If you are looking to make some extra cash, I can help, I have lots sites to choose from.
I pay 60% of the site referral value. Many others pay much less per site. I have the following sites that I am working on currently. Do not go to the sites until we communicate so that I can give you the reference code or you may not credit correctly.[listd6c082c39f]
[lid6c082c39f]computers.ordergiftsfree.com 3 Credits required pays $72.00 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]goldenfreebies.com 1 Credits required pays $42.00 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]gogreen4free.com 1 Credits required pays $37.50 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]rocketbills.com 1 Credits required pays $36.00 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]freewave.shiftcode.com 1 Credits required pays $30.00 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]360elite4free.com 1 Credits required pays $27.23 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]giftcardmonster.net 1 Credits required pays $24.00 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]Greengiftcards.zeropricetags.com 1 Credits required pays $24.00 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]nascar.4evergreens.com 1 Credits required pays $24.00 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]babies.earngiftsfree.com 1 Credits required pays $24.00 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]customorderthis.com 1 Credits required pays $24.00 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]reallyitsfree.com 1 Credits required pays $22.50 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]laptops.incentivefrenzy.com 1 Credits required pays $20.83 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]hdtv.incentivefrenzy.com 1 Credits required pays $20.83 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]paypal.allfreebieworld.com 1 Credits required pays $20.00 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]cash.ultimatefreebies.org 1 Credits required pays $20.00 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]desktops.incentivefrenzy.com 1 Credits required pays $18.75 On Green
[lid6c082c39f]mystufffree.com 1 Credits required pays $12.00 On Green
[bd6c082c39f]I will also pay a bonus if you do more than 3 sites as follows[/bd6c082c39f][listd6c082c39f]
[lid6c082c39f]3 green sites will be paid a $10 bonus
[lid6c082c39f]Each additional site beyond 3 will pay $5 per site
If you are new to the business, I am more than willing to help you out via instant messenger or even via the phone.
Please post in this thread and send me a PM. I am more than willing to answer your questions. If you are new, let me know and I will send you instructions to help you get started. Let me know what sites you are interested in doing. I am off and online every day so if you don't get an immediate response, please be patient as I will be back.
[bd6c082c39f]Tips for new people[/bd6c082c39f]
[lid6c082c39f]Make sure to read through all the rules and tutorials found on this forum. If you don't, it will cost you money in the end in errors and non-credits. Should you choose to trade with me, I will help you along the way and answer any questions you may have.
[lid6c082c39f]You cannot use AOL or and ISP which uses a proxy. Click here to see if your ISP is using a proxy
[lid6c082c39f]Don't use internet explorer 7 to do offers. The forum suggests either internet explorer 6 or Firefox.
[lid6c082c39f]Make sure to clear your cookies and cache and set you computer to accept all cookies before completing offers. Disable any pop-up blockers. Let me know if you don't know how to do this.
[lid6c082c39f]I suggest you keep a copy of each sites terms and conditions along with each offers terms and conditions. Print off all of your receipts and save all of your emails. Make sure you track each site and each offer to know what you have done and when you have done it.
[lid6c082c39f]After completing each offer stay on the conformation page for a least 10 minutes before closing the window. Also don't do anything else online while you are waiting. This will help in making sure you get credit for the offer.
[lid6c082c39f]If you don't get credit for the offer immediately don't panic, wait a little while and see if it credits.
[lid6c082c39f]Avoid going RED by not signing up for the same site more than once, completing the same offer more than once (even if it's on a different site), providing false information, or using a proxy. Only do offers that you are truly interested in. Read the terms and conditions of each site you register with and each offer you complete.
[lid6c082c39f]If you receive unsolicited PM's (SPAM) please report it to Gladiator. Note however that if you post in the tread that you are looking for offers and someone PM's you with offers, that is not SPAM.
[bd6c082c39f]Rules for trading with me[/bd6c082c39f]
[lid6c082c39f]All trades must be done through the trade module
[lid6c082c39f]I pay only via PayPal so you must have a Verified PayPal account. If you need an account go to
[lid6c082c39f]You have 24 hours to sign up for this site you are doing. You have 48 hours to complete the offers. If I don't hear from in 1 week, I have the right to cancel the trade.
[lid6c082c39f]Communication is critical. Please stay in contact with me, if problems occur or mistakes are make we can work something out together.
[lid6c082c39f]If you go RED for any reason you must refund my money if we cannot work out another solution.
[lid6c082c39f]If you become uncomfortable at any time and want to cancel, just let me know. Things happen and I understand.
[lid6c082c39f]In order to receive the bonus credits for multiple sites, you must go green within 5 days for all sites and I will pay the bonus 5 days from the date of the trade in the trade manager.
[bd6c082c39f]If you are interested in any of these, please p.m. me[/bd6c082c39f]