[Resolved] Mysteriouskk Frauding TOS, Scammer!
01-09-2005 19:05:36
[u50aa801ebb]TRADE RESOLVED........[/color50aa801ebb][/size50aa801ebb][/u50aa801ebb]
[quote50aa801ebb]Hey all, Mysteriouskk has gone RED (On Hold) at OrderIt4Free under me, I did FreeGamingGear for him. I sent him a PM telling him so, and found out from the Owner that it was because he created MULTIPLE accounts and possibly committed offer fraud. He has been online, but has not responded to my PM. Mysteriouskk, if you want to keep your name clean, make your case here in public; ... I want a fair sum of paypal cash for my ref at FreeGamingGear I did for you because I had to get another ref at OrderIt4Free.[/quote50aa801ebb]
- Spiderjak
01-09-2005 19:13:51
hmm.....10th post, interesting.
01-09-2005 19:23:38
Very interesting, except you will find me at A4F +19 and over 450 posts as well. My point is, I completed a trade with him, and only now do I find out that he's committing this fraud... I didn't create my account at FIPG and make 10 random posts just to call this guy a scammer, I solely want everyone ELSE to be aware of what he's doing! Is that so much of a problem that you have to insult my credibility?
01-09-2005 20:00:29
[quote09ef4cb63b="spiderjak"]Very interesting, except you will find me at A4F +19 and over 450 posts as well. My point is, I completed a trade with him, and only now do I find out that he's committing this fraud... I didn't create my account at FIPG and make 10 random posts just to call this guy a scammer, I solely want everyone ELSE to be aware of what he's doing! Is that so much of a problem that you have to insult my credibility?[/quote09ef4cb63b]
were not trying to insult your credibility, were just alawys skeptical if someone new says it. Its more of a "natural" instinct.
01-09-2005 20:06:11
[quote20562255c6="CoMpFrEaK"][quote20562255c6="spiderjak"]Very interesting, except you will find me at A4F +19 and over 450 posts as well. My point is, I completed a trade with him, and only now do I find out that he's committing this fraud... I didn't create my account at FIPG and make 10 random posts just to call this guy a scammer, I solely want everyone ELSE to be aware of what he's doing! Is that so much of a problem that you have to insult my credibility?[/quote20562255c6]
were not trying to insult your credibility, were just alawys skeptical if someone new says it. Its more of a "natural" instinct.[/quote20562255c6]
I know him and he has good TR on A4F
01-09-2005 20:09:55
Ive Traded with him before numerous times and I never had a problem, LOL I even reccomended him to another person, its probally just a mistake just make sure you contact the person before calling them a scammer.
01-09-2005 20:18:28
I tried to contact him, and he will not respond.
More importantly, however, he was a ref of both me and someone else, and therefore now won't count for either.
[ba2cf5432e2]Compfreak [/ba2cf5432e2]- I understand the skepticism, just not the manner in which it was proposed.
[ba2cf5432e2]Cartenroy [/ba2cf5432e2]- thanks for the reassurance.
[ba2cf5432e2]wishwell85 [/ba2cf5432e2]- I will believe him to not be a scammer when he comes to me to talk and make good on his referral.
http/" alt=""/img365.imageshack.us/img="365/1372/mysteriou8io.jpg[" alt=""/imga2cf5432e2]
01-09-2005 20:42:53
Hate to rain on your parade, but that just means hes been on today.
The people online is below.
01-09-2005 20:43:37
AIM, PM, post. I'm waiting for a response. However he wants to give it.
01-09-2005 20:45:18
Uhh, he isn't on.
01-09-2005 21:17:10
I made an observation. Sorry for any assumptions that you made from my comment.
On the other hand, I hope you get in contact with him and fix things or the appropriate action is taken against him for failing to complete his end of the deal.
02-09-2005 01:54:23
Hey spiderjak, mysteriouskk went red on a freepay site in a trade with me and IMMEDIATELY paid me back. You should have no problem.
02-09-2005 20:02:48
Well, I just completed an offer for him. I sure hope he has not already done the site we are lined up to trade! LOL
02-09-2005 22:06:23
Sorry about not getting back to you, but you gave me about 1 hour to explain my position, but apparently you can't wait. I went on a vacation and I'm currently traveling so I'm sorry I couldn't get back to you on thursday. I will pay you back once you give me your paypal. The reason I got put on hold on orderit4free was because I was helping my neighbor do an offer with the same password, so Kerms put me on hold. I did not know that I couldn't do this, so sorry, but I will definitely continue trading responsibly. Next time, wait at least 2 days, instead of 1 HOUR, before saying anything.
Please edit the post and disable this thread. Thank you.
