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26-09-2005 17:56:17

Problem Solved


26-09-2005 18:27:03

Codex Avellum you need to either pay the man $25 or you need to green on the other site. If you dont you will be banned.


26-09-2005 19:06:05

yoooo. i know exactly what your saying. i made a trade with him also. ONLY he had less TR than me so i told him he had to go first. (i think of it as the one with lower TR goes first, prob part of the rules also). He tells me that I`m in no rush to get the green AND that his friend will sign up under me for him cuz he already did nano. now im thinking, he PM me first about the trade (my nano.freepay for his photoipod), so wtf is this. theres already i think another thread about him. he actually says he has friends that will go green for all the people he traded with. mostly for nano also, so tats bs if u think bout it.

but yea, just sharing my story about what happened with me and him.


26-09-2005 19:27:00

i am the mod in question, and codexx told me today that he is going to pay you Daggoth. Its my fault i didnt get on to talk to him last night like i said i would, and i should have told you, so im sorry.

but today he IM'ed me and told me he will paypal you the money.

if he doesnt, then he will be banned.


26-09-2005 19:38:35

I really do not want to sound rude or impacient, but when?


26-09-2005 19:42:44



26-09-2005 19:42:54

he didnt say, but he did say he would......im sure that there is now a thread about it you should get it quick-smart.


06-10-2005 17:01:33

Has there been any more problem's with this user?


06-10-2005 19:06:14

He's not a good trader in general.


06-10-2005 21:48:27

no more problems that i am aware of.

this has been resolved.