Want to make $50-$100 in the next hour Click here 4 details

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=73590


06-02-2008 03:57:14

I'm loyal, honest and dedicated to help others make money here in the freebie world - and looking to work with people who are interested in doing the same thing! I have the following offers

(Please do not sign up until you have my referral link!!!)
http//60.macrobucks.com $40
http//sony.v-bux.com $65
http//www.customorderthis.com $25
http//getfit.4evergreens.com $20
http//cashout.wish4free.com $20
http//40.ifreecash.net $25
http//80.macrobucks.com $60 (LOTS OF EASY $1 OFFERS -2 credit site)
http//lcd.macrobucks.com$60 (LOTS OF EASY $1 OFFERS -2 credit site)
http//80.ifreecash.net $50 (LOTS OF EASY $1 OFFERS -2 credit site)

If you go green in 24 hours or less, I will give you a $5 BONUS!!!
Get a $2.50 bonus for each additional site that you go green on

I will pay upon approval and if you go red, a refund must be given - I won't cheat you, please don't try and cheat me...

I am online every day and I am here for you when you need it most. Please leave me a PM and I will get in touch with you as soon as possible but no later than within the next 12 hours. I will guide you through any questions or concerns throughout the whole process and will pay as soon as you go green!!!

Tips for new people

li Before beginning to TRADE Read through the forum threads and become familiar with trading. There are many threads here to familiarize yourself with before ever beginning a trade. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me to ask.

li Do not start a Trade until you have learned the Trade Manager.

li Proxies are not allowed. If you have AOL you cannot do these offers. I would recommend changing ISPs.


li Make sure to clear your cookies and cache and set you computer to accept all cookies before completing offers. Disable any pop-up blockers. I am always glad to help you if you need assistance with doing this. Also, you need to log-out after every offer from the IFW site, clear your cookies, login and start the next offer. It helps ensure that your offers credit properly.

li After completing each offer stay on the conformation page for a least 5-10 minutes before closing the window. Also don't do anything else online while you are waiting. This will help in making sure you get credit for the offer.

li Crediting sometimes takes a while. Do not panic. Wait a bit and logout then recheck.

li Only do offers that you are truly interested in to avoid going red.

My Rules

li Communication is very important. Stay in contact with me, if any problems occur then I am always available to support you and try to get something done. I have AIM and MSN messenger if needed, I will provide my information.

liTo speed up payments you must be Paypal verified.

Thanks for reading my thread - Please post here and PM me with your request for the site you want to complete and I will send you my link. DO NOT COMPLETE OFFERS WITHOUT FIRST GETTING A LINK!