02-09-2005 22:08:07
[quoteb68f796a73="spiderjak"][ub68f796a73]Mysteriouskk is a SCAMMER.[/colorb68f796a73][/sizeb68f796a73][/ub68f796a73]
Hey all, Mysteriouskk has gone RED (On Hold) at OrderIt4Free under me, I did FreeGamingGear for him. I sent him a PM telling him so, and found out from the Owner that it was because he created MULTIPLE accounts and possibly committed offer fraud. He has been online, but has not responded to my PM. Mysteriouskk, if you want to keep your name clean, make your case here in public; ... I want a fair sum of paypal cash for my ref at FreeGamingGear I did for you because I had to get another ref at OrderIt4Free.
- Spiderjak[/quoteb68f796a73]
lol, you didn't even do freegaminggear.com for me. Next time wait a little while...
02-09-2005 22:11:32
[quoted4e26eb68d="johnjimjones"]hmm.....10th post, interesting.[/quoted4e26eb68d]
Yea, spiderjak should really wait until I can have a chance to repond. Giving me 1 hour, is definitely not gonna help.
02-09-2005 22:12:39
[quote1ff32435ae="spiderjak"]AIM, PM, post. I'm waiting for a response. However he wants to give it.[/quote1ff32435ae]
Its been about 1 hour...
02-09-2005 22:14:43
[quotee3216bdecd="ummchacha"]Well, I just completed an offer for him. I sure hope he has not already done the site we are lined up to trade! LOL[/quotee3216bdecd]
Don't worry, I'll do your's. Spiderjak just can't wait at all... Trades sometimes take a while, so don't worry. And the reason I became on hold was because I was helping out my neighbor, and I used the same password, so that I could easily remember it. Apparently, you can't do it on orderit4free, so Kerms just put our accounts on hold.
I might not be online tomorrow morning so if I don't get back, I'm sorry, but I'm just trying to enjoy my vacation without this mess. Thanks for understanding.
03-09-2005 11:23:22
I went first and went green on his site and he has yet to pay me or even contact me. Not calling him a scammer but i pmed him days ago and he was online today and didnt reply to my messsages.
03-09-2005 13:10:49
Hey Mysteriouskk we had a trade like a week back at A4F before it got hack, i cant remember what site i did for you, but you did my orderit4free. You used email==sonicspeed11@...assonicspeed11@...as=sonicspeed11@...assonicspeed11@...as/email your email address. And now youve been put on hold, because of some kind of fraud!
How can we settle this? I went green for you, i expected something in return.
03-09-2005 14:01:12
We need ti get a mod to look into this, look how many people have been scammed.
03-09-2005 15:33:35
I was gonna trade with this guy,too...
03-09-2005 21:31:58
[quote255a170a74="Scarface"]We need ti get a mod to look into this, look how many people have been scammed.[/quote255a170a74]
ok, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding with the trades, so if you read my previous posts, you'll know that I was trying to help my friend do Kerm's orderit4free site, so I wanted to use the same password to make it easier to check his status. I did not know I couldn't help him, so kerms put our accounts on hold.
STATUS spiderjak - I gave him $20 for his trade, so that should be taken care of now
scarface - I have paid you $30 for my itemsforyou.net. The trade is now complete.
Next time, people should really wait more than 1-2 days to start complaining. I'm sorry I couldn't get back to your messages, but because I'm on vacation it is hard for me to access this forum. IS everyone ok?
03-09-2005 21:32:42
[quote85775af703="Gunwave"]Hey Mysteriouskk we had a trade like a week back at A4F before it got hack, i cant remember what site i did for you, but you did my orderit4free. You used email==sonicspeed11@...assonicspeed11@...as=sonicspeed11@...assonicspeed11@...as/email your email address. And now youve been put on hold, because of some kind of fraud!
How can we settle this? I went green for you, i expected something in return.[/quote85775af703]
I pm'd you.
03-09-2005 21:38:43
ok, if the people who had beef with mysteriouskk could post here to show whether its been resolved or not, then we can lock this thread.
or if you could PM them and ask them to post here mysteriouskk, that would help.
03-09-2005 21:40:25
What does everyone else think of this situation? Shouldn't a trader wait a couple of days before calling someone a scammer? and shouldn't they have time to explain the situation?
03-09-2005 21:56:32
Trade is resolved, he paid. I was just very suspicious because of all the accusations in this thread. I stand corrected.
03-09-2005 22:02:17
[quoteab9cb3fd8a="Mysteriouskk"]What does everyone else think of this situation? Shouldn't a trader wait a couple of days before calling someone a scammer? and shouldn't they have time to explain the situation?[/quoteab9cb3fd8a]
yes they should wait for more than a day or 2.
not everyone has the chance to get on here every day, even if it is to check PM's, and credit for sites doesnt always happen right away.
in future if someone has suspicions about someone, then please give it an appropriate amount of time before labeling them a scammer.
i would say an appropriate amount of time would be to wait until the required amount of timeto submit a no credit request on a site(Gratis you have to wait for 15 days, trainn 5 etc), or a week with no response to PM's, e-mails etc.
