theclownoftightness I want my money!!
07-11-2005 10:09:01
This tight ass little bitch is not paying me my money or responding to my emails.
He should be avoided at all costs.
DO NOT TRADE WITH HIM[/size46b2d59be3]
I did 2 of his site and greened on both within 48 hours. I then emailed him Friday night where to send my $55 and that bitch read my email and ignored it.
Now it is Monday and still no word from that tight ass mother fucker. He could have least replied with some lie about not having the money or something.
BAN HIM[/size46b2d59be3]
This is not the first thread started about him and his refusal to pay. Why is it the hardest trades are the ones with high TR's?
I am new here, less then a month, and have aquired a 30+ TR and have payed out over $500 in the last 14 days and this bitch canT pay me $55?
PS If I dont receive my money today, I will not only have my referrals removed I will have your account closed.
07-11-2005 10:24:10
Some comments
Idle threats are worthless.
If you've read any of the other threads about him, you'll notice that he always pays, but after a bank transfer.
Weekend days tend not to count for bank transfers.
Calm down and stop being so vulgar, it only makes your case weaker.
[quote7218b8e56b="doylnea"]Some comments
Idle threats are worthless.
If you've read any of the other threads about him, you'll notice that he always pays, but after a bank transfer.
Weekend days tend not to count for bank transfers.
Calm down and stop being so vulgar, it only makes your case weaker.[/quote7218b8e56b]
You also need to be more mature if you want to be taken seriously.
07-11-2005 10:36:31
Why are you always defending him?
He is a dead beat and shouldnt make trades if he doesnt have money!
I didn't make a trade with him saying pay me when you feel like it. Our trade was for 2 greens for $55. I did my part within 48 hours now I expect the same. A month later isnt a trade its a fuck over.
I dont know why the admin insist on allowing him to continue this practice. If I made the # of trades he does and told everyone I will go green later next month, I would have been banned. I currently have 30 trades pending. Since my TR is higher then any one I am trading with should I make them all wait a month before I decide to do there site? How long before I got banned?
As to my vulgar language piss off. My language in no part will weaken my case against a PROVEN dead beat trader.
07-11-2005 10:55:06
I understand what your talking about man, and I understand your frustration, just look at the whole me and wood thing. But still, just act as mature as possible and everything will be worked out. If he really is scamming you, he will get banned, but as I have learned, once they are banned you wont see youre money. So just push that fact that he needs to pay up, woudl you rather have your money, or have him banned?
07-11-2005 10:59:46
I would rather have him banned!
This is the third thread started about him and his refusal to pay. When I went green (Friday) I PMed him stating such. He read the PM and ignored it or refused to respond.
He is clearly taking advantage of the fact he has a 84+ TR and trading on things he can or wont fulfill.
It only cost me $15 for the 2 offers so I will gladely lose that to see him banned for good. I can and will have my referral erased from his account. So I in fact lose nothing as I will still have my accounts.
07-11-2005 11:23:45
i have nothing but good things to say about him. he was REALLY patient with me, because the higher powers at trainn took 6 fucking weeks to credit me. he paid like 2 days after that.
07-11-2005 11:30:49
[quote552bdd67be="fgr_admin"]I would rather have him banned!
This is the third thread started about him and his refusal to pay. When I went green (Friday) I PMed him stating such. He read the PM and ignored it or refused to respond.
He is clearly taking advantage of the fact he has a 84+ TR and trading on things he can or wont fulfill.
It only cost me $15 for the 2 offers so I will gladely lose that to see him banned for good. I can and will have my referral erased from his account. So I in fact lose nothing as I will still have my accounts.[/quote552bdd67be]
Alright, but your logic on the out of 15 dollars thing is flawed. If he owes you 55 dollars, and he gets banned, you will have lost 55 dollars. If you really want him banned, I guess just go for it, fight till the death. I do not have an patients for people that abuse their high TR, that shit annoys me. Either pay promptly or get banned, now if you have serious financial problems, I can see why you cant pay right away. But this seems to be an ongoing problem with him, so it looks like a ban is iminent.
07-11-2005 11:50:13
[quote73fe66bbf0="Cash4Cookies"]Alright, but your logic on the out of 15 dollars thing is flawed. If he owes you 55 dollars, and he gets banned, you will have lost 55 dollars. [/quote73fe66bbf0]
Not quite - he will have lost the $15 it cost him for the offers, and the $55 for the total loss is $70. Even more reason to take a Xanax.
