Wood, IS a scammer.
08-09-2005 18:37:17
I traded with wood, 21. I would do dvdrecorders4free.com and yourfreeflatscreens.com and he would give me a green at freeipods.com. So here my story.
I just started out trading, and I wanted to get my TR up so I get into a trade with wood. He tells me to do 21 for dvdrecorders4free and something eles he would tell me later. Ok so I start out doing dvdrecorders4free on 7/28/2005 and I green the next day. Then for about a week he was out of contect, supposebly in Las Vegas. I give him the benefit of the doubt, but still I am skeptical if he is ever going to pull through after reading he already has a thread going in the scammer section. Then on about 8/9/2005 I get an IM from him, we talk about what other site im going to do for him. He needs yourfreeflatscreens done by that night so he makes the paypal deadline, so I say ok, Im going to get him an instant green. I pay 15 dollars for the tickleIQ offer, I green instantly for him, helping him out ALOT so he gets his paypal ASAP. So now, on 8/9/2005, he is supposed to be working on a green for me on freeipods.com. I IM him about every 3 days asking him whats going on, everyime its "Oh tomorrow im going to my uncles house tomorrow", "my friend is doing it right now!", and all other kinds of bullshit he was feeding me. He finally got me a yellow, so I think he is actually going to pull through and get me my green. 15 days later, no green, I ask him to send in support tickets, contect jake, all that good stuff. About last week he offers me paypal, but I really want the green so I dont accept the offer. Then a few days ago I say, ok I will just take the paypal, but oh wait, now he has no money. So I warn him a million times Im going to start a scammer thread about him, he doesnt care. He claims if I start a thread, he will not pay me or get me a green at all. FreeiPodGuide.com forum, I think its time to finally ban this scammer, fortunatly he can't use his Mod status to delete my posts. There it is, my expirences with wood, the scammer. Sorry for the long post but I had to get this out there. Thanks.
PS. Wood, if you still want work something out we can. You and I both know I have given you enough time to step up. As I push the submit button, im kissing away about 20 dollars, and a month of time, oh well, it will be worth it if some action is taken against this guy.
08-09-2005 18:41:34
[quotecc8dbe6ffe="Cash4Cookies"]...Sorry for the long post but I had to get this out there.[/quotecc8dbe6ffe]
I read it all. wink
Well, I guess we shall hear his side now...
Dealing with my gf right now. Give me some time to respond and reconcile.
I owe you and 2 other people some sort of repayment, no doubt about it.
If you are one of those two people, please feel free to post here too. I'm not one to hide my issues P
And in the spirit of not hiding anything
there are FIVE people who got greens from me on gratis sites, but they turned red. If you wouldn't mind, hold off on posting about our issues until I've created a thread for that mess (within the next hour).
08-09-2005 18:59:39
And in the spirit of not hiding anything
there are FIVE people who got greens from me on gratis sites, but they turned red. If you wouldn't mind, hold off on posting about our issues until I've created a thread for that mess (within the next hour).[/quote6fb6157a18]
Damn dude... shock
08-09-2005 19:10:19
wood, seeing as you went red for 5 people. I would rather just accept cash for the two sites I did for you. Whats the going rate for yourfreeflatscreens and dvdrecorders4free these days?
08-09-2005 19:11:25
Just for good measure...wood actually WAS in Las Vegas. I'll be checking in regularly to check on the status of this situation.
08-09-2005 19:13:29
waiting on the thread wood (
08-09-2005 19:14:25
[quote20e85b8098="Cash4Cookies"]wood, seeing as you went red for 5 people. I would rather just accept cash for the two sites I did for you. Whats the going rate for yourfreeflatscreens and dvdrecorders4free these days?[/quote20e85b8098]
Going rate now is anywhere from 25-30...usually 30....i'd say Wood owes you at the very LEAST $50..but for making you wait well over a month he should compensate for that and make it more...i wouldn't wait for another green from wood to go red wasting more of your time.
Wood..i suggest u just pay him and keep ur name clean
[quotebe4a7ae3e9="tracemhunter"]waiting on the thread wood ([/quotebe4a7ae3e9]
Working on it now.
And in response to all the "pay him instead of giving him read" responses, you dont know even half the story, so just wait until I post before you flame on. Mk?
08-09-2005 20:49:44
i payed a guy 35 to do my dvdrecorders4free cause i wanted to make the deadline.. and payed around 30 for yourfreeflatscreen.. lol cmon wood, please keep up with your trades, i know it means jack shti coming from me, but if you cant finish your end of the trade in a reasonable amount of time, dont do it at all..
08-09-2005 20:56:04
[quote0509b554b3="wood"]I owe you and 2 other people some sort of repayment, no doubt about it.[/quote0509b554b3]
i count 3
http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/0d591e5c594eb5cf76257b921406e62e.gif[" alt=""/img0509b554b3]
08-09-2005 21:44:22
Yeah wood takes a long time to green. I wanted to make a tuesday deadline for 3604free, go figure a week later he signed up and greened. He told me he had done the offer at one time, then another I asked about it again he said he doesn't even remember if he did an offer. He greened after I already got another green and was requesting approval, so he didn't scam me. I know this, BUT if you want quick easy greens, basically a good trade then don't trade with him. Sure he'll get the job done but it will take a long time.
[quote5140d4a12c="halfbreed"]Yeah wood takes a long time to green. I wanted to make a tuesday deadline for 3604free, go figure a week later he signed up and greened. He told me he had done the offer at one time, then another I asked about it again he said he doesn't even remember if he did an offer. He greened after I already got another green and was requesting approval, so he didn't scam me. I know this, BUT if you want quick easy greens, basically a good trade then don't trade with him. Sure he'll get the job done but it will take a long time.[/quote5140d4a12c]
Dont forget to mention I signed up on a Friday and you wanted me to green by tuesday...thats like...FOUR days...I guess i'm just a big old slowpoke ) with a shotty memory. CRUCIFY ME NOW!
Anyway, C4C IM me when you read this. I have some ideas I want to toss around with you. Also, anyone else with an issue please feel free to post here or IM at "itswoodie".
08-09-2005 22:17:06
... OK I will...
Wood and I started a trade on 15 June 2005. It took about three days for me to turn Green.... and I am still waiting.
6/15 to 9/8... going on 3 months... 1/4 of a year...
08-09-2005 22:18:00
< edit >
[quote1091a40c50="Peksim"]... OK I will...
Wood and I started a trade on 15 June 2005. It took about three days for me to turn Green.... and I am still waiting.
6/15 to 9/8... going on 3 months... 1/4 of a year...[/quote1091a40c50]
Pek. Our trade is like the trade from hell.
Ive done three offers, none have greened.
Can I just paypal you and consider it closed?
Let me know what you want to do...1/4 of year...god damn it has been long )
08-09-2005 22:46:33
[quoted5cec62aab="wood"][quoted5cec62aab="Peksim"]... OK I will...
Wood and I started a trade on 15 June 2005. It took about three days for me to turn Green.... and I am still waiting.
6/15 to 9/8... going on 3 months... 1/4 of a year...[/quoted5cec62aab]
Pek. Our trade is like the trade from hell.
Ive done three offers, none have greened.
Can I just paypal you and consider it closed?
Let me know what you want to do...1/4 of year...god damn it has been long )[/quoted5cec62aab]
I understand... I have been very patient mainly because I still owe Cart a green.
Do you want 2 weeks to try and make one of those site green? I like to be civil... I know that Greens can be difficult. I have done 2 sites for Cart (the first was one of the REALLY crappy offers from OC)
Otherwise you can make me an offer. I like to be fair. D
09-09-2005 05:23:25
I am in the middle of a trade with wood, and he has yet to green. I also offered to let him paypal me and that has not happened yet either. I am going to class now, but when I return I will post the entire situation.
09-09-2005 05:35:42
I am in the middle of a trade with him as well. the deal was 3604free for 30$ About 2 weeks ago on agust 23rd i did 3604free.com i did the stamps.com offer and it greened yesterday. I ask for payment and basically he says he doesnt have money in his paypal account.
He says he will do a bank transfer to his paypal account and pay me tomorrow. Here is our AIM convo.
JUNIOR6886 hey
Its woodie hey
JUNIOR6886 my paypal is email==JUNIOR6886@comcast.netJUNIOR6886@comcast.net=JUNIOR6886@comcast.netJUNIOR6886@comcast.net/email
JUNIOR6886 please send the reamining 15$ so we can request TR
Its woodie mhm we will talk tomorrow morning
JUNIOR6886 ...
Its woodie i dont have paypal $ right now anyway
Its woodie i need to get it transfered to me
JUNIOR6886 how long will that take
Its woodie hours
Its woodie ull get it tomorrow
JUNIOR6886 ok thanks
Its woodie i dont even know what our trade is
Its woodie but we;ll talk tomorrowq
Its woodie gnite!
JUNIOR6886 its 30$ for 3604free.com
JUNIOR6886 look on your account
JUNIOR6886 I did the stamps.com offer
JUNIOR6886 and it was supposed to be instant
Its woodie earlier today?
JUNIOR6886 no not today
JUNIOR6886 It was a little while ago
JUNIOR6886 it was supposed to green within minutes
Its woodie ok mr details
JUNIOR6886 Want me to quote PMS
JUNIOR6886 i can if you want
Its woodie what r u talking about
Its woodie im not denyin we had a trade.
JUNIOR6886 you are sysing im not providing details
JUNIOR6886 saying
Its woodie ium just asking when u did the offer
Its woodie christ almighty
Its woodie goodnight
JUNIOR6886 i will look into my records for the date
JUNIOR6886 August 23
09-09-2005 06:18:15
I feel like I need to post my trade spreadsheet template so that those who "don't know" who they traded with, when they traded, which offers they did, which sites they can/can't do, whether they've received credit, etc., etc., etc. can finally get their acts together.
Trades don't take care of themselves.
09-09-2005 06:26:14
That would be a good idea, I sure could use it.
09-09-2005 06:29:29
[quotef319cdec48="KeithA"]I feel like I need to post my trade spreadsheet template so that those who "don't know" who they traded with, when they traded, which offers they did, which sites they can/can't do, whether they've received credit, etc., etc., etc. can finally get their acts together.
Trades don't take care of themselves.[/quotef319cdec48]
Thats how I track... except mine is a DB
09-09-2005 07:12:30
Ok, I did 3604free for wood, and he was supposed to do my freeflatscreen. I completed the stamps offer for him that night, and greened instantly. Originally he was supposed to have his "friend" complete my site. I was fine with that, but then the day after I greened he informed me something happend with one of his accounts and it turned red so he was going to try to find someone else. He said he would have someone by this Tuesday (9/6) and if he didnt not I informed him I would accept paypal in the amount of $35. So he finally agreed to the paypal. But same story, he can't send it yet until the money is transferred. Was unable to give me a date when the money would be available to him, even after I told him how to check in paypal for the date (a 127 TR trader would know how to do that anyway IMO). So thats my story, I have most of our AIM conversations as well as all our PM's if anyone would like to see them.
you blaw, have you IMd me since monday?
09-09-2005 07:19:38
Okay seriously, Wood's TR is 127, he's OBVIOUSLY a good trader. Shut the fuck up and be patient, guys. He's not going to scam you with such a good reputation. Seriously..
09-09-2005 07:27:13
[quote34ca089d66="wood"]you blaw, have you IMd me since monday?[/quote34ca089d66]
09-09-2005 07:27:53
[quoteb723760d65="shamash"]Okay seriously, Wood's TR is 127, he's OBVIOUSLY a good trader. Shut the fuck up and be patient, guys. He's not going to scam you with such a good reputation. Seriously..[/quoteb723760d65]
easy for you to say when your not directly involved..... roll
anyways from this part of my aim convo
Its woodie i dont have paypal $ right now anyway
Its woodie i need to get it transfered to me
JUNIOR6886 how long will that take
Its woodie hours
Its woodie ull get it tomorrow
i should be getting my 15$ today so its all good D
09-09-2005 07:30:50
[quote468bb828b9="shamash"]Okay seriously, Wood's TR is 127, he's OBVIOUSLY a good trader. Shut the fuck up and be patient, guys. He's not going to scam you with such a good reputation. Seriously..[/quote468bb828b9]
I have been talking to a mod about this, and I beleive I am well within reason to post here, and I beleive that mod will agree with me. Seriously..
09-09-2005 07:35:12
Sorry if what I said seemed a bit harsh, but Wood seems to be getting screwed from FreePay himself at the moment and I'm sure he'll figure all of you out when everything gets figured out.
Chill guys, MA MAN PINOCCHIO woodie, he is not a scammer, he is just a lazy biatch)) it's really hard to get so many traded done... wood is not a scammer... he will do ur greens
[quoteb6aa3efe41="Pete"]Chill guys, MA MAN PINOCCHIO woodie, he is not a scammer, he is just a lazy biatch)) it's really hard to get so many traded done... wood is not a scammer... he will do ur greens
He is a scammer.
