
Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=12927


28-04-2005 12:21:35

Quick note - he might be telling the truth, and I don't want to ruin his reputation if I'm not right - I'll apologise if what he says is true.

Here are the facts

We did a trade on April 8th, trading his phreeipods for my psps4free. I went green for him in 3 days I believe. Sent him the link, and started waiting on the green. 2 days later he still didn't sign up. I PMd him again, and he told me he's working, he'll sign up and complete the offer same day. Ok, sounded good. Saw him sign up later that evening. Sent me a message that he did an offer. Next day I get a message that he's being impersonated or something like that, and his freedigitalcameras account is on hold, and he doesn't want to do any trades because he might be screwed or something like that. That's the PM I got from him
[quote7afaa0b925]From splattered
To Phbs83
Posted Fri Apr 15, 2005 209 pm
Subject Re Trade(s)
Dude... someone is screwing me over somehow. I trade with many people on multiple accounts and i just checked my finished digitalcameras account, and its on hold! Im completely screwed.. i dont know whats going on and im afraid to finish any offers for anyone right now. this is the message i got

Your Status
While you have completed all the requirements to get a FREE Digital Camera, we have reviewed your account and referral offer completions and have placed your account on hold. We have determined that your referrals appear to not be unique users. Because we make money from advertisers who only pay us for unique users, we cannot credit you for these referrals.

What do you suggest me do? I dont wanna screw anyone over [/quote7afaa0b925]
Happens to anyone, that's fine. However he posts that all his OC accounts are on hold.See This post[=http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=11897&highlight=splattered]This post for reference. A bit contradicting, but anyway. And today I saw a message in the freedigitalcameras.com forum, that he received his camera?! Wasn't that supposed to be on hold???

All messages are usually answered "I'm at work right now, I'll check later"

I'm confused really. He's the only trade I'm STILL waiting to go green for my account to be reviewed. I realize he might be telling the truth, but still - he's keeping me away from $250 ! What should I do?


28-04-2005 14:37:07

Find someone else.. Looks like he just kept signing up just to get money/refs. If not, then I apologize but thats what it seems like.

Find someone else.. Someone unique.. Thats my best advice, heh.


28-04-2005 17:00:43

Hmm... this does not sound good. I am having similar PM conversations with splattered as well. And he was supposed to sign up for [i2c13a68276]my[/i2c13a68276] psps4free! We made a deal to trade his freedigitalcameras for my psps4free back in late March. He needs to explain this, and fast... here's his latest PM to me from today

From splattered
To stimpy
Posted Thu Apr 28, 2005 221 pm
Subject Re psps4free signup Quote message
Yeah! sorry, things are sorta straightened out as far as OC goes, but things in my life are still a bit of a mess. Ill get to it later today after work as long as im not made to drive down to san diego or anything lame. Thanks for reminding me Smile


28-04-2005 17:55:30

hmm.... I have an ongoing trade with him. My first offer never went green, but I was just about to do a second.... Need to see his answer to this before I go ahead now...


Just realized in the past couple of days I've been scammed twice so far. Need to play on the safe side.


28-04-2005 18:47:50

No people, i am not scamming anyone. Ive already explained this.

I sign up from home. I WAS signing up from my girlfriends house before we broke up a couple weeks ago. She hates all this free stuff and would never even touch it. I sign up from my family owned business where NO ONE else signs up for anything. And i get my mother to sign up for things for me, I can also get another friend or two to sign up for offers for me if i give them the paypal for the offer they have to complete.

I am not scamming ANYONE.

Yes, i have to sign up for one persons psps4free, and complete an offer for another now that OC is ok.

I have a few other trades i am working on right now, my mother is mainly helping me with those.

I am not here to take anyones money and run.

Redskunk, you signed up for my digitalcameras, but it never went green. I sent many e-mails to you both on here, and the e-mail you used to sign up with and you never responded, then a week after my camera had finally been approved and i could no longer look to see if you had gone green, you came to me and told me it had greened. It took me nearly two months to complete that site. When i had sent you e-mails prior telling you not to worry about your side of the deal, it had been forever. I had to go to someone else. Im sorry. I had no way of knowing for sure. I have people coming to me all the time telling me they have gone green when they have confused me with someone else, never signed up under me, or never even talked to me before on here.

Yes, half the time i check freeipodguide from work, but im not really allowed to spend much time on the internet and can only message a little bit back and forth. Sorry that i cant complete offers mid-day, i do have a job afterall.

Yes a few of my OC accounts were on hold, and i was afraid to sign up for anyone else until they got straightened out. Melnag26 was the first person to notice that one of my accounts was screwed up, so i messaged OC and they verified it for me and i went green for her. I am still waiting on an offer to go green for her, corticet, and i just sent a ticket into OC to get it taken care of, Hopefully it will be soon.

Yes i had more than one freedigitalcameras accounts, one was for one of my friends but i was managing it. I didnt even get a chance to help him get any referrals for it before i was put on hold. I wrote gratis and got a canned response, and i have written them again. Waiting for their answer.