07-11-2005 12:01:26
[quote13830fad10]Not quite - he will have lost the $15 it cost him for the offers, and the $55 for the total loss is $70. Even more reason to take a Xanax.[/quote13830fad10]
LOL, xanax suck now maybe a zanbar, but thats a differnt thread.
Now to your quote. Im in no way out $70. To be out of something youve had to have had it. I joined 2 sites and payed $15 to do so. So I am only OUT what I paid. I am and will continue to be a member of those 2 sites. When I originally joined ipods.freepay I did so with no referral. Does that mean I'm also out another $40 cause I could have sold it here? NO
Theclownoftightness is obviously borrowing from Peter To Pay Paul, and it needs to be stopped.
He is obviously scourign all the trade foums and taking trades elsewhere for higher amounts then paying less here. Which is fine if he FUCKING paid. I in no part agreed to wait until someone else paid him before I get paid.
I WANT HIM BANNED, no ifs and or butts about it. I will gladly lose $15, $70, $110 to see him off this board.
07-11-2005 13:00:22
I'm currently trading with him (and have in the past) and I too can vouch that he is very patient as long as you explain the situation to him. He will come through, you just gotta wait a bit. My only complaint againt him is that he doesn't inform you of his situation. I'm ok with the fact that it might take him time to pay, because he waited a long time for me to green, but he needs to communicate better, that can help him avoid these situations.
07-11-2005 13:05:22
[quote83da5c3e7c]and I too can vouch that he is very patient as long as you explain the situation to him.[/quote83da5c3e7c]
Explain to him? He owes me an explanation! Oh but that would mean he would have to stop ignoring my PMs and reply to me.
07-11-2005 15:57:21
I'd contact a mod first and then make a thread on him. I usually refuse to trade with anyone who has ever been posted here.
07-11-2005 16:29:35
I did contact a MOD first bfore posting here. That is why I am so pissed. I know he opened and read my first PM to him on Friday, and the MODs have confirmed he has since been on this forum. So he has choseb to ignore my other PMs as well as payment.
07-11-2005 21:36:09
[quotefffad9f2d4="fgr_admin"][quotefffad9f2d4]and I too can vouch that he is very patient as long as you explain the situation to him.[/quotefffad9f2d4]
Explain to him? He owes me an explanation! Oh but that would mean he would have to stop ignoring my PMs and reply to me.[/quotefffad9f2d4]
I actually meant that if for some reason your end is taking a long time he is very patiet with you, as bond4284 also said about his trade with him. I wasn't saying you did anything wrong.
07-11-2005 21:39:17
Of course he is patient when waiting for you to green, he DOESN'T have any money to pay you.
08-11-2005 06:09:35
WHOA....... settle down my friend. Just sent you a PM explaining you will be payed tomorow when the bank transfer is complete. I admit to reading that PM and running out the door. I had to go. I left and had been gone for about 2 days I am sorry for living a life. And as for me logging on. The admins on this forum know that my homepage is set the the trading post on this forums. So if anyone else opens up IE or Firefox it automatically logs me in. Password saved. There is no reason to be going as crazy as you did. People are vouching for me because they have had successful trades with me. I have a TR of 81 I think now. I am not going to lose that over 2 greens. You will be payed tomorow or possibly even tonight but on one condition. You take a chill pill. Cya man
08-11-2005 07:03:17
[quotea1a792f616="theclownoftightness"]WHOA....... settle down my friend. Just sent you a PM explaining you will be payed tomorow when the bank transfer is complete. I admit to reading that PM and running out the door. I had to go. I left and had been gone for about 2 days I am sorry for living a life. And as for me logging on. The admins on this forum know that my homepage is set the the trading post on this forums. So if anyone else opens up IE or Firefox it automatically logs me in. Password saved. There is no reason to be going as crazy as you did. People are vouching for me because they have had successful trades with me. I have a TR of 81 I think now. I am not going to lose that over 2 greens. You will be payed tomorow or possibly even tonight but on one condition. You take a chill pill. Cya man
We all know that high TR doesn't mean good traders.
Also, you shouldn't start a trade unless you have the money in your paypal, ready to pay.
However, depending on the lateness of payment and how long you've been ignoring, which it doesn't seem like too long, I would say this doesn't call for a ban /
But you shouldn't get TR for the trade either maybe? I don't know.
