NEED FreeiPods and FreePSPs. Can trade for (almost) ANYTHING

Live forum:


28-03-2005 00:17:43

I just started with this thing a couple days ago. I want this ipod and psp quick!

I am [b9475287f71]NOT[/b9475287f71] available to do FreeHandbags, Technology4Free, or Get4Friends.

Hit me up on AIM (click the button below) or PM me. I would much rather talk on AIM. Much quicker.

I have +2 that should be updated on the left soon. They are on page 24 of the good trading list.


28-03-2005 07:31:59

$13 for psps4free?


28-03-2005 09:07:23

[quote90016c754a="bballp6699"]$13 for psps4free?[/quote90016c754a]

My problem is that I've helped a couple people by doing them for money, but I only have one green (1-2 should be on its way). I am trading from now on until I get one of my prizes.


28-03-2005 10:02:27

Alright, no problem let me know. If you go green for me it helps your trade record, but it's all up to you. D