Scarface [resolved]

Live forum:


13-10-2005 11:32:26

We agreed to do a trade on September 15th. I would do his nano site and he would paypal me $25. I signed Video professor offer that day. I did'nt go green on the offer until September 21st. By that time Scarface had gotten extra refereals which went green and his offer was approved. He cancled our trade on FIG, leaving me in the dust. At first he said he would play me for what he owed me but I would have to wait a week. After that week was over he said to wait 2-3 more days, and I patiently did. Now Scarface bluntly ignores my PM, and I've waited nearly a month for him to pay me. Here is the string of convos we've had. The last two which I know he has read but has ignored me.

From Scarface
To dcny6923
Posted Thu Sep 15, 2005 1120 am
Subject IpodNano Quote message
Ill pay $25 for Freepay nano Green. Youll have to go first since I have +11 feedback.

If you can still do this site My link is
From Scarface
To dcny6923
Posted Thu Sep 15, 2005 1251 pm
Subject Re IpodNano Quote message
[if884341b2a]dcny6923 wrote
Ok I will green first.[/if884341b2a]

Do the Rhadosphy offer, its greens right away
From Scarface
To dcny6923
Posted Thu Sep 15, 2005 114 pm
Subject Re IpodNano Quote message
[if884341b2a]dcny6923 wrote
Ok completed the video professor online offer. Hope it greens soon, suppose to be an instant offer. By the way, I ask you again, do you see my yellow? reply back[/if884341b2a]

yea i see the yellow
Joined, but offer not comple
From Scarface
To dcny6923
Posted Wed Sep 21, 2005 344 pm
Subject Re IpodNano Gone Green Quote message
[if884341b2a]dcny6923 wrote
Hey Scarface, I finally went green on your NANO. Why did you cancel the trade?[/if884341b2a]

When did you go green? I already got approved yesterday and you still werent green.
From Scarface
To dcny6923
Posted Wed Sep 21, 2005 601 pm
Subject Re Gone green Quote message
[if884341b2a]dcny6923 wrote
Well I completed my part. Even though you might have been approved you own me paypal or another green. Which ever one you choose, my paypal is, other wise i report you as a scammer.[/if884341b2a]

1. I have no proof you went green, I cannot see referals in my account anymore

2. I waited over a week, go no messages or contact from you, i assumed that you didnt complete an offer like some of the other ppl that traded me.

3. If you can proove to me %100 that you are green (i wil email support also) then I will do a referal for you.

Sorry about this, i honestly thought you didnt complete an offer.
From Scarface
To dcny6923
Posted Wed Sep 21, 2005 744 pm
Subject Re Gone green Quote message
[if884341b2a]dcny6923 wrote
My last message clearly stated that I completed the video professor offer and was waiting for it to go green. Here's is a screenshot of my nano page. If the resolution is too high save the picture to your computer. Notice my email=,,


Yes, key words being "instant offer", guess it isnt your fault they took so long to credit. I will complete an offer for you. Name the sites you need and referal links and Ill see which one I can do.

Sorry about this.
From Scarface
To dcny6923
Posted Thu Sep 22, 2005 530 pm
Subject Re Gone green Quote message
[if884341b2a]dcny6923 wrote
Hey scarface, have you decided which way you are going to go? Let me know, I have other trades to factor in. I'm waiting on you. I'd prefer straight paypal, but it's your choice.[/if884341b2a]

Paypal but your going to have to wait a little bit (monday/tuesday at latest). My CC is maxed and Im waiting for my cheque to go through.
From dcny6923
To Scarface
Posted Thu Sep 22, 2005 533 pm
Subject Re Gone green
I don't like these waiting games but, I will wait since you've pull through so far respectfully.
From Scarface
To dcny6923
Posted Wed Sep 28, 2005 718 pm
Subject Re Just checking in. Quote message
[if884341b2a]dcny6923 wrote
I see you did'nt respond to me other PM or have yet to do so. But I'm just check in that you owe me a payment for going green on your offer. What is the status of your account has it cleared. Once again I would like to mention that I do not like to wait and have other trades to attend with payment to other people. I am waiting on you. I will try once more if you do not respond to this message and post that you are a scammer.[/if884341b2a]

Yes it has cleared, I am not trying to scam or anything Its just Im having financial troubles, my card is maxed and I have 3 Trades left I need to pay for. I will definatly pay you by Thursday Night, if I dont by then you can report me. If you need any greens Im available for that also. Im really sorry this is taking so long.
From dcny6923
To Scarface
Posted Fri Sep 30, 2005 506 pm
Subject Re Just checking in.
hi scarface, are you able to make payments yet? if so, my paypal is
From dcny6923
To Scarface
Posted Wed Oct 12, 2005 1025 am
Subject Is your account cleared up?
Hey scarface, I need the paypal you owe me for another trade. I've given you more than enough time to get whatever finicial issues you had, out of the way. PM me back.


13-10-2005 16:11:57

The trade was for an "instant" Green, i waited over a week for you to green and you didnt, never messaged me or anything. I assumed you didnt do an offer and were a scammer (cause of your low TR). So I got other greens. You went green after I had already submitted for approval (Jake can confirm this if needed), The trade record also shows I cancelled the trade before you messaged me about going green. I cant even confirm if you went green cause after i submitted for approval the referals disapear. Your ref in no way contributed to me completing the site. I will Pay the amount you paid for the offer you (If you can get me confirmation of green from either Jake or Freepay).


13-10-2005 16:39:40

Take those refferal links out, you stupid fuck.


13-10-2005 20:06:02

Firstly, no one told you to get extra referals so you could finish your offer. Never did you ask me if I was still doing my part (which I was).

Secondly, how the hell would I be scamming you if I agreed to green first, you make no sense there.

It's not my fault it took so long for me to green, you could have sent me a PM to ask what is going on. Instead you turn around and cancel my trade and then you want to hold me responsible.


13-10-2005 20:21:27

[quote560839522d="Scarface"]You went green after I had already submitted for approval (Jake can confirm this if needed)[/quote560839522d]

[quote560839522d="Scarface"]I cant even confirm if you went green cause after i submitted for approval the referals disapear.[/quote560839522d]

? ?

unless you told him that you submitted for approval, then unless its some freak coincidence that he told you he greened after you submitted (when he actually hadnt), then its safe to say that he actually did go green.

i see this situation too many times.

did you even try to contact him Scarface? you said he didnt get in touch with you and you "assumed" he didnt do an offer, but its a trade between 2 members, and you should both keep in contact with each other. its not just one persons responsibility to keep you updated, you both are supposed to get in touch and find out whats going on. not only is it common sense, but its common courtesy also.

you owe him his $25 or a green on a site if he would prefer.


13-10-2005 21:01:21

Laying down the law, pimp style - its F to the rank.


13-10-2005 21:57:45

[quote56956bffce="goofygarber"]Take those refferal links out, you stupid fuck.[/quote56956bffce]

Chill out. Those aren't even his referral links, so he obviously didn't do it on purpose...


13-10-2005 21:59:14

Thats what makes him stupid )


13-10-2005 21:59:52

Wait, bball, are you Scarface? Dude, its your website in the PM.


13-10-2005 22:04:58

No, I'm a friend of dcny. I got him into it...


14-10-2005 03:47:32

Trade is Resolved. $25 sent.


14-10-2005 06:53:26

thank you.

could dcny6923 please edit the original title of the thread to include the word "resolved" please?