22-11-2005 13:42:52
HEre he is caught trying to scam my friend
sorry in advance for the language mods.
sap4ever = me
friend = friend
(43314 PM) You have just entered room "chat16307213100925013405."
Sap4EveR (43322 PM) you mod impersonating fuck
Sap4EveR (43326 PM) still trying to scam ppl?
FuggerFiPG (43329 PM) what's up, guys? =D
Sap4EveR (43330 PM) fuck outta here
Sap4EveR (43339 PM) i know u
Sap4EveR (43340 PM) scammer
FuggerFiPG (43403 PM) how do you kmnow me?
Sap4EveR (43424 PM) because i been around the freebie scene and fipg long enough to kno that yur not the real fugger
Sap4EveR (43439 PM) and that u scam new traders
FuggerFiPG (43449 PM) yes, well what can I say
Sap4EveR (43458 PM) that yur a fag
FuggerFiPG (43500 PM) it works! =D
friend (43504 PM) hahahahhaha
FuggerFiPG (43506 PM) yes i am a fag thanks
Sap4EveR (43506 PM) not this time obviously
Sap4EveR (43515 PM) ppl like u i swear
FuggerFiPG (43515 PM) you can't win 'em all
Sap4EveR (43517 PM) let me ask u
Sap4EveR (43522 PM) how many free items u get so far
FuggerFiPG (43533 PM) 4
friend (43543 PM) how many of them did you pay for -)
Sap4EveR (43548 PM) none
FuggerFiPG (43550 PM) 0
FuggerFiPG (43556 PM) -)
Sap4EveR (43559 PM) feel real good about that dont u?
Sap4EveR (43602 PM) taking ppls money
FuggerFiPG (43604 PM) you should try it
Sap4EveR (43611 PM) nah i got 2 already legit
Sap4EveR (43613 PM) dont need to scam
FuggerFiPG (43618 PM) up to u
FuggerFiPG (43628 PM) well this was fun thx
Sap4EveR (43633 PM) later scamming noob
Sap4EveR (43636 PM) hope u rot in hell
FuggerFiPG (43641 PM) bYeZ!
FuggerFiPG (43648 PM) tEeHeE what a n00b
Sap4EveR (43656 PM) look whos talking -)