29-06-2007 18:06:23
Ok, I know alot of you have been worried about sites paying. With all the new changes I was worried to, about all the sites but one. Customorderthis is the only sites I do so If you want to get in on the best site here PM me. I just today recieved $250.00 from cashcustomorderthis, $200.00 from applecustomorderthis and $200.00 from giftcardscustomorderthis. I also won 1st place in the customorderthis referal contest. $599.00. Guys this is the easiest site there is. If your a neewbi and wanting good sites to start with this is it. If you are an oldie and dont have these sites you need to. They have 6 sites you can do them multible times and all your greens carry over. They even credit your .5 credits. Now who eales dose that? Give me a shout and you to will soon be saying the only sites you do are customorderthis sites. (Fred) [bb6ff8b6be2]Ok, Im no longer waiting on the $599.00 for the contest. I just recieved payment. Come on guys this site rocks. I will pay $20.00 for one site or $45.00 for two. you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.[/bb6ff8b6be2] I also offer support via PMs, AIM, Yahoo and phone. So if you need help you have it.
30-06-2007 14:37:10
I can help you make over $3000.00 in the month of july.
02-07-2007 02:42:44
who wait a min they now allow .5 credits to equal up ; seems alot more appealing to me at the moment..
02-07-2007 10:18:26
please pm me the info... i am a newbie from canada
03-07-2007 19:39:28
If you want to make it in this you got to talk to me.
06-07-2007 15:34:07
lol, cant take this. Who eales wants to make money.
09-07-2007 08:37:05
15 minits is all it takes to do one of these sites. From start to green. Thats $90.00 an hour.
10-07-2007 09:39:49
Now offering support via. PMs, AIM, Yahoo and phone.
11-07-2007 09:16:57
need to finish three sites today. Will pay on green.
12-07-2007 14:25:39
ok ready to start them over again