26-03-2005 11:28:57
have you done phreeipods yet?
26-03-2005 12:20:04
for updated results check 1st post
26-03-2005 12:40:57
I'll pay you $15 for freedigitalcameras
26-03-2005 12:50:54
hey, geewhzz, u related to geej86??? u both have gee in ur name, at the beginning too.
sure ur not the same person?
Can you do macminis4free (OC), will paypal you. PM me if you can
26-03-2005 12:55:27
$10 for autotech4free
have you done gears4free?
26-03-2005 16:39:09
Um, yes pretty positive, considering I spoke to him today on AIM.
26-03-2005 19:07:15
I'm going to give this thread another hour or so before i start doing offers. After I call an end to it, i'll PM each person for referral link(s), payment, etc. Keep bidding people!
26-03-2005 19:33:43
[quoteb958ea8882="Collateral"]$20.50 for[/quoteb958ea8882]
not allowed dollars only 8)
26-03-2005 19:51:47
Change of plans tonight, I'm going out and I may binge drink. I will make good on all the offers, either later tonite or early tomorrow morning. If you are up there right now, PM me your link, I'll get back to you with in 12 hours or so. peace -george
27-03-2005 15:18:28
After getting up at 4pm and checking my private messeges I had to make a few corrections to the list. If anyone spots there name on there in error, PM me and I'll get it straightened out. Otherwise I'm going to start doing offers right now starting with the highest $$$ ones and those I have links to already.