22-07-2005 14:32:17
Over a month ago, I gave him an INSTANT green and he dragged his feet forever on getting me a flatscreen green...everytime I asked him to please get it done, he freaked out on me and told me how impatient I was, etc...totally uncalled for. So finally he signs up and goes grey...gets the account put on hold too (and it's STILL on hold...way to go) so after agreeing to let him try to work things out with Gratis and get his account off hold, he never gives me any updated I ask him again what's going on and I once again get yelled at!
He tells me he can't do it so he can do another site or give me $20...well I don't trust him or his money, so I told him to do logitech4free...he says no problem. A week goes by and he still isn't signed up (after telling me that he'd get around to it THAT NIGHT). At this point I was fed up, so I blasted him over PM and he writes back yelling more at me for once again being this point, we're past a month on our I wrong?
So he's got his "friend" signed up for me, and there's no credit for it, and the admin for logitech4free told me over AIM that this person never did an offer.
He's already requested a TR credit in our trade module...hahahahaha, I don't think so!
donaldpaul3, consider our trade're a real asshole, and pretending to be some big unix admin or whatever makes you "look important" is a poor cover.
I would strongly suggest that nobody trade with him or get out of any trades you've recently started...he is TROUBLE! Even if he follows through on something, he goes grey/red shortly after, so not only do you lose the referral, but you also run the risk of getting your account on hold.
PS - donaldpaul3, I WILL be contacting Gratis to ensure that you lose the referral I gave you on free360xbox, and I'm also going to do everything I can to get your account on hold.
22-07-2005 14:42:23
yup, he should be banned.
he greyed for me and although im on hold for a different reason, i think that if i get off of hold for that reason, i may be put back on hold for his grey.
the fact that he didnt do an offer on logitech but said he did and requested TR is a big sign that he is a scammer.
22-07-2005 20:42:15
Yeah he is requesting TR on a trade with me that he never did his part for also
22-07-2005 22:08:57
I hope this is being noted by the mods...
23-07-2005 00:00:28
I already adjusted his account earlier today, only thing I haven't done is ban him ... he won't be able to trade ...
23-07-2005 02:22:00
[quote07f2a48542="sweeedfish"]I already adjusted his account earlier today, only thing I haven't done is ban him ... he won't be able to trade ...[/quote07f2a48542]
Sounds good. I would like to see if he has the guts to come back and say something.
23-07-2005 08:11:48
LOL, he answered my PM
Please find out why you are red on GetIPod4Free ASAP, PLEASE!!![/quote2fca8e4536]
holy shit, wft dude! i will find out nexr week when i get back. i am checking msgs from my cell right now.[/quote2fca8e4536]
Yea right....
23-07-2005 08:29:23
i requested tr for those trades because i was going away for a week and didn't want everyone to have to wait for me to return to get theoir tr (I thought it would green soon). i did have a friend do the sites and they TOLD me they did an offer. so either something screwed up or they lied to me. i am not scamming anyone, i simply ran into a problem and i am trying to make good on it. you will get your green or money.
i have had a death in the family and my mind has been on other things lately. sorry if i have not done everything fast enough. i will get everything straightened out wheb i return.
and sweed, come on man you know i am no scammer.
23-07-2005 08:50:10
[quote4ec04541fa="tonydanza92"]Yeah he is requesting TR on a trade with me that he never did his part for also[/quote4ec04541fa]
i did so do my part, and it shoiuld already be green. i was trying to do everyone a favor byu requesting tr, since i get pestered contantly until i do. i don't get tr until YOU request it too, so what the hel is the problem??
23-07-2005 08:51:20
Admin told me
On 7/23/2005 1132 AM, an admin said
Well, I would hope that his father and him both have the same last The last name is not why the accounts were placed on hold...both accounts were created from the same computer and we only allow one account per person/household. Regards, Admin
23-07-2005 08:52:30
this is a previous support ticket with getipod4ree, there is a problem with the site, i AM NOT RED.
On 7/13/2005 1037 AM, you said
Problem with site - account stats
When I click account stattus, this is all I see Could not query offer information
On 7/13/2005 1103 AM, an admin said
We are currently working to resolve this problem. The estimated completion date is not yet known, but we are trying our best to have this resolved ASAP.
23-07-2005 09:03:18
You are red, I have my whole conversation with the Admin. He said you have multiple accounts from the same computer. Don't try to cover it up with it being some site error
23-07-2005 09:15:52
i did so do my part, and it shoiuld already be green. i was trying to do everyone a favor byu requesting tr, since i get pestered contantly until i do. i don't get tr until YOU request it too, so what the hel is the problem??[/quote68e96464cd]
Sounds good... I am just a little quicker to jump to the concusion that anybody is a scammer, since scooter2479 scammed so many people. He said he was busy with family issues and would do stuff when he got back also, but never did. We just assumed he was wasting time until he got his items. You haven't greened yet on DVDrecorders4free yet, you said you did an offer on July 13th. That is why i didnt think you did your part.
