24-03-2005 02:44:41
Hey everyone, I'm new to this all. I'm willing to do trades with people, i think i get the basic idea of this and I think i understand some of the lingo. I would like to find someone to trade with me on freepsps.com but really most sites would work for me (since i haven't done any of them). I have already registered at freeipods.com but haven't completed a deal, can i still reference to someone so they get credit before i complete one? Of course i would "green" first but not to someone who isn't trusted (i might be new but I'm not very stupid). I planned on signing up for blockbuster online anyway so even if this doesn't work i wont be to mad. My most wanted sites are freepsps.com, freedigitalcameras.com, freephotoipods.com, and freeipods.com but let me know what you can do maybe id be interested in others.
24-03-2005 04:47:49
Are you accepting payment for referrals?
24-03-2005 10:58:35
i can do your freedigicams if you do my mp3players4free