17-02-2005 16:34:44
Offering $20 per for or i can trade you for it.. Please pm me with your aim or post your aim. Also tell me what site you need. I havent done most sites.
17-02-2005 17:02:44
17-02-2005 17:04:40
AIM IIUltimatumII You must pay in advance. I'm a trusted trader and also have a high post count. Trust me.
17-02-2005 17:19:31
Yea, ill do it you got an away message. so im me when your back..
Still need Three Referrals!
17-02-2005 17:23:52
AIM is gameyoucant win
(wanna work out a deal with ya...)
17-02-2005 17:33:32
[quoteac3fb53ab0="Smo0th"]Yea, ill do it you got an away message. so im me when your back..
Still need Three Referrals![/quoteac3fb53ab0]'
I dont have you screen name. Give it to me by PM or IM me on AIM NOW
17-02-2005 18:13:56
Trade done for camera4free
17-02-2005 19:07:05
PM sent Smooth for psp.
17-02-2005 19:23:27
HAHAH!! Hey smo0th... someone just tried scamming me, pretending they were you!
Valmont4life hey
Valmont4life can you do (xxxxx)?
dreadnought3214 hey there
Valmont4life or (xxxxx)
dreadnought3214 (xxxxx)
Valmont4life u can do (xxxxx)?
dreadnought3214 ya
dreadnought3214 for a freepsps trade i'm guessing?
Valmont4life yea
Valmont4life canyou do instant offer ?
dreadnought3214 i'll see what they have
dreadnought3214 i've already done that travel one tho
dreadnought3214 how bout we trade screenshots on when we finish signing up for offers
Valmont4life i want instant only
dreadnought3214 what else is instant?
dreadnought3214 only one that i know of that gratis has that is instant is travelers advantage
Valmont4life blockbuster
Valmont4life there are lots of instant
dreadnought3214 and i did that one last week
dreadnought3214 well give me your link
dreadnought3214 (xxxxx)
dreadnought3214 if they have blockbuster i can do it
Valmont4life your going green first, those are my terms
Valmont4life well?
Valmont4life can you do green now
dreadnought3214 will you do an instant green for me?
Valmont4life yes
Valmont4life i told you i would man
Valmont4life are we trading yes or no i dont have time to waste seriously
dreadnought3214 sure
dreadnought3214 give me your linke
dreadnought3214 and whats your forum name
Valmont4life what site u doing for me?
Valmont4life its smo0th, i have about five poelpe i traded with im legit
dreadnought3214 (xxxxx)
Valmont4life ok, can you complete instant offer
Valmont4life i recommend the litery guide, its a good legit instant offer and it charges $4 which i will reinburse
dreadnought3214 ya
Valmont4life you doing the instant offer now?
dreadnought3214 well not right now, you havent given me the link yet
Valmont4life what site are you doing for me?
dreadnought3214 (xxxxx)
Valmont4life ok heres myl ink
Valmont4life (xxxxx)
dreadnought3214 well isnt that odd
Valmont4life what?
dreadnought3214 (Posted link to this thread)
dreadnought3214 looks like your already signed up at freepsps....
dreadnought3214 hmmmmm
dreadnought3214 you arent talking???
dreadnought3214 lol you were sooo close, too bad you posed as the wrong trader
17-02-2005 19:25:50
Me too. I will post my convo soon.
17-02-2005 19:29:33
Valmont4life k im ready
me Away Playa
Valmont4life paypal?
Valmont4life err. god
Valmont4life hey
me Away Playa
Valmont4life im ready man..
