how to deal with bad trade??

Live forum:


28-03-2005 11:52:28

I already added him to the bad traders list
signed up for an offer under blunt gun on macminis4free.. he says I am not on his status page. I dont know how I couldnt be as I clicked his link and went green...

how do we go about checking this?

Is there any way we can contact the site if what he says is true to contest that i should be his referall

if i need to put this somewere else lemme know

also I have completed 2 good trades with users who have done many trades, one posted me in the good traders list

how come I havent gotten credit


28-03-2005 12:00:43

ask him for a screenshot of his status page to see if you really ARE should be able to tell if you look close if its been edited or not