Hey newbs, watch out for shadowmoses

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=8377


10-03-2005 21:48:09

he has been lurking on the boards messeging newbs who sign up .. he is a dirty scammer


10-03-2005 21:49:07



10-03-2005 21:54:09

is that shadowmoses2119 or just shadowmoses?.....shadowmoses2119 tried scamming me a few days ago. more than likely the same person if your talking about someone else


10-03-2005 21:55:03

yeh he tried scammin me as well. hope he likes seein shades of gray. haha


10-03-2005 22:05:44

ya the shadowmoses with the #'s


10-03-2005 22:19:00

well it seems he aint to bright. instead of using a different name, he uses shadowmosses still but with different #'s. I'm sure she is reading this because he only imed after i posted. it ashame people cant think up better scams. have fun in your parents basement.


10-03-2005 23:23:50

most of the kids who do scam are like 16-17, mostly the kids who like using counterstrike terms in every day conversations. lol


11-03-2005 01:15:35

yep watch out for that faggot. he tried that bull crap on me but did not succeed.


11-03-2005 01:21:30

that asshole scammed me.

i STUPIDLY assumed he was on the good trader's list so I went ahead and went first. Right after he saw that I completed my offer he blocked me on AIM. I IMed him from my other AIM and called him on it and he claimed he was doing hw. ha.

So I just cancelled my eFax order right after that happened. He didn't get the credit but now I can't use it for something else =\

EDIT Sorry, that story was about socceroxmisworld. I don't know how legit he is, sorry.

But shadowmoses litriedli to scam me too. Didn't believe the crap he pulled on me.


15-03-2005 03:27:02

shadowmoses2194 Hey
Archon810 ey
shadowmoses2194 whats up
shadowmoses2194 what are you doing up so late dawg?
Archon810 remind me who u are
shadowmoses2194 I'm probably some faggot that scammed you on an offer LoL
Archon810 ok?
shadowmoses2194 Did you do an offer and somebody fucked you over?
Archon810 why, is that your "thing"?
shadowmoses2194 yeah, it is my "thing"
shadowmoses2194 because im a stupid spic from texas
Archon810 heh
Archon810 i dont and won't get scammed
shadowmoses2194 have you ever?
Archon810 no
shadowmoses2194 ever hear of a guy named trade enforcer/nastradamas/lastonesleft/shadowmoses/jumpman7722/kizmet/kmac/pimpdadda
Archon810 yeah
Archon810 i suppose it's u
shadowmoses2194 yea LoL
Archon810 hitting up noobs at a late hour?
shadowmoses2194 but no, not really, im someone who hacked all of his accounts.
shadowmoses2194 im someone who was scammed by him, and came back and fucked him
shadowmoses2194 i doubt anyone will be seeing much of him lately.
Archon810 yeah
Archon810 well i'd love to stick around and listen, but i actually do need to go to sleep
Archon810 work at 8am
shadowmoses2194 okay, sorry if i was a jackass and scammed you! good night
Archon810 heh u haven't though


15-03-2005 06:31:08

whats funny is that this kid got ownd hardcore, i wont say how yet ;).


15-03-2005 06:39:13

he is an idiot he is on hold on two websites so his scamming wont even help him can we say douche bag


15-03-2005 07:38:14

I hope he cries when he gets owned