18-11-2005 19:00:49
This guy didn't scam me, but it sure seems like he wanted to.
He sent me IM saying he would do my 2 sites if i did yourfreevideoipods. He said that is the only site he is on and so can do any offers at any other site. I asked him his FIPG name, and he was 0 TR 0 posts. So I say sure I'll setup a trade he goes green on my 2 then i'll do his. Of course this was unacceptable to him. He then tells me he has a reputation elsewhere, done many offers on other sites, contradicting what he said earlier.
Anyway, just common sense to avoid that, but just wanted to put the name out there.
Heh, hes on the prowl right now. He just sent me another IM, forgetting he had already talked to me. I'm gonna send him the URL of this post twisted
18-11-2005 20:22:08
He's banned for spamming the forum and other people's trade threads.
18-11-2005 20:49:40
yeah, I felt it was a dirty deal from the beginning
[quote36f131e1fa][2300] AirKat o31 so sorry, I don't feel comfortable with it
[1327] fever90prosoccer hey...wanna trade referrals?
[1328] fever90prosoccer ill do two of yours if youll do mine first...you can email= me at email=fever90prosoccer@yahoo.comfever90prosoccer@yahoo.com me at email=fever90prosoccer@yahoo.comfever90prosoccer@yahoo.com/email or im me when i get back on
[1905] AirKat o31 didnt we already go through this lol
[1921] fever90prosoccer have i asked you about trading referrals?
[1921] AirKat o31 twice
[2212] fever90prosoccer Hello Are you there?
[2324] AirKat o31 ?
[2324] fever90prosoccer ive already asked u about referrals havent i
[2325] AirKat o31 this makes the third time
[2325] AirKat o31 lol
[2325] fever90prosoccer lol...sry...ive got so many people on the list...cant keep track[/quote36f131e1fa]
I asked how he was so sure he could do my sites if he didnt ask what I needed to so. And he refused to go first. Avoid like the plague
18-11-2005 22:51:49
i didn't think about adding the conversation (only doing it now for humor's sake)
[quote1317c87189][2147] fever90prosoccer Hello Are you there?
[2147] xigxag11 hi
[2147] fever90prosoccer wanna trade referrals
[2147] xigxag11 where?
[2148] fever90prosoccer i do the two for one thing...if youll do mine ill do two of yours...
[2148] fever90prosoccer im getting desperate since im soo close
[2148] xigxag11 well what is the site?
[2149] fever90prosoccer its a yourfreevideoipods site...can u do it?
[2149] fever90prosoccer thats the only site im on...so i can do any other site
[2150] xigxag11 yes i can do that
[2150] fever90prosoccer sweet...lemme give u my site...whats yours
[2150] xigxag11 hold on a sec, phone call
[2150] fever90prosoccer ok
[2151] fever90prosoccer http//www.YourFreeVideoiPods.com/index.php?ref=1658155
[2151] fever90prosoccer you have to register at the bottom right of that page and use a real email
[2152] xigxag11 what is your name on freeipodguide forums?
[2152] fever90prosoccer feversoccer01
[2153] xigxag11 you realize you will have to go first?
[2155] fever90prosoccer y...im doing two for u
[2155] xigxag11 doesn't matter how many you say you are going to do if you scam me
[2155] xigxag11 thats why the rule is in place
[2155] fever90prosoccer i just found out about this place...ive been on a bunch of other sites and done over 10 offers
[2156] fever90prosoccer im not scamming u and i hate it when people say i am...im legit
[2156] xigxag11 I understand, but there is nothing you can say to make me go first
[2156] fever90prosoccer well then i guess we wont trade
[2156] xigxag11 ok
[2204] fever90prosoccer Hello Are you there?
[2204] xigxag11 yeah
[2204] fever90prosoccer i already talked to u didnt i
[2205] xigxag11 yup
[2208] xigxag11 http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?p=251950#251950
[2208] fever90prosoccer im not doing yours if you dont do mine
[2209] xigxag11 thats a link to the message board
[2209] fever90prosoccer yd u give me that
[2209] xigxag11 its got some information you might like to see[/quote1317c87189]
18-11-2005 23:10:09
haha what a dummy. he's just trying to sucker as many people as possible before burning out