scammer claiming to be cdmanproductions!

Live forum:


08-03-2005 18:33:38

yea well i got scammed oops cry , im an idiot for not checkin cdmanproduction's REAL AIM name, but i guess ill live and learn...anyway, if anyone wants to IM the falker and harrass him he's blackthug881 on AIM(i don't kno who hes posing as on the forum, if he even is at all) , who i just read has alrdy scammed someone...i take responsibility for being a dumbass, but is there anything more i can do about this dousche?


08-03-2005 18:42:21

That sucks. This one guy made me confirm through PM that I was J4320. That's always a smart idea.


08-03-2005 18:57:34

yea that is a good idea, ill keep that in mind for next time it worth it to report him to gratis as a spammer or something so his account will b put on hold?


08-03-2005 19:10:59

I would. Cause him (or her) a little aggrevation for screwing you over.


08-03-2005 19:11:55

damn that bastard got me too i tried to give his link to gratis and they put me on hold and said not resposible for fraud referalls so wouldnt do it


08-03-2005 19:12:57

Why would they put you on hold? That makes no sense.


08-03-2005 19:15:34

i know they put u on hold for anything


08-03-2005 19:17:22

Damned soup nazi bastards!


08-03-2005 19:28:27

so you still have this guy's link right?

Know what happens when you sign up from the same computer for the same link and attempt to complete an offer using a new email address, but a similar password, or good gracious, the SAME password...

take a wild guess and make a familiar phrase out of these letters


give up?



08-03-2005 19:30:55



08-03-2005 19:31:11

i still don't understand why gratis put you for reporting this guy. what exactly did they say to you?


08-03-2005 19:35:50

[quote23146e21ea="penguin"]i still don't understand why gratis put you for reporting this guy. what exactly did they say to you?[/quote23146e21ea]

They didn't, they put him on hold for another reason, but he's not telling the whole truth. However, it would be pretty easy to report someone randomly IMing you with their link as a spammer don't you think? You know because that would be unwanted or unwarranted dissemination of their link).


08-03-2005 19:57:15

all my refs were legit i am 24 i dont have time to lie or try to beat the system


08-03-2005 20:52:31

I lialmostli got spammed today, but didn't fall for this dumb ass.

I had thought he was someone I was trying to do a legit trade with, as his AIM was a similar name (I'm doing a legit trade with jatt).

I kept asking him what his forum name was. He wouldn't answer. I asked him 4 times before he replied "why". I finally dropped off and he stopped bugging me.

Beware of the AIM "BaD Jatttt" Just keep asking him what his forum name is. I'm hoping he'll be supid enough to reveal it so we can ban his ass in here.


11-03-2005 08:51:24

Well that happened again to me yesterday. Be careful of him cdmanproductions!!!!


11-03-2005 10:14:21

He tried to scam me also. He msged me on aim and said he had +6 trade rating on here. I asked him to send me a PM with his email addy and ref link for my records and checked his user name -- 0 rating, 0 posts, etc. I told him "hmm that's sort of odd that you'd say you have +6 but have 0" and his reply was "well you don't have to trade with me...i'm not forcing you to."

So I didn't.


11-03-2005 11:13:29

hey man theres plenty you could do to this punk
1. cancel the offer right away so he wont get green
2. report his referral link for spam so he will be placed on hold
3. create multiple account so your referral wont count


11-03-2005 11:21:16

wont that get u on hold


11-03-2005 11:23:43

I dont think reporting spam is going to work beause the perosn could just send a cumstomer service inuiry and copy and paste everything you just said, and provide a link.


11-03-2005 11:57:49

Thankfully, I caught him before my offer went green.

He sent me an e-mail asking to IM him at the name CDMANPRODUCTlONS. (that is an L instead of an I)