End of story.
09-09-2005 09:45:06
[quotead29f649a1="blawson"][quotead29f649a1="shamash"]Okay seriously, Wood's TR is 127, he's OBVIOUSLY a good trader. Shut the fuck up and be patient, guys. He's not going to scam you with such a good reputation. Seriously..[/quotead29f649a1]
I have been talking to a mod about this, and I beleive I am well within reason to post here, and I beleive that mod will agree with me. Seriously..[/quotead29f649a1]
i'm the mod in question but maybe it would help, blawson if you posted the dates of when this trade started and when it was to be done by.
[quotead29f649a1="shamash"]Okay seriously, Wood's TR is 127, he's OBVIOUSLY a good trader. Shut the fuck up and be patient, guys. He's not going to scam you with such a good reputation. Seriously..[/quotead29f649a1]
it's the traders with the good reputation that can scam people maybe easier than a newbie who just signed up. someone with a high TR already has the "trust" that he won't scam you. they can take advantage of this position.
before i get flamed i'm saying this CAN happen...not saying it DOES.
09-09-2005 10:17:56
[quote90732b0358="theysayjump"][quote90732b0358="blawson"][quote90732b0358="shamash"]Okay seriously, Wood's TR is 127, he's OBVIOUSLY a good trader. Shut the fuck up and be patient, guys. He's not going to scam you with such a good reputation. Seriously..[/quote90732b0358]
I have been talking to a mod about this, and I beleive I am well within reason to post here, and I beleive that mod will agree with me. Seriously..[/quote90732b0358]
i'm the mod in question but maybe it would help, blawson if you posted the dates of when this trade started and when it was to be done by.
[quote90732b0358="shamash"]Okay seriously, Wood's TR is 127, he's OBVIOUSLY a good trader. Shut the fuck up and be patient, guys. He's not going to scam you with such a good reputation. Seriously..[/quote90732b0358]
it's the traders with the good reputation that can scam people maybe easier than a newbie who just signed up. someone with a high TR already has the "trust" that he won't scam you. they can take advantage of this position.
before i get flamed i'm saying this CAN happen...not saying it DOES.[/quote90732b0358]
-The trade began on either 8/28 or 8/29
-I went green on 8/29
-Wood assured me I would have atleast a yellow the next day (8/30)
-8/30 wood told me a ref went red was trying to get it cleared up with Jake.
-Since I was told he would get my site done so soon, he told me he would have someone by 9/6.
-I was told he found someone(between 9/2 and 9/4), but if so why havent I even got a yellow to attribute to wood?
-On 9/7 I told him(again) I would accept paypal amount of $35, I gave him an extra day after the day he said he would get the ref for me.
-Later on 9/7 I was told he was transerring money, but he was unable to check when it would be completed.
-Today, 9/9 was the day I gave him that if he didnt have any sort of proof of progress, I was going to report him.
I think thats about it. Needless to say, I still havent received any greens/yellows or compensation by paypal for the green I gave him.
09-09-2005 10:19:38
I doubt you will be getting anything, anytime soon.
09-09-2005 10:46:32
[quote8d2be17a00="Sonofshoe"]I doubt you will be getting anything, anytime soon.[/quote8d2be17a00]
That is really sad, becuase I really though wood might pull through for me. He seemed like an OK guy and was sure in time he would pay me. But now he hasnt responded to any of my PMs since yesterday. I guess woods days here are done.
09-09-2005 10:48:03
[quotea907f98cb8="Cash4Cookies"][quotea907f98cb8="Sonofshoe"]I doubt you will be getting anything, anytime soon.[/quotea907f98cb8]
That is really sad, becuase I really though wood might pull through for me. He seemed like an OK guy and was sure in time he would pay me. But now he hasnt responded to any of my PMs since yesterday. I guess woods days here are done.[/quotea907f98cb8]
Edited out.
[quote682bb1a488="stoogepid"][quote682bb1a488="Cash4Cookies"][quote682bb1a488="Sonofshoe"]I doubt you will be getting anything, anytime soon.[/quote682bb1a488]
That is really sad, becuase I really though wood might pull through for me. He seemed like an OK guy and was sure in time he would pay me. But now he hasnt responded to any of my PMs since yesterday. I guess woods days here are done.[/quote682bb1a488]
I dont think his days are over. Heh. Hes been here for a long time and from what I've heard hes been pulling the same thing over and over. This is second hand information, but theres enough to make me ponder, D[/quote682bb1a488]
Pulling "what" over?
09-09-2005 11:08:07
[quote9e6c402e66="wood"][quote9e6c402e66="stoogepid"][quote9e6c402e66="Cash4Cookies"][quote9e6c402e66="Sonofshoe"]I doubt you will be getting anything, anytime soon.[/quote9e6c402e66]
That is really sad, becuase I really though wood might pull through for me. He seemed like an OK guy and was sure in time he would pay me. But now he hasnt responded to any of my PMs since yesterday. I guess woods days here are done.[/quote9e6c402e66]
I dont think his days are over. Heh. Hes been here for a long time and from what I've heard hes been pulling the same thing over and over. This is second hand information, but theres enough to make me ponder, D[/quote9e6c402e66]
Pulling "what" over?[/quote9e6c402e66]
Okay Im not here to flame. Forget I posted that. Im going to edit it out.
09-09-2005 11:44:24
Sorry in advance for breaking the flaming rule.
[quote20d5d0414b="shamash"]Okay seriously, Wood's TR is 127, he's OBVIOUSLY a good trader. Shut the fuck up and be patient, guys. He's not going to scam you with such a good reputation. Seriously..[/quote20d5d0414b]
That was intelligently put...
I am glad you said something because I can tell by my posts that I am and have been REALLY impatient.
Next time, maybe stay out of situations that do not concern you... In case you need clarifcation, If you are not Wood or one of the people he Currently has a Trade with, then you have no reason to post here with your ignorant opinions in such a rude and uncalled for fashion.
09-09-2005 12:22:57
WOOD, are you going to answer my IMs???
09-09-2005 13:15:16
< edit >
09-09-2005 13:32:48
< edit >
09-09-2005 13:33:16
< edit >
09-09-2005 13:42:19
if the admin wanted to respond he would respond, triple threads are not needed.
Peksim - Please IM me when you have a free moment.
09-09-2005 14:01:31
[quotec26f3ffd8f]Cash4Cookies05 so whats gonna happen here?
itswoodie nothing
itswoodie ill be banned, you and the rest of the forum will move on[/quotec26f3ffd8f]
Admin, I dont want to sound like im running your forums here, but I think its time for wood to be gone. Doesnt seem like there needs to be a massive investigation on this one.
09-09-2005 14:15:08
09-09-2005 14:23:41
yeah i understand it takes time. but wood knows he is going to be banned, i mean he just told me he was going to be banned. we havnt herd much from wood as far as excuses go. we all know that the ban is imminent. he has nothing to say and has just recently blocked me on aim. so what are we waiting on? let the conspiracy theorist begin, lol.
If i sound impatient it is because I am. I would not be this pissed about being scammed, as I have been scammed before and it wasnt that big of a deal. Its just how this whole thing went down, I mean I was very nice to wood, i gave him a month, and he kept bullshiting. When we has in so dire need of an instant green I stepped up and paid 15 dollars or whatever when I could have paid one. But no I didnt want to be a dick, so i decided to help him out, and this is how he repays me. Realy nice wood, I hope your proud of yourself, ripping innocent people off. If i knew it woulda came down like this, I would have made this thread much sooner. I think I gave wood more than a generous amount of time to get me a green or money, so now I want to see some action taken.
09-09-2005 14:32:43
[quote28feed3216="Cash4Cookies"]yeah i understand it takes time. but wood knows he is going to be banned, i mean he just told me he was going to be banned. we havnt herd much from wood as far as excuses go. we all know that the ban is imminent. he has nothing to say and has just recently blocked me on aim. so what are we waiting on? let the conspiracy theorist begin, lol.
If i sound impatient it is because I am. I would not be this pissed about being scammed, as I have been scammed before and it wasnt that big of a deal. Its just how this whole thing went down, I mean I was very nice to wood, i gave him a month, and he kept bullshiting. When we has in so dire need of an instant green I stepped up and paid 15 dollars or whatever when I could have paid one. But no I didnt want to be a dick, so i decided to help him out, and this is how he repays me. Realy nice wood, I hope your proud of yourself, ripping innocent people off.[/quote28feed3216]
1 month? and 15 dollar instant offer
ouch ive been there before sorry
09-09-2005 14:33:43
wood doesnt know he is going to be banned, he can only speculate. if it had been decided that he was going to be banned, then he would be, there wouldnt be any pissing about.
like the Admin said, what will happen, will happen.
when a decision is made, im sure you will find out, until then you can speculate and theorise all you want wink
09-09-2005 14:40:07
[quote1aed4f418d="theysayjump"]wood doesnt know he is going to be banned, he can only speculate. if it had been decided that he was going to be banned, then he would be, there wouldnt be any pissing about.
like the Admin said, what will happen, will happen.
when a decision is made, im sure you will find out, until then you can speculate and theorise all you want wink[/quote1aed4f418d]
I really dont understand, I mean, he scammed me, hes not going to pay me OR give me a green. I guess im going to just sit back and see what happeneds, but to me this seems like an open and shut case. I hope nothing shady is going on though.
[quote7dce726c6c="Cash4Cookies"]I hope nothing shady is going on though.[/quote7dce726c6c]
You mean you haven't heard?
Admin and the rest of the mod's are on my payroll.
09-09-2005 14:44:05
[quote64d035eec5="wood"][quote64d035eec5="Cash4Cookies"]I hope nothing shady is going on though.[/quote64d035eec5]
You mean you haven't heard?
Admin and the rest of the mod's are on my payroll.
who knows man, I dont know whos got whos back on this forum.
[quote9f1489222a="Cash4Cookies"][quote9f1489222a="wood"][quote9f1489222a="Cash4Cookies"]I hope nothing shady is going on though.[/quote9f1489222a]
You mean you haven't heard?
Admin and the rest of the mod's are on my payroll.
who knows man, I dont know whos got whos back on this forum.[/quote9f1489222a]
lol i think if you take a few minutes out of your life, and review every post with the word "wood" in it over the course of the past three weeks, it will become painfully obvious just how many people "got my back".
answer [i9f1489222a]maybe 4[/i9f1489222a]
09-09-2005 14:55:01
Depending on who the 4 people that have your back are, that could make all the diference. Wood, maybe you didnt mean to be a scammer, but remember when you told me the little "Trading Secrets" I think you called them, im pretty sure thats why you got in the mess with freepay, am I right?
09-09-2005 14:58:41
< edit >
09-09-2005 15:03:02
well for a start, if it was up to the members of FIPG to decide whether someone is banned or not, then everyone would be a mod.
theres a reason there are mods and an admin, and they make the decisions, and believe it or not, its not just one person who decides to ban a member.......ultimitely its up to the admin since its his site, but the other mods have the power to ban people since the admin isnt always on.
and cash4cookies, what are these "Trading Secrets" you are referring to?
Ryanish, I think I speak for everyone when I say
"Who are you and why are you talking?"
Keep voicing your biased, unneeded desent, you'll probably get on the chopping block right after me.
[quote69e7227360="theysayjump"]and cash4cookies, what are these "Trading Secrets" you are referring to?[/quote69e7227360]
yes, fill us all in on my secrets. i'm kinda curious myself...
09-09-2005 15:11:04
I got your back wood..even though i have absolutely no idea what is going on..
Seriousally..i really dont know what this is all about
09-09-2005 15:16:11
< edit >
09-09-2005 15:32:50
If members had the right to Ban, then Ryanish would be gone... At least I would vote for it.
What is with people feeling the need to commit on things that they have very little clue about.
The Fact that Wood is responding is an intication that he may not be scamming.
Those who have never traded with Wood should not be able to post here, for they have no worth-while comments or insight to make. They can only spew their ignorant-uninformed-biased nonsense that has very little purpose than to annoy and create flame.
I not mad at Wood... I could really care less. Wood seems cool to me and I reserve my judgement untill the outcome of his other trades are determined.
Wood, I am just annoyed at the ignorance of others who have no business commenting... and I forgot my yahoo ID.
Peksim - Please read your PMs. Urgent matter
09-09-2005 16:08:30
The Terms of Mine and Wood's trade and been satisfied.
Good luck Wood.
09-09-2005 16:25:56
[quote40ab53a0a1="Ryanish"][quote40ab53a0a1="wood"]Ryanish, I think I speak for everyone when I say
"Who are you and why are you talking?"
Keep voicing your biased, unneeded desent, you'll probably get on the chopping block right after me.[/quote40ab53a0a1]
That one was a little better then the previous flame directed at me.
