Paying for PDATech4Free or trading coobro/phree sites...

Live forum:


21-03-2005 14:08:23

I need referrals for PDATech4Free. I will pay $12-$17 paypal to anyone who completes an offer for me and goes green, depending on which offer you do. If you do an offer that requires a shipping charge I will pay you the additional $5, otherwise I'm starting at $12.

This is an easy way to get some paypal to pay other folks on a site that not many people are interested in doing.

I will PM you my AIM name so that we can work out the details once you respond that you're interested. [b796269e5bc]I can trade for Phree or other CooBro sites.[/b796269e5bc]

Check my trade record with any questions.


21-03-2005 14:36:30

i got you doylnea.
IM me over aim or PM me for my link )


22-03-2005 04:16:39

I updated my OP. Please PM if interested.


22-03-2005 17:36:45

Already have a couple down - just need a few more.

Just to be clear, I'll pay at least $12 for your referral and will pay up to an additional $5 to pay for shipping and handling costs associated with offers.

Please PM or post if interested - then I will send you my AIM name, so that no one tries to impersonate me.


25-03-2005 13:03:48

OP edited. Just need one more referral.


25-03-2005 14:00:16

[quotea75ff54a76="doylnea"]OP edited. Just need one more referral.[/quotea75ff54a76]

doylnea...still waiting for credit on my end.

I guess it's going to be one of those two-week waits. Please don't forget me once I finally go green... )


25-03-2005 14:01:28

[quotef35404a26b="pinkledeez"][quotef35404a26b="doylnea"]OP edited. Just need one more referral.[/quotef35404a26b]

doylnea...still waiting for credit on my end.

I guess it's going to be one of those two-week waits. Please don't forget me once I finally go green... )[/quotef35404a26b]

yeah that's what it seems like so're on my spreadsheet of people to pay when green...


25-03-2005 14:12:03

allright, I'm all set. No more trades needed.