Someone impersonating you or someone else? Post here!

Live forum:


25-04-2005 17:47:27

Please make a new topic with all pertinent information if you are contacted by someone claiming to be someone that they're not.


25-04-2005 17:53:37

thing is i think its only one person doing all this dirty work. Thing we can get him and like get some revenge or something?


25-04-2005 18:07:09

that would be cool is there a way?


25-04-2005 22:34:24

Someone is going on AIM as xyclonez but that is not me. My aim is xtreme5956 and not xyclonez. So watch out for him guys.


26-04-2005 13:31:06

Strold02 notice it is a L not a I and i have his referral link so we could mess him up somehow


26-04-2005 13:50:41

i suggest that everyone taht gets scammed by someone on aim, go and sign up under the same link a bunch of times. use exact same info, and maybe itll keep the scammers green from staying green? ya know?


26-04-2005 13:55:53

yes but what if you actually want to do that site and say its gratis then you screw yourself on all gratis sites


26-04-2005 16:36:39

How else can we get these people. I got scammed twice in my early days, but it occurs to me because I have IM logging so I'll still have the referral links.


26-04-2005 17:16:08

maybe go somewhere like a library (different IP) then do the multiple accounts thing, so u wouldnt mess urself up


26-04-2005 17:20:12

[quoteb3e5807266="craser"]i suggest that everyone taht gets scammed by someone on aim, go and sign up under the same link a bunch of times. use exact same info, and maybe itll keep the scammers green from staying green? ya know?[/quoteb3e5807266]

Doubt it would work.... I mean, why would Gratis get at you for your referrals having multiple accounts when it had nothing to do with them? Know what I mean?


26-04-2005 21:51:56

im being impersonated on AIM.

the user hattencat had an AIM convo with xtheysaysjumpx


this guy is a scammer

he may have a 13 TR but hes prolly done with this whole thing
i greened his last refferal for desktopcs and he was gonna pay me $50 for it
and now he disappears and never pays me

hattencat ok ill do ur ref for $50
xtheysaysjumpx alright
hattencat and this AIM convo is our contract
xtheysaysjumpx yes
hattencat k
hattencat link
xtheysaysjumpx http//

hattencat just waiting for green
xtheysaysjumpx ok
hattencat Congratulations, you just received credit for completing the Appera
Whitening offer!
hattencat u can paypal to
xtheysaysjumpx signed off at 150714.[/quote15fb938630]
my AIM is xtheysayjumpx. the person hattencat had a convo with has an extra "S" in his username. i had no convo with hattencat, i was at work when it happened (although i cant prove this), im not looking for freedesktoppc refs (infact if you look at my last post in the trading post im looking for oddtech4free or notebooks4free). i do have a screenshot of my freedesktoppc account though with only 1 user signed up and its not hatencat. i just hope hattencat didnt contact gratis like he said he would in the PM he sent me.



27-04-2005 12:21:48

[quote493d2b54d1="theysayjump"]im being impersonated on AIM.[/quote493d2b54d1]

Yes you are.

(211124) xtheysaysjumpx hey
(220014) re dsk un k18 7 ey
(220020) xtheysaysjumpx 6
(220022) xtheysaysjumpx hey
(220033) xtheysaysjumpx its theysayjump from freeipodguide
(220037) xtheysaysjumpx +13 trader looking for referrals. im trading or paying 40 dollars for my last signup
(220040) xtheysaysjumpx are you intersted
(220102) re dsk un k18 7 can you do freenotenotebookpc?
(220142) xtheysaysjumpx yes
(220159) re dsk un k18 7 What are you looking for?
(220214) xtheysaysjumpx freedesktoppc
(220314) re dsk un k18 7 K, send me a pm, I'll sign up and do an offer tomorrow......
(220340) xtheysaysjumpx im just about to go to bed
(220345) xtheysaysjumpx so ill catch you online tomorrow
(220348) re dsk un k18 7 Alright


(151750) xtheysaysjumpx hey
(151809) re dsk un k18 7 ey
(151826) xtheysaysjumpx its theysayjump from fig
(151829) xtheysaysjumpx +13 trader looking to trade or apy 50 dollars for the last referral
(151833) xtheysaysjumpx are you interested?
(151844) re dsk un k18 7 uh huh, send me a pm.
(151900) xtheysaysjumpx im getting thsi error when i log onto there
(151901) xtheysaysjumpx Warning mysql_connect() Too many connections in /home/bosbos/websites/ on line 48

Warning mysql_error() supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/bosbos/websites/ on line 330

Warning mysql_errno() supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/bosbos/websites/ on line 331
phpBB Critical Error

Could not connect to the database

(151945) re dsk un k18 7 lishrugli K well whenever you can, pm me.
(151957) xtheysaysjumpx alright
(151958) xtheysaysjumpx will do


27-04-2005 16:51:12

shit. shit. shit.
I just completed a referral for this guy. and he is the scammer, he has the extra s. Anyone know how I could cancel the offer so that he wouldn't get credit for it? I can deal with being out a couple of dollars, but I don't want him to get credit..


27-04-2005 17:05:01

Are you green yet? I would suggest hitting the 'unsubscribe' link that you can find on many of these sites. I would think that if you unsubscribed before going green, he'd never get the credit.

If you are green, then there's no way of backing out, to my knowledge.


27-04-2005 19:54:54

Unsubscribing just unsubscribes from the mailing list. Not much you can do Im afraid.. He tried to scam me.. Fucker..


29-04-2005 04:31:22

sweeedfish told me I had an impersonator yesterday.
They use the AIM name iease 1892.
Unless a trader requests that I AIM them, I will only ever PM them through the site.
Also, my AIM nick has nothing to do with my name on the site.
So, if I AIM you first, it's definetly not me!


