26-10-2005 15:31:34
Upon hitting "Comments" on the blog on the front page, correct me if I'm wrong, but there's a hidden Referral link by "anonymous" for FreePay. I am guessing this isn't a donator's link.
"Do you wish to receive a free 30GB video ipod?
Then go to this address an sign up and get one.
"What is the catch?" you ask... Well I am still suprosed myself to say that there isn't one. All you have to do is,
1. Sign up
2. Complete an offer ( there are 3 free one at the moment, ebay, screenselect and napster)
3. Refer some friends
If you do not believe me, then take a look at this news report made by the BBC.
26-10-2005 15:34:49
Nice find but you should PM the admin so he can take care of it.
Thanks though D
26-10-2005 15:39:00
<3 me, give me some insane rank now hehe P