Be aware, Flyersman67 has signed up for offers multiple time

Live forum:


05-10-2005 21:45:42

Well I am the owner of and I had flyersman contact me saying he did blockbuster on carstuff and that he didnt get credit. Well I had him fwd me a confirmation email=. Today I find out that he also is on my nano site with multiple accounts, one account is his flyersman and one is Today I find out that he also is on my nano site with multiple accounts, one account is his flyersman and one is Well come to find out hes trying to get credit on nano for blockbuster also but under

I have all proof to back this up, and have read that he has done blockbuster before for others and thats why I wasnt credited for his offer completion or he just sent me his confirmation emails that he got before.

I guess his other name on here is gratisrocks and I just want to warn everyone out there. If people want proof I can provide it.

How are you going to have people trust you for your own free site flyer when you fraud other sites. All your accounts are on hold forever.

edit here is the link on a4f

Lucky 4Free Network Owner


05-10-2005 23:06:07

ok, well this is what i was waiting for.......if you could post the proof id appreciate not saying you are lying, id just rather have as much info as possible.


05-10-2005 23:42:33

This wraps up in a nice tight little package of why gratisrocks was dq'ed on OC probably...I cant believe people have the nerve to break the rules then cry here when they arent dq'ed!


06-10-2005 05:36:38

no its because check the ips its friends house the people i traded with on heres as if ive been aprooved im legit guys this just really pisses me off.


06-10-2005 06:13:26

what about people saying you did the blockbuster offer more than once. I have proof of him trying to get credit for blockbuster more than once. When I get a chance today Ill pull up the no credit report and then find the confirmation email he sent to me for carstuff. Im not trying to start anything, just explain the thing about the blockbuster offer.


06-10-2005 10:43:31

ok sorry i thought i can do it at a friends but no.

i didnt scam anyone u dont see any red reports


06-10-2005 11:54:57

direct quote from alan

"He tried to do Blockbuster twice on our site as well.


so how many blockbuster leads have you tryed to do ? /


06-10-2005 11:56:20

whoa no i didnt

probably aol ips


06-10-2005 11:59:56

He specifially said you, unless hes a liar which I belive to not be the case.


06-10-2005 12:01:41

hes no liar to my knolege i did blcokbuster twice one on each card and a couple times at frieds houses

like i said u see no reports of reds on me


06-10-2005 12:08:26

I was told im not getting credit for those leads you did, plus now all your accounts, multiple ones i might add are on hold. Nothing against you but im stating pure facts.


06-10-2005 12:09:51





06-10-2005 12:27:29

i see two for flyersman on my nano site, one you said to ignore like you did for someone else on another site and then


06-10-2005 12:46:12

yea ignore because it was a accident


06-10-2005 12:50:24

you said ignore one of the flyersman ones, not the frefre ones


06-10-2005 12:54:12

yea when did make out my mistake does it have credit


06-10-2005 13:04:32



06-10-2005 13:20:16

i made that account as a mistake when u first released the site does it have any credit on it

it doesnt matter anyway


06-10-2005 13:27:18

why don't you guys have this convo offline - and then when you're done, post what the resolution was/is.


06-10-2005 13:30:19

Nothing will be resolved, he did blockbuster twice, once on my nano site and once on carstuff. He has done blockbuster for other trades too, and has done blockbuster twice on trainn's site. On hold is the way it will stay.


06-10-2005 13:31:37

when i singed up for ur site there was mess up and accidentally signed up
twice i didn't activate the e-mail _flyersguy045@yahoo_
(mailtoflyersguy045@yahoo) and only using
( is
that ok

thats the email I got. What about the frefre123 account you used and tryed to get blockbuster credit for?


06-10-2005 13:35:14

i didnt try to get credit on that


06-10-2005 13:35:14

I just dont want any type of scamming done to anyone. Youve been banned from here before. I have nothing against you, nor am I pissed, I just tell the truth and speak it how I see it.


06-10-2005 13:40:35

i dont want scamming either and there have been no red reports on me

codex avellum

06-10-2005 17:55:43

yep he just went red on my flatscreens site


06-10-2005 18:01:07

yes im on hold on everysite because sports4free (hes banned here) complained and lied to freepay! good thing u didnt green 4 me yet


06-10-2005 20:18:30

Right from alan, heres his response to flyer saying he didnt do it on his sites.

"He's lying, he did it for both 3604free and DVDrecorders4free. - Robert Kauffman
416932 - Blockbuster - 2005-08-16 - 154256
414348 - Blockbuster - 2005-08-07 - 191656
417730 - Official Auctioneers - 2005-08-18 - 214135
417270 - Cruising 4 Cash - 2005-08-17 - 160218"


06-10-2005 20:20:02

[quote4047186539="bryanvanalmkerk"]Right from alan, heres his response to flyer saying he didnt do it on his sites.

"He's lying, he did it for both 3604free and DVDrecorders4free. - Robert Kauffman
416932 - Blockbuster - 2005-08-16 - 154256
414348 - Blockbuster - 2005-08-07 - 191656
417730 - Official Auctioneers - 2005-08-18 - 214135
417270 - Cruising 4 Cash - 2005-08-17 - 160218"[/quote4047186539]

hahaha pwned.


07-10-2005 04:49:15

Wait, so any offer done by gratisrocks on Freepay is going to turn red/grey???????? You have to be effing kidding me!!!! Now that's another green I have to get when I was begged to do an instant offer for him on He ambushed me with like 5 pms, "so when u do instant?" And it took me like two weeks for him to do an offer on my site. ( I could cry. Plus he was approved on nanos, so I know he got his gift.

codex avellum

07-10-2005 05:04:06

yep i made him go first cause of this thread about him. he greened and kept bugging me to do an instant offer for him. i came down to do one and he was red. hes a scam


07-10-2005 16:14:24

what should i do with my carstuff4fre account he went red ??? my account will be on hold cause i want a third person to do my site so i can get $100 paypal dont tell me becuase of him i will lose everything


07-10-2005 16:28:32

Why would your account be on hold?


07-10-2005 16:33:57

i dont know becuase he went red (


07-10-2005 16:34:34

lol, your account is fine. Just get another ref to replace his.


07-10-2005 17:41:21

[quote9fde73baee="ajrock2000"]lol, your account is fine. Just get another ref to replace his.[/quote9fde73baee]

ok cool thanks that i didnt go first


08-10-2005 09:34:44

yea, I cant give credit because the offer he did he did for so many other sites. Also I didnt get credit in the first place because of that.


16-10-2005 01:21:38

went red on orderit4free and i paid his butt