08-08-2007 11:06:15
I need a max of 5 more people to complete this site for me and I am paying $25 paypal to everyone who does! I want to finish this site ASAP!
Also, you can also decide on $20 paypal and a free green on any no CC site you may be working on. I have done maybe 1 of the no CC sites ALONG LONG time ago when they first started coming out so chances are I can do yours for sure!! PM ME ASAP!!
08-08-2007 22:50:33
I thought the rules were you must wait 24 hours to bump?
09-08-2007 00:06:04
Hey not to bother you but you will have a hard time getting the site done with such a low tr. If you would like I can help you build your tr on this site easily.
10-08-2007 10:35:36
[quote0a16872a13="Jobstane"]Hey not to bother you but you will have a hard time getting the site done with such a low tr. If you would like I can help you build your tr on this site easily.[/quote0a16872a13]
nope, not doing any trades other then me paying for greens.. I have a high TR on A4F and getting one started at FLR so I just came here to maybe get a few quick greens from new people here.. Thanks for the offer though
10-08-2007 23:24:14
[quoteb79c3a5c35="finsfan07"]I thought the rules were you must wait 24 hours to bump?[/quoteb79c3a5c35]
i thought it was every 8 hours but I guess i could be mistaking this site with another. Sorry about that.
Anyway, I have an update on my offer here. Right now I am offering information that will get you $1000 for about $10 or so. If this intrests anyone PLEASE PM me and I will fill you in. Its a very simple thing that you should be able to complete within 20 mins from signing up. All I ask is a green on yourfreeiphone!!