-tony danza
23-07-2005 09:23:22
oops, double post.
23-07-2005 09:29:06
OMG, how many times do I need to say that the ADMIN from GETIPOD4FREE TOLD ME that you have multiple accounts on the same computer.
On 7/23/2005 1129 AM, you said
Sounds good. I talked to the guy that went red on my account, he said that Him and his dad have the same last name and that is it. Could you give me a few more details of his multiple accounts? If he does by chance work that out with you, can I use his ref for overnight shipping
On 7/23/2005 1132 AM, an admin said
Well, I would hope that his father and him both have the same last The last name is not why the accounts were placed on hold...both accounts were created from the same computer and we only allow one account per person/household. Regards, Admin
I don't care about a support ticket from 7/13. My account works just fine. And you have multiple accounts fromt he same IP, and you are RED
504 Sorry. This user has been placed on hold
23-07-2005 09:31:13
[quote66df9410f9="gregcool"]You are red, I have my whole conversation with the Admin. He said you have multiple accounts from the same computer. Don't try to cover it up with it being some site error[/quote66df9410f9]
that is bullshit. i have 1 account, and no one else has access to my computer. i just showed you the support ticket so think what you want, you obviously will anyway. i have had over 25 successful trades with more in progress, but now i am a scammer. whatever. but of course i don't have access to the module, so all my trades are on hold until i do, sorry. this will be my last pm, since i will be at a funeral, then heading back to maryland.
23-07-2005 09:38:26
[quotec08f8b54b9="gregcool"]You are red, I have my whole conversation with the Admin. He said you have multiple accounts from the same computer. Don't try to cover it up with it being some site error[/quotec08f8b54b9]
that is bullshit. i have 1 account, and no one else has access to my computer. i just showed you the support ticket so think what you want, you obviously will anyway. I have proof, what do you have to show that yoou had this conversation with the site owner. i have had over 25 successful trades with more in progress, but now i am a scammer. whatever. but of course i don't have access to the module, so all my trades are on hold until i do, sorry. this will be my last pm, since i will be at a funeral, then heading back to maryland.
23-07-2005 09:42:28
Actually, I posted the conversation above your posts. And I have this from your PMs
[quoteee3945dcd2="donaldpaul3"][quoteee3945dcd2="gregcool"][quoteee3945dcd2="donaldpaul3"]i do not have multiple accounts. my father and i may have the same name but not multiple accounts. this is fucking stupid, and ill deal with it when i get back.[/quoteee3945dcd2]
Maybe you shouldn't have him sign up on the same sites as you. Or, maybe you should put a support ticket in the sites that he signs up on that you are on[/quoteee3945dcd2]
he signed up under me, i am also trying to get an ipod. look, here is my last support ticket withthem, there is a problem with their site.
On 7/13/2005 1037 AM, you said
Problem with site - account stats
When I click account stattus, this is all I see Could not query offer information
On 7/13/2005 1103 AM, an admin said
We are currently working to resolve this problem. The estimated completion date is not yet known, but we are trying our best to have this resolved ASAP.
i WILL get it fixed man, but flaming me just makes it harder.[/quoteee3945dcd2]
I am guessing your "father" signed up on your computer or from the same house. He has 2+ users logged from the same IP your ip. I have all the proof I need. Now you are just changing your stories around. I see here you didn't even mention anything about your father. It's all good though, we will see if you "fix" it when you get back.
23-07-2005 13:33:25
[quoteee0c58340a="gregcool"]Actually, I posted the conversation above your posts.
I am guessing your "father" signed up on your computer or from the same house. He has 2+ users logged from the same IP your ip. I have all the proof I need. Now you are just changing your stories around. I see here you didn't even mention anything about your father. It's all good though, we will see if you "fix" it when you get back.[/quoteee0c58340a]
sorry man, i am doing this from my phone and it is hard to read everything. i missed that part. anyway, i will fix it. if i can't then i will give you a ref for getipod4free that i am trading for right now. or i will pay for someone else to green for you.
i am not scamming, i may have fucked up or done some stupid shit, bit i am not and have never intended to screw anyone over.
23-07-2005 16:24:10
You fcked up bad consider you were also put on hold on other sites besides just this one
23-07-2005 16:32:40
yeah thats what i was getting at.....i could understand being on hold on one Gratis site, consequently going on hold on the rest....but when you go on hold on a totally different network, then thats saying something.