How is my opinion biased?[/quote40ab53a0a1]You joined 4 days ago, shutup
09-09-2005 16:48:06
< edit >
09-09-2005 17:00:33
Haha, seriously, probably as a banned user.
09-09-2005 17:02:47
Keep voicing your biased, unneeded [bccc65d404f]desent[/bccc65d404f], you'll probably get on the chopping block right after me.[/quoteccc65d404f]
Think you meant dissent.
Ya Im up for a vote on whether we should ban Ryan. Leave Wood alone if your not in a trade with him.
09-09-2005 17:14:12
[quote70a335510a="Ryanish"]I've been around FIPG for over 2 years.[/quote70a335510a]
That's odd, because the forums didn't open until September 11, 2004.
09-09-2005 19:36:59
[quote6493532b0a="doylnea"][quote6493532b0a="Ryanish"]I've been around FIPG for over 2 years.[/quote6493532b0a]
That's odd, because the forums didn't open until September 11, 2004.[/quote6493532b0a]
Haha, yeah I didn't even think about that
09-09-2005 21:13:34
Here is the AIM convo between me and wood on AIM
JUNIOR6886 hello?
Its woodie yes
JUNIOR6886 Youi have still not paid me and im wondering what happened
JUNIOR6886 youli
Its woodie yes i know junior
JUNIOR6886 Were you not able to get funds transfered to your account?
Its woodie im kind of busy right now
Its woodie what were the details of our trade
JUNIOR6886 You prepaid me 15$ of the 30$ you owe me
JUNIOR6886 the trade was 3604free for 30$
Its woodie oh
Its woodie the green that never was
JUNIOR6886 Its green
JUNIOR6886 check your account
JUNIOR6886 It was only about 2 weeks between my signup and green
JUNIOR6886 a bit long but not insane
Its woodie not at all
JUNIOR6886 My paypal address is email==JUNIOR6886@comcast.netJUNIOR6886@comcast.net=JUNIOR6886@comcast.netJUNIOR6886@comcast.net/email
Its woodie i bet it is
Its woodie i have no money junior
Its woodie ull have to wait.
JUNIOR6886 i though you said you have no money in your paypal account
JUNIOR6886 not that you dont have any money at all
JUNIOR6886 You said all you had to do was transfer the funs from your bank account and it would take a matter of hours
Its woodie sorry, no time for word games
Its woodie call me a scammer. be glad u got 15.
Its woodie ull get the other 15 as soon as i get it
Its woodie harrassing me wont make it quicker
Its woodie if anything, it will make it slower
JUNIOR6886 how am i harrasing you
JUNIOR6886 you said youself i would get the money and i still havent gotten it. Why would i just remain silent
JUNIOR6886 notice i waited all the way to 1200am before even iming you
Things dont look good for me cry He says im harrasing him when ive only IMed him 2 times the first time being upon his own request roll
09-09-2005 21:20:31
Wood, is playing similar games with me. Only with the minor exception that he hasn't given me anything for the instant green I gave him 34 days ago. I posted a thread about my chance. What Wood is doing to you, junior, and others, is bull. Something must be done about it and it seems that Wood is falling apart under his own trades. Even if he is forced to pay he won't be able to. If a newb did this they'd be gone.
09-09-2005 21:51:29
He has no logical reason for any of this so he just sighs.... this is bullshit! Ban this ass once and for all!
At least his TR is down to 0, but I don't think that is enough.
09-09-2005 22:54:36
Wood why didnt you just say you didnt have the money at all when i asked for it. Insted of sayign "No i absolutely have no money whatsoever" you say that you have it in your bank account and you just need a few hours to do a transfer to your paypal account. You lied to me plain and simple.
09-09-2005 22:54:42
why would any one have his back he is the most dishonest person on this forum, and he cried for his mod status back..
[quote55c725189a="jonnyk1221"]why would any one have his back he is the most dishonest person on this forum, and he cried for his mod status back..[/quote55c725189a]
could you show me a post where i cried for my mod status back?
Let me get my shit straightened out with the mod's and admin.
If they feel as though the reperations i'm attempting to make don't cut it, then i'll be banned.
as of right now, what is banning me going to do?
i'm working on it. trying to get stuff in order.
have 6 trades go red at the same time has created a delay in dealing with all my other stuff.
Maybe I was in over my head, but who honestly expects 6 LEGIT greens to go red at once? (or at all for that matter)
10-09-2005 01:39:33
I'm not taking a side in this either way - the one I trade I did with wood went fine, both parties were happy.
But, everyone that's calling for his ban should realize that if he's banned FiPG (mods and admin) are not going to be around to stick up / defend you guys, and it would be easy for him to just block all of you on IM, and you'll all be screwed. Be patient and let the cards fall where they may. He's promised many times and many places to pay folks back, for now, that's what you're going to have to go with.
10-09-2005 08:35:50
what use is a promise to pay if the person is willing to follow through with their promise if you read the aim convo he said he would pay me the next day
JUNIOR6886 hey
Its woodie hey
JUNIOR6886 my paypal is email==JUNIOR6886@comcast.netJUNIOR6886@comcast.net=JUNIOR6886@comcast.netJUNIOR6886@comcast.net/email
JUNIOR6886 please send the reamining 15$ so we can request TR
Its woodie mhm we will talk tomorrow morning
JUNIOR6886 ...
[bdf2ac9223e]Its woodie i dont have paypal $ right now anyway
Its woodie i need to get it transfered to me
JUNIOR6886 how long will that take
Its woodie hours
Its woodie ull get it tomorrow [/bdf2ac9223e]
JUNIOR6886 ok thanks
I WAITED A FULL 24 HOURS for the payment and after seeing no payment I IMed him again
JUNIOR6886 the trade was 3604free for 30$
Its woodie oh
Its woodie the green that never was
JUNIOR6886 Its green
JUNIOR6886 check your account
JUNIOR6886 It was only about 2 weeks between my signup and green
JUNIOR6886 a bit long but not insane
Its woodie not at all
JUNIOR6886 My paypal address is email==JUNIOR6886@comcast.netJUNIOR6886@comcast.net=JUNIOR6886@comcast.netJUNIOR6886@comcast.net/email
Its woodie i bet it is
Its woodie i have no money junior
Its woodie ull have to wait.
JUNIOR6886 i though you said you have no money in your paypal account
JUNIOR6886 not that you dont have any money at all
JUNIOR6886 You said all you had to do was transfer the funs from your [bdf2ac9223e]bank account and it would take a matter of hours
Its woodie sorry, no time for word games [/bdf2ac9223e]
Its woodie call me a scammer. be glad u got 15.
Its woodie ull get the other 15 as soon as i get it
Its woodie harrassing me wont make it quicker
Its woodie if anything, it will make it slower
JUNIOR6886 how am i harrasing you
JUNIOR6886 you said youself i would get the money and i still havent gotten it. Why would i just remain silent
JUNIOR6886 notice i waited all the way to 1200am before even iming you
Now come the fuck on!!! What word game am I playing wood? You yourself said hours so please explain what game im playing.
I dont aim you every 5 seconds asking for payment i only PMED you 2 times so im not harassing you either. You scammed me plain and simple
10-09-2005 15:25:16
Alright, I admit, I am an idiot.
Sorry Wood - I was stupid.
10-09-2005 15:29:46
I think having his TR at 0 is a good thing. He's never scammed me, just hasn't exactly been a gold medal trader. So I'm not calling him a scammer at all. BUT having a 120+TR makes it a lot easier, because everyone on the forum would have to go first (besides sweeed, we all know wood and sweeed love trading with each other ?) but now it's at 0 so the odds of him scamming are low. So I say make him rebuild his TR to prove himself, if all this BS continues then a ban.
[quoted98e858f46="halfbreed"]I think having his TR at 0 is a good thing. He's never scammed me, just hasn't exactly been a gold medal trader. So I'm not calling him a scammer at all. BUT having a 120+TR makes it a lot easier, because everyone on the forum would have to go first (besides sweeed, we all know wood and sweeed love trading with each other ?) but now it's at 0 so the odds of him scamming are low. So I say make him rebuild his TR to prove himself, if all this BS continues then a ban.[/quoted98e858f46]
The only difference b/w me and sweed was that I didn't give myself my trade record roll
10-09-2005 16:41:07
wood.... care to comment on why you refuse to pay me my 15$ ?
10-09-2005 22:19:58
wood has since blocked me and is out of contact....
[quoteffdfbbe35e="Cash4Cookies"]wood has since blocked me and is out of contact....[/quoteffdfbbe35e]
you IMed me from your other screen name. we have talked via that one at least twice in the past 48 hours. i didnt block that one...so why make a post like this?
i'm working out ways to make cash as we speak...
10-09-2005 23:48:12
[quoteab5aa1d581="wood"][quoteab5aa1d581="Cash4Cookies"]wood has since blocked me and is out of contact....[/quoteab5aa1d581]
you IMed me from your other screen name. we have talked via that one at least twice in the past 48 hours. i didnt block that one...so why make a post like this?
i'm working out ways to make cash as we speak...[/quoteab5aa1d581]
Never the less you blocked me, I shouldnt have to go out of my way to contact you. Its good to see you are trying to get your trades under control, good luck.
11-09-2005 15:57:39
Hes been ignoring me too.... i really hope i will get my 15$ cry
11-09-2005 16:04:39
I would say dont count on it, but just maybe he will pull through. I dont see why he would STILL be here if he hasnt worked out something to compensate his bad trades.
12-09-2005 14:44:37
Why hasnt wood been banned yet? He finally unblocked me today telling me that hes going to send me 15 dollars as a payment. Thats for yourfreeflatscreens AND dvdrecorders4free, is that fair? I think fair is looking for at least 25 for each. There is no way I can compensate a green at freeipods.com for 15 dollars. The sad thing is it looks like wood is here to stay.
[quotee01e501e47="Cash4Cookies"]Why hasnt wood been banned yet? He finally unblocked me today telling me that hes going to send me 15 dollars as a payment. Thats for yourfreeflatscreens AND dvdrecorders4free, is that fair? I think fair is looking for at least 25 for each. There is no way I can compensate a green at freeipods.com for 15 dollars. The sad thing is it looks like wood is here to stay.[/quotee01e501e47]
why do you want him to be ban?
if we ban him your boring life will be better??? NO
will you get your greens or trades done without wood??? NO
just continue trade with other traders and you should be fine.
12-09-2005 15:03:46
So scammers get no pentalty? Wow thats cool, i guess the rules arent REALLY rules if your wood than? I really want him to be ban(lol) and your post made no sense. How would you feel if wood scammed you? I think you need to mind your own business.
Edit I guess I am done with this wood bullshit. Im fighting a losing battle, Im sure the same reason he isnt banned now will be the same reason he is allowed to come back under a new username. One thing is for sure, we will always be able to spot wood out when we see someone thats done freeipods.com 7 times, has numerous people calling him a scammer, and a general asshole to everyone. Wood, congradualations, you wont be getting any more IMs from me, you won, you scammer.
Wood - 1, the people of FiG.com - 0
Cash4Cookies05 whats at 15 dollars?
Its woodie ur payment
Cash4Cookies05 of 15 dollars?
Cash4Cookies05 at least 50
Cash4Cookies05 AT LEAST 50
Cash4Cookies05 25 for each site i did for you
Cash4Cookies05 you know DAMN well 15 isnt going to get me another green at freeipoids
Cash4Cookies05 your a fuckin bastard
Its woodie uh
Its woodie okay
Its woodie its called a payment plan you silly piece of shit
Its woodie $15 payments
Cash4Cookies05 im a silly peice of shit?
Its woodie you are now
12-09-2005 15:41:08
[quote7816280550="wood"]Cash4Cookies05 whats at 15 dollars?
Its woodie ur payment
Cash4Cookies05 of 15 dollars?
Cash4Cookies05 at least 50
Cash4Cookies05 AT LEAST 50
Cash4Cookies05 25 for each site i did for you
Cash4Cookies05 you know DAMN well 15 isnt going to get me another green at freeipoids
Cash4Cookies05 your a fuckin bastard
Its woodie uh
Its woodie okay
Its woodie its called a payment plan you silly piece of shit
Its woodie $15 payments
Cash4Cookies05 im a silly peice of shit?
Its woodie you are now[/quote7816280550]
what does that mean?
[quote6c481f7c91="Cash4Cookies"]So scammers get no pentalty? Wow thats cool, i guess the rules arent REALLY rules if your wood than? I really want him to be ban(lol) and your post made no sense. How would you feel if wood scammed you? I think you need to mind your own business.
Edit I guess I am done with this wood bullshit. Im fighting a losing battle, Im sure the same reason he isnt banned now will be the same reason he is allowed to come back under a new username. One thing is for sure, we will always be able to spot wood out when we see someone thats done freeipods.com 7 times, has numerous people calling him a scammer, and a general asshole to everyone. Wood, congradualations, you wont be getting any more IMs from me, you won, you scammer.
