23-09-2005 09:22:04
Anyone recently traded or contacted stevenkim71??
I had a trade with him and now he won't respond to any PMs or emails.
Where are you at stevenkim71?? It's been 3 weeks since I went green for you.
MODS, can you please find out when he last logged on?
24-09-2005 01:03:23
Can someone please help me out with this guy??
24-09-2005 01:32:23
yeah its not looking too good.
he hasnt logged in for a week. (
24-09-2005 01:37:14
[quotec0d459f3be="theysayjump"]yeah its not looking too good.
he hasnt logged in for a week. ([/quotec0d459f3be]
Damn! (
Thanks for checking.
I guess I got scammed again.
What do I do about TR? Do I get a + for going green for him even though I got scammed.
24-09-2005 01:45:15
no, we can only give +TR when both users request it, since there is no way to prove that you greened for him and he didnt for you.
if you get it sorted out, then get hime to come on and request TR, then we give you +1.