I need Freephotoipods.com

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=7175


25-02-2005 12:54:53

I need referals for FreephotoiPod. I can do most gratis sites and any other reputable site.
I have currently completed a succesful trade with dameetch and im in the middle of a trade with GixxerMike.
I am #104 (that falls between the O and the R names just for further clarification)on the good traders list so..ill green first if you have less cred then me

Ones I can't do
Freeminimacs (traded to dameetch)
Freeipodshuffle (in trade with GixxerMike went green on sun waiting on him)
Freeipods (reserved)
Freeflatscreen (traded)
Ones I can do
everything else


25-02-2005 14:41:51

PM sent.


26-02-2005 14:10:26

For those of you that have sent me pms in regards to trading for money. I am only interested in TRADES that get me FREEPHOTOIPODS referrals So please don't waste my time and yours


28-02-2005 19:44:52



28-02-2005 19:58:19

your missing one line that you have added in your previous threads, add it and your good to go.

if your in line for positive trade karma, thats if and when you do recieve it you dont need that line im requesting, thx.



28-02-2005 20:19:28

[quote8bb2fb3b1e="vulcan300"]your missing one line that you have added in your previous threads, add it and your good to go.

if your in line for positive trade karma, thats if and when you do recieve it you dont need that line im requesting, thx.

hey would u mind giving me my karma? since im on the list and dameetch vouched for me and hes been a member for more then 2 weeks...just a thought...I sent you a pm about it... D


28-02-2005 20:25:56

trades amongst new members are voided.