08-11-2005 09:06:20
[quotede8f7cba03]WHOA....... settle down my friend. Just sent you a PM explaining you will be payed tomorow when the bank transfer is complete. I admit to reading that PM and running out the door. I had to go. I left and had been gone for about 2 days I am sorry for living a life. And as for me logging on. The admins on this forum know that my homepage is set the the trading post on this forums. So if anyone else opens up IE or Firefox it automatically logs me in. Password saved. There is no reason to be going as crazy as you did. People are vouching for me because they have had successful trades with me. I have a TR of 81 I think now. I am not going to lose that over 2 greens. You will be payed tomorow or possibly even tonight but on one condition. You take a chill pill. Cya man
In no way does "having A Life" excuse you from your debts. In fact debts are part of life. So next time be a MAN and pay what you owe. Stop using the same excuse over and over. "I need to transfer monies". When we initiated the trade on Wednsday it was for 2 sites for $55, i went instant green on the first site. You here that INSTANT, so you should have started putting money in your account then, not Today, or yesterday.
Secondly a high TR on this board means NOTHING except you get to go first. It in no way means your a better trader then someone with a 0 TR. In fact I have had 40 succesful trades and 32 pending. Out of all those trades yours was the highest TR I dealt with and you were the worst trade.
Thirdly, someone defending you in no way condones your repeated practice of waiting to pay. I have 40 succesful trade does that mean I can fuck over people with lower TR's cause i will have 25+ people who wil say they traded with me succesfully? NO, so do your part in LIFE and pay people when monies are due!
[quotede8f7cba03]However, depending on the lateness of payment and how long you've been ignoring, which it doesn't seem like too long, I would say this doesn't call for a ban / [/quotede8f7cba03]
Why doesnt it require banishment. This is the 3rd thread started about his horrible practice of refusal to pay and "Having A Life" in 30 days. Obviously he is using the loophole in TR's to take advantage of people here.
Plus it sets a huge bad example, when others like myself see that High TR's mean god like status and imunity from reprisal.
08-11-2005 09:18:58
Ok take a chill pill seriously. We had two trades going on. And you did not green instantly on that one. In fact it was two days later I believe on friday. Which is the day when I started the bank transfer. So shut up. Dear god why do you want me banned so bad? If I am banned there is no way in hell I am going to pay you. And so far I have seen no one but you say shit about me. So suck it. You will get your money tomorow. Someone mail him some chill pills seriously.Cya
08-11-2005 09:57:45
[quotee23b113d67] And you did not green instantly on that one. In fact it was two days later I believe on friday.[/quotee23b113d67]
Here is my trade module data. Which clearly shows the last time I edited it was the day of the trade. Oh and low and behold a GREEN. That is not Friday but Wed.
[quotee23b113d67]$30 for yourfreevideoipods! theclownoftightness
060840am 11/02/05 fgr_admin
021508pm 11/02/05 Link
No contact info inserted.
Edit Negotiating or Waiting
Gone green[/quotee23b113d67]
So i did go green within 8 hours and 15 minutes. Now it is day 6 and you finally start talking to me after I out up this thread. YET STILL NO MONEY!
[quotee23b113d67]$25 for dvdrecorders4free! theclownoftightness
060826am 11/02/05 fgr_admin
061432pm 11/04/05 Link
No contact info inserted.
Edit Negotiating or Waiting
Gone green[/quotee23b113d67]
Then went green on second site 48 hours after trade. Yet still no monies.
08-11-2005 10:11:08
Calm yourself. You will get paid. I've waited a lot longer than 6 days to get money for a green in the past. Threatening him to get his account closed and wanting him banned does not get you your money quicker.
08-11-2005 12:41:47
Man if I were to scam anyone on these forums itd be this guy. To bad I have to much to lose. Here is my advice to you shut the fuck up. I dont have to pay you for another week if I dont want to and I have a feeling that a lot of people really wouldnt care. You will get paid tomorow now shut your trap or Ill move the payment date up to thursday. x
Man if I were to scam anyone on these forums itd be this guy. To bad I have to much to lose. Here is my advice to you shut the fuck up. I dont have to pay you for another week if I dont want to and I have a feeling that a lot of people really wouldnt care. You will get paid tomorow now shut your trap or Ill move the payment date up to thursday. Mad
Good job clown, gosh way to silence that little frickin inmature girl god.