19-09-2005 09:45:07
lets say the idiot doesnt do a good job of covering his tracks i just pm'd mod with info but this is the user by same name on anything4free that basically left owing hundreds of $$$ and trades and was a prick who didnt even try and make good. i prepaid $65 because of his ok trade record at the time, not a penny back.
now hes using same handle he had here to startup trades again and is starting to get tr.
mods need to let him make good with old trades, take his tr away and report him to gratis, he posted way back he actually got multiple gifts through scamming and spamming many users (
19-09-2005 09:51:15
wait, so what's his actual name? user handler? I just want to be clear.
good thing i read this, he wante to trade with me, however i wont now thxs guys.
19-09-2005 14:34:39
He actually scammed me on a4f too. I had forgotten about it until you made this thread. Thanks )
19-09-2005 16:02:26
Right now i'm in the middle of a trade with him (nothing's been done on either end...) $25 paypal to him for a green for me. He was asking for half early.... lol...
19-09-2005 21:21:47
everybody that had trades with him and have his links can you turn them over to the mods so they can report them or something?
file complaints with paypal, do whatever you can please!