Valmont4life waiting for u
me alright
Valmont4life ok
Valmont4life paypal
me yah
Valmont4life paypal address?
me so
me k w/e
Valmont4life second
me Away Playa
me dude wtf are you doing? just send your link already
me im hitting the sack in a second
Valmont4life heres my link
me either do it now
me or never
me send money before isign up
Valmont4life http//
Valmont4life can you please green first
Valmont4life ive been scammed already
me no
me i dont care
me im on the good traders list
me twice
me and have over 1000 posts
me why would i scam
Valmont4life twice isnt that much, i got about five poelpe that can vouche for me
me fine
me do them then
Valmont4life what?
me have them do it for you then, im not up for it if you wont send money first
Valmont4life they haev
Valmont4life im 3/5
Valmont4life and i started 2 hrs ago
me alright well im out
Valmont4life thx anyways
Valmont4life later
Later on...
II ULTimaTuM II lol scammer
Valmont4life how am i scammer?
Valmont4life wtf?
II ULTimaTuM II http//
Valmont4life dam you got me
Valmont4life dam
II ULTimaTuM II duh, dont be an idiot
II ULTimaTuM II i have your ref link
Valmont4life i was gonna do it legit tho
Valmont4life i didnt scam anyone, so dont do anything with it pls?
17-02-2005 19:38:45
yea, people been posing as me lately.. just be careful and make sure I pm you in forums.
17-02-2005 19:41:24
[quoted145a14721="Smo0th"]yea, people been posing as me lately.. just be careful and make sure I pm you in forums.
Ill do it. IM me.
17-02-2005 19:42:17
LOL wait wait wait. Smooth...You are the one with the aim screen name as that aren't you? Trying to scam people on this forum? HUH? HUH!?
17-02-2005 20:03:01
ok, i am not sure what happened. either i got taken like a bitch, or something is not right.
b0b says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
b0b says
Its Smoth
b0b says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
you smooth
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
ah i see
b0b says
b0b says
alright, so u want my link
b0b says
you go green, i go green
b0b says
i got about five poeple that can vouche for me
b0b says
im legit.
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
how, youve only been on the forums for 1 day.
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
im a little skeptical
b0b says
Yes, but ive already done five trades within one day
b0b says
and im from anything4free
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
who have you traded with
b0b says
im from anything4free (its another forum like freeipodguide)
b0b says
on freeipodguide with joelcomp1
b0b says
b0b says
peinecone and phossil we are still working it out (pending he hasnt gone green yet)
b0b says
are we trading?
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
$20 for psps right?
b0b says
b0b says
so we doing it?
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
b0b says
alright heres my link
b0b says
can you do instant offer?
b0b says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
i dont think so. i have signed up for alot of sites
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
ill look tho
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
hold on
b0b says
theres a new offer
b0b says
its called the litery guide
b0b says
its instant, and it charges $4 but ill reinburse you the $4
b0b says
so ill give u $24
b0b says
cause i just had success doing that offer, so its legit.
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
yeah, but how hard is it to cancel
b0b says
very easy.
b0b says
like i said,
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
well, im signed up under you
b0b says
ok, now complete the litery guide
b0b says
and ill paypal you $24
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
im readn about it
b0b says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
give me 5 mins
b0b says
b0b says
b0b says
why havent u done it yet?
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
yo, im in the middle of filling out the form
b0b says
what offer
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
i had to read the terms and conditions thats why i havent done it yet
b0b says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
literary guild
b0b says
b0b says
so in how many mins will u have it done?
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
prolly 5
b0b says
b0b says
please hurry ig ot a load of hw
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
and then you will paypal me $24??
b0b says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
my paypal address is the same
b0b says
b0b says
please hurry like i said
b0b says
thanks in advance also
b0b says
ill pm u in five mins to see if u havent finished it
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
you there
b0b says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
umm, have you done this offer
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
cuz i think something went wring
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
b0b says
what you mean something went wrong
b0b says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
heres what it says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
Thank you for your membership application. Your enrollment package will be sent upon successful processing and verification of your requests. Should you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Department.
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
but i have not given them any credit card info
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
only my mailing address
b0b says
dam, maybe something is messed
b0b says
check ur email?