Here is the log

[1305] AUPaganDave hey, this directv_dave@yahoo. I got your e-mail about referrals
[1306] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Which referals do u need?
[1306] AUPaganDave
[1307] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Yea, im available.
[1307] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Anything else I can help you with?
[1307] AUPaganDave that is the only one I am shooting for. I just want an iPod. I am stopping after that. )
[1307] CDMANPRODUCTlONS lol okay
[1308] CDMANPRODUCTlONS I willdo that for u then.
[1308] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Have you done
[1308] AUPaganDave I have not signed up with any other offer
[1308] AUPaganDave I am open for almost any of them
[1309] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Okay, I will do your freeipod if you do my freepsps
[1309] AUPaganDave okay.
[1309] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Since you are new, you are required to go first.
[1309] CDMANPRODUCTlONS http//
[1309] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Here is my link.
[1310] AUPaganDave do you have a link to your profile on freeipodguide?
[1310] CDMANPRODUCTlONS yes i do
[1310] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Please hold/
[1311] CDMANPRODUCTlONS http//
[1314] AUPaganDave why does your webpage show you already received an iPod from freeipods? How can you register again?
[1314] CDMANPRODUCTlONS My friend wants to join.
[1314] CDMANPRODUCTlONS I send you link to my friends
[1314] CDMANPRODUCTlONS THink of me as a medium.
[1314] AUPaganDave I am just trying to cover my ass.
[1315] CDMANPRODUCTlONS I know what you mean.
[1315] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Trust me though with my reputation, why would I want to fuck it up?
[1315] AUPaganDave yeah, I am going over you posts. just checking you out. )
[1315] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Hah yeah. I understand don't worry.
[1316] AUPaganDave ok, I guess you are ok. hehehe..
[1317] AUPaganDave let me go ahead and give you my free ipod link...
[1317] AUPaganDave hang on
[1317] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Lol, thanks
[1317] AUPaganDave http//
[1317] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Alright, i bookmarked it.
[1318] CDMANPRODUCTlONS I already gave you my link right?
[1318] AUPaganDave yeah. I am heading there now
[1319] AUPaganDave ok, I am registered.
[1325] AUPaganDave ok, I completed the offer.
[1325] CDMANPRODUCTlONS instant?
[1326] AUPaganDave I did So I doubt it is instant
[1326] AUPaganDave but it should be fairly quick
[1327] CDMANPRODUCTlONS I will green you once I see it.
[1327] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Which you said should be soon
[1349] AUPaganDave sorry, scammer. you get no deal from me. )
[1350] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Did I do something wrong?
[1350] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Hello? What did I do wrong?
[1350] AUPaganDave yeah, you are a scammer. nice trick with the 1 instead of the I in your name
[1351] CDMANPRODUCTlONS That isn't a 1
[1351] AUPaganDave yeah, it is a one in the email you sent me.
[1351] CDMANPRODUCTlONS I am telling you that is not a 1.
[1351] AUPaganDave you wanna prove you are real? then send me a PM to my freeipodguide name
[1351] CDMANPRODUCTlONS I have the email.
[1351] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Okay then.
[1352] AUPaganDave go back and check my post asking for referrals. PsychoAU
[1354] AUPaganDave okay, so it isnt a one... it is an L
[1355] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Yes, and?
[1355] AUPaganDave and you are not the same as the real cdmanproductions
[1355] AUPaganDave the one with the trade history
[1355] AUPaganDave not the same name as the profile link you sent earlier
[1356] CDMANPRODUCTlONS That is because there are multiple people that have tried to portray themselves as me.
[1356] CDMANPRODUCTlONS I had to make another alias.
[1356] AUPaganDave yeah... right...
[1357] CDMANPRODUCTlONS You can act like this if you want.
[1358] AUPaganDave good luck with the scam. no green from me
[1358] CDMANPRODUCTlONS I have no clue as to why you're still so suspicious.
[1358] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Okay then, I will do my trade with REAL people next time.
[1358] CDMANPRODUCTlONS Thanks for wasting my time.
[1358] AUPaganDave you're welcome

The PM he sent was from CDMANPRODUCTlONS (L instead of I).

He even set up a gmail account that is close to the real one, only without an S on the end.

I cancelled my offer before it went green.



11-03-2005 14:42:14

I just got IMed by jumpman7722 and I declined to do business with him after seeing comments on him in the forums. Seconds later I got IMed by CDMANPRODUCTlONS and that's when I caught this thread. I assume they're the same guy.

[b199598168e]CAVEAT MERCATOR![/b199598168e]

(trader beware)


11-03-2005 15:37:38

[quotec790a5058d="invalidswoleness"]yea well i got scammed oops cry , im an idiot for not checkin cdmanproduction's REAL AIM name, but i guess ill live and learn...anyway, if anyone wants to IM the falker and harrass him he's blackthug881 on AIM(i don't kno who hes posing as on the forum, if he even is at all) , who i just read has alrdy scammed someone...i take responsibility for being a dumbass, but is there anything more i can do about this dousche?[/quotec790a5058d]

Yep, they just tried to message me. I closed the window and blocked them.

That was satisfying.


11-03-2005 15:43:17

But if you sign up for a gratis site twice won't they put all your accounts on hold? I still need to get shadow moses back, I could just annoy him because he still gets on IM, but I'd rather make him go on hold


11-03-2005 15:49:41

shadowmoses is the fake cdman, and he is also jumpman7722


11-03-2005 15:51:05

[quote684ea563cd="xs10shul"]Yep, they just tried to message me. I closed the window and blocked them.[/quote684ea563cd]

same here


12-03-2005 10:31:32

[quote255d77e98f="wutthechris"]He tried to scam me also. He msged me on aim and said he had +6 trade rating on here. I asked him to send me a PM with his email addy and ref link for my records and checked his user name -- 0 rating, 0 posts, etc. I told him "hmm that's sort of odd that you'd say you have +6 but have 0" and his reply was "well you don't have to trade with me...i'm not forcing you to."

So I didn't.[/quote255d77e98f]
which scammer are u reffering to and wots his forum name


12-03-2005 11:35:24

use your imaginations on what you could do to these scammers. theres all sorts of things you can do


13-03-2005 08:23:54

He got me aswell, x i just have to be a lot more careful in the future....


13-03-2005 11:53:14

god damn, lol

i dont do trades on aim and i dont even use it very much.

hopefully these stupid people trying to scam people using names from here will stop.


16-03-2005 10:36:11

Well I had someone try to scam me, but alas I knew better and was talking to the real person they were trying to portray. I played fun for a bit then let the cat out of the bag.
Link to convo

And btw, Hola cdmanproductions, nice to know there are more spokanites on here. AT least we arent that behind on knowing where the good stuff is!


16-03-2005 12:18:47

that's probably the same guy


16-03-2005 12:24:22

true that chapel


16-03-2005 14:04:09

always be careful. lotsa scammers out there (


17-04-2005 16:06:04

CDMANPRODUCTlONS on aim just contacted me trying to trade you guys need to figure out this guys ip and bann it.


17-04-2005 16:44:04

He's been banned. If he registers another name and trys to scam again, just PM me and ill handle it (goes for anyone trying to scam for that matter).