23-07-2005 21:01:56
i am on hoild on freegamingsystems and noe getipod4free. both of which my father sugned up. he is VERY stupid when it comes to PCs and i never should of had him do it. definately a fuck up. the bad thingis i had him do other people's sites to help me out, and HE went on hold everywhere so his ref greyed for the few that he did it for. i had him do getipod4free for ME and nevr thought it would affect my ref, but i was wrong... another fuck up. he has also signed up for several of my other sites, and i had no problems.
i have sent a support ticket to getipod4free, hopefully it will be resolved, since we are unique and signed up from diff locations.
25-07-2005 09:44:36
Haha, for being so anti scam [b68a1a5a71b]uwmarchitect[/b68a1a5a71b] .. you certainly did enough yourself.
25-07-2005 10:04:33
LOL, what did he do? I am still waiting to hear about GetIPod4Free, still red donaldpaul3
27-07-2005 06:37:58
hey y'all, I just got in, drove 10 hours overnight and now heading to work. But I will be spending the day catching up on whatever trades I have pending (I can't track them since I can't access the module). If I have a trade with you, please PM me so we can keep it straight.
gregcool, I will check out the support ticket I sent a few days ago and try to get the red fixed. If the red isn't fixed, I will give you a green on getipod4free that I have a trade for now (don't need it if I stay red \ ).
27-07-2005 08:40:50
Me and donaldpaul3 are working the situation out, will let everyone know how it goes.
27-07-2005 08:41:23
FYI I went green on your freedigitalcameras, (this post was made after the deal). I expect you to sign up for my mp3players4free soon.
27-07-2005 17:33:26
[quotebc9b7fe7d4="johnjimjones"]FYI I went green on your freedigitalcameras, (this post was made after the deal). I expect you to sign up for my mp3players4free soon.[/quotebc9b7fe7d4]
Finally ;-) I already got your PM and responded. The trade will be completed.
EDIT I completed the trade, not a fair trade actually ;-) And I am green. I had to do freeservers, cost me $90. shock
29-07-2005 19:46:16
I can vouch that he did go green for me, and extremely quickly (less than 5 hours). Thank you.
I have to say the whole process went fine for me, in fact, I was the one who took longer to green.
29-07-2005 19:48:08
I am still waiting, will let you know...
29-07-2005 20:35:00
[quote9c241c178b="gregcool"]I am still waiting, will let you know...[/quote9c241c178b]
It said 3-5 days to green, and I did it the same day we agreed on the trade (7/27). I submitted a credit request, so it should green soon.
29-07-2005 20:42:47
ok no prob, thats y i said i am waiting )
01-08-2005 12:31:12
Tomorrow will be the 5th business day... )
Already been 5 days otherwise )
01-08-2005 12:41:28
[quote7e2d745be5="gregcool"]Tomorrow will be the 5th business day... )
Already been 5 days otherwise )[/quote7e2d745be5]
They said 3-5 business days ? I submitted a credit request, so we'll see. I've also been waving my magic wand, but it doesn't seem to work either.
02-08-2005 13:34:55
Well, apparently trainn is having problems with their crediting, which is why it is taking so long to green.
Check it out here http//
02-08-2005 13:52:37
There are plenty of offers that work just fine and credit same day
02-08-2005 13:59:19
[quote13043e921d="gregcool"]There are plenty of offers that work just fine and credit same day[/quote13043e921d]
I have done most of the other offers, especially the ones that credit same day. I've done 50+ offers so far, so what I can do is limited. There are a couple more I can do if I don't get credit for what I'v done, though they aren't fast credits either.
I do have over 30 successful trades on this forum, as well as some on other forums.
02-08-2005 14:02:57
I am just letting you know. I understand if it was a regular trade, but you went red on a trade from a while ago. Anyway, I guess I will wait and see
02-08-2005 14:05:58
And I know now why I am red on getipod4free. It wasn't my father, it was a coworker that I asked to sign up. We work in the same office, and since we are on a private network, we use NAT for internet traffic. My coworker was at his house in another state when I asked him to sign up, but he happened to be VPN'd to our office network. So when he signed up, the IP he signed up with was the same as my IP. And BAM! SCREWED! I have explained it to the getipod4free owner, so we'll see what his decision is \
02-08-2005 14:10:30
[quote343ada3759="gregcool"]I am just letting you know. I understand if it was a regular trade, but you went red on a trade from a while ago. Anyway, I guess I will wait and see[/quote343ada3759]
oh, ok roll
Like I said, my magic wand is broken... maybe my fairy dust will help the yellow turn green.
02-08-2005 14:48:19
;) You started the conversation out here, you could have pmed me. I said a simple statement to let everyone know I was still waiting, thats all, you started with the replies ;)
02-08-2005 18:06:10

http//[" alt=""/imgabe3e85ddd]
15-08-2005 07:27:57
I am green on 3604free (after trainn fixed the credit problems).