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
so im not sure what the hell is going on
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
b0b says
check ur email?
b0b says
b0b says
God damnit.
b0b says
so i guess u wont be doing an instant offers cuz theres no others one u can do
b0b says
can you do zooba?
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
dont know
b0b says
man, you are very slow..
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
not usually
b0b says
can you do zooba then
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
i just like to be thourough and not get fucked by the fine print, but i have no idea what is going on with that offer
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
wait, i think i got it going
b0b says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
i think i had my zip wrong
b0b says
oh ok
b0b says
then reprocess it mate
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
there, i am a member
b0b says
my email Joined, but offer not completed
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
i am completed on my psps page
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
look again
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
mine sasy congrats
b0b says
not mine..
b0b says
i can show u screenie if u dont believe mate.
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
i can do the same
b0b says
give it a minute
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
Big Fucker, the one True Corrupter of Little Fucker says
b0b says
still not
b0b says
give it atleast ten minutes
did i just get fucked over???? now he wont answer. WTF??
thomas moore
17-02-2005 20:12:44
yah really the same guy with the same sn ims me asking for a trade sayig hes smo0ths cousin? and wants to do a trade... im like eh no thanks....
17-02-2005 20:34:34
Has anyone who completed an instant offer been paid by him?
17-02-2005 20:37:50
i mean uh if people think greening him first and then expecting 20-30 is gonna happen all i gotta say is, BAITED.
who really believes he paid 100-150(20-30a ref?) in referrals for a psp.....
sorry if you've been scammed, but what can i say.
17-02-2005 21:36:38
Wow, this is sounding bad
17-02-2005 21:42:50
vulcan300 you're not helping...if you got scammed and i said those things to you how would you feel?
and the good trader's list is sort of useless to me, i'm assuming most people on there have done, so i can't trade with them anyways.......
18-02-2005 09:04:18
Im alittle confused. Valmont has to be Smooth, because i PMed him. so no way he got my info with out getting the PM message. promised to pay me 108$ in paypal. I better get that money!!!
18-02-2005 09:13:29
[quotedf7b1cc31c]Im alittle confused. Valmont has to be Smooth, because i PMed him. so no way he got my info with out getting the PM message. promised to pay me 108$ in paypal. I better get that money!!![/quotedf7b1cc31c]
good luck with that.
18-02-2005 10:07:10
smooth is irminority he is a scammer i talked to him he will be bant everytime he gets on here. if we can control it
18-02-2005 10:16:32
most likely not. theres always a sucker among the community, and hes just waiting on that. i doubt hes gone when he can just spoof or proxy his ip or uh just jump on a diff comp at the sync sites.
18-02-2005 10:19:07
no it was him i talked to him, he said he will pay people back but i doubt it
I think some sites have implimented a method for preventing users with proxies from gaining access, not sure how they do it though.
18-02-2005 10:40:11
we have just implemented a method to do that recently hopefully it will work from now on
18-02-2005 10:54:23
[quoted9611a7d73="Stroid"]we have just implemented a method to do that recently hopefully it will work from now on[/quoted9611a7d73]
Whatever it is, it won't work if they are using an elite proxy (. With elite proxies you can't even see that they're using one because it doesn't send any of the variables that normal proxies and transparent ones send.
18-02-2005 11:00:11
we just started using it yesterday so hopefully it will start to work
18-02-2005 21:06:10
I got scammed by him unfortunatly. He is trading for my camera4free. If he doesn't go green tommorow, i will email gratis. I have my AIM convo with him saying i should cancel my offer. If they don't care that he's scamming people, they will care if he is telling people to cancel offers.
18-02-2005 21:13:19
Peinecone; sorry to be an ass but your sig is bothering me lol. "Your about as useful as a poopy flavored lolipop." Should be 'you're'.
18-02-2005 21:28:00
[ba47b2518c8]you're[/ba47b2518c8] like my girlfriend, who is always correcting my grammar