29-04-2005 07:33:21

[quote1267a89199="bellatrix886"]shit. shit. shit.
I just completed a referral for this guy. and he is the scammer, he has the extra s. Anyone know how I could cancel the offer so that he wouldn't get credit for it? I can deal with being out a couple of dollars, but I don't want him to get credit..[/quote1267a89199]
Create another account at the same site at the same computer, that should get you put on hold and his green will go away. If it's for gratis or OC you'll be put on hold at all their sites so I would only do that if it wasn't a gratis or OC site.


30-04-2005 12:57:11

its not worth it if your accounts gets put on hold! Its hard when you get scammed but what can you do... Thats why i only trade with people with reputable tr and a good amount of post


13-05-2005 13:07:59

i do not have a screen name on AIM under jhennson


21-05-2005 18:49:39

hi look at my last message i post search my name forgot to lazy to check somebody wanted to scam me today i think its the same person


19-06-2005 11:45:10

Any variation of JOSHBOX on AIM is not me. My aim sn is not even close to that.


19-06-2005 12:59:25

[quote6df87a691b="bellatrix886"]shit. shit. shit.
I just completed a referral for this guy. and he is the scammer, he has the extra s. Anyone know how I could cancel the offer so that he wouldn't get credit for it? I can deal with being out a couple of dollars, but I don't want him to get credit..[/quote6df87a691b]
If you're not going to do the site that you signed up for this guy with, just sign up again 3 or 4 times with diffirent emails on the same site, causing you to go red for him.


19-06-2005 13:41:10

AIM [b40b6f5ed8e]cratenroy[/b40b6f5ed8e]

That is not me, SCAMMER, watch for him


14-09-2005 13:52:35

Someone is using "cOmPplMp" to impersonate me, so be on the look out. Check my profile for my real aim name, and always remember to ask for a PM to verify, no matter who they claim they are.


25-10-2005 20:51:48

Right now someone named FiPG Deegsy is pretending to be me and I've tracked it to 5 other people who he's attempted to hit on.


I dropped a thread in the trading forum so it could trickle down and at least a few people see it because I doubt anyone checks this all that often to make sure they aren't being scammed.


16-12-2005 13:22:37

apparantly I'm being impersonated on AIM by someone named Wannatrade11 . I will ALWAYS initiate a trade over this board ONLY, NEVER over AIM, watch out for him.


07-03-2006 15:33:00

I got a PM from a user named "Mastersteak9" here on the boards, he said he wants to sign up for the PS3 using my referral link? So i was ok with it because it's a free referral right?

But, he could be spamming my link or something, did anybody got an e-mail from this user?


07-03-2006 19:42:53

The PM is a record of his request, so if he actually went and spammed it, you can show Jake.


26-07-2006 09:37:32

EvilLestat2 hasnt replied to my pm for a long time, rarely he opens the pm and wen he does he never responds...this guy hasnt done anything for over a week already, i warned him many times, but it seems as though he doesnt care so...admin pleas ehave him banned!!!!! he screwed me over big time, i wasted time and money to go green for him, in return he does nothing...have him banned!!! his trade record is already a -1!!


26-07-2006 11:12:47

[quote9ed0a455b3="greg4734"]EvilLestat2 hasnt replied to my pm for a long time, rarely he opens the pm and wen he does he never responds...this guy hasnt done anything for over a week already, i warned him many times, but it seems as though he doesnt care so...admin pleas ehave him banned!!!!! he screwed me over big time, i wasted time and money to go green for him, in return he does nothing...have him banned!!! his trade record is already a -1!![/quote9ed0a455b3]

Wrong place to post


26-07-2006 12:08:09

yes sry i realized that...

nurse 29

15-05-2007 22:04:46

Hey! This one is for parth82390 and I do not know how to reach him so, you all beware of two showdy traders... they are ew1075 and julia2temp. BOTH scammed me!


15-05-2007 22:10:52

[quote3d49f67bd4="nurse 29"]Hey! This one is for parth82390 and I do not know how to reach him so, you all beware of two showdy traders... they are ew1075 and julia2temp. BOTH scammed me![/quote3d49f67bd4]Have you tried contacting them? How long ago? Have they read your messages?

Also, have you submitted a support ticket on Parth's site, where they scammed you? And you can also reach him by PMing him. One last step ... PM a mod and see if they can help you. They are found here http// . I recommend KeithA, but they are all helpful. Just don't PM Admin ... he'll smite you (actually, he just hates getting PMed).

Hope this has helped you.


14-11-2007 01:59:45

Hmm glad i read this bc i just put my aim name in my profile. I will remember to always req a PM first for someone claiming to be a trader from here, kuz i would have never suspected people would do this!


19-03-2008 20:11:46

Are there any mods on that I can AIM right now? I have a very important issue to discuss!!!!


19-03-2008 20:28:20

[quoteba592b8479="deeball12"]Are there any mods on that I can AIM right now? I have a very important issue to discuss!!!![/quoteba592b8479]

Is it concerning what you IM'd me about? TSJ will get on that shortly. Just hold off on your trade.


19-03-2008 20:31:28

yes I have some more info on this and I wanted to get a few answers cause I think the situation is escalating!!


19-03-2008 20:42:06

Go ahead and PM the extra info to TSJ.


12-05-2008 04:33:01

So...have we found this person yet?


03-10-2009 11:51:29

I had set up a trade with, JUNIOR6886, over three weeks ago. And we agreed that I would pay him $15 first and the rest after the green on He has a good Tr, but he is not responding to any of my PMs. Can you please help me? thanks.