Vulcan300 = Trading Post Enforcer?

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27-02-2005 16:36:25

Hey all-
I've been away over the weekend and came back to find Vulcan300 as a Trading Post Enforcer. Anyone know about this new position? Vulcan300, feel free to post here ). I'm just curious about what it is and how you acquired the job. Thanks for protecting our forums!


27-02-2005 16:57:49

whats good, yea stroid and nate were looking for people to help out with the trading system, basically i said i would be d, and got the job. sooo pretty much my jobs to keep the new people in check so you established traders can get your greens with no hassles and update your trades whenever i can.



27-02-2005 17:01:38

NICE. Thanks Vulcan! I'd love to join you on the job ).