27-02-2005 16:10:22
So i'm pretty new to the site, been a member for a week now and over all i've been pleased by the company of fellow gratis users, all but one...
I traded with the_kramer and went green first, instantly for a matter of fact, and was promised that he would complete an offer in return that following day. I have since traded with one other person successfully, and I am in the process of completing two other deals. I have had a lot of faith in the trading program here at, that is until this weekend. Almost a week later I have discovered that the_kramer was not only ignoring my deal, but 5 to 6 other people as well. After being lied to 3 times by the_kramer, I have given up hope on his referral.
I am currently 3 away from my mac mini. I have one person who I am waiting to complete a deal with, and my girlfriend is willing to complete an offer. I was counting on the_kramer to be my 10th and final referal.
Sadly, I seem to have run out of offers to complete for trades. If anyone out there is willing to do an offer for my freeminimacs for free, it would be greatly appreciated. Or if you are one who has scammed in the past consider helping a victim, see this as an opportunity to redeam yourself for your sins.
Remember to check the history of people you are trading with so that you do not get scammed. And please, confront your friends to help prevent them from commiting such heinous crimes.

http//[" alt=""/img3005652987]
27-02-2005 16:27:17
I think I heard the_kramer has been scamming lots of folks. Sucks to hear, though.
27-02-2005 16:29:54
Yeah, he got banned for scamming 6 people here
27-02-2005 17:16:33
sorry to hear, rather then the trade kharma its always good to reflect your trades on the user. btw funny pic.
27-02-2005 20:49:35
Same here - I complete freeminimacs for him -
As the stupid rules say - since I am not in the good trader list of w/e - the guy was on that list - so he told me that I must give him green first.
So I did it - and he never reply.
I want moderators or w/e - to take the_kramer from good traders list and to put him in the bad traders list.