03-09-2005 22:02:26
[quotef2b703007d="Scarface"]Trade is resolved, he paid. I was just very suspicious because of all the accusations in this thread. I stand corrected.[/quotef2b703007d]
Yea, I just need time since I'm vacation
You're not in the clear yet http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=4324
04-09-2005 16:36:32
you didnt answer my last pm and you still dont have credit on my minicool in our trade from anything4free?
[quote64fb4cf871="damac"]you didnt answer my last pm and you still dont have credit on my minicool in our trade from anything4free?[/quote64fb4cf871]
Who are you talking too?
04-09-2005 18:01:09
he's talking to mysteriouskk
04-09-2005 18:43:48
Trade has been resolved, thankfully Mysteriouskk realized his error and repaid me for the red that he resulted in. This was a matter of him using the same password for him and a neighbors account that he worked with. Mysteriouskk, I apologize for calling you a scammer and take back my words, but I am glad that my cry resulted in you repaying me for my green ) sorry for the huss and buss, glad to see that you made good on the trade.
[quotedba626bf1e="spiderjak"]Trade has been resolved, thankfully Mysteriouskk realized his error and repaid me for the red that he resulted in. This was a matter of him using the same password for him and a neighbors account that he worked with. Mysteriouskk, I apologize for calling you a scammer and take back my words, but I am glad that my cry resulted in you repaying me for my green ) sorry for the huss and buss, glad to see that you made good on the trade.[/quotedba626bf1e]
Just a type for you change your title so people dont think it is still happening
13-09-2005 15:04:19
Great, this guy just went red for me and now he's banned x
13-09-2005 16:10:30
[quote6d092c6433="kposse77"]Great, this guy just went red for me and now he's banned x[/quote6d092c6433]
Anyone know why he was banned?
I'm dead effing serious, it's as if someone is going down the list of people I have open trades with and banning every one of them.
13-09-2005 16:12:00
I've been in touch with him over im. He seems willing to resolve this, so I'm holding out judgement for now.
13-09-2005 16:14:27
[quotef199cd8ca0="kposse77"]I've been in touch with him over im. He seems willing to resolve this, so I'm holding out judgement for now.[/quotef199cd8ca0]
Do you have his email address? He is slow to respond to my IM.
He was supposed to do an offer for me last night, then PMed me this morning to apologize and said he would do it tonight. Still no yellow though... ?
13-09-2005 16:20:35
[quotea4c9c2c430="KeithA"][quotea4c9c2c430="kposse77"]I've been in touch with him over im. He seems willing to resolve this, so I'm holding out judgement for now.[/quotea4c9c2c430]
Do you have his email address? He is slow to respond to my IM.
He was supposed to do an offer for me last night, then PMed me this morning to apologize and said he would do it tonight. Still no yellow though... ?[/quotea4c9c2c430]
13-09-2005 16:48:50
he was banned for breaking several of Gratis' TOS, and wasnt even clever about it.
his own fault.
13-09-2005 17:06:19
[quoteec4ed616c8="theysayjump"]he was banned for breaking several of Gratis' TOS, and wasnt even clever about it.
his own fault.[/quoteec4ed616c8]
Thanks for the straightforward answer. Took less time than typing "tip of the day, search before posting."
He was supposed to do a Gratis site for me and isn't responding to email or IMs now. I will hope for PayPal, but otherwise I guess it's a wash in the end...
He is banned for being one serious scammer.
He went green and stayed green for me.
Oh well ;)
14-09-2005 14:07:48
DAMN keithA from looking at the scammers forums you're having some seriously bad luck.... ( If i were you id only trade with people who have lower TR at least for a little while..... ?
[quote59eb73f4cb="JUNIOR6886"]DAMN keithA from looking at the scammers forums you're having some seriously bad luck.... ( If i were you id only trade with people who have lower TR at least for a little while..... ?[/quote59eb73f4cb]
you never know, low or high TR both can be scammers.
26-09-2005 17:28:03
[quote9acfa5954a="Pete"][quote9acfa5954a="JUNIOR6886"]DAMN keithA from looking at the scammers forums you're having some seriously bad luck.... ( If i were you id only trade with people who have lower TR at least for a little while..... ?[/quote9acfa5954a]
you never know, low or high TR both can be scammers.[/quote9acfa5954a]
Hate to beat a dead horse, but yeah, you're right. As expected, nothing has come of my trade with mysteriouskk, nor with r00sh (or kodellin, who I guess the trade was actually with).
I also have a few PayPal trades that have just sort of fizzled out. People "forgetting" we have a trade open, people "signing up" but not going yellow, etc. etc.
I've decided to stick to people with a lower TR and people who do trades only for themselves (i.e. don't use their high TR to set up trades for unreliable friends), but it's true, you can get scammed no matter how careful you are...
It's just annoying when you think you're almost done getting refs and they start getting DQed or never materialize.