Wood - 1, the people of FiG.com - 0[/quote6c481f7c91]
nah man u r wrong, i traded with wood 3 times. He is slick trader, but at the end goes green.
Trust me, without wood forum would be boring, he does alot of good things for the forum.
12-09-2005 16:12:22
[quote19a9d242d2="Pete"][quote19a9d242d2="Cash4Cookies"]So scammers get no pentalty? Wow thats cool, i guess the rules arent REALLY rules if your wood than? I really want him to be ban(lol) and your post made no sense. How would you feel if wood scammed you? I think you need to mind your own business.
Edit I guess I am done with this wood bullshit. Im fighting a losing battle, Im sure the same reason he isnt banned now will be the same reason he is allowed to come back under a new username. One thing is for sure, we will always be able to spot wood out when we see someone thats done freeipods.com 7 times, has numerous people calling him a scammer, and a general asshole to everyone. Wood, congradualations, you wont be getting any more IMs from me, you won, you scammer.
Wood - 1, the people of FiG.com - 0[/quote19a9d242d2]
nah man u r wrong, i traded with wood 3 times. He is slick trader, but at the end goes green.
Trust me, without wood forum would be boring, he does alot of good things for the forum.[/quote19a9d242d2]Sub-Zero owns... 8)
[quote6ea025f153="Blink182=Gone"][quote6ea025f153="wood"]Cash4Cookies05 whats at 15 dollars?
Its woodie ur payment
Cash4Cookies05 of 15 dollars?
Cash4Cookies05 at least 50
Cash4Cookies05 AT LEAST 50
Cash4Cookies05 25 for each site i did for you
Cash4Cookies05 you know DAMN well 15 isnt going to get me another green at freeipoids
Cash4Cookies05 your a fuckin bastard
Its woodie uh
Its woodie okay
Its woodie its called a payment plan you silly piece of shit
Its woodie $15 payments
Cash4Cookies05 im a silly peice of shit?
Its woodie you are now[/quote6ea025f153]
what does that mean?[/quote6ea025f153]
i'm telling this twit that it takes time to get the money together, but i do plan on paying him. regardless, he goes off on me.
just proof that i had intentions of paying him
12-09-2005 16:49:48
if you have a problem with wood, or the trade you 2 are in at the moment, then please at least try to keep it civil without flaming. it wont get anyone anywhere.
if you want to post here then thats fine, but try not to get out of hand because the thread will just end up being locked.
12-09-2005 17:51:25
are you guys serious right now? its been over a month, i have a right to be a little angry. wood, you got some followers, im telling you thats the reason your not banned yet. if you are telling me to be patient with him, ive already been, if he needs a payment plan to pay 50 dollars, thats not good.
12-09-2005 18:54:38
[quote1c68da51b4="Cash4Cookies"]are you guys serious right now? its been over a month, i have a right to be a little angry. wood, you got some followers, im telling you thats the reason your not banned yet. if you are telling me to be patient with him, ive already been, if he needs a payment plan to pay 50 dollars, thats not good.[/quote1c68da51b4]
I know how you feel. Wood hasent even communicated with me at all regarding my 15$ in days.... He plays games with me and then Accuses ME of playing word games. I just want the money that is owed to me.
Being a former mod is really working to your advantage isnt it. Your TR
SHOULD BE -1 till you solve all your issues. Yet your sitting pretty with 0
Ive been trying to tell myself otherwise but it looks like the mods are [b1c68da51b4]playing favorites......[/b1c68da51b4]
12-09-2005 18:55:13
JUNIOR6886 Can we work something out with the money you owe me
JUNIOR6886 You have been ignoring my posts on the forums and ive really tried to be as civil as possible regarding our trade
of course im ignored AGAIN
12-09-2005 19:19:15
if anything im siding with the members who have beef with wood, not wood himself. im not saying you guys have no right to be angry, im not saying something should/shouldnt be done about, im just saying you can keep this civil.
if a thread gets out of hand then its just going to get locked, and thats not just my stance, its the other mods also.
the reason wood is not banned is obvious, and it has nothing to do with favouritism. he has issues that need to be sorted out. he is not conducting any trades with anyone, so what harm does it do for him to be here?
would you rather he was banned and there was no chance whatsoever of you getting your greens or money?
as long as theres a chance that he might/will, pay/green for everyone he is supposed to, then thats a good enough reason for me to not ban him.
12-09-2005 21:38:23
[quote399e72aebd="theysayjump"]if anything im siding with the members who have beef with wood, not wood himself. im not saying you guys have no right to be angry, im not saying something should/shouldnt be done about, im just saying you can keep this civil.
if a thread gets out of hand then its just going to get locked, and thats not just my stance, its the other mods also.
the reason wood is not banned is obvious, and it has nothing to do with favouritism. he has issues that need to be sorted out. he is not conducting any trades with anyone, so what harm does it do for him to be here?
would you rather he was banned and there was no chance whatsoever of you getting your greens or money?
as long as theres a chance that he might/will, pay/green for everyone he is supposed to, then thats a good enough reason for me to not ban him.[/quote399e72aebd]
Then why isnt this done with scammer?
12-09-2005 22:10:38
as much as i think the way things have gone down between wood and his trades, there is a difference between scammers and the "situation" wood is in.
scammers set out to scam and dont care if they get banned or TR dropped etc.
if that was wood then he wouldnt even bother to make a difference, or set his wrongs, right.
he has been given a 2nd chance given his TR and if he fucks it up, then im sure he will be banned.
12-09-2005 22:22:15
ok, all I wanted was it to be admited that wood got a second chance. though it does seem hes had other chances? whatever, im done with this.
13-09-2005 16:02:33
I'm patiently waiting on my $30 from wood, also.
13-09-2005 18:30:07
Why don't we make a list of all the people Wood needs to pay and decide the order. He can't handle it by himself, so let's make a dictated path for him. If he can do that then he at least should get a chance to stay (of course never give him his TR bacK). Yes Wood has scammed me too.
[quote91fead0802="SonTenshinhan"]Why don't we make a list of all the people Wood needs to pay and decide the order. He can't handle it by himself, so let's make a dictated path for him. If he can do that then he at least should get a chance to stay (of course never give him his TR bacK). Yes Wood has scammed me too.[/quote91fead0802]
you're not getting anything back, so i'm not sure why you are posting here.
maybe if you didnt flame me over aim and threaten me it would be a different story.
case closed.
13-09-2005 18:49:17
So your saying you aren't going to pay him? shock
[quotec16459bcf7="Sonofshoe"]So your saying you aren't going to pay him? shock[/quotec16459bcf7]
i'll pull up logs of the constant flaming this guy has given me.
it basically goes like this
me i will pay you when i get the funds
him no, you will pay me now.
me i dont have the money now.
him fucking find the money you stupid piece of shit. or else i'll get u banned
me no thanks.
13-09-2005 20:04:01
wood, you have to understand why people are getting mad. for our trade its been over a month, if you were in position you would get pissed too.
13-09-2005 21:37:56
I think I waited the longest and I still acted civil.
There is no excuse for belligerence. .. but I also do not think belligerence is an excuse to not pay someone that which is owed.
is that hard to get a man... if he dont' have money right now, can't you wait? aren't we fucking family in here, to help each other???
why you are people trying to fuck someone account or some personalety...
please give a guy some time!
please respect each other!
13-09-2005 22:21:17
ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW???? if this was ANYONE eles they would be banned, this is rediculous. I just want fig to admit they let this man get another chance, when they dont give other scammers second chances. You are making out like I am the bad guy here.
[quoteb97c474959="Cash4Cookies"]ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW???? if this was ANYONE eles they would be banned, this is rediculous. I just want fig to admit they let this man get another chance, when they dont give other scammers second chances. You are making out like I am the bad guy here.[/quoteb97c474959]
no you are not a bad guy, i just wanted to say, we have to help each other, sometimes give a time to trader ...
wood was 130 TR, you have to respect trader.
13-09-2005 22:34:00
im pretty sure that i said above that wood was given a 2nd chance and you accepted that saying you just wanted it to be admitted.
you want me to admit it again?
13-09-2005 22:51:21
[quote01399468a9="theysayjump"]im pretty sure that i said above that wood was given a 2nd chance and you accepted that saying you just wanted it to be admitted.
you want me to admit it again?[/quote01399468a9]
lol my bad, yeah i mean, there is nothing i can do about this wood situation. I just hope I see some money from him (not holding my breath)
What do you call a cash4cookie at the bottom of the ocean?
13-09-2005 22:58:02
i dunno, what do you call a cash4cookie at the bottom of the ocean?
[quotefafb561030="wood"]A good start.[/quotefafb561030]
mrgreen Welcome to FIGS. would you like to trade?
14-09-2005 06:39:18
[quotef9717f6fab="Pete"][quotef9717f6fab="wood"]A good start.[/quotef9717f6fab]
mrgreen Welcome to FIGS. would you like to trade?[/quotef9717f6fab]
Pete, If I remember correctly weren't you the one that was making all of the topics about wood in the 'off-topic section?'
Now you are woods biggest supporter. Hmm...
[quote49c381d9fd="Sonofshoe"]Pete, If I remember correctly weren't you the one that was making all of the topics about wood in the 'off-topic section?'
Now you are woods biggest supporter. Hmm...[/quote49c381d9fd]
Funny what $50 and a green can do to change your mind about someone ;)
BTW, why do you keep posting here Shoe? We dont have any outstanding trades, In fact, the trade we did went flawlessly (correct me if I'm wrong, after 150+ trades I can't be sure of much anymore). So I'm curious as to why you already have a few worthless posts in this thread.
Just trolling for drama?
[quotec618ee506c="Sonofshoe"][quotec618ee506c="Pete"][quotec618ee506c="wood"]A good start.[/quotec618ee506c]
mrgreen Welcome to FIGS. would you like to trade?[/quotec618ee506c]
Pete, If I remember correctly weren't you the one that was making all of the topics about wood in the 'off-topic section?'
Now you are woods biggest supporter. Hmm...[/quotec618ee506c]
yes i was, but wood paid me. Just took him a time to get money on paypal.
Sonofshoe, just tell me please... did you ever have problem with trading?
you didn't go green (trader was mad at you)
or trader didn't go green for long time and you were mad.
I think it's normal thing. wink
14-09-2005 09:25:58
[quotebf64bd1b12="wood"][quotebf64bd1b12="Sonofshoe"]Pete, If I remember correctly weren't you the one that was making all of the topics about wood in the 'off-topic section?'
Now you are woods biggest supporter. Hmm...[/quotebf64bd1b12]
Funny what $50 and a green can do to change your mind about someone ;)
BTW, why do you keep posting here Shoe? We dont have any outstanding trades, In fact, the trade we did went flawlessly (correct me if I'm wrong, after 150+ trades I can't be sure of much anymore). So I'm curious as to why you already have a few worthless posts in this thread.
Just trolling for drama?[/quotebf64bd1b12]
Someone needs to stick up for some noobs roll
[quoteb97c65e146="Sonofshoe"]Someone needs to stick up for some noobs roll[/quoteb97c65e146]
Flaming Pete is sticking up for the noobs?
I think the moderators have it under control.
Why dont you go check out the HELP section of the forum if you want to "help the noobs". When's the last decent post you've made in there? Never?
14-09-2005 12:53:13
[quote7d68e06fa0="wood"][quote7d68e06fa0="Sonofshoe"]Someone needs to stick up for some noobs roll[/quote7d68e06fa0]
Flaming Pete is sticking up for the noobs?
I think the moderators have it under control.
Why dont you go check out the HELP section of the forum if you want to "help the noobs". When's the last decent post you've made in there? Never?[/quote7d68e06fa0]
I would rather bash scammers then help noobs in the help section, but here are some of my posts in the help section
Oh yeah, woody you have been here longer then I have, and here are your help comments
14-09-2005 14:56:25
[quoteea3698281a]i'll pull up logs of the constant flaming this guy has given me.
it basically goes like this
me i will pay you when i get the funds
him no, you will pay me now.
me i dont have the money now.
him fucking find the money you stupid piece of shit. or else i'll get u banned
me no thanks.[/quoteea3698281a]
Stop this!! I never said anything of the sort. This is the second you have randomly made things up and claimed that I said this. DO NOT CONTINUE TO LIE!! It is doing nothing for your reputation, yet just showing how much you deserve to be banned. I have asked you directly twice to pay me. Other times I have asked, how much you think you owe me and you responded..
Paraphasing here... "I'm (something.. I forget) scammer and ... something else too. I didn't bother saving it because I already decided that I was just going to wait for payment... he's got enough crap on his plate and it would be a bad idea to ban him at the moment anyways.
I still think that my before idea was worth trying. We should create a list of all the people Wood scammed, the money he owes them, and in which order they are to be paid back.