I have nephews that check their site lion ocassionli from my house, and this is the only way that i could possibly think that any sites could be put on hold. I have talked to them and they swear up and down that they never have.

Coincidentally all my problems started happening the exact same time as someone started sending messages to board members, posing to be me because i have a trade record of 20. I dont know what the hell is going on, but i have most of it straightened out and im working on the rest.

I am NOT here to scam ANYONE.

Im sorry it has taken so long to complete a few of my trades.

I have traded with several people that took up to three freaking weeks to go green and i never went onto this board and started freaking out about it. I try and give people the benefit of the doubt. Even if the trade takes excrutiatingly long to complete. Im not paying very much money for this stuff, i have no choice but to wait or move on.

Hell. i am still waiting on get4friends to go green, and ive been waiting for TWO AND A HALF MONTHS.

I have several yellows on all of my gratis sites that never completed the end of their trade when i already had (actually this is happening with get4friends as we speak, but thats ok), i know how frustrating it is. But please, try to be patient. Ive been working lame hours, broke up with my girlfriend a couple weeks ago, a close friend of the family had a heart attack and shes barely 40 years old. Cut me some damn slack people, dont worry, i wont screw anyone over.


28-04-2005 19:06:01

Ok, I think that explains it all pretty well...

Just to clarify, the reason I was "freaking out" was because it has been a couple weeks since I went green for you and you still did not sign up for my site. I understand that it can take a long time to go green sometimes. I have had a few of my own offers take 3 weeks to go green, so I also give people the benefit of the doubt if they are yellow for a long time.

I guess I just jumped to conclusions when I saw the post by phbs83. Sorry for the misunderstanding... didn't mean to add fuel to the fire.


28-04-2005 19:19:16

dont even worry about it, i dont blame any one of you for being pissed off at me.

Phbs83, watch your psps4free. Should green very soon.

Ahhhh sorry for the delay.

Let me know if there are any problems, im not expecting any.


28-04-2005 20:37:21

[quoteccf1a36060="splattered"]Redskunk, you signed up for my digitalcameras, but it never went green. I sent many e-mails to you both on here, and the e-mail you used to sign up with and you never responded, then a week after my camera had finally been approved and i could no longer look to see if you had gone green, you came to me and told me it had greened. It took me nearly two months to complete that site. When i had sent you e-mails prior telling you not to worry about your side of the deal, it had been forever. I had to go to someone else. Im sorry. I had no way of knowing for sure. I have people coming to me all the time telling me they have gone green when they have confused me with someone else, never signed up under me, or never even talked to me before on here.[/quoteccf1a36060]

Naw, I signed up for your freeflatscreens, and never went green. You're confusing me with someone else. If you still need the green, I'll complete another offer and we can continue with the trade, eh? If not, no harm done all around.



28-04-2005 20:56:24

Youre right, i meant freeflatscreens. my bad, i was in a hurry to write that post out P

Dont worry about it. Im through with all this free stuff, as soon as i complete the few offers for people i have lingering, im outtie.

Ill still post on the board and stuff though, im not looking to make enemies, i actually like most of the regulars on here.


28-04-2005 21:07:57

Thanks splattered, I hope eventually everything is going to be fine)


28-04-2005 22:30:11

[quote9dd7b6442b="splattered"]Im through with all this free stuff, as soon as i complete the few offers for people i have lingering, im outtie.[/quote9dd7b6442b]

I hope that includes the freedigitalcamera green you owe me. You are still red. How much longer do you plan to wait for gratis to respond?


29-04-2005 03:08:56

And the freeipodshuffle you owe me, which you haven't even signed up for yet since March 31 when I signed up and completed an offer.


29-04-2005 07:04:20

Really, you [i1565493af8]sure[/i1565493af8] I'm who you were talking about in that first post? Because I kept in contact, both through PM and e-mail. And as of the 19th, you still seemed interested. But OK, you're the one who knows how many referrals he needs. )

I need one more freeminimac then razz

Tony White

29-04-2005 07:38:35

Splattered - I know I've been talking to you over PM, but I was wondering if Gratis ever gave you a reason for why you were put on hold for freeipods for me. I know you said you were trying to talk to Gratis, but I don't remember if you ever told me why they put you on hold.


29-04-2005 08:05:55

[quotebcc2efba63="mashav"][quotebcc2efba63="splattered"]Im through with all this free stuff, as soon as i complete the few offers for people i have lingering, im outtie.[/quotebcc2efba63]

I hope that includes the freedigitalcamera green you owe me. You are still red. How much longer do you plan to wait for gratis to respond?[/quotebcc2efba63]

I wouldn't count on a green at freedigitalcameras. See the freedigitalcameras forum, The post before mine[=http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=12592&start=25] The post before mine


29-04-2005 09:57:14

Yes i will get him his freedigitalcameras green. Here are a just few of the tickets ive opened on freedigitalcameras, ive opened like 3 and tried and tried on the first one. Gratis sucks ass when it comes to customer service

Detailed information on your inquiry.
4/24/2005 22816 PM
lililililililililililili wrote
Still waiting on a non-automated update... ) - Joey

4/22/2005 122459 PM
lililililililililili wrote
Any update as to why i have been put on hold?

