24-03-2005 20:44:05
Please PM me if you are interested in completing Freegamingsystems.com for $15.00 paypal cash. I will pay when you go green for n00b's or if you have 3+ feedback or more, I will pay $6.00 when you sign up (yellow).
Please don't IM me telling me you are someone you are not ... I always make IM trades confirm identity by PMing me here on these forums before the trade starts, so I prefer if you just PM me to start off!
PM me if you are interested and NO TRADES, just payments!
I have done most every site, but I dont want any trades please! wink
25-03-2005 08:12:20
Please, like I said before, if you are going to IM me, please post here and confirm your AIM screen name so I can check out your feedback and do some research on you. I had 2 people IM me last night, and my computer shut down before I could IM back, so please IM me again, and post your AIM name here.
(AIM name = stmack89)