15-03-2005 20:31:57
Hey guys, I just need ONE more referral for my DS4Free.. I'm willing to pay 25 dollars via PayPal, or possibly doing a trade. I have Trade Points pending, but I'll go first until they go through. PM me if you're interested.
As am I if he doesn't follow up.
AIM Ichabod109
22-03-2005 20:59:49
still in need of one more.. let me know.
23-03-2005 01:37:42
I'm interested in a trade. Can you still do freeflatscreens?
23-03-2005 04:41:04
I am interested in a trade, can you do a freeminimacs. Pm Sent
23-03-2005 17:49:23
Have you done psps4free? I'd like to trade for ds4free. PM'd you as well.
23-04-2005 06:49:29
I'm STILL looking.. my last two "trades" didn't work out. Please PM me if you're interested.
23-04-2005 23:43:41
have you done superpsp4free? i can do a fair trade