FreePSPs Refs Needed

Live forum:


10-03-2005 15:20:23

I will pay around $15-20 for a Gratis freepsps green ref. Since I'm new, if you have an established feedback I might pay first. otherwise you may offer me something to do, and i may accept it or not (I'm trying not to be scammed myself!). I can't trade and u may contact me via PM or AIM southpark8980


10-03-2005 15:21:09

heh, there's no 'might' if you're trading with someone who has +2 or more Trade Karma. ;)


10-03-2005 15:23:27

Just like to feel safe, that's all. Since i see that this forum runs rather well with its trading, I probably would pay first P


10-03-2005 15:24:50

lol You wearing deodorant?


10-03-2005 15:25:26

You will go green/pay/whatever you're doing to get your green first, with established traders (+2 or more). That's what keeps us (this forum) safe from outsiders (such as yourself).

Welcome, by the way! ;)


10-03-2005 15:28:00

[quote157e5997d2="RealtorKen"]lol You wearing deodorant?[/quote157e5997d2]

What's that supposed to mean lol


10-03-2005 15:29:50

He's referring to the ban icon (what we give people when they're bant)


10-03-2005 19:43:52

no one want $20?


10-03-2005 22:24:12

I just completed a trade with s0uThp4rk. He is honest, pays very quickly with paypal. You can trust him.


11-03-2005 06:49:22

I may trade now if wanted. Just have to know offers and what site ect. of course keeping with that ur +2 and stuff..


11-03-2005 14:22:50

i need about 1 more ref... wink


13-03-2005 06:54:36

ok, i was scammed lol. Not too worried about it though. I just need 1 more ref (again!) lol Thanks, and i'm not going to be so naive in my future trades. EDIT I think i have all my refs once again.