WILL DO: PSPs4Free FOR: FreeIpodShuffles

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=8098

Mr Sofa Sets

08-03-2005 05:04:33

I must have somehow missed this site coming out. I will do

[uc114a8e2d7][bc114a8e2d7]PSPs4Free.com[/bc114a8e2d7][/uc114a8e2d7] (offercentric)

in exchange for a green at


I have a good trade record and am pretty well known as a reputable forum member. Please only contact me if you have a good trade record of at least [bc114a8e2d7](4)[/bc114a8e2d7].

I prefer to trade with members that I have previously traded with. Those people will get priority over any others if they desire to trade.

Please contact me via PM, AIM, or simply reply to this post.
Thank you.


08-03-2005 07:22:39

im'd you

Mr Sofa Sets

08-03-2005 09:16:05

[quoteb9d4d42d66="xyclonez"]im'd you[/quoteb9d4d42d66]

Trading with Xyclonez. No more requests needed. Thank you.