11-09-2007 20:26:15
Hi guys, I'm paying $28 for greens on[/color480cbf5adb][/size480cbf5adb] to go green all you need to do is 1 offer, this network has to be the best one out there, its great for people starting out and for people that know what there doing, works for everyone D ! If you have very low TR ill pay you half when your green and half when approved. The rest of the people that have good TR(2 or more TR) ill pay the moment your green. If you have a really high TR im willing to pay you half upfront if you ask me to, and the other half when your green. I can help anyone through PM or my aim enan07 or YIM finsfan777
If you wanna do it, please PM asking me for the referral link.
Rules of Trading You must go green within 12 hours, if your not green within 12 hours, you must message me every 24 hours what you have done so far and keep me updated until your green. If you don't message me within 24 hours the deal is off/cancel. If for any reason you go red, ill need a refund.
Must be Paypal Verified to get paid the moment your green, if your not you must wait till approval to get paid.
These are the gifts you can get from this site
$300 Cash - 6 referrals
$300 Apple Card - 6 referrals
8gb iPod Nano - 4 referrals
40gb Apple TV - 6 referrals
160gb iPod Classic - 8 referrals
8gb iPhone - 8 referrals
16gb iPod Touch - 8 referrals
20in. Cinema - 13 referrals
Thats a lot of great things to pick from, im taking the $300 myself, but they have a lot of other great items like the iPod Touch and the iPhone and lots of other great prizes stun .
By the way, i got +10 TR on A4F and +8 TR on FLR just search my username finsfan07 on those boards if you wanna make sure.