting paid for the green I gave him than I do about the fact that he's back and up to his old tricks. He's addicted to scamming.
14-01-2006 19:54:01
Seriously.. tsj? Get his as outta here
14-01-2006 20:09:34
Maybe we need to talk to some of the other mods too.
14-01-2006 20:11:21
Yeah just get another Mod/Admin onto it. I can't be arsed and I really don't give a shit about it. I never have.
Oh noes, you got scammed.
Actually, I am Codex Avellum.
15-01-2006 00:12:14
I went green on his freeps3 trainn site instantly. and am waiting for my $27 paypal. i will let you know if he sends it. he seems legit.
15-01-2006 01:50:11
I went green on his ps3 site as well but he has not yet gone green for me.
15-01-2006 16:59:50
JerriBlank, why didn't you post days ago, instead of waiting more than 18 days to comment. If I had been scammed I would have continued to post in hopes of attracting more attention.
Don't place the blame on TSJ just because you let the situation fester.
If what you say is true about FreeIpods, (I haven't read and don't care to read the whole thread, I've only read since page 5) then Codex should probably be prohibited from trading. When I get a chance, I'll read the prior 4 pages and respond again if need-be.
15-01-2006 17:06:17
[quote750af90878="JerriBlank"]What a bizarre transaction all the way around.
[b750af90878]And notice that Codex lied to the n00b about ipods.freepay.[/b750af90878] He did that one a long time ago, which is why he had to use a fake e-mail address to sign up for my freepay ipods account.
Someone needs to BAN THIS GUY. Don't keep him around on my account - [b750af90878]I care a lot less about getting paid for the green[/b750af90878] I gave him than I do about the fact that he's back and up to his old tricks. He's addicted to scamming.
Enough said, that should null the trade.
15-01-2006 17:09:54
There is a larger point here that people are missing COMPLETELY. I didn't speak up before because whether or not I get paid for the green I did for Codex IS NOT THE ISSUE. I don't need his money, but I've been pressured behind the scenes to try to work something out with him.
No, the larger issue is that there's a six-page thread about all the people Codex scammed, plus the newbie he's trying to scam now, plus two or three other threads in this very forum, but unless the mods do something about the larger pattern of abuse, it will continue. I'm not the only one who feels this way. Airkat, for one, has been calling for his banning as well.
I made a simple and very reasonable suggestion to Codex himself that he resolve this by voluntarily having his TR set back to 0 so that he can't take advantage of newbies again right away. He can earn his way back to respectability by completing trades and by GOING FIRST for a while. He must have thought this was a horrific suggestion, because he had his bosom buddy Daggoth harass me about it via PM.
Hell, I'll tell you and everyone else here that I will not expect any monetary payment (Codex offered), if his TR is set to 0. I'll shut up about him in this forum.
But if his TR is reset to 31 just because he pays me back, I'll continue bitching about him , because the newbies need to know his history.
15-01-2006 17:15:16
Hell, I'll tell you and everyone else here that I will not expect any monetary payment (Codex offered), if his TR is set to 0. I'll shut up about him in this forum.[/quote4f1f93e36c]
Sounds Good.
15-01-2006 17:15:38
[quoteb657d9dd90="JerriBlank"]There is a larger point here that people are missing COMPLETELY. I didn't speak up before because whether or not I get paid for the green I did for Codex IS NOT THE ISSUE. I don't need his money, but I've been pressured behind the scenes to try to work something out with him.
No, the larger issue is that there's a six-page thread about all the people Codex scammed, plus the newbie he's trying to scam now, plus two or three other threads in this very forum, but unless the mods do something about the larger pattern of abuse, it will continue. I'm not the only one who feels this way. Airkat, for one, has been calling for his banning as well.
I made a simple and very reasonable suggestion to Codex himself that he resolve this by voluntarily having his TR set back to 0 so that he can't take advantage of newbies again right away. He can earn his way back to respectability by completing trades and by GOING FIRST for a while. He must have thought this was a horrific suggestion, because he had his bosom buddy Daggoth harass me about it via PM.
Hell, I'll tell you and everyone else here that I will not expect any monetary payment (Codex offered), if his TR is set to 0. I'll shut up about him in this forum.