4/20/2005 112425 PM
customer service wrote
We have received your inquiry and will respond via a reply post in your account as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

4/20/2005 112424 PM
lilililililililililililili wrote
Yes, but you did not tell me why my account is on hold...? I havent even gotten a chance to get any referrals to sign up under me yet! I have friends that check their accounts from my house, i hope that has nothing to do with it! Please write back and let me know.. this last response seems a bit automated. Thanks! Joey

4/19/2005 81728 PM
customer service wrote

We take abuse of our website very seriously, and will place accounts suspicious of fraudulent activity on hold.

The reasons for this may include multiple accounts, improper offer completions, more than one account to the same address/household, abusing an advertiser, or other reasons not listed here. Additionally, we do not allow users to create accounts for, sign-up for, or "walk through" referrals.

We take all types of fraud very seriously, and since we give our products away for free, we cannot afford to be lenient on dishonest methods users try to obtain their free items.

4/19/2005 81728 PM
lilililililili wrote
Hello.. i actually am not sure why i was put on hold.. it says something about my referrals not being unique users, but i never even had a chance to refer anyone... could you help me out here, i dont understand why im on hold. Thanks - Joey[/quote68ade1b056]


Im going through the same thing with both freeipods, and freedigitalcameras... Just like OC i had two accounts on hold i had to have verified which did rather quickly, and gratis isnt being as quick to respond as OC was. If i HAVE to, as i have already said, i will get you a green through my mother or a friend. Dont worry. Since its friday and gratis is just sucking @$$ and its been so long, i will probably just have to get you your green through other means. They will come, promise.

And for Vism, i havent heard from you in awhile and you did fall through the cracks. I apologize for that, i will get you your green.



29-04-2005 10:32:50

I would like to point out that i have already received a camera, a tv is on its way soon, and my psp will be here tuesday. Both my phreeipods and phreepsps accounts should be verified and stv as soon as they go back up.

If i was really only here to screw people over, i would have split two weeks ago.

But i am still on this board, posting and trying to get a few people their trades that i already owe them.

I am not working on any other sites, i havent made a single trade in over 2 weeks.

So please dont feel that im trying to screw anyone over.



29-04-2005 15:43:48

Phbs83 you should be green now )


29-04-2005 15:47:54

I'll post in the good traders list if you go through verification;) Should be fast, as immediately after you went green I went in reviewing


29-04-2005 15:49:32

Alright, sounds good. You dont have to if ya dont want to, i kinda stopped asking people to leave me feedback around 20 or so, and ive actually traded 30-40 by now.

Tony White

30-04-2005 19:12:34

Thanks splattered for getting a friend to green for me on freeipods since Gratis was slow to respond to your hold status inquiry.


01-05-2005 00:28:43

No problem. Sorry for the delay )

Still have a couple trades left to straighten out.



02-05-2005 09:22:16

Ok, i completed a few trades this weekend, sorry i couldnt get to everyone. Still have 2 or 3 left.

Mashav - i have your green lined up but i need your ref link, it got shuffled to the end of my inbox and deleted, i tried to contact you this weekend but i guess you werent around. PM me )


03-05-2005 07:37:30


Splattered cleared the OC verification stage, so I can now take back my words. I apologise for it, but I was really worried that was happening. Thanks, splattered!


11-05-2005 23:04:46

Another one of splattered's greens for me was rejected...on psps4free. Now he won't respond to any of my PM's. Does he owe anybody else a green?

Tony White

12-05-2005 04:28:40

He still owes me a green on DVDs.the4freezone. He hasn't replied to my last PM, or even opened it, but I don't think he's been around recently. I did a search and he hasn't posted recently. However, he recently was able to get a friend to green for me when one of his referrals went gray on freeipods. So, I'm not sure what's up. I hope he didn't skip town.


12-05-2005 15:58:13

He still has not signed up for my psps4free, though it is not as big a deal because my other 4 refs are still all yellow. But I still would like it if he would at least sign up sometime soon. He read my last PM I sent a few days ago, so I don't think he has skipped town just yet. But it doesn't look like his problems are over yet, with his ref for melnag26 getting rejected... ouch.


12-05-2005 18:21:54

There's a member by the name of splattered on anything4free. I'm wondering if that's the same person. I'm pretty sure it is. And he's been posting there in the last few days.


19-05-2005 22:31:37

[quotefedc75e7dd="splattered"]Ok, i completed a few trades this weekend, sorry i couldnt get to everyone. Still have 2 or 3 left.

Mashav - i have your green lined up but i need your ref link, it got shuffled to the end of my inbox and deleted, i tried to contact you this weekend but i guess you werent around. PM me )[/quotefedc75e7dd]

Why is this guy not banned yet?!
It's been weeks since the posted the above and he still hasn't signed up for me.


19-05-2005 22:57:14

He's been taken care of =)


15-06-2005 06:03:53

i have been waiting for some greens from him, i already did my part. i have a pm sitting in my outbox to him dated May 10.

apparently he's not interested.