21-06-2007 00:55:46
I just want to say that everyone here is so nice and I really apprecitate the patience. D
21-06-2007 03:45:55
Welcome! I am working on home.hotgifts4you and coke.ordergiftsfree. Will send you a PM.
21-06-2007 05:24:32
Hi & Welcome!!!! D D D D
Hi, my name is Sheila
Just wanted to welcome you to the forum! If you have any questions at all...please feel free to pm me and ask. I have helped quite a few newbies get started and now they are on their way to getting their own refs!
Take your time, read and learn all you can, and have fun!! You can check out my trading thread below if you would like some EZ sites to get your feet wet. I would love to help you!
Good Luck!
21-06-2007 07:45:17
I am going to send some info your way...
These are the sites I am working on now.
AllForOneyourgifts free 3/$ 22 will pay an extra 5, If done in 48 hrs.
Primo Dinero 2/$ 50
PayPal2dollardeal 5/$ 20
YourPS34free 7/$ 20
21-06-2007 13:42:53
Hello and Welcome!
Let me help you get off to a good start. I can give you some great step by step instructions and answer any question you have. I am even available for Live help on yahoo messenger. I am a very HONEST trader and pay Fast by paypal!
I have some VERY EASY sites that have lots of $1 offers to complete. They are GREAT sites for beginners to get their feet wet and make some FAST CASH!I pay by paypal on green and have some great step by step instructions to help you through!
I will pay $20 as soon as you green on
If you are interested or have any question just let me know and I can send you my links and get you started making $$$
21-06-2007 14:55:47
[quotefabd69fd84="msrhardnett2003"]I just want to say that everyone here is so nice and I really apprecitate the patience. D[/quotefabd69fd84]
Are you still doing offers? If so, I have an offer that will leave you with $45 in pure profit. PM me if interested.
25-06-2007 06:18:36
I have a lot of great residual income sites.
25-06-2007 07:11:56
First let me start with thanking you for reading my post, Thanks! If you would like to complete any of my offers please pm me. I am willing to work with anybody who actually intends to finish a trade once it is accepted. Newbies are more than welcome, I would love to work with each and every one of you. Also a bonus for anyone who completes more than one site for me! My TR 45+ and rising!!
Paypal.ogf=35.00(on green)
Something4nothing=35.00(on green)
Money.whypayitsfree=20.00(on green) lots & lots of cheap offers green)
cash.zeropricetags=20.00(on green)
Gifts.zeropricetags=20.00(on green)
phones.zeropricetags=20.00(on green)
Allforone.ygf=40.00(on green)
The azn...sites are the easiest and fastest crediting sites I have ever worked on (Zeropricetags sites also fall into this category) and they have tons of free and cheap offers!
Aznfreestuff=20.00(on green)
Azngiftcards=20.00(on green)
Aznfreecash=20.00(on green)
Aznfreephones=20.00(on green)
Or I will pay 45.00 for completeing any 2 of the azn... or zeropricetags sites!
Candy.ogf=20.00(on green)
Ipods.ogf=20.00(on green)
Xbox.ogf=20.00(on green)
College.ygf=20.00(on green)
Paypal.paypirate=20.00(on green)
40macrobucks=15.00(on green)
80macrobucks=30.00(on green)
I also have a few no credit card sites
Nocc.ogf=5.00(on green)
Aznnocc=5.00(on green)
Entertainment.free4everyone=5.00(on green)
I always pay instantly on green!!!!
I also am totally willing to help anybody that is new to learn to go GREEN FAST!! So please pm me if you would like to set up a trade and make some cash!
26-06-2007 19:41:24
I'm sure you are ready to make some money, so I’m going to pm you the sites I’m working on!