21-02-2005 19:03:28
Hi everyone...I'm new.
Seeking referrals for freeipods.com and freeipodshuffle.com.
Will go green with good trader to become good trader.
21-02-2005 19:25:23
Felix, interested in payment? I need notebooks4free and some others and I'm interested in paying.
Can you do mp3players4free.com? PM me.
21-02-2005 21:17:15
need flatscreen and photoipod, get at me.
thomas moore
21-02-2005 21:24:10
i need gaming systems... or psp so what else do u need.. bro D maybe we can work something out PM ME!
21-02-2005 21:50:45
im also a newbie but am working on doing trade tomorrow with yunier2002, and i wonna get on the good traders list. so i need freepsps.com, freeipods.com, and freeipodshuffle.com
I can do anything else except those. Maybe we can work out a trade, or Payment.
Pm me for the details.
21-02-2005 22:02:16
Hey, I'm also a trading "n00b" and am interested in becoming established in the trading community. ATM I'm looking to complete notebooks4free, and can sign up for most things, so PM me or IM me anytime on RossHahaha if you're interested.
--Thanks wink