But if his TR is reset to 31 just because he pays me back, I'll continue bitching about him , because the newbies need to know his history.[/quoteb657d9dd90]
i definately agree to you on that. after reading through the comments, i do believe codex shouldn't be allowed here anymore. A continue scammer scamming on "noobs" is just not acceptable in a place like this. It just makes all of us good traders look bad.
15-01-2006 17:38:56
As for the Codex doing FreeiPods thing, he says that he had a friend do FreeiPods for JerriBlank but he himself signed up and never did an offer, therefore he can sign up again.
I have done this with Trainn sites and I can do it with Digitalcameras.Freepay.
Regarding him being a continued scammer, nobody else has complained about him since he started trading again. All people have said is that he hasn't paid them or gone green yet. Doesn't mean they're a scammer.
Look at the DarkAncient thread. Nobody expected him to come back and pay people back, but he has come back and at least shown some interest in paying people back, even though it hasn't happened yet. Should he be banned from trading with people?
I do believe however that if he does take care of everything, that his TR should be reset back to 0.
JerriBlank; either take the Paypal or don't take it. There's no bargaining about it. If he has his TR reset to 0, you are more than welcome to send him the Paypal back, but until then, either say you want it or say you don't.
15-01-2006 17:44:29
As much as I hate to say this,
If I were in Codex's position, that is a lose-lose situation so I would take the ban and not pay back if my TR were reset to 0. But, I would pay back if I had my high TR back. Just my opinion.
15-01-2006 17:54:43
The reimbursement is hereby FORGIVEN. I hope his TR gets reset to 0. I think that's the best thing for the community at large.
15-01-2006 19:33:25
[quote59eef3339f="JerriBlank"]The reimbursement is hereby FORGIVEN. I hope his TR gets reset to 0. I think that's the best thing for the community at large.
Ok so that's final. You were offered compensation and turned it down.
If anyone still has any problems with codex, he hasn't paid you in the past, he hasn't paid you in recent trades, he thinks you smell, anything, please post here now and not 3 months down the line.
15-01-2006 20:21:04
i'd already given up on getting paid back but he pm'd me at first and it looks like i'll finally be able to add "resolved" to this thread. yay! )
15-01-2006 21:55:35
Codex went green today! trade complete.
15-01-2006 22:53:53
Got payment from codex. Thanks.. didnt take too long either.
My green got switched over to the correct account. )
I'll go ahead and trade refs with him and hopefully everything goes well.
Don't mean to double post or anything...
Codex did my offer yesterday and went green for me today. I think we should offer him a second chance.
17-01-2006 17:17:16
[quotec2d8efdd46="Psyc"]Don't mean to double post or anything...
Codex did my offer yesterday and went green for me today. I think we should offer him a second chance.[/quotec2d8efdd46]
He is getting a second chance. He hasn't been banned.
17-01-2006 17:18:29
17-01-2006 17:20:47
Good to know there are no standards here.
18-01-2006 18:58:32
is this the same guy?
codex avellum
18-01-2006 19:03:59
yeah its me, so?
working out the last 2 and everythings taken care of
18-01-2006 20:07:36
any timeframe on my papyal? )
codex avellum
18-01-2006 20:13:56
by friday definately )
18-01-2006 20:53:31
codex avellum,why u got dqed on PS3s 1 of my friends jerito was like WTF! Rofl
18-01-2006 21:05:26
[quote60f60bf788="dudelovesFinch1035"]codex avellum,why u got dqed on PS3s 1 of my friends jerito was like WTF! Rofl[/quote60f60bf788]
codex avellum
19-01-2006 04:34:47
news to me, haven't touched my ps3 account since i joined the conga under jerrito, i PMed jake
19-01-2006 10:47:42
he still owes me 8 dollars
19-01-2006 11:38:24
Codex Avellum isn't a bad guy, I've chatted with him on msn and he seems like an honest person. He told me he had a electrical house fire and that seems like a logical explaination why hes being slow with the trades to me.
I have been waiting a long time for my trade to complete also, I gave him an instant green and he said he would do two offers, one on each of my sites, but today he told me he is going to refund me what I spent for the offer I completed.
So, as you can see, we can all jump ahead and assume the worst of people, but things aren't always as they appear.
I'll post back when I have received my refund.
21-01-2006 12:10:24
i got paid! ) thanks~!