29-10-2005 15:04:43
I got an IM today from someone (I think from the board).
Everything was fine, was going to start a trade when they said "can we do the trade stuff afterward, it's easier if the trade falls through"
I said I prefer to do it upfront, and he said "no thank you"
I got to thinking about it, this guy probably gave me a user name from the board with decent TR and comments so I could look it up (as I did) so he could get me to green first and then ignore me forever. (as I would PM the wrong person).
Anyone else have this happen? Was this person legit? I would think someone who was legit would do the trade module.
29-10-2005 15:07:00
He was trying to scam you, textbook case =P
He was not legit and you guessed everything right.
Good job )
29-10-2005 15:32:43
What was his AIM name and who did he say he was on here?
29-10-2005 21:46:21
he said he was xdarknightx
but i don't recall what his AIM was.
30-10-2005 20:18:55
yea, sounds like you were going to get scammed.... shock
30-10-2005 20:28:04
I was trading with XdarknightX the other day it went through fine I went green for him and then he did and went green 3days later good trader it was on anther forum though but he isn't a scammer
31-10-2005 16:40:00
you're not reading what happened
I'm sure that xdarknightx is truly legit
This person claimed to be him but didn't want to use the trade module up front (how could he without access to xdarknightx's account?)
hence me nearly getting scammed.
31-10-2005 16:48:46
[quote4d9f8fd2d7="bluedino"]I was trading with XdarknightX the other day it went through fine I went green for him and then he did and went green 3days later good trader it was on anther forum though but he isn't a scammer[/quote4d9f8fd2d7]
have you gone through approval?
01-11-2005 12:20:53
That's why you should ALWAYS ask the person to send you a PM to prove that they are who they say they are on the boards.
01-11-2005 12:27:13
yea its pointless not to set up a trade in the module, he probobly was trying to scam you. good job
01-11-2005 15:23:05
I can assure you that it is not me. I do not use AIM to trade anymore, and everytime I want a trade, I PM.