Elee121 - not a good trader
27-04-2005 20:00:23
I would stay away from
elee121[=http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3849]elee121 after greening for me and when I was in the approval process his referral went red. I paid him 25, and asked for 10 back to pay for part of another ref to take his place. He proceded to tell me that its a dog eat dog world out there and that he got scammed already. So he's basically telling me that since he got scammed and they took his money he should take mine to repay him.
I am only asking for 10 back from him, yet he says sorry, trade is over.
Sorry the trade is not over, last I heard trade is over when you stay green, when your account is red, its not over.
Definatly stay away from this guy, he has a terrible ethic, just goes to show what kind of people some people are.
27-04-2005 20:21:02
im not a scammer either. I did not break any rules. I emailed the site in an attempt to get you your green. I did everything to help you minus paying you money that I gained after doing my part of the deal. I didnt intentionally go red because neither of us know what "signed up from an invalid location" means anyway. you repeatedly begged me for money after i politely said sorry, no the first time until i had to just refuse. i am sorry about what happened to you.
btw you say i was claiming since i was scammed that means i should take your money (which btw i gained through carrying out my side of the deal). i was saying that you had one setback which was nobodys fault directly. live with it, like i have. put this into perspective of the free item you are gaining. i got scammed but kept on going, nothing i can do about it.
27-04-2005 20:25:27
[quote6070697a96="elee121"]im not a scammer either. I did not break any rules. I emailed the site in an attempt to get you your green. I did everything to help you minus paying you money that I gained after doing my part of the deal. I didnt intentionally go red because neither of us know what "signed up from an invalid location" means anyway. you repeatedly begged me for money after i politely said sorry, no the first time until i had to just refuse. i am sorry about what happened to you.
btw you say i was claiming since i was scammed that means i should take your money (which btw i gained through carrying out my side of the deal). i was saying that you had one setback which was nobodys fault directly. live with it, like i have. put this into perspective of the free item you are gaining. i got scammed but kept on going, nothing i can do about it.[/quote6070697a96]
Live with it? Your circumstance you can't get back, my circumstance I am talking to right now. How are you telling me you carried out your end of the deal? You went red and still are red, to me that is not carrying out your side of the deal. What's the point of trading if you just go red during the approval process.
I don't think what you did was right, and I bet a lot of people don't agree that what you did was right either. If this happened to me or anyone else with some ethic in them they would pay back at least some of the amount.
What so someone trades a site with you, you go red on theirs, they go green on yours, you say deal with it, its a dog eat dog world? Wow great person to trade with, lets all line up.
27-04-2005 20:25:37
is this an OC site? "signed up from an invalid location" means you (elee121) have more than one account from that site. If so, it sounds like it is you fault you went red?
27-04-2005 20:28:55
[quoteaa43203be6="slowdown"]is this an OC site? "signed up from an invalid location" means you (elee121) have more than one account from that site. If so, it sounds like it is you fault you went red?[/quoteaa43203be6]
Yep this is what it says eleelili@lililili - Invalid (Signup from invalid location)
I haven't seen this messege from them before so I don't know what it means.. but ya..
27-04-2005 20:32:08
[quote8cb77da75a="sweeedfish"][quote8cb77da75a="slowdown"]is this an OC site? "signed up from an invalid location" means you (elee121) have more than one account from that site. If so, it sounds like it is you fault you went red?[/quote8cb77da75a]
Yep this is what it says eleelili@lililili - Invalid (Signup from invalid location)
I haven't seen this messege from them before so I don't know what it means.. but ya..[/quote8cb77da75a]
Yep i got that from one of my refs. i emailed OC and they told me something along the lines of the person had more than one account per household
28-04-2005 09:28:52
Haha I love this stupid guy, here's the newest from him,
"Maybe you shouldve made the deal to go green then do not go red later"
28-04-2005 11:57:30
to put it into the proper context for everyone else, the rest of the sentence goes, "but that is impossible and irrelevant because it is not in my hands whether or not i go red, but in the hands of the site's"
28-04-2005 13:13:00
maybe unless u frauded them....
28-04-2005 13:13:15
[quote3cba3ab979="elee121"]to put it into the proper context for everyone else, the rest of the sentence goes, "but that is impossible and irrelevant because it is not in my hands whether or not i go red, but in the hands of the site's"[/quote3cba3ab979]
Then you refund him, your side isnt filled out, going green means staying green through approval
28-04-2005 14:16:15
Yeah going green means you will stay green
I say if this guy doesn't either return the money or fix the green
He should be banned
28-04-2005 14:19:43
+1 vote to bant elee121
Your reason doesnt justify anything NOT to give his money back.. I would honestly reconsider.
28-04-2005 20:06:04
elee121 you need to refund him some money...this is unacceptable that you feel that going red is by any mean part of a trade. please correct this issue if not you will be bant and i will refer your ip to all the sites.
29-04-2005 04:17:25
which one of gratis'/offercentric's rules did i break that makes it necessary to report my ip to them?
29-04-2005 04:28:13
[quote46c74c5549="elee121"]which one of gratis'/offercentric's rules did i break that makes it necessary to report my ip to them?[/quote46c74c5549]
[quote46c74c5549]Q. Can I have more than one account per site?
A. No. This is strictly against our policy. Having multiple accounts for a site for any reason is not allowed. If you want to change the email address you signed up under, you can do this at any time via the "My Account" page. [/quote46c74c5549]
You're lucky the OP is only asking for $10 back instead of the full $25. I agree with everyone else, the trade isnt just to go green then turn red when the account goes to approval, you have to STAY GREEN. Same thing if you don't go green on a site for someone, you can't just say "tough shit".
[b46c74c5549]If elee121 does not return sweeedfish the $10 he is asking for within 72 hours then elee121 will be banned. [/b46c74c5549]
When (if) this situation is resolved, please post here sweeedfish so I will know.
29-04-2005 04:39:18
Ok well I've been emailing the site about my status and I'm waiting to hear back from them. If nothing works out i can give the 10.
29-04-2005 08:55:54
How exactly does "invalid location" mean that they created multiple accounts?
I had 3 referrals go red on psps4free.com, which wasnt really a suprise since they were random people-plus OC gets DQ crazy sometimes, but next to their email it said "Invalid (Created multiple accounts)"[/colorb0841321a1]
So if this guy created multiple accounts wouldnt it say that he did??
30-04-2005 00:27:21
"invalid location" from OC=multiple accounts from same household (thats what i was told by them OC)