20 BUCKS NOW for completing freeipods NOW NOW NOW

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=9078


19-03-2005 00:42:47

I need a couple more referrals on freeipods then I will be done. I WILL PAYPAL YOU $20 for signing up INSTANTLY. Please email= email=ajker@yahoo.comajker@yahoo.com email=ajker@yahoo.comajker@yahoo.com/email if you are serious.


19-03-2005 00:45:01

Read the rules.
Edit this thread.
Don't get yourself bant. ;)


19-03-2005 00:56:29

too late.
http/" alt=""/img130.exs.cx/img="130/407/deodarant5db.gif[" alt=""/img6ab5afa00b]

just a note for new users, I'm pretty lenient but due to recent events, no mercy, we have no room for shady/ignorant traders.



19-03-2005 01:05:38

what rule did he break again?


19-03-2005 01:09:13

[quotea646fa9727="Archon810"]what rule did he break again?[/quotea646fa9727]
well from what I can see he didnt say he would green first but its very possible that he broke more rules that we don't know about or that the mods have edited out


19-03-2005 01:11:41

didn't he say he'll pay INSTANTLY? i think that qualifies...


19-03-2005 01:21:44

[quoteaab2139b2a="4point3"]I need a couple more referrals on freeipods then I will be done. I WILL PAYPAL YOU $20 for signing up INSTANTLY. Please email= email=ajker@yahoo.comajker@yahoo.com email=ajker@yahoo.comajker@yahoo.com/email if you are serious.[/quoteaab2139b2a]
I don't think it qualifies for the following reasons
it could be read that he means that he wants people to do instants
or that he will pay instantly after you sign up
or that he will pay instantly before you sign up
or that he wants you to sign up instantly

Im pretty sure the rules say(I dont feel like checking at the moment) that you need to clearly state that you will green/pay first if you are under +2

so my vote would be for no that doesnt qualify


19-03-2005 01:23:50

ahh ic what u mean. we will never know, i guess......