[quote092309ddcf="SonTenshinhan"][quote092309ddcf]i'll pull up logs of the constant flaming this guy has given me.
it basically goes like this
me i will pay you when i get the funds
him no, you will pay me now.
me i dont have the money now.
him fucking find the money you stupid piece of shit. or else i'll get u banned
me no thanks.[/quote092309ddcf]
Stop this!! I never said anything of the sort. This is the second you have randomly made things up and claimed that I said this. DO NOT CONTINUE TO LIE!! It is doing nothing for your reputation, yet just showing how much you deserve to be banned. I have asked you directly twice to pay me. Other times I have asked, how much you think you owe me and you responded..
Paraphasing here... "I'm (something.. I forget) scammer and ... something else too. I didn't bother saving it because I already decided that I was just going to wait for payment... he's got enough crap on his plate and it would be a bad idea to ban him at the moment anyways.
I still think that my before idea was worth trying. We should create a list of all the people Wood scammed, the money he owes them, and in which order they are to be paid back.[/quote092309ddcf]
LISTEN man... read what MOD write... wood has second chance!
can anyone lock this thread ?
14-09-2005 15:05:48
Pete, did you read what I said? I wasn't bashing him. I even said that he [if6ff9ae0f2]shouldn't be banned.[/if6ff9ae0f2] However, there was no reason for him to say he's never paying me (he said that in this very thread) and then make stuff up about me. Please read my post before accusing me of ignoring our Mod's rulings. I obviously respect this forum very much.
[quoteca31145d41="SonTenshinhan"]Pete, did you read what I said? I wasn't bashing him. I even said that he [ica31145d41]shouldn't be banned.[/ica31145d41] However, there was no reason for him to say he's never paying me (he said that in this very thread) and then make stuff up about me. Please read my post before accusing me of ignoring our Mod's rulings. I obviously respect this forum very much.[/quoteca31145d41]
i'm sure he will pay you, but he will suck all ur blood out... as he did it to me... (sorry can i ask you what site he owes u) if i didn't do that site, i will green for you.
(was it load?)
Pete I wish I could understand what you are saying more then 50% of the time.
14-09-2005 15:13:14
Are you serious? It was FlashIpods4free - What a surprise - I mean he did the site so many times, didn't even tell me. Isn't that against Trainn's ToS?
And shoe sorry for flaming you. You do help out and I, a fellow forum member, appreciate that.
14-09-2005 15:19:53
Pete I wish I could understand what you are saying more then 50% of the time.[/quote5cb5c1f435]
i never can understand him ?
14-09-2005 15:31:23
ok, unless you're actually involved in a trade with wood or wood owes you something then please don't post in this thread. let's just keep it to the people who it involves.
14-09-2005 15:54:06
lets just keep it to people that have been scammed by wood, so ABSOLUTLY NOTHING HAPPENEDS!!! wood tells me im going to be the last to get my payment, if i ever get my payment. I guess thats the price for calling a scammer out? NO ONE should ever trade with wood, he is a TERRIBLE trader. If you have been scammed by wood, say so in your profile or avatar. Apparently we cant get him banned, but we can save other people from going through this bullshit with him.
Since wood claims he "might" pay me, whats going to happen if he doesnt? If everyone is so sure hes not a scammer just a slow man, you know damn well if he doesnt pay me its going to be justified because i "harassed" him by starting this thread.
14-09-2005 16:13:02
you think im trying to cover up shit?
pete hasnt been scammed by wood so whats the point of him posting here? sonofshoe hasnt been scammed so whats the point in him posting here?
im just trying to cut down on the useless threadcrapping by asking people who are not involved in trades with wood, to not comment.
14-09-2005 16:15:00
[quote49ddeb725f="theysayjump"]you think im trying to cover up shit?
pete hasnt been scammed by wood so whats the point of him posting here? sonofshoe hasnt been scammed so whats the point in him posting here?
im just trying to cut down on the useless threadcrapping by asking people who are not involved in trades with wood, to not comment.[/quote49ddeb725f]
I understand and I agree, sorry I am just taking out my anger on the lack of punishment.
C4C - You will get paid. Scout's Honor
14-09-2005 16:20:55
i hope so, even if it is last...outa what? like 20 people?
[quoteaab7e7cd4e="Cash4Cookies"]i hope so, even it is last...outa what? like 20 people?[/quoteaab7e7cd4e]
Sorry, I'm not a boy scout anymore.
If I had the money to pay you back, I would.
But as fate would have it, I dont have the money.
I had it when I offered it to you FIVE TIMES in the past month. Each time you rudely declined saying you would rather have a green.
Well, now I can't sign up for your site because Jake will just red it out.
And I dont have any money to send you. So your are S.O.L. for the time being.
Don't know what to tell you other then you should have taken the money when I offered it FIVE TIMES.
One thing I can guarantee is that threads like this are only hindering your chances of getting any kind of payment. There are people who understand my shit situation and are trying to work with me through this.
Your blatant and wonton lambasting is only make it that much more strenuous and hard for me to raise the money I need to pay the people back who are in line before you.
14-09-2005 16:41:45
[quoteffae46ff2e="wood"]If I had the money to pay you back, I would.
But as fate would have it, I dont have the money.
I had it when I offered it to you FIVE TIMES in the past month. Each time you rudely declined saying you would rather have a green.
Well, now I can't sign up for your site because Jake will just red it out.
And I dont have any money to send you. So your are S.O.L. for the time being.
Don't know what to tell you other then you should have taken the money when I offered it FIVE TIMES.
One thing I can guarantee is that threads like this are only hindering your chances of getting any kind of payment. There are people who understand my shit situation and are trying to work with me through this.
Your blatant and wonton lambasting is only make it that much more strenuous and hard for me to raise the money I need to pay the people back who are in line before you.[/quoteffae46ff2e]
Please dont act like any of this is my fault. Maybe I should have accepted the money before, but I declined (not rudly) because I was in need of a green. I gave you MANY chances to pay me before I made this thread, and making a thread about you scamming me shouldnt hinder anything. Just because the truth is out about you, shouldnt effect anything. Also dont act like I should relax and just know im getting my payment. You told me you might pay me, so what I should just sit back another month while im fucked out of two sites that I could be doing right now for a legit trader?
And another thing
Maybe you should reconsider bad mouthing mod's and other members of the forum.
liliYou have all of 120 postslili
You really aren't a vital part of this community.
I've yet to see ANY kind of contribution from you. Instead, you are just a big fat leech - using the forum for all its worth and running away when you are through.
It's members like you who I wouldn't think twice about getting rid of, especially if they keep asking for it.
14-09-2005 16:50:03
your right wood, im deffinatly the bad guy here. lets get rid of the new guy but keep the scammer? nice logic there. Ive never bad mouthed a mod, I have no problem with anyone on this site except you. I dont get why you are trying to turn this on me, what we need to do is make a poll about this in the off topic. If everyone really thinks im in the wrong here, i will just leave it alone. But im sure more than 50% of the forum wants you gone. Good luck making me out to be the bad guy though.
[quote24a8d558ea="Cash4Cookies"] Good luck making me out to be the bad guy though.[/quote24a8d558ea]
Good luck getting paid roll
Edit wheelie - PM/IM me, I have part of your payment.
14-09-2005 16:52:51
End of story. "I scammed you."
Let's all move on. I have other people that need to be paid back.
14-09-2005 17:10:02
it amazes me that you will still be here. Rules arent rules if your wood, crazy.
14-09-2005 17:14:42
Cash4cookies, I understand that you are pissed. Im quite pissed myself about the 15$ that wood owes me. But getting upset isnt gonna get you paid. You werent wrong in making the scammer thread because wood does have quite a number of sour deals but to get so angry as to to take the time to make an anti-wood sig isnt gonna get you paid any faster.
You are only harming yourself by remaining so angry..... it would be best if we remain calm and await payment without 10 wood flames a day.
No one is sayign wood is justified in paying us slowly but what more punishment do you want. Do you want him to be banned and dissappear with your money? His TR is already gone till he digs himself out of the hole hes in... not much other punishment to give. Relax for a few days
and try not to think about this... You'll feel a lot better. wink
[quote0ac141f6ae="Cash4Cookies"]it amazes me that you will still be here. Rules arent rules if your wood, crazy.[/quote0ac141f6ae]
this is what i was talking about when I said "asking for it".
the mods already said they were giving me another chance...[b0ac141f6ae]three times now...[/b0ac141f6ae]
and you've made it clear how liamazedli you are.
we get it. okay?
14-09-2005 17:29:15
im not flaming wood, im just making sure anyone that reads a post of mine knows not to trade with him. I dont think i will ever get my money, thats outa my mind now. I just want to make sure everyone that might trade with him in the future knows about him. I think saving one person from trading with him would be helping the FIG community. He has made it clear hes not going to pay me, so why should I just accept that? All he does is play little games, he will say, C4C you are going to get your money, then he will say "good luck getting your money". So im taking it as he scammed me, and I will never see it. He did after all say he scammed me. I really dont see why I should just shut up about it?
LoL. Your call bro.
Keep repeating yourself, I personally don't care.
I'm too busy paying back the people who kept their mouth shut and exhibited extraordinary patience while I got my shit together.
I'm done with this thread.
If anyone (aside from this chump) needs to get in touch with me, please feel free to PM / IM me. I'm currently working out payments and getting people paid up slowely but surely.
14-09-2005 17:44:25
yeah whatever im done too, im still gonna have this in my sig so people can know how you really are. you still scammed one person wood. its cool you are paying people back, but your not paying me because i didnt play your game. no matter what, scamming 15 people or 1 person, your still a scammer. Even if you arent a scammer, and you end up paying everyone (including me) this was by far the worst trade ive ever done, so people should know.
Thanks to everyone who supported my side of this, too bad wood is too powerful here. Good luck with everyone and their bad trades with wood.
14-09-2005 18:17:19
Cmon now people. We have been here a while and we all know that wood is not a scammer. OK! He has payed me some of the money that he owes me until he can get things sorted out. This is very nice of him to do such a thing. Many people would just leave when they saw the debt they were in. I respect wood for what he is doing right now getting everyone payed back. Give him a break and let him get things sorted out. thank you.
14-09-2005 18:33:27
That's one powerful vaccuum.
14-09-2005 19:13:04
[quotee1edd6e0c5="theclownoftightness"]Cmon now people. We have been here a while and we all know that wood is not a scammer. OK! He has payed me some of the money that he owes me until he can get things sorted out. This is very nice of him to do such a thing. Many people would just leave when they saw the debt they were in. I respect wood for what he is doing right now getting everyone payed back. Give him a break and let him get things sorted out. thank you.[/quotee1edd6e0c5]
This is true, after readng some of the posts in this thread and others by wood, i decided he deserves some time to get things cleared up. And if he was just out scamming i think he would be gone by now, I mean it seems like everyone knows whats going on with him. This is why I have been quiet for most of this thread.
Just hope you get things worked out soon wood.
Wood is not a scammer he just has bad credit. ) Hope everything gets worked out and everyone is happy )
16-09-2005 11:26:59
Wood, has however claimed that he would never green or pay for some of us - in addition he has been extremely rude.. I know he has been given a second chance, but he only deserves that if he pays everyone everything they owe us back. There is more than just 6 people. He has told me multiple times he will never compensate for his greens. Also why is his TR 1 now?? It should be 0!! At the moment he should be considered a scammer until he pays back the money he owes us.
16-09-2005 11:32:53
im assuming that his TR is 1, because the ongoing trades he has with people, have been completed, and for the other person in the trade, they request TR for it, but you cant just give TR to one person, they both have to get it.
[quote0c8ebea2e3="SonTenshinhan"]Wood, has however claimed that he would never green or pay for some of us - in addition he has been extremely rude.. I know he has been given a second chance, but he only deserves that if he pays everyone everything they owe us back. There is more than just 6 people. He has told me multiple times he will never compensate for his greens. Also why is his TR 1 now?? It should be 0!! At the moment he should be considered a scammer until he pays back the money he owes us.[/quote0c8ebea2e3]
Tell you the truth, I think he will not pay anyone back, it seems that way. But what do i know.....
[quote296b339e94="JuG"]Tell you the truth, I think he will not pay anyone back, it seems that way. But what do i know.....[/quote296b339e94]
Answer Absolutely Nothing.
liliI've already begun making reparations with peoplelili
Please Jug, PLEASE - mind your own business.
Enough people have problems with you on this forum that you dont need to go around sticking your nose in business that isn't yours.
16-09-2005 14:37:45
i di ask wood for a trade and he had 0 t r he said theres a story so im like i know but to proov ur not a scammer u have to go first its the rules so he sad no and refused
16-09-2005 14:43:08
Even though I havnt seen a dime from wood yet, I know hes not a scammer. It was stupid of me to try so hard to get him banned, as it doesnt really matter. Wood, I hope you accept my appology, I was really being stupid. I can deffinatly understand your situation, and I really am sorry I made it a little harder for you to get your shit fixed. I hope you can get everything fixed and get back to owning the freebie scene. Good luck.
