13-07-2005 00:29:25
So...I paid him $25 for a green on FreeGamingSystems and he went red. He even admits to it here http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=17801&highlight= so...it's been 12 days. And gratis should have repsonded by now and he's not answering PMs when I see his on here, and is replying to topics...so maybe this will get your attention
13-07-2005 00:55:20
Hey signed up under me and said he completed a offer, no green so i ask him to do another offer and he asked for money. I refused
13-07-2005 05:59:31
I greened for him, no green yet on his side though....
13-07-2005 16:23:46
halfbreed, you have to give me more than 10 mins to respond, come on man D ... so yeah i've responded to you, and gratis did respond to me.
compfreak, i got a response from your site that my offer did not come through as if i never completed it, although i have email confirmation and all that stuff, i don't wanna deal with a site that's lying to my face about me not doing my part of the deal.
silentvixen, i have tried submitting my order email to them but they're having some kind of server issues, i will try later on today or tomorrow.
P.S. silentvixen, thanks for letting me know about this thread, w/out you i woulda never seen it oops
14-07-2005 14:41:12
He went green. I think someone was jumping the gun. roll