Tony White
18-03-2005 12:57:27
I'm trying to help my wife complete her FreeIpod referrals. I need to get one more. I am newbie at trading, but I did complete one this morning and everything went smooth. I'm willing to go first in a trade if someone is willing to help me out. I think my wife would be surprised when she returns from her business trip if I've completed her referrals for her.
I am able to join any sites except FreeIpods (obviously) and, which I joined as part of the trade.
Please email me at (this is the email I joined FreeIpods thru).
Thanks in advance for any replies.
18-03-2005 13:20:03
Willing to accept $$ for sites?
Tony White
18-03-2005 14:43:34
I'd like to just trade referrals at this point, but would do $ if need be. I still can join a bunch of free sites to give referrals at this point, so I'd like to try the non-cash route first. But thanks for the reply. I will post later if I want to trade $.
19-03-2005 11:47:54
can you do any of these below? ill trade or pay $$$, wahtever works. message me at thanx
jsut let me know if u can spank me.
19-03-2005 12:19:58

http/" alt=""/"130/407/deodarant5db.gif[" alt=""/img82d1b551c0]
19-03-2005 13:26:08
Tony White is a good trader...just completed one with him...transaction took maybe 15 min...all completed
Tony White
25-03-2005 20:11:41
Thanks to Iron Monkey for the trade. Even though I'm a newbie, he deserves some props for working with me. He went green and I'm one step closer to completion. Thanks Iron Monkey.
26-03-2005 13:37:28
i think i can do just about anything and i need one last freeipods referral to complete an offer. i am willing to paypal or trade with someone (i know fat chance on some not having done freeipods) for a green freeipods
27-03-2005 23:07:13
what offer did you complete iron monkey?
28-03-2005 08:16:04
hey tony, your ref is still yellow?
im still good for yours just waiting on the green man