16-09-2005 19:14:37
Enough people have problems with you on this forum that you dont need to go around sticking your nose in business that isn't yours.[/quoted41ce2049f]
I got no problems with JuG. He is legit.
Enough people have problems with you on this forum that you dont need to go around sticking your nose in business that isn't yours.[/quote31e3161529]
I got no problems with JuG. He is legit.[/quote31e3161529]
No one asked you.
Why are you guys posting in this thread after a mod warned everyone that it was meant for people who had actual business being here?
16-09-2005 23:29:27
dont answer that lol
if you have business with wood, then you can post. if not then please dont.
17-09-2005 09:45:34
I got a problem with wood too. $30 for freeflatscreens, and his account was put on hold. I still wonder how this long-time trader still can do freeflatscreens to begin with. But anyhow, he was uncooperative, did not try to resolve the problem himself and asks me to talk to Jake to get his hold removed. And when I asked for a refund, he said he had no money.
21-09-2005 09:29:41
wood still hasent PMed me to arrange some sort of payment plan for my 15$ and LOOK AT HIS SIG
mods can you please remove that? its totally messed up
21-09-2005 13:40:37
So how long are we supposed to wait around for our money? I paid him $30 to do minimacs. Can I file a claim with paypal?
21-09-2005 15:00:32
Wood, do not replace what was in your sig, I will delete it again since its deceiving (as people posting their TR of other sites). There was a good reason why your TR was dropped, so stop being such a baby about it and take it like a man.
For anyone else waiting for repayment from him, I suggest you go ahead and file that paypal claim. I'm not buying his "I don't have any money yet" excuses, and that can only work for so long. If there isn't any progress towards those who wood still owes money to within 7 days, I will take further action. Enough is enough.
21-09-2005 15:17:34
I know I said I wouldnt post in this thread anymore, but oh well. This thread was made just about 2 weeks ago. I am just curious if anyone has seen a dime from wood?
[quote3804336bcb="comppimp"]Wood, do not replace what was in your sig, I will delete it again since its deceiving (as people posting their TR of other sites). There was a good reason why your TR was dropped, so stop being such a baby about it and take it like a man.
I'm not sure what was deceiving about "My TR was 131 but I do not trade anymore" but thats fine.
I was under the impression that I was given a "second chance" on the forum.
I guess you're here to make sure that it is short lived?
[quote3804336bcb="comppimp"]For anyone else waiting for repayment from him, I suggest you go ahead and file that paypal claim. I'm not buying his "I don't have any money yet" excuses, and that can only work for so long. If there isn't any progress towards those who wood still owes money to within 7 days, I will take further action. Enough is enough.[/quote3804336bcb]
Enough is enough?
Give me a break. I've made reparations with a few people so far.
And for a majority of the other people I owe, they understand my situation and have accepted it as a loss for all of us.
So if zero'ing out my TR and continuously fanning the flames is your idea of "helping" then you are doing one hell of a job.
Junior got half of his $30 already, so he's really last on my list to repay. Especially since he keeps trying to threadcrap.
Even C4C and I "made up" so to speak. He accepted I dont have money, even though he was one of the people who were slighted the most and is getting over it.
So i'm not sure what the "further actions" are going to be besides banning me. But if a majority of the people who I owed dont feel compelled to have me banned, then why do you?
21-09-2005 17:24:23
Just file the claim, if he doesn't pay he gets locked up out his paypal account and thats teh end of that.
21-09-2005 17:51:19
[quote721c171b9b="comppimp"]Wood, do not replace what was in your sig, I will delete it again since its deceiving (as people posting their TR of other sites). There was a good reason why your TR was dropped, so stop being such a baby about it and take it like a man.
For anyone else waiting for repayment from him, I suggest you go ahead and file that paypal claim. I'm not buying his "I don't have any money yet" excuses, and that can only work for so long. If there isn't any progress towards those who wood still owes money to within 7 days, I will take further action. Enough is enough.[/quote721c171b9b]
Its nice to see a mod ready to take some serious action against this guy
wood has been playing games with me since the day I went green for him...... He askes for patience yet its almost been a month since I went green roll
Brown Nosing.
The cycle of Junior. Banana Boy extrordinaire.
21-09-2005 18:50:04
Wood you did the same thing to me - I greened instantly for you on the 7th of August and I have seen nothing from you. It's been a month and a half. I'm sure the trade you're having with Junior went in a very similar fasion. You, after making the choice to not pay us, not only slander us on aim, but here in this forum too. You have yet to tell me you'll pay me a dime back. There's no reason for your behavior. We are the ones that have a right to be upset, not you - it's your fault. Anyways when do you plan on paying me?
By the way, thanks, CompPimp. ^_^
21-09-2005 18:55:38
damn man, i was so over this whole thing, but now its making me mad again. wood did this to sooo many people, i didnt even know, can we get an official count here? I was deffinatly one wood scammed (i am going to say he scammed me since i havent received any type of payment, or any word of a payment.) wood is still here, and it seems to me he hasnt tried to pay anyone yet. wood, whats going on?
yo C4C i've been IMing you for 10 minutes.
i got something for youuuu
21-09-2005 20:15:36
Wow I cannot believe this is still going.
Well I am over it... of course I got my $15.
Summary so far
I got no money...
I am trying to pay everyone back but I got no money,
scammer jerk...
you suck...
I got no money, what can I do...
scammer jerk...
I paid you half for now...
I hate your sig you scammer jerk...
Now I am mad again...
what was wrong with my sig. I got no money...
trying to IM you...
8 pages in 14 lines.
21-09-2005 20:20:57
[quote1df5c95baa="Cash4Cookies"]damn man, i was so over this whole thing, but now its making me mad again. wood did this to sooo many people, i didnt even know, can we get an official count here? I was deffinatly one wood scammed (i am going to say he scammed me since i havent received any type of payment, or any word of a payment.) wood is still here, and it seems to me he hasnt tried to pay anyone yet. wood, whats going on?[/quote1df5c95baa]
Its hard to tell. He's had multiple scam threads in which multiple people have spoken up about being scammd by wood. Well he has a "suprise" for you so you might be in luck....
21-09-2005 23:49:30
[quote5adf92551e="wood"]LoL. Your call bro.
Keep repeating yourself, I personally don't care.
I'm too busy paying back the people who kept their mouth shut and exhibited extraordinary patience while I got my shit together.
I'm done with this thread.
If anyone (aside from this chump) needs to get in touch with me, please feel free to PM / IM me. I'm currently working out payments and getting people paid up slowely but surely.[/quote5adf92551e]
you have done nothing towards repaying me, and I have kept quiet all this time. All you did was to tell me to bother Jake about turning it back to green.
Here was his attitude towards my "reparation" in our PMs
[b5adf92551e]xDarKnighTx[/b5adf92551e] Hey, remember the trade we made, $30 for Freeflatscreens? You used the E-Mail jon.ryan12 right? I just checked my freeflatscreens account today, and it said that it has been denied. If you cannot get me another green, I want to request my $30 refund back. Please get back to me soon, thanks.
[b5adf92551e]wood[/b5adf92551e] I had about four gratis accounts get placed on hold. I am currently working with Jake on getting the issue resolved. Hopefully when we get back from the long weekend on tuesday he will have some answers for me.
[b5adf92551e]xDarKnighTx[/b5adf92551e] It's still on hold. If it does not turn green soon, I'd like to request a refund.
[b5adf92551e]wood[/b5adf92551e] contact jake via PM. i dont have ANY money. the green i gave u was legit. jake is abusing his moderator powers. he put all my freepay accts on hold because i make them lose too much money. pm jake and tell him u want the green.
[b5adf92551e]xDarKnighTx[/b5adf92551e] wtf is this bullshit, you were responsible to give me the green, and you tell me to fix it myself? I don't care how you do it, but either I get a green, or I get my $30 back.
[b5adf92551e]wood[/b5adf92551e] lol whatever you say chief.[/quote5adf92551e]
23-09-2005 11:57:58
Well i guess im falling into the wood scammed me category, on August 22nd i went as far as driving to my sisters house and completing an offer for him, i did stamps.com and it was an instant green. He was supposed to do freepsps.com for me but he never did. I im'd him on monday and he told me he couldnt check it because he was on a public computer. He said he would get home in a bit and check it. Well i im'd him everyday at least twice since then and today i finally get this response. The motherfuclier just blocked me on aim.
DavidDonBlue hey are you going to be able to take care of my freepsps??
Its woodie no
DavidDonBlue so whats gonna happen??
Its woodie you will post in the scammer section
DavidDonBlue ya
DavidDonBlue and whats that gonna do
Its woodie you will no doubt get some public sympathy
DavidDonBlue ya but i dont give a shit about sympathy
DavidDonBlue i just wanted a dam green
DavidDonBlue so i guess im getting nothing back from you
Its woodie my sympathy?
DavidDonBlue sympathy
DavidDonBlue wtf do i want sympathy for
Its woodie well its better than nothing, right?
DavidDonBlue no
DavidDonBlue dude
Its woodie oh, well in that case...
DavidDonBlue in that case what
Its woodie No sympathy it is
DavidDonBlue ok so i get no green and nothing for the green i did for you
DavidDonBlue dam i cant believe it
DavidDonBlue i go out of my fuckin way to drive to my sisters house do an instant offer for you and you come up with this bullshit
DavidDonBlue you must feel real good right about now
23-09-2005 12:02:29
WOW, Wood are you really that much of a Prick?
[quotea717c80a20="erdons"]Well i guess im falling into the wood scammed me category, on August 22nd i went as far as driving to my sisters house and completing an offer for him, i did stamps.com and it was an instant green. He was supposed to do freepsps.com for me but he never did. I im'd him on monday and he told me he couldnt check it because he was on a public computer. He said he would get home in a bit and check it. Well i im'd him everyday at least twice since then and today i finally get this response. The motherfuclier just blocked me on aim.
DavidDonBlue hey are you going to be able to take care of my freepsps??
Its woodie no
DavidDonBlue so whats gonna happen??
Its woodie you will post in the scammer section
DavidDonBlue ya
DavidDonBlue and whats that gonna do
Its woodie you will no doubt get some public sympathy
DavidDonBlue ya but i dont give a shit about sympathy
DavidDonBlue i just wanted a dam green
DavidDonBlue so i guess im getting nothing back from you
Its woodie my sympathy?
DavidDonBlue sympathy
DavidDonBlue wtf do i want sympathy for
Its woodie well its better than nothing, right?
DavidDonBlue no
DavidDonBlue dude
Its woodie oh, well in that case...
DavidDonBlue in that case what
Its woodie No sympathy it is
DavidDonBlue ok so i get no green and nothing for the green i did for you
DavidDonBlue dam i cant believe it
DavidDonBlue i go out of my fuckin way to drive to my sisters house do an instant offer for you and you come up with this bullshit
DavidDonBlue you must feel real good right about now[/quotea717c80a20]
gosh i love this guy "woodie". funny dude mrgreen
[quote7c92192259="Peksim"]WOW, Wood are you really that much of a Prick?[/quote7c92192259]
I have no money to pay anyone back.
I PM'd jake this morning asking if I could sign up for gratis sites (read ME - NOT JON RYAN) and he informed me I will be put on hold immediately (after completing my offer i'm sure).
Not sure what else to say...
Please see my original thread in which i state I can't possibly pay all of these people back.
So I cant green on any sites, and I cant pay anyone back.
I've been trying to work things out with people, and emptied what little money I had in my accounts (you even saw a portion of that Peksim).
I've tried my best, and my best is obviously not good enough.
I guess the only reasonable course of action is to ban me.
So be it.
23-09-2005 12:45:29
[quote58706fe1a1="wood"][quote58706fe1a1="Peksim"]WOW, Wood are you really that much of a Prick?[/quote58706fe1a1]
I have no money to pay anyone back.
I PM'd jake this morning asking if I could sign up for gratis sites (read ME - NOT JON RYAN) and he informed me I will be put on hold immediately (after completing my offer i'm sure).
Not sure what else to say...
Please see my original thread in which i state I can't possibly pay all of these people back.
So I cant green on any sites, and I cant pay anyone back.
I've been trying to work things out with people, and emptied what little money I had in my accounts (you even saw a portion of that Peksim).
I've tried my best, and my best is obviously not good enough.
I guess the only reasonable course of action is to ban me.
So be it.[/quote58706fe1a1]
You could ....um.....get a job, or stop spending money on Slickdeals...
23-09-2005 12:47:25
Ya you fucklin pussy ass bitch, take the easy way out instead of being a man and sticking around and paying everyone back. You cant be broke forever can you???? But whatever, if thats what you want to do then so be it, remember what goes around comes around.
[quotef1fd8849f3="erdons"]Ya you fucklin pussy ass bitch, take the easy way out instead of being a man and sticking around and paying everyone back. You cant be broke forever can you???? But whatever, if thats what you want to do then so be it, remember what goes around comes around.[/quotef1fd8849f3]
watch your language "smelly" , just give him a time he will pay you...x
[quotedd62aa618d="doylnea"]You could ....um.....get a job, or stop spending money on Slickdeals...[/quotedd62aa618d]
I didn't realize listing slickdeals means I was participating in them.
Nothing sneaks past you doylnea.
I'd get another job, but 19 credits doesn't allow me too.
23-09-2005 17:28:03
[quoted327d5b119="wood"]I'd get another job, but 19 credits doesn't allow me too.[/quoted327d5b119]
At Drexel University?
[quotecf57151f42="double_d"][quotecf57151f42="wood"]I'd get another job, but 19 credits doesn't allow me too.[/quotecf57151f42]
At Drexel University?[/quotecf57151f42]
Yea, come on down, we'll work this out man to man with a big hug <3
23-09-2005 19:05:39
[quotef2ee44458a="wood"]Not sure what else to say...[/quotef2ee44458a]
I understand that you are really stuck and cannot pay anyone else back. But you should remember that you [bf2ee44458a]DO[/bf2ee44458a] owe these people, not acting like a prick when people ask for payment is the least and easiest thing you can do.
I am not upset that you got into this situation because it happens... in your case it hit a lot of people.
I am just annoyed that you would act like a prick to those you [bf2ee44458a]are[/bf2ee44458a] in dept to.
26-09-2005 15:19:21
I filed a claim on PayPal to try to get my $30 back from Wood. Here's what I got
Reason for Dispute
Buyer's Comments
I paid Alex $30 to sign up and complete an offer for me on freeminimac.com. He never did and I asked for a refund. His response was that he had no money. He claims he is a poor college student and cannot repay me.
Date of Complaint
Sep. 23, 2005
Case Closed
Status Details
We have completed our investigation of this case. We have denied this claim and a refund will not be issued. The seller was able to provide tracking information confirming that the item was shipped to you.
Now how the fxck did he provide a legit tracking # to them?
26-09-2005 15:29:46
[quote77565ef867="double_d"]I filed a claim on PayPal to try to get my $30 back from Wood. Here's what I got
Reason for Dispute
Buyer's Comments
I paid Alex $30 to sign up and complete an offer for me on freeminimac.com. He never did and I asked for a refund. His response was that he had no money. He claims he is a poor college student and cannot repay me.
Date of Complaint
Sep. 23, 2005
Case Closed
Status Details
We have completed our investigation of this case. We have denied this claim and a refund will not be issued. The seller was able to provide tracking information confirming that the item was shipped to you.
Now how the fxck did he provide a legit tracking # to them?[/quote77565ef867]
now wood probably wont pay you back cause of that
26-09-2005 15:46:18
[quote7ffbf2219b="double_d"]I filed a claim on PayPal to try to get my $30 back from Wood. Here's what I got
Reason for Dispute
Buyer's Comments
I paid Alex $30 to sign up and complete an offer for me on freeminimac.com. He never did and I asked for a refund. His response was that he had no money. He claims he is a poor college student and cannot repay me.
Date of Complaint
Sep. 23, 2005
Case Closed
Status Details
We have completed our investigation of this case. We have denied this claim and a refund will not be issued. The seller was able to provide tracking information confirming that the item was shipped to you.
Now how the fxck did he provide a legit tracking # to them?[/quote7ffbf2219b]
I would love to know how he provided tracking information. I actually completed an offer for a douchebag who has now filed a reversal against me. I'd like to employ the same tactics against him.
26-09-2005 15:50:44
There shouldve been an email sent to you as to what tracking information he provided. Either that or somewhere in the paypal website under disputes/transactions.
26-09-2005 16:15:46
Check the ryanish thread. I posted a description of a guy from A4Free of a way he claims you can win these claims...
26-09-2005 16:43:32
26-09-2005 20:13:52
so... anyone know of a way to get our money back from wood through paypal? do we need to call up paypal?
27-09-2005 05:43:52
[quote6b6c315983="wood"][quote6b6c315983="Peksim"]WOW, Wood are you really that much of a Prick?[/quote6b6c315983]
I have no money to pay anyone back.
I PM'd jake this morning asking if I could sign up for gratis sites (read ME - NOT JON RYAN) and he informed me I will be put on hold immediately (after completing my offer i'm sure).
Not sure what else to say...
Please see my original thread in which i state I can't possibly pay all of these people back.
So I cant green on any sites, and I cant pay anyone back.
I've been trying to work things out with people, and emptied what little money I had in my accounts (you even saw a portion of that Peksim).
I've tried my best, and my best is obviously not good enough.
I guess the only reasonable course of action is to ban me.
So be it.[/quote6b6c315983]
I just dont understand this man, HE IS NOT PAYING ANYONE BACK, why is he still here? This is absolute bullshit, where is everyone that was so sure he would pay us back? How do you feel now knowing we will never see any money? Should we give him so more chances? This dude is a prick, he could care less about any of us. I dont beleive for one second he is broke, hes laughing all the way to the bank from this. Its crazy that he is still here, can a mod PLEASE tell me why he hasnt been banned? Whats the excuse now? Before it was "be patient he will pay you back", now he admits it wont happen (for like the 30th time) and no one says anything. I know there is no point in having him banned really, because I know admin or whoever loves this dude so much will just let him come back under a new username, and scam some more people. But its just the principal that he has scammed, and he is not banned.
27-09-2005 09:40:11
[quote2c47a46ac3="Cash4Cookies"][quote2c47a46ac3="wood"][quote2c47a46ac3="Peksim"]WOW, Wood are you really that much of a Prick?[/quote2c47a46ac3]
I have no money to pay anyone back.
I PM'd jake this morning asking if I could sign up for gratis sites (read ME - NOT JON RYAN) and he informed me I will be put on hold immediately (after completing my offer i'm sure).
Not sure what else to say...
Please see my original thread in which i state I can't possibly pay all of these people back.
So I cant green on any sites, and I cant pay anyone back.
I've been trying to work things out with people, and emptied what little money I had in my accounts (you even saw a portion of that Peksim).
I've tried my best, and my best is obviously not good enough.
I guess the only reasonable course of action is to ban me.
So be it.[/quote2c47a46ac3]
I just dont understand this man, HE IS NOT PAYING ANYONE BACK, why is he still here? This is absolute bullshit, where is everyone that was so sure he would pay us back? How do you feel now knowing we will never see any money? Should we give him so more chances? This dude is a prick, he could care less about any of us. I dont beleive for one second he is broke, hes laughing all the way to the bank from this. Its crazy that he is still here, can a mod PLEASE tell me why he hasnt been banned? Whats the excuse now? Before it was "be patient he will pay you back", now he admits it wont happen (for like the 30th time) and no one says anything. I know there is no point in having him banned really, because I know admin or whoever loves this dude so much will just let him come back under a new username, and scam some more people. But its just the principal that he has scammed, and he is not banned.[/quote2c47a46ac3]
If Admin loved wood he wouldn't have stripped him of his mod status...
Wood is a Scamming douche and has been a prick to everyone he owes. He claims hes paying back people who dont complain but when i IMed him he didnt even fucking remember our trade... after reminding him of the green i gave him on yourfreeflatscreen and i give him my paypal address he says he has no money in his paypal account and will transfer some money to his account so he can pay me the next day. Needless to say i havent recieved a dime from him since.... The mods are being far too kind to wood. I dont care if he gets banned and i lose my chance to get my 15$ because as it stands hes not gonna pay any of us back wheather he gets more money in the future or not. What kind of douche trades cash for greens when they are broke..... roll
27-09-2005 11:54:08
there is obviously someone who wants wood here. he says he adds to the community, all he is is a dick, and a scammer. Anyone that scams gets banned, unless you are wood, bottom line.
[quote06b7173338="Cash4Cookies"]there is obviously someone who wants wood here. he says he adds to the community, all he is is a dick, and a scammer. Anyone that scams gets banned, unless you are wood, bottom line.[/quote06b7173338]
Damn dude, you're like a broken record.
We get it already, I'm "special".
Post something new or dont post at all.
27-09-2005 14:08:21
Who else besides Cash4Cookies and Junior are awaiting payment from wood? If everyone who he owes agrees that he should be banned, even though that might hurt the chances of you getting your money back, then I will go ahead and do that since the deadline I set for him will expire in a few hours.
Everyone and their mother knows wood has money. He's just milking this as far as he can so that people will forget about it and let it slide, also to see if he can "soften up" the other mods. I don't give a damn who you were or how many trades you made before... cry me a fucking river. As soon as you don't repay people that are owed within a reasonable amount of time (which has already been given to you time and time again) you're no worse than any other scammer thats come across here.
27-09-2005 14:13:44
[quote91b75efcb9="comppimp"]Who else besides Cash4Cookies and Junior are awaiting payment from wood? If everyone who he owes agrees that he should be banned, even though that might hurt the chances of you getting your money back, then I will go ahead and do that since the deadline I set for him will expire in a few hours.
Everyone and their mother knows wood has money. He's just milking this as far as he can so that people will forget about it and let it slide, also to see if he can "soften up" the other mods. I don't give a damn who you were or how many trades you made before... cry me a fucking river. As soon as you don't repay people that are owed within a reasonable amount of time (which has already been given to you time and time again) you're no worse than any other scammer thats come across here.[/quote91b75efcb9]
AMEN! Hope to hear from the scammed kiddies soon )
[quote5d8a8ad22b="comppimp"]I don't give a damn who you were or how many trades you made before... cry me a fucking river. [/quote5d8a8ad22b]
Who's crying comppimp?
I accepted my fate day from day one.
When Jake put those 5 or 6 accounts on hold, I knew this would all end with me getting banned. I had no illusions about it.
And even knowing I was going to be banned eventually, I still paid a few people back what little money I had.
So please, spare me the whole "omg wood stop complaining and pay them" cop routine.
You want to be the big shot and ban me, go ahead. I don't deny that I have it coming.
I owe people money and greens which I can't pay them back (regardless what you and your mother think).
The dutiful course of action is to ban me.
It seems that the people who I owe will feel better about the whole situation if "wood" is banned. They are owed at least that much.
So Mr. p-i-m-p, you don't need to wait for their consent.
Go ahead and be all you can be, and do it.
why won't we poll; ban or wait ? roll
27-09-2005 14:28:15
[quotec853b51a67="wood"][quotec853b51a67="comppimp"]I don't give a damn who you were or how many trades you made before... cry me a fucking river. [/quotec853b51a67]
Who's crying comppimp?
I accepted my fate day from day one.
When Jake put those 5 or 6 accounts on hold, I knew this would all end with me getting banned. I had no illusions about it.
And even knowing I was going to be banned eventually, I still paid a few people back what little money I had.
So please, spare me the whole "omg wood stop complaining and pay them" cop routine.
You want to be the big shot and ban me, go ahead. I don't deny that I have it coming.
I owe people money and greens which I can't pay them back (regardless what you and your mother think).
The dutiful course of action is to ban me.
It seems that the people who I owe will feel better about the whole situation if "wood" is banned. They are owed at least that much.
So Mr. p-i-m-p, you don't need to wait for their consent.
Go ahead and be all you can be, and do it.[/quotec853b51a67]
No, since day one, you've been egging everyone on SO that you would be banned and come out ahead.
Stop the Bullshit Wood - there's no way you can't come up with $150 to pay off the people you owe. Sell your ipod, or game system or a bunch of old clothes on Ebay.
Your act is old and tired and you're milking this time until you get banned, SO YOU GET BANNED.
No, since day one, you've been egging everyone on SO that you would be banned and come out ahead.
Stop the Bullshit Wood - there's no way you can't come up with $150 to pay off the people you owe. Sell your ipod, or game system or a bunch of old clothes on Ebay.
Your act is old and tired and you're milking this time until you get banned, SO YOU GET BANNED.[/quote6cb905c60a]
Why would I pay those people back if I was so intent on getting banned?
27-09-2005 14:39:27
[quoteddb962c28f="wood"]Why would I pay those people back if I was so intent on getting banned?[/quoteddb962c28f]
Because that was before you figured out the easy way out of this by being banned.
And thanks for the negative Karma. That's cute.
[quote67a31b85e2="doylnea"][quote67a31b85e2="wood"]Why would I pay those people back if I was so intent on getting banned?[/quote67a31b85e2]
Because that was before you figured out the easy way out of this by being banned.[/quote67a31b85e2]
Yea I guess I didn't realize all my options from the start.
Thank you Doylnea.
27-09-2005 15:05:35
well wood is leaving now so an excuse to not pay people
and look http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?p=214665#214665
27-09-2005 15:10:28
i like wood cause his posts are easy to read.
one sentence per line.
sometimes with an extra line in between.
easy on the eyes.
27-09-2005 15:52:06
No need to keep this thread open
27-09-2005 16:06:51
I'm still waiting on other people that are owed to get their input (as stated in the previous page). Please keep it open until then.
27-09-2005 16:22:49
Re-mod wood.
27-09-2005 16:24:12
[quote8c513e8a49="comppimp"]Who else besides Cash4Cookies and Junior are awaiting payment from wood?[/quote8c513e8a49]
Me. $30.
27-09-2005 16:37:37
ok but if wood is banned what good does it really do
27-09-2005 17:00:05
He isn't banned yet...?
[quote0dd05636d9="double_d"][quote0dd05636d9="comppimp"]Who else besides Cash4Cookies and Junior are awaiting payment from wood?[/quote0dd05636d9]
Me. $30.[/quote0dd05636d9]
Are you for or against the action proposed in my post above?
27-09-2005 18:40:12
[quote96beba4084="Stroid"]ok but if wood is banned what good does it really do[/quote96beba4084]
It might not do a damn thing. But from the looks of things wood doesnt intend on paying anyone back so were screwed no matter what......
What really bothers me is how big a dick he was to me and everyone else
it was totally uncalled for! evil
27-09-2005 18:46:53
For the record he owes me $25.
27-09-2005 19:16:53
[quote8718d68c6f="comppimp"]Are you for or against the action proposed in my post above?[/quote8718d68c6f]
I'm an optimist. Leave him.
27-09-2005 22:37:29
He doesnt owe me cash, but he owes me a green on freepsps.com which probably goes for $30+ these days.
i never traded with him so i wouldn't know.
28-09-2005 00:12:53
he owes me $30
28-09-2005 04:32:55
guys please state wheather you want wood banned or not
dont just post what he owes you.
28-09-2005 06:41:57
so for every scammer at fig, are we going to have a vote? I guess
[quoted24e76d815]b. If you do not hold to your word, or you behave in any way that seems 'shady', you will be banned. There is no room for that here. [/quoted24e76d815]
doesnt apply. I think the rules need to be changed a little, how about "There is some room for that here"
[quotee04de5af60="Cash4Cookies"]so for [be04de5af60]every scammer[/be04de5af60][/colore04de5af60] at fig, are we going to have a vote? I guess
[quotee04de5af60]b. If you do not hold to your word, or you behave in any way that seems 'shady', you will be banned. There is no room for that here. [/quotee04de5af60]
doesnt apply. I think the rules need to be changed a little, how about "There is some room for that here"[/quotee04de5af60]
you are wrong about [be04de5af60]every scammer[/be04de5af60][/colore04de5af60], wood is not every scammer,
he did so many good thing for FIGS (what i'm sure you never did or will do)
and yes he paid me $25 ...
i would say even more then that, RE-MOD wood.
Please Banana man, STFUP!!! you scammed noob as well, because of you he was banned! evil
28-09-2005 07:24:19
I think Peter has a crush on wood...
28-09-2005 07:35:34
[quote057a681e89="Pete"][quote057a681e89="Cash4Cookies"]so for [b057a681e89]every scammer[/b057a681e89][/color057a681e89] at fig, are we going to have a vote? I guess
[quote057a681e89]b. If you do not hold to your word, or you behave in any way that seems 'shady', you will be banned. There is no room for that here. [/quote057a681e89]
doesnt apply. I think the rules need to be changed a little, how about "There is some room for that here"[/quote057a681e89]
you are wrong about [b057a681e89]every scammer[/b057a681e89][/color057a681e89], wood is not every scammer,
he did so many good thing for FIGS (what i'm sure you never did or will do)
and yes he paid me $25 ...
i would say even more then that, RE-MOD wood.
Please Banana man, STFUP!!! you scammed noob as well, because of you he was banned! evil[/quote057a681e89]
I dont think anyone should get special treatment, if you scammed you should be banned. For real pete, you need to get off his dick, he is a scammer, he has scammed many people, not only that he is an asshole. He doesnt deserve to be here, most people want to see him go. If he didnt give you 25 dollars you would be replying about how he needs to be banned too.
[quote5ad80b08cb="bballp6699"]I think Peter has a crush on wood...[/quote5ad80b08cb]
you and your jokes lol
i'm crush on monkeys,
http//i21.photobucket.com/albums/b268/pini80/kissing_monkey_jpg.jpg[" alt=""/img5ad80b08cb]
"will you feel better if wood will be ban" ? i wouldn't roll
f#%$ it i'm out of this, same B.S. just different day.
28-09-2005 07:46:33
I talk to wood on aim, not the forum. I could care less if he was banned... ;)
28-09-2005 08:03:13
well i did his 3604free and he went grey on my shuffle. however, he did pay for my offer on 3604free. i owuld like to see a return on the site wasted and the offer wasted but i dont care about banning him.
28-09-2005 08:07:51
he still owes me either a green on freeflatscreens or $35 for my green on 3604free around August 28th, so a month ago.....he didnt respond to my last PM....
Don't mess with C4C, he's one tough cookie.
Cash4Cookies05 I'm comming to philly in a month or so. Can we fight.
Itswoodie Uh...sure?
Cash4Cookies05 Awesome, I'm 6'0" 250 pounds
Itswoodie I didn't ask
Cash4Cookies i'm tingling with excitement already
Itswoodie Tweak your nipples, it helps
[quote57e5000f5f="bballp6699"]I talk to wood on aim, not the forum. I could care less if he was banned... ;)[/quote57e5000f5f]
28-09-2005 09:07:33
wood, have we gone so low as to cut and peice together our AIM conversations...wow. Ban this fuck boy. Look how much he adds to the comunity, he just bullshits. I would give my first born child to meet this bastard face to face. But enough of this badass internet bullying, bottom line, wood is a scammer. Honestly man, do you have nothing better to do then sit there in wordpad changing what I write? Thats sad. Well, I promised myself that I would never get into any kind of internet fight, because thats probebly the weakest thing that can ever happen. It seems to me that all the bullshit that goes down here on fig has something to do with wood.
[quote9f11bd34a5="wood"]Don't mess with C4C, he's one tough cookie.
Cash4Cookies05 I'm comming to philly in a month or so. Can we fight.
Itswoodie Uh...sure?
Cash4Cookies05 Awesome, I'm 6'0" 250 pounds
Itswoodie I didn't ask
Cash4Cookies i'm tingling with excitement already
Itswoodie Tweak your nipples, it helps[/quote9f11bd34a5]
woodie, do you need help? i have black belt dzudo )
i'm 5.11 185lbs and it's easy to kick someone who is fat (250lbs)
28-09-2005 09:20:23
[quoted6858df45b="Pete"][quoted6858df45b="Cash4Cookies"]so for [bd6858df45b]every scammer[/bd6858df45b][/colord6858df45b] at fig, are we going to have a vote? I guess
[quoted6858df45b]b. If you do not hold to your word, or you behave in any way that seems 'shady', you will be banned. There is no room for that here. [/quoted6858df45b]
doesnt apply. I think the rules need to be changed a little, how about "There is some room for that here"[/quoted6858df45b]
you are wrong about [bd6858df45b]every scammer[/bd6858df45b][/colord6858df45b], wood is not every scammer,
he did so many good thing for FIGS (what i'm sure you never did or will do)
and yes he paid me $25 ...
i would say even more then that, RE-MOD wood.
Please Banana man, STFUP!!! you scammed noob as well, because of you he was banned! evil[/quoted6858df45b]
First of all i didnt scam the n00b he didnt do an offer for me all he did was signup on the site and he wanted 30$. He got banned for cursing
at stroid not because of his conflict with me. How about not fucking changing the subject. This is about how wood SCAMMED me and tons of other people After giving him money or greens and getting nothing back in return. Yes wood has helped out a little in the forums. I know all about him blowing the whistle on the 4nocash scam while the A4F mods were still trying to keep it under wraps but no matter how great a contribution he made, it doesnt change the fact that he took money and greens and wants to walk away without compensating his creditors.....
28-09-2005 09:22:36
[quotee874f2b23c="Pete"][quotee874f2b23c="wood"]Don't mess with C4C, he's one tough cookie.
Cash4Cookies05 I'm comming to philly in a month or so. Can we fight.
Itswoodie Uh...sure?
Cash4Cookies05 Awesome, I'm 6'0" 250 pounds
Itswoodie I didn't ask
Cash4Cookies i'm tingling with excitement already
Itswoodie Tweak your nipples, it helps[/quotee874f2b23c]
woodie, do you need help? i have black belt dzudo )
i'm 5.11 185lbs and it's easy to kick someone who is fat (250lbs)[/quotee874f2b23c]
You cant even speak english. are you mexican? I always pictured you a mexican.
28-09-2005 09:25:00
[quote6147614232="Caah4Cookies"]Look how much he adds to the comunity, he just bullshits[/quote6147614232]
ok i'll stand up for wood now.
He always posts awesome deals all the time, this was before any other member did this, and before i even knew about slickdeals.
Secondl there was the time when he blew the whistle on 4nocash network. Probably saving a buncha FIPG members a lot of money on a scam network.
and he generally has intelligent things to say.
cash4cookies if it takes wood another month to pay you isnt that better than not getting payed?
28-09-2005 09:25:56
He's Russian like Ivan Drago.
Now would you want to fuck with this guy?
http//www.flyingomelette.com/oddities/sab2/ivandrago.jpg[" alt=""/imgb94ad413ba]
28-09-2005 09:30:31
what dont you guys get? HE ISNT GOING TO PAY ME. he has said it, its not going to happen. Fuck it man, im deffinatly not going to get into this "i wanna fight you shit" I was high and having a little fun with wood saying i wanted to fight him, then he decided to chop up what i said and make it funny. Oh well, bottom line, is fuck pete and wood, haha
[quote21e9f72d90="Cash4Cookies"][quote21e9f72d90="Pete"][quote21e9f72d90="wood"]Don't mess with C4C, he's one tough cookie.
Cash4Cookies05 I'm comming to philly in a month or so. Can we fight.
Itswoodie Uh...sure?
Cash4Cookies05 Awesome, I'm 6'0" 250 pounds
Itswoodie I didn't ask
Cash4Cookies i'm tingling with excitement already
Itswoodie Tweak your nipples, it helps[/quote21e9f72d90]
woodie, do you need help? i have black belt dzudo )
i'm 5.11 185lbs and it's easy to kick someone who is fat (250lbs)[/quote21e9f72d90]
You cant even speak english. are you mexican? I always pictured you a mexican.[/quote21e9f72d90]
holya holya amigo, noh cash for ya, even noh cookie for ya.. see ya, ewpaaa
28-09-2005 14:05:21
[quoted317dedcd2="Cash4Cookies"][quoted317dedcd2="Pete"][quoted317dedcd2="wood"]Don't mess with C4C, he's one tough cookie.
Cash4Cookies05 I'm comming to philly in a month or so. Can we fight.
Itswoodie Uh...sure?
Cash4Cookies05 Awesome, I'm 6'0" 250 pounds
Itswoodie I didn't ask
Cash4Cookies i'm tingling with excitement already
Itswoodie Tweak your nipples, it helps[/quoted317dedcd2]
woodie, do you need help? i have black belt dzudo )
i'm 5.11 185lbs and it's easy to kick someone who is fat (250lbs)[/quoted317dedcd2]
You cant even speak english. are you mexican? I always pictured you a mexican.[/quoted317dedcd2]
Justice WILL be served...... sooner or later...... its unfair that wood is getting special treatment but life isnt fair..... As long as me, you and his other VICTIMS dont allow this thread to die eventually either wood will pay his debts or he will be banned. Its just a matter of time. One of these days a mod will see wood for the LYING piece of shit he is and will be banned. In the meanwhile wood will continue his usual "scam then throw cheap insults" routine.... roll
28-09-2005 14:45:20
you make a funny[/quote9b6c97815c]
what did i tell you
FUCKING OWNED BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D D D D
Even if i didnt get my 15$ im glad you wont be able to hurt anyone else
http//0wn3d.dk/owned/owned49.jpg[" alt=""/img9b6c97815c]
28-09-2005 14:48:35
justice served.
you make a funny[/quote49860476ad]
what did i tell you
FUCKING OWNED BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D D D D
Even if i didnt get my 15$ im glad you wont be able to hurt anyone else
http//0wn3d.dk/owned/owned49.jpg[" alt=""/img49860476ad][/quote49860476ad]
prom night all over again......
28-09-2005 15:31:40
Wow did this turn into a flame war fast. About another post away from a FIPG brawl. Unfortunate wood has to be so subborn about simply completing a deal. Funny picture.
28-09-2005 15:51:53
HES BANNED YAY! LOL cash